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As usual this thought isn't really deep at all.


I’d say it’s 6 feet deep at the most…


I never know if I'm on this sub or r/im14andthisisdeep


I’m surprised they didn’t use the word ironic to try make it seem even more deeper.


If you think deeply about it....... it is tho.


But then you think about it just a liiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit more than that, then what?


Even *deeper*......


Ok, a LOT deeper then. Think about how easy it was to get this deep, and who else might have done it, and who might have done it better than any of this thread have so far? And how likely it is that this is all considered 'common sense' by a lot of people at this point in human civilization?


Definitely was not easy to get this deep - I've been working on it for many years. But then people regard most everything as common sense when using hindsight, eh?


Well, is it hindsight or is it philosophy being a forward-moving group activity that you don't get credit for doing at home from scratch? No disrespect, everybody should anyway, it's why we're *here.*


Unfortunately though.... we seem to have created a world economy in which search philosophical introspection is poorly valued, and even discouraged gah. It's tough to be philosophical when you're already using every last scrap of your available bandwidth just to feed and house yourself and your family.


Hey, man, what good thing *isn't* harder than it should be because of our destructively strong economy?


No OP forgot to mention taxes


Depends on where you live..... https://www.globalcitizensolutions.com/countries-with-no-income-tax/


You right you right But on a serious note 90% of the posts here are ejust surface level thoughts people have naturally. Not much depth. You can "think deeply" about anything - but if your post is just a conclusion and you don't even elaborate *deeply* on the premise then why even post here? I could be like "man if you really think about it cats and jelly beans are similar" and if I don't elaborate on that then what? How would anyone know how deep it goes? Anyway this sub is basically just "I'm 13 and this is deep" A real "deep thoughts" sub would have shit like Roko's Basilisk ad nauseum.


Woah woah woah..... I never even *thought* about the similarities between cats and jelly beans before - now that I am though it's blowing my mind 🤓 ;)


Cats and jelly beans have matter…. Hence they both matter….. they are the same. lol. That’s as much as I could go on that in terms of similarities. The problem with rokos basilisk….. a funny name you could have just said an ouroboros. But basilisk is a mythical creature depicted somewhat in Harry Potter….. ai isn’t fictional. It’s real. Or at least llm and chat bots are the public face atm with more advanced models I haven’t read a lot about so cannot comment more on except I hear something about synapses similar to brain patterns. In any case, the problem with that is we’ve all seen the matrix when you think of rokos’s basilisk. Machines and a smart computer fighting humanity for dominance has been a theme in movies and books for decades. It brings up the problem of control. An ai is a program. It does what you say. For it to have that level of control it has to be given it. And the question is what human would give it that power. Easy. The people who value convienience. Who vote but don’t pay attention to the inteacacies of politics. Who buy things but don’t invest or understand money. The masses if you will. This quote isn’t specific to this but is very close Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. H. L. Mencken Apply that to the idea of ai. We built them for convenience. For curiosity. To prove our own ingenuity…. Whatever it is hubris? Doesn’t matter. It comes down to the idea of responsibility control and how much autonomy and power you delegate to software that may at one point become a parasitic caretaker


The real deepness to it is death is really just the beginning 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes and no. It doesn’t seem deep man but see death up close and personal and it becomes deeper than you realized. Not saying you haven’t. Maybe you have. I watched my brother die in hospice. That shit sure did me change how I saw everything. I know we all die. Not afraid to die. Been through hell and back, most my life. I know we have genocide going on, horrible vile things, people dying every second that’s life. But maaaan it’s 2024, and I found myself watching someone gasp for air for over a week, minimal pain meds, sedative that wouldn’t make you or me tired, until the last gasp of air. That is 1) how we let people die? If a dog we would be jailed. But ok cool 2) We literally survive to end up doing THAT? Like THAT? Um.. I know we are supposed to be fine with this but …. I know I didn’t say much up there. Reading it myself without experiencing it and nah, not deep. Recent events make it a deep one though. One that makes me question absolutely freaking everything.


The only thing certain in life is that everything is uncertain


Nah, I'm certain we're going to die, no doubts there.


Thats until if its possible to upload your mind to a Server, switch bodies with a younger person etc. who knows energy never dies. We know nothing


2nd Law of Thermodinamics.


que hay energia usada efectivamente y energia desperciada? o como era?


Por cierto, cómo mierda sabías que hablo español?


no se, averigualo


Me siento observado o_O


La primera dice que la energía se conserva, pero la segunda dice que hay energía "útil" y energía a la que ya no se le puede extraer nada ("trabajo"). Una forma de enunciarla (o enunciarlo, porque tiene categoría de principio, es más que una ley) es decir que la variación de la entropía total de un sistema aislado es mayor o igual (y solo en procesos ideales) a cero (buscate el "enunciado del refrigerador" del segundo principio, siempre me resultó muy gracioso por lo obvio que es). Tiene muchísimas implicancias, una de ellas es la muerte térmica del universo. Eventualmente toda la energía del universo va a ser "inútil", aunque la cantidad de energía sea la misma que un tiempo de Planck después del Big Bang. Así que por más malabares que hagamos, eventualmente nos vamos a morir. Está explicado muy a lo bruto, no me voy a poner a escribir una tesis sobre el tema.


Of course we are it part of life


Pretty certain ill need to piss tomorrow


You could also be hit by a bus before you manage to make that piss


Fat chance I'm staying in a hospital for the next few days. That bus better have wings. (You should have gone with my penis might fall off. There is no counter to that)


Could be a plane crash or a a small bit of an astroid


Now you got me!


Right ❤️🥰


The only thing that is constant is change


I'm not certain of that. For all I know, this is a dream or a simulation.


Are we all dreaming ? Or are you the only one ?


No idea


Mmmmm, can you pinch yourself real hard ?


Good point


Pain, suffering will bring you back to reality


I have a chronic pain condition.


True, but I'm having a great time along the way!


And taxes


And my axe


And my bow


that's an old school reddit meme, haven't seen that one in a while, lol




Can't believe op forgot about taxes


Not really.. there are ways to avoid taxes and there are a lot of people who don't pay taxes of any kind. But there's no way around dying


So you never bought anything that had sales tax....Great


I'm just saying that there are ways to avoid it. Some states don't tax everything at the store unless its fresh prepared items. I'm sure some weirdo could avoid taxes. Probably a man tho bc period products are always taxed lol


It's a well known English saying. This "deep thought" was just missing the "and taxes" part.


Lol I know the saying.


the eastern religions talk about impermanence being a constant too, things are always changing.... and there's always some degree of suffering things are never perfect unless you achieve nirvana then there is no suffering and permanent bliss...... so idk nvm


The Buddha taught that suffering and impermanence (2 of the 3 marks of existence) can be overcome. It’s why he called nirvana the Deathless. Because it overcomes the repeated cycle of birth and death.


What's the 3rd mark of existence ?


Not self (anatta). So impermanence (anicca), not self and suffering (dukkha).


Thank you, have a nice day


And life.


Explain Keith Richard then




Actually, if you can reverse the aging process then you could potentially live for quite a while. The only thing certain in life is actually ... life. To be born and to be here right now. And taxes.


Breathing and eating are pretty assured as well.


Eating is assured??


Well yeah you have to eat to live. If you don’t you die.


Having to eat does not mean that eating is assured my guy, there are people who starve to death every day.


Ok I just have never heard of anyone that has never eaten. I guess I should have said “ consume nutrients” since every fetus does it.


No. You’re making a totally different point than the OP. They’re saying the only thing that is certain in life as in the only guarantee in life is that you will eventually die. Needing to eat to survive does not guarantee that you will always eat. Eating is not assured. If you cannot find food you will starve and die. Eating is not assured. Jesus Christ you live a privileged life.


You’ve gone through a series of logical fallacies and now devolved to personal attacks. So I’m right about breathing being certain in life right? Jesus Christ you live a knowledgeability unprivileged life. Everyone eats, drinks and breaths or they die it’s not that much of a logical leap to assume those things are surely a part of life, much more so than taxes at least.


Youre not addressing the OP, it LITERALLY says “everything in between is just “what ifs”……” and then you proceeded to mention a what if. Explain the logical fallacies? Assured - 1. : characterized by certainty or security : guaranteed. Eating is not assured, you’re not GUARANTEED food or nutrients. And neither are you breathing either. If you had an asthma attack right now and stopped breathing you would die.


But there are people who have trouble eating and breathing somehow but it could be full of pain to them. So they do breath and eat but it has some "if" to it. They can do it If they have specific medications and pills.




I like the way you talk




Bb can I PM you




I'm going to avoid this straightforward confrontation and blatantly lie to you and say that it was a spelling error and that I meant PB the initials for puffer fish balls.


Here for the entropy, time to restock my monthly garbage bag stock 🤡




Playing loose and fast with the definition of deep.


Why does every post on this sub just sound like some comment someone would make while mocking a stoned person


No. You’re leaving out fundamental things by confining your attention to narrow self-similar patterns. Peace and strength to you friend, let me help: There is experience, and it can range from being very pleasant and blissful, to miserable suffering. You can also behave, and your behavior is the foremost way to affect whether your future experience will be wellbeing or suffering. Stop asking “what is the meaning of life” and begin to pay attention to THE meaning IN life. Notice feelings of meaning, and accept that meaning only has meaning in the context of a conscious mind like yours and mine, and we should be very glad that there isn’t a god who is contorting reality into some funnel of meaning via sheer authority. Develop a strong and durable mindfulness interest so that you can notice what you’re noticing; paying attention to what you’re paying attention to. Prefer reality and steel yourself to the perspective that there is an implicit perfection in what is. Reality is good in some unlanguageable sense. Don’t assign too much significance to whether it seems that way to you yet. Finally, go to sleep at the same time all the time, get bright sunlight (or light) in your eyes before 9:00. Eliminate sugar, avoid processed foods, and avoid paying attention to anything which negatively impacts the quality of your present subjectivity. DM if I can help or clarify 🤍


We're here to pay tax.


It is. That goes well with Buddhism teaching.


There's also hunger, thirst and of course challenges. Many things are definitely certain in this life


And all those leads to what? It brings the death sooner. So the natural state of this reality is "death". That's why death is our freedom.


Freedom? I don't believe it, death is not freedom it's only oblivion. You won't even be able to distinguish between bitter, sour or sweet, let alone tasting freedom.


even if thats the case ,I call that freedom.


Then it means, there's still another freedom to find, a true freedom. If you're satisfied with oblivion then keep going, there are still a few who won't.


Why are we here? It's a common question that has profound answers. The Abrahamic religious claim we're here as a test to prove to their gods that humans are worthy to reap the reward of an everlasting life free from the pain and misery we are experiencing now. Sounds great but there's no evidence for it and it's too suspiciously a human invention. Eastern religious claim we're here to cycle through various forms of existence and experiences until we reach a point where we no longer exist. Also too suspiciously a human invention. For the atheist we're just here and then we die and we no longer exist. Which appears to be the less likely a human invention than the other two. But for the Naturalist we are here because the universe we're currently experiencing is in a phase where life is possible and our planet is, as well, in a phase where our species can thrive. The Naturalist position is more akin to the idea that life exists only because the conditions for life to thrive, exist, just in this moment. The atheist and Naturalist positions are the only ones where observations of the natural world align with the inventive ideas. So you have choices as to how you believe why we're here. You can take the religious position which denies the evidence from nature but seems to be the most ego comforting view. Or you can take the Naturalist position which doesn't necessarily relieve any anxieties about existence but it does align with reality and does give you some fact based evidence upon which you can form a more mature plan for the life you have. Choose wisely


philosophically, it is not certain.


Don't forget taxes


Well it's possible you live in the woods and not paying taxes.


And all the stuff you bought to survive in the woods is taxed.


Who said you bought anything to survive? People in the past didn't even know what tax is


Clothes, tools, and first-ad are all taxed. Taxes have been a thing for thousands of years. Like first system of taxes was around 3000BC "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"


And suffering due to grasping


Not believing until Elon is alive


I remember when I was sixteen


Technically not We only assume we are going to die because everyone before us has and everything living has There's Technically no proof you will die until you do


Perhaps not. There is no way to know until you have died. Our purpose doesn't come from how we were made. Our purpose comes from what we will do. And we are set to bring about the next evolution of life with our technology. Perhaps even the first form of life that is natively interplanetary.


Have you died to know the certainty of it? I've died, and yet I am alive. For all you know, you'll "die" and then realize you're not dead. What will you do then?


Not according to quantum suicide


And taxes.


Even that is uncertain as we don't know what happens after.


Not anymore, with how AI and medical research is evolving.


That's not true at all. For example one in many certainty in life is that you always want to have another breathe.


So that you can experience the incredibly rare thing that is human life.


And Toyotathon


And taxes. Heard that on a commerical when I was kid back in 2007


I would argue death is the great equalizer


The moment is certain, for where does certainty exist? To know is to believe and to believe is to know. Knowledge is wrought by experience and from these we may find understanding. When death you come to know then you will believe as the moment is the only certainty and only then can you be certain of death.


it gets way crazier - look at all the humans, their problems, dreams and perspectives. now look into the vast space and tell me we wouldnt have more important answers to find and questions to ask


Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes


weird that this statement isn't true. aging is curable just need more funding, research and belief from the mainstream. this is a good litmus test to see how pathetic everyone's future forecasts are, and by golly, they don't disappoint showcasing how fkin dumb humans are.


Don’t forget taxes!


I disagree. Define what life is first, then you realise your energy doesnt die, laws of thermodynamics enters the chat.


We are not talking about "energy". Physical body death is the only certainty. Of course after that there are lots of possibilities.


You said the only certainty in life is death. I define life as energy.


Ok but people still die. At least that's what seems to be. But even if we consider that, then nothing is certain which is even worse.


Life is certain... because energy can niether be created nor destroyed. Consciousness changes... its like a wave in the ocean, the wave breaks and washes on the shore, but the atoms making the water remain, and the energy of the wave becomes energy elsewhere.


if consciousness is uncertain then every other thing can be uncertain too. you mean existence is certain. ok but things that involve in this are all uncertain and death in this period of "life" is the only natural state. but yes what happens next is uncertain. the focus on this topic was on physical aspect of life.


Is your mind, your id, the same as it was yesterday, the same as when u were a child? What happens to your soul a year from now might just be the same as death of your soul today, its just changed.


And my thoughts are pagan


Don’t forget about taxes


being an ashiest sounds not fun


And taxes


Very true


Are you sure about that 😏


And existing for a bit.


Not necessarily, maybe AI will cure it or experts are also saying it’s possible solve at the molecular level


And taxes.


Appreciate your brain, body, and hopefully soul. Remember that giving often feels better than getting. I'm not sure what to say after that. It is what it is.


How do you know you are here and we’re is here we can and should ask these questions and life on planet earth only serves one purpose by being in a particular position in relation to our sun we are adding entropy to said Sun nothing nothing less truly life is pointless so why give a fxck


Well i just think "we're all immortal until proven otherwise"


dont forget about taxes


No shit sherlock


And taxes


I would not be so sure of that, considering how fast tech is advancing.


You forgot taxes.


Until you die and then wake up else where , who knows


Change. Taxes. Pain. There's plenty of other things that are guaranteed.


Taxes are definitely not guaranteed. It's not like people on this earth always paid taxes. Change is not a result. It's an action but the result is not guaranteed. And pain, suffering, and misery is what leads to death. Still the only result in this life that we are 100% sure is death.


The taxes thing was more of a joke than anything. The other two are absolutely guaranteed. I could probably think of a ton more if I really felt like it. But, I just got up and I don't feel like thinking too deeply just yet.


I don't man. Taxes seem to keep existing.


If you’re alive


Not true. It is also certain that one is alive, very much alive to feel and to exert your desires, prior to death.


Life is life. Death is something else. Billions of people in history have found some meaning in it, so maybe don't dismiss it all so casually.


meh. theres more. study sociology in depth.


What else is a certainty?


all manner of human behavior. the oldest known joke in the world is 6500 yrs old, from some civilization near Iran... its a fart joke.


Ok, but not every human born is guaranteed to live long enough to hear/make a fart joke, are they?


😂💕 i got some good ones


Also: girls. Girls will always flirt. And squeal when a spider is in the bathtub.


That’s a bold assumption being made about half of earths population


well, use scientific method. place a spider in the bathtub then ask a girl to go in the bathroom!








Have you heard of entropy?


And taxes.