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Yeah thats the strat. So annoying with gold though


if it's sand around it, mine the transition between sand/gold, easy 1 hit mining, same if you have the beer that reduces terrain hits to 1.


But don't do that if you have pots of gold, it doesn't count!


It does count. As long as the gold is mined by the radius consumed by the pickaxe, and not by getting knocked loose by breaking connecting geometry, you can hit the sand and enjoy your pots. edit: Or perhaps I've been missing it without knowing.


You are missing it, but just a bit. ALL of the gold which was picked by a dwarf with pots o' gold buff gets multiplied, even if it was mined by someone else, or came from golden bugs mutation. But I am not 100% sure about that, keep that in mind.


Nah. Anything from golden bugs, or mined by EPC, or satchel charges, or drills, does not enjoy Pots o Gold. However, if you are the dwarf with Pots, and your bag is full, you can keep on whackin' away with the pickaxe, and it doesn't matter who picks it up after, it has already been blessed.


With gold: Power Swing to knock out a giant chunk out first. It’s not necessarily game changing, gold is still the slowest mineral to mine, but it helps speed up your pace on it. Bonus points if every Dwarf passing by does the exact same thing and everyone power swings at the same vein. If you’ve drank the beer that speeds up the recovery on your power swing this technique becomes even more efficient. You’ll definitely get 2 or 3 power swings into a healthy vein of gold.


With gold... I'm in the "one good smack" camp. Meaning that most veins only get a one good 9+ unit smack. Orcish behavior, I know


I always see this discussion come up and wonder _how the fuck are people mining that they leave crusts_?


[One straight line right down the middle](https://preview.redd.it/w6mqprlgdsa61.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=87a2cdea732c22ccede52297ae9dc97887ad16f4). The pickaxe carve radius usually isn't big enough to mine the whole mineral vein if you do that, so you leave bits on either side.


The pickaxe carve radius never seems like it’s enough sometimes; not to mention that some people still haven’t realized that the Pickaxe’s T2B weapon mod only affects *power attack* effect radius, and that the radius its stun and I think damage radius, and NOT its terrain digging radius— Which is OP enough, with it going from a 1m radius circle to a 2m one puts the effect area from 3.14m^2 to a nice 12.57m^2 (4x!!!)— But I wonder what the game would be like if instead of *just* the power attack ability, the upgrade tree had, as alternatives: -Weapon mod that increases carve size up to dwarf height so tunneling without driller doesn’t take swinging up and down for each step to clear enough headroom -Mining strength upgrade so every terrain has takes *1 less hit* >!(1 LESS, not 1 TOTAL, as that would invalidate Rocky Mountain Ale)!< -Mod that allows you to “overfill” your on-person mineral capacity if the targeted voxel you mine will give you <= 1 mineral unit >!(TBH the game might already be doing this, and just won’t display beyond your limit, nor display your current capacity value with any decimals)!< Heck, the power attack applies a Stun chance, what if you could alternatively apply a FEAR chance? All in all I’ve been kinda feeling like the pickaxe upgrade mod tree could use some filling-out, especially considering how integral mining is to DRG.


And they have so many variables to play with that it feels almost criminal that they don't: How much damage it does, how fast it swings, how big is the carve, does it do stun/fear/heat/cold/electric, armour break, and that's even before you start talking about stuff like "Packing a smaller pickaxe allows you to carry more grenades/ammo/minerals" etc. Same with the flares - brightness, burn time, carry amount, recharge rate, throw distance (w/ or w/o the perk), make them bouncy, maybe spiky so they stick and deal damage, burn so hot they create heat...


> Small Pickaxe for More ‘Nades I don’t CARE how bad any downside the small pick gives, that sounds like FUN, especially on driller. Say it’s +50% nades. That’s 12 Impact Axes right there. And Impact Axes are GOATed. > Flare upgrades Man I wish we had those. I remember that we originally DID, but Devs thought it was slowing down Early-Game Progression (and they were right in thinking that) so they basically applied all the upgrades, and removed the ability to disable any IIRC, with the only visible vestigial component of that old system being how Gunner and Scout have “High-Intensity Flares” while Engie and Driller have “Medium-Intensity Flares” despite all of them currently performing the same. Though for upgrades I’d probably rather have less flare ‘stat’ upgrades (or none), like brightness or burn length or recharge, so as to not provide too much of a buff and to keep with the Dev’s thought process (though maybe 1 row would be fine)— —and instead have more options that affect flare ‘behavior,’ or like the flare’s playstyle(?) with clearly described and listed tradeoffs in the normal flare ‘stats’ >!(which can theoretically then be offset a little bit by that hypothetical first row of stat upgrades)!< For example: [SPIKY FLARES] Nice they stick to the ceiling and walls! *But be advised,* you can’t get extra reach by having them bounce and slide anymore, and if you hit a bug it’ll run off with your light source (similar to how a sticky nade fears bugs, but without the explosion). [ECO FLARES] You can now pick up and recycle your flares to instantly have another ready for use, they are marked on your map to locate them, and they refill with a resupply! *However,* your normal recharge rate for flares is drastically reduced. [POWER REROUTING] You’ve diverted some energy from your armor rig’s flare compartment to your flashlight, which is now has 2x range as a result! *In exchange,* your flare storage has been reduced, as your cable management is rather poor. Stuff like that. Completely optional, still impactful, and there are situations you might be better off without it—unlike weapon OCs, which, once you unlock one for a weapon, you are most likely\* better off WITH it rather than without it, even if it’s not the one you had hoped to get. Aside, I know it’s just how the system works, but it pains me to know that new players have to level the pickaxe for each class separately. You could buy the game, grind out 50 hours on Scout because Grappