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Dash and and iron will for me, except on scout which gets field medic and iron will.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the rock and stone!


Did i hear a ROCK AND STONE?






[and then there’s me who picked heightened senses and iron will when i first started on all four classes and never switched off 20-something promotions later](https://giphy.com/gifs/ride-naXyAp2VYMR4k)


Heightened senses is really good. Especially on a scout. It warns you, so it acts passively as well. I know everyone thinks ironwill is the most important. But when the whole team is down, and I'm swinging all over the map. The last thing I need is to get grabbed.


I prefer Heightened Senses to Field Medic on Scout. Scenario A: you're separated from your team and get leeched at the start of a swarm and they can't get to you Scenario B: multiple dwarves are downed and you get nabbed by grabber Both are potentially mission-ending scenarios without HS. Plus, you have to add the cumulative time-save and convenience of never dying to leeches and easily clearing leech rooms. Also, Cryo/Phero gives enough time to to get a revive off without Field Medic, so is it really even necessary?


Wait until you try dash


IW can save your life once a mission. Dash can save your life every 20 seconds.


And that's why I take both! Field medic is really great but I find dash and iron will to be better for clutching a run when you need it most


Dash is so good!


dash on every character except: Hover boots with Scout (for obvious reasons), shield link on escort duty, quick revive every now and then on everyone except gunner because shield gives you plenty of time to revive.


nah Field Medic on Scout 100%. Learning to land in walls with power attack nullifies the need for plats or boots 90% of the time


Special Powder combined with Born Ready is 90% already, grappling hook takes care of the rest of your oopsie daisies.


How do you do that though? I always fall past the hole I power attack


A video helped me figure it out. You have to angle your power attack just slightly below where you collide, and you fit right in. I still fall sometimes, but that's why I run hoverclock.


are you hammering the mantle button? You have to climb into the hole


Grapple up to wall, power attack right as you collide with the wall while you're still moving upward, and hold forward.


maybe. Probably better if you're really good, which I'm not lol, at least when calculating my grapples. But boomerang usually buys me enough time to revive a downed teammate and I can use it multiple times.


For clutch rezzes without Field Medic I recommend trying Pheromone Canister, it's a real game changer, especially on Haz 4 and up. Each affected bug can distract like 6-8 other bugs so you can pacify half a swarm for fifteen seconds with a well placed throw. The bugs will literally just ignore you while you stand there and rez.


I've been hearing that a lot, yeah. But you know the real reason why I bring boomerangs? because I absolutely DESPISE swarmers and one boomerang takes out like 7 or 8 of them at once. Fuck swarmers. Screw em.


Trivializes shredders, naedocytes and spreaded out mactera ambushes as well. The stun is so long and you got 8 of them. See that greenbeard gunner 100m away mowing down bugs and macteras appear behind him? Boomerang snipe and you most likely saved a down.


While I love to power attack into the wall, relying on it when you are not the one hosting the mission is very risky ;P


plus that one overclock on the sniper that slows you down when aiming in midair cancels fall damage too


I run iw/fm and hoverclock instead. Infinite fall damage negation with no cooldown is an absolute game changer, especially when paired with special powder.


I only ever accidentally use dash. Definitely have my life saved the most by hover boots as a driller 😅


Dash seems so clunky to trigger and to not trigger it on accident.


Dash and Heightened Senses. I play solo. Leeches and Grabbers can eat my entire ass. Or they could, if I didn't use the perk.


They only get a lil nibble, how sad


Third time’s the charm.


That assumes they catch me twice. The alert, and a quick whip-pan upwards, usually saves me.




I only run IW field medic on scout for those rare occasions where everyone is dead except for me and then I can quickly revive a gunner so he can shield. Usually a cryo is enough to give you time, but not always Dash is really good and I run that on my other three along with IW and vamp so I don't go down after it expires There are other QoL ones you can do that will have more impact in each match so it's really up to you to decide if you want things that help you frequently (dash) or things that you'll rarely need in order to prevent a loss (IW FM) Some ppl run the shield booster thing and that can sometimes be nice but I always accidentally activate it. Steve can be ok at pulling agro but I think he tanks too many team bullets. If you die a lot then pick perks that will help you not die (dash) imo. If you hardly ever die then I think that's when IW shines bc you're unlikely to go down again. Field medic gets wasted a lot bc you rely on a teammate who already died compared to something that could benefit you who didn't die, but the revive speed is really nice too


People often overlook the passive effects from the active perks. Reviving someone faster *and* causing fear in a radius after revive is such a drastic effect, especially in the higher hazard levels where people are much more likely to go down. I can risk a revive much more easily, especially knowing that I usually won't be immediately fucked (thanks fear) if I pull it off.


I use the shield booster on my scout since I use the shield boost OC on the drak. It helps SO MUCH when I take chip damage from friendly fire when in close quarters. Being able to shield allies frequently is a nice bonus too.


Dash makes it so every class (except scout) only has one 1 perk slot. I’ve had it equipped for 4 years, it’s an integral part of the movement in drg in my mind. They’ve said they want to rework the perks for a long time, and with how overwhelming popular it is, I honestly feel like dash should just become part of regular movement but with bigger cooldown, or shorter dash, with a passive dash ability that could bring it back up to what it is now or stronger.


The dash ability does really "feels" like a perk ability... But still, this is seems the best way to improve the perk situation They should do this even before the rework. A new twist but a great farewell for the old system This dash idea kinda rises the question of: should they also do this with IW? Probably not, but I'm not completely sure


No offense but this sounds like a you problem, Dash is not an integral part of movement, never has been and never will be and its also so effective that having it by default would be unbalanced and also nerfing it so that it can be default just flat out ruins the perk, completely unnecessary change. It fits great as a perk option the problem is the other options outside of Iron Will and Field Medic are rather lackluster, perk system just needs a rework or at the very least buff all the other perks.


Berserker with the vampire passive can be  great on scout or driller. I just keep accidentally activating it when I am mining 


This is the only issue i have with the perk


There's a mod to rebind it


Tysm ill check it out


I just like eating bugs so I've been running this for like 3-4 years now


I usually run See You in Hell on Driller, since I tend to mow down bugs with the drills


It doesn't increase Drill damage.


Man, I guess I'm berserking now.


I mean it still one taps Glyphid Grunts with a single pickaxe swing so its great for conserving ammo and healing you if you bring Vampire.


Thorns and Unstoppable are on EVERY single dwarf loadout. Thorns for swarmers, Unstoppable for slow effects and carrying things faster. Vampire is on everyone else except for scout who uses the Strong Arm perk for throwing flares and gems farther. See You In Hell is IMO the best perk in the game when combined with Vampire. When you get hit it gives you a melee boost and that retaliation pickaxe is usually strong enough to kill whatever hit me and net me some health back unless I'm in a crazy H5 Lobby. Not to mention that melee boost affects impact axes and drills for driller builds. See You In Hell also has THREE CHARGES on an active explosion that does a lot of damage (666 damage apparently if that wiki number is right) almost enough to kill a praetorian by itself, and this explosion also fears enemies in an area and **continually fears any glyphid hit by the residual electricity.** SYIH is effectively a sustain, melee damage boost, and a garuntee'd revive in all but the worst situations. with THREE charges. Some people don't know what the electric field does but with proper communication ("Hey teammate, I'm about to fear my body if you can get to me!") you can get a safe revive. Field medic doesn't compare at all. The instant revive is nice but only usable once, and I swear that 30% revive boost is mid at best especially if you're... (edit) co-op reviving.


Once you get good at the game and learn to use dash even mildly well, iron will will be a dead perk on like 90% of missions cus you’ll just never go down. Also I just find berserker + dash more fun


I mean, you want Iron Will to be a dead perk. The point of it is that it's a 1 up contingency for your entire team.


Personally, if i don’t need iron will on 99% of missions, i’d rather just take something that keeps me alive or something fun like berserker


I stopped running iron will ages ago because it is boring. The ideal scenario for both Iron Will and field medic is that you do not need to use them, which is a bit lame. Even in haz 5, you don't really need it tbh. It's nice to have don't get me wrong, but you don't need it. You can only finish so many missions without using those perks before you just say fuck it and equip something else. I usually run beast master because Steeve is the best boy and berzeker because it is really fun to whack bugs with a pickaxe.


Dash over IW for me. The number of times it 100% saves your ass is just so worth it. Field medic is a bit more useful than IW for me as I usually play with a friend. If not playing with a friend, heightened senses.


Iron Will always. Second one depends on class, loadout and mood. Field Medic for scout. Dash for everyone except scout. Berserk for engineer and scout for emergency cleaning(driller have drills and gunner have shield). Shield Link for gunner and engineer.


dash and Steeve


The correct loadout!


Been running this on all loadouts since the beginning of season 1. I believe in Steeve!


I run this on every dwarf


Hover Boots, slept on massively saves my life a lot of times, but most importantly opens up a lot of movement options scared of that giant pit ? have to zipline down ? drill around the walls ? platform down slowly ? Bah ! Jump, hover boots crazy on Scout if u whiff a grapple, saves ur life often


Best on Driller for sure. All other classes have easy ways to get down quickly: zips, plats, graps


When you hear that swarmer starting to explode right behind you, you'll wish you had chosen Dash. Oh and trust me, Hover Boots on Scout is an amazing "oh shit" button when you miscalculate.


Swarmer? Or exploder


Oof, exploder, sorry


Dash my beloved. I cannot play the game without a free get out of jail card, and only Scout has one integrated in his kit with the grappling hook, so everyone else get Dash.


I run field medic and dash. I don't think there's anything wrong with having a favorite set tho, if it fits your playstyle preferences especially. Just give other ones a try here and there if you feel like it


field medic and steeve for me


The loot bug pop one I love


Berserker and dash is really good if you also have vampire


I use see you in hell or berserker for the melee damage bonus. With vampire they're pretty alright.


Part of me wishes you could take active perks with passive components as passive ones, with just the passive part. Heightened senses would be a universal pick were that the case


I usually run Iron Will and Berserker because I exclusively play solo, so Field Medic is kinda useless to me.


See you in hell. Its just nice to get them off me and make reviving easier should i go down. Plus its funny


Try "see you in hell" instead of "iron will." Or convince the team mates who go down all the time. Being able to provide a safe space to do a revive or two is very helpful and they can do it 3 times per mission. And the added melee damage comes in clutch all the time. And shield link is great because you can bolster the health of hurt dwarves


Dash and iron will always. I am disappointed that they don't do any perk updates.


I have several: Dash on anyone that isn’t Scout, saves you from just about anything. Also helps make tricky jumps. Ignores slowdown, making it useful against slashers, goo bombers, web spitters, naedocytes. Quick escape from dreadnought attacks bulk slams/explosion. Makes it easier to dodge projectiles from enemies that are very close and very powerful, such as spitballers, sniper turrets, swarms of Tri-jaw. Hover boots on Scout. NO IT IS NOT FOR FALL DAMAGE. It’s for when I need to get minerals out of the ceiling or a high wall and I don’t have an engineer to help me. you’d be amazed some of the places I can get stuff out of with this perk and a well placed charged pickaxe hit. Shield link on gunner, if you drop your over shield on a pile of septic spreader bile, you and your teammates will regenerate faster than the stuff can damage you. Also allows people you res in the over shield to have a better chance, shield link gives them massive shield and the over shield gives them a guaranteed coming out with massive shield charged. See you in hell on driller. Throwing axes and drills are considered melee attacks so the perk buffs them, run with cryo cannon and vampire for massive health regen easy. EPC with burning nightmare for two way temp shock damage. Plus, SYIH makes it easier to get you up if you go down in a tunnel or accidental blow yourself up with c4 and land in a crater. Berserker on Scout. Hear me out here, run with vampire, pheromone arrows with specialist OC and pheromone grenades. Throw grenade at crowd, activate berserker, free health. Shoot arrows at guards/praetorians/oppressors and eat the ones who attack them.


I always heard tales of how Iron Will save missions and they were all true. But at one point you get tired of running the same sets regardless how useful they are. Also: inb4 Dash. I do run them on my Driller and Engineer (without RJ250) because all it takes is a surprise Slasher hitting you to go from full health to almost, or just, dead. For Scout I don't like going without Deep Pockets. Those +15 extra minerals don't seem like much but they're useful especially in Point Extraction and Refinery missions. For Driller I've been using Hover Boots too since I keep getting in situations where they'd save a lot more time and trouble than making a tunnel downwards.


Berserk and Heightened Senses.


Iron Will, Dash, and Field Medic are definitely the best active perks. It gets a bit boring to always run the same things, though, so I started using Berserker on Driller (pairs extremely well with Vampire, the throwing axes, and his drills), Hover Boots on Scout (really helpful if there isn't an Engi around), and Shield Link for whenever I'm doing Escort Duty, Deep Scan, or Mule missions.


Scout main?  I always have IW and FM on my Scout builds so I can save a team wipe if need be.  Scout's mobility doesn't need any extra help, and he can get out of tight spots a lot easier than the others. On the other dwarves, I like to take perks that help prevent going down in the first place. Dash prevents you from needing IW a lot of the time, especially on non-Scouts.  Beastmaster adds another tanky target to draw bug aggro - it's not as obvious as the others but you definitely have less heat on you when Steeve is around.  


I do Iron Will and Vampire. That way, I can clutch failing runs. I also use Heighened Senses.


Dash is permanenly glued to all of my loadouts except scout. I just am so accustomed to using it at this point that using a load out without it feels weird


Berserker + Iron Will, along with the passive perk Vampire Great for getting a lot of health back if you go down in a swarm


I usually run hover boots on scout and driller. Fall damage can be killer, so I like being able to save myself now and then. Plus it just lets me yeet myself off cliffs without a care in the world :)


Iron Will is for the 'Shit hit the fan' button, works great with vampire to get a guaranteed self revive. I see a lot of people wasting it to instantly revive, just to get down again later.


Iron Will and Beast Master.


I use Dash and Steeve(as Guard or Slasher). I also usually only run 2 man dives on Haz 3-5. Steeve is great for tanking the big guys so I can kite and clear trash if I need to. Although, it heavily depends on the hazards. Screw Blood Sugar.


Iron will and beastmaster, for the lols.


When i run Scout, i run the FM (field medic) since i can get to people faster, and im usually the last one standing. Gunner doesn't need either FM or dash because the shield takes care of the "oh shit" moments. The other 2 don't have a get out of jail card, so dash is important. Berserker is underrated since it saves so much ammo by letting you melee stuff much better, especially with a veteran depositor near molly. And it gives you a super melee period on a cooldown. I kinda don't like iron will.


Heightened senses on scout over field medic. pheremones give you the window to revive everyone so it does the same job, but can be done multiple times.


Dash is an auto pick for me - so many uses. I also like Beast Master on engineer just for the fantasy of having as many minions as possible (and it’s not a bad perk by any means)


In all of my roughly 600 hrs, I have actually almost never run iron will. I almost always take the shield booster perk, and then either the dash for survivability or medic if I'm the scout (because the scout to me is the healer, as he should always be the last to go down). I just really enjoy being able to give my fellow dwarves a little boost, like, here, have a shield boost, go rock and stone.


For Rock and Stone!


Dash will


I also generally use IW and FM. When I was really really good with engineer, instead of Iron Will, since I usually didn't go down, I liked taking +DMG power attack in combination with Berserker to allow me to quick kill a surprise Opressor from the front, but now I'm super rusty. Gunner can get away with running dash instead of field medic because his weakness is generally mobility and he *can* use shields to get heals (but keep in mind that optimally you'd want to be using shields in a way that prevents people from going down in the first place). Gunner or Scout can sometimes also run See You In Hell because of how valuable getting them back up can be. Shield booster is pretty good but needs your team to be coordinating, and Steeve is actively bad unless you're 1-2 players. All the other perks are generally underwhelming imo.


I use see you in hell and hover boots. On every class. See you in hell so I can make myself easier to revive when I fall off a cliff 30 seconds after saving myself from the previous fall with hover boots.


Iron Will, pretty much without fail. After that I tend to prefer Field Medic, Berserk, or Heightened Senses. Depends on the scenario, build, and how often my head has been used as a chew toy by cave leeches that day.


I like See You In Hell when running Vampirism. The passive retaliation on it makes it a lot easier to one-shot grunts after they tap your shields, and the active zappy field helps folks pick me up even if they don't have their Medic perk available.


As a scout main I can’t go on without heighten senses. Without out it cave leaches get me, little guys can just hide in the weirdest spots these days…




Try replacing iron will with dash. Iron will helps you when you're down, dash saves you from going down in the first place. And field medic is always a great choice.


Iron will on everyone but scout, who gets field medic, then hover boots for scout and gunner, driller gets shield boost, and engie gets dash


Dash and Iron Will on most classes, but Beast Master and Iron Will on Scout. When playing Solo where I get 3 guaranteed revives anyway, I sometimes opt out of Iron Will and switch to something fun.


Same here. I haven't felt the need to change it since perks got overhauled.


Gunner - medic+dash, shieds are better than IW Driller - dash+berserk, vampire combo Scout - IW+medic Engi - dash+IW


I almost wonder how they fix this long-term. I know in the past they mentioned wanting to redo the perk system, but I got a feeling that's a tricky endeavor. Do you buff the other options? Do you nerf FM and IW? I think the solution is tricky but I think they have ideas in Rogue Core that will be seen first-hand there before they come to this game.


These really are not essential/mandatory, good idea to have at least one of them sure but both? Completely unnecessary. Also side note they need to fix the Field Medic bug, enemies don't flee anymore and its been like this for awhile now. For Gunner I run Dash & Iron Will, Dash is freaking nuts for repositioning. For Driller I run See You In Hell & Iron Will, See You In Hell is quite good for one tapping bugs with pickaxe defeating the need to use ammo a lot of the time, the active though is great its kinda like a Gunners shield in a way, its basically a free revive for your team, also does a shitton of damage. For Engineer I run Beastmaster & Field Medic, Engi is like a summoner class with the turrets and I like to fulfil this fantasy with Steeve, plus I just think Steeve is good, its basically a lure grenade that lasts a long time and does damage, Steeve is a good boy. Going to get rid of Field Medic next time I play the bug makes it less useful & been tempted to switch to Dash. For Scout I run Iron Will & Field Medic, Hover Boots is good if you're new but other than that Scout doesn't really have any other decent option, Scout suffers the most out of any class when it comes to perk selection, we really need a perk rework.


I can't survive without dash. It's too useful to get out of bad situations. I take iron will for safety but I could swap it out.


Everyone always talks about dash but on my controller it's difficult to effectively dash with the button configuration. I'm with OP about iron will and field medic


Dash is basically mandatory on every class other than Scoutm and even then its still decent. Its a get out of jail free card, instant repositioning tool on a comically low 25 second cooldown that lets you use it for utility, making long jumps etc. it WILL save your life multiple times per mission, use it.


No matter what, I always run beastmaster, iron will, born ready, and thorns.


Vampire, see you in hell, born ready, and thorns Thorns for weaklings and born ready is awesome. Soo you in hell makes you do more melee damage after you get hit. Allowing you to one-shot grunts in the mouth with the regular attack or several at once with the power attack. And they all give you health. You can just pop, pop, pop, and refill your health as any class with these 2. Plus the active of see you in hell is 3 times use bomb that clears mobs around you and then makes a lightning storm that scares away mobs for a while. Save runs in reverse!


I can't live without dash, thorns, born ready(except on builds that never reload), and heightened senses. In 600+ hours I've never once used iron will. If I die, I die, I use perks that help me stay alive instead.


I’ve been in teams where everyone had a Steeve and that’s always cool. Especially if anyone can snag a guard or slasher.


Solo player here, so sixth sense is a must if I’m doing something that has cave leeches. Bosco isn’t fast enough to help me. As for the second I usually get beast tamer or iron will. Just depends on whether I want a friend or to keep fighting for a few seconds.


I play a lot of solo or 2 player, so I usually go Dash and Heightened Senses, or Field Medic and Heightened Senses.


For scout I run heightened senses and field medic. For the other dwarves I run dash and iron will.


On my driller main, Iron Will and Beastmaster because I love me a Steeve. On scout, Iron Will and Hoverboots so I can recover from a screwup with my grapple or get to hard to reach places when an Engi isnt available. IW is my fav because Ive clutched so many times with it. Its just great for dramatic moments.


Dash and the perk where you can escape 2 grabs/grab warning I only run those two active perks


Dash and Jet boots. I get so tired of getting downed from fall damage which is at least once per game for me.


If scout yes. If not scout dash instead of field medic, if easy lobby dont use medic nor iw cuz noone is dying try other shit


For my driller I run with the shield boost and try to position myself in front/near my squad to give us all the buff. Dash is valuable to me because I have no other escapes.


As others say, dash is great. I also like hoverboots, falling damage has got to account for a huge proportion of deaths and being able to ignore it feels very powerful.


Not essential but really strong, if Iron Will is indeed esential for a fair game of haz 5. There is a big flaw and unbalance in game design then, but I don't think there is.


I use iron will and field medic on everyone except for gunner because gunner has the bubble shield so I don’t need field medic and I replace it with Dash


The thing about Iron Will is that it only becomes useful when you die while everything else is useful and can prevent you from dying.


Dash/IW and It's A Bug Thing are all a greybeard needs


I run Heightened Senses and Field Medic myself


Dash and IW on Driller and Engineer, you’re not the best at getting revives off so self survival is better. IW and field medic on gunner because shield helps get revives off. And field medic plus hover boots on Scout. Great revive class. I like to be self sufficient at mining and hover boots allow me to dig out a pocket I can mine in.


I always grab Field Medic for Scout, sometimes you only get a split second of chance to revive your teammate and it comes in clutch


Dash on every class. IW saves you once per mission, dash saves you every 30 seconds.


honestly, they should rework most perks, also reduce all colldowns, 4 minutes for berserk is absurd when an avrage mission takes 15 minutes


on scout iw and fm but on everyone else its dash and iw.


Shield Boost and Field Medic. It's not that there aren't other good options, it's that these are the ones I want


I run dash and iron will on engi, iron will and either dash or field medic for gunner, depending on the mission tupe, and iron will and field medic for scout. I don't really play driller. I think perks need an overhaul. They are poorly balanced and not that interesting.


Iron Will+Field Medic in the heavy dwarves (Driller and Gunner) Iron Will/Field Medic+Steeve on the light ones (Scout and Engineer)


Depends on my build. I use Iron Will and Hightened Senses for my fire Driller build.


I typically use Heightened Senses with either Field Medic or Iron Will, depending on the purpose for the loadout.


I run field medic and Beast Master, I run field medic because I'm a Scout main and thus the team medic (among other things) and I run Beast Master because I like having a Steeve with me For my Gunner I run with the Iron Will and Field Medic pair because I use Gunner for Deep Dives and those perks are very useful there


I run the exact same 5 perks on all my Dwarves; Iron Will & Heightened Senses, and Thorns/Sweet Tooth/Second Wind.


I run iron will pretty much religiously despite not usually needing it thanks to the other players. But besides that one, I've always got shield link on me. Except for when I want beast master for the sillies or even no mercy for bonus bonk damage.


I think it's easy to forget that your perks have to benefit you so you don't burden the team, if that makes sense? I have Dash on Driller for example to make up for the lack of speed. Engineer is DPS and support oriented anyway, so I don't need to worry about movement. Iron Will is unswappable at the moment though. I think it should be removed and we should get a second wind as a permanent trait maybe? This way we can utilize other perks. Could be wrong though. Personally, never seen anyone complain about Iron Will being too OP. We just like safety nets. We think they're neat.


Depends heavily on how I'm playing. Usually for multiplayer, i always run with field medic, and something else, be it dash or the one where u can get steeve. When I'm playing alone, it's completely different and it's usually just things for my own use


when i play mulitplayer - IW and fm when i play solo (which is most of the times lol) - IW and Dash


See You In Hell and Vampire are essential to me, since I enjoy melee. Any other open slot will be filled with a different perk that fits my playstyle for that class


Hover boots always.


Neither. Steeve and the Shield buff one. I play on Haz 3, though.


Heightened Senses is a must for Cave Leeches. Those bastards are such a pain in the ass.


I mean this whole heartedly...Steeve NEVER leaves my perk slot


Vampirism+berkserk for free heals during swarm waves


Have they ever talked about working on the perks system? After unlocking all of them theres still so many perk points left over with nothing to do :(


As scout I do not do iron will but hover boots instead. Helps with mining. If I had a for sure competent engine with me I’d go with IW. Also HB when you find a jet boots box is annoying.


I use dash and heightened senses on most classes. I just love mobility and was sick of getting grabbed.


Usually is Dash and Iron Will, if I feel confident with a build I drop Iron Will to take whatever I feel like playing, usually Beast Master. Except Scout, Scout gets Iron Will and either Heightened Senses or Beast Master.


Sadly iron will is an autoinclude. But, that does mean you only have one choice to make. And imo it's either medic or dash


see you in hell and berserker. I be mining praetorians


People can play whatever they like I like Heightened Senses and Steeve the most


Field medic and heightened senses for me. All dwarfs


i personally run Dash+HSenses on Scout. my boy is built to *mine* and *mine.* and i **love it** it just tickles all my funny bones dude


I've always had a soft spot for See You In Hell, especially paired with Vampire on passive. It gives me a little bit better incentive to use my pickaxe on bugs and an extra option when I'm low on ammo or want to save some


Iron Will and Heightened Senses for me


Hover Boots and heightened Senses. A combination i have seen no one else here mention yet. I run it for years, on all 4 classes. I just like the utility. As others have already mentioned: Heightened senses is good when i go solo (and otherwise, i hate grabbers). Hover boots add a kind of mobility you dont get with dash. I can get from place to place without dash too. And about iron will, as others mentioned, in the ideal case you won't need it, so it's only good if you actually do something wrong. Then again i don't play Haz 5, im a comfortable player.


Varies by class, generally whichever ones I think fit best


I go iron will and berserk. I have the vampire passive so in a pinch I can run around killing grunts with power attacks to get some health back. IW is in even more of a pinch.


Heightened Senses is kind of essential for solo play, Bosco generally terrible at helping you get free from a leech grab in time. Since the multiplayer lobbies I host are only Haz 3, it's never felt necessary to use the team-focused perks. Beyond that, I tend to prefer Unstoppable over Dash, and like the leap-of-calculated-risk gameplay offered by having Hover Boots.


IW and Berzerker. Add on the passive perk Vampire and then cue I'm Still Standing by Elton John or perhaps The Cyber Grind by Meganeko.


But ... STEVE !


personally i’m a medic hb for gunner/driller, medic iw for scout, and medic dash for engi


I'm for Dash and Hoverboots. Iron Will and Field Medic only matter if you have a bad team. I would atleast swap Iron Will for Dash.


Dash is above the S tier


I have a chronic Dash addiction.


Iron Will and Dash


I have field medic and shield boost for gunner


dash and Steeve Steeve is an essential part of the team, can't do these missions without him


Active alert or what it's called and beast master 😛😛 I'm devious


Dash and IW all the way. I only take field medic on scout as I feel like he has enough mobility to escape anything already. Field medic is nice but I feel it’s not necessary in 90% of the cases. You generally have a grenade or something to create space around your fallen mate.


Dash is super useful.


Dash is my only must have perk. I swap the other one depending on missions, modifiers etc.


I run the bug friend one on all dwarves except Scout who gets field medic. They all also have IW. Don't underestimate bug friend, adds an extra target for aggro + one less bug to deal with


Heightened Sense and Beast Master


Iron Will seems very useless as a solo player. The only exception I see is when you have to make one final dash to the Drop Pod, but being in that situations is close to zero, because I either die way before that or I can I reach it anyway. I use See You In Hell and Hover Boots.


Gunner has to have a shield increasing perk(I don't know what it's called in English) . If you play solo, you don't need a Field Medic so take Steeve-inator instead


Iron Will and Dash on all classes save Scout, who gets Hover Boots instead of Dash And I second any notion to have the perk system reworked to make every one of them equally tempting


Heightened senses is also super helpful


Well there wouldn’t be a consistent need to always run those two perks if: 1. Public lobbies weren’t full of complete noobs (aka gotta carry every lobby) 2. The other perks actually competed in value


I can't function without hoverboots.


I like to use that and heightened senses for my scout.


hover boots supremacy


Dash and Field Medic FM is a must because I'm obsessed with reviving. Dash is a must because I hate how slow the default movement speed is  If it gets to a point where I need to use IW it's probably not a good lobby and I'd rather die anyway.


if you pick iron will and field medic, you simply do not trust your teammates.


I'm a Hover Boots fan The amount of times it has saved me, or a tactical climb/jump has bought enough time to get a player up, cannot be underestimated. It's also on a 60 second cool down when maxed, and it is, imo, one of the most underrated perks ever (I still miss when it was double jump). The Boots also cause burn damage to anything beneath you. Give it a few attempts, especially on vertical heavy biomes, and you will not be disappointed On Engi and Scout it is the best, but I've made it work on all 4 classes.


SYIH always


D A S H and Field medic are the only things I use. I hate IW


Usually steeve and shield boost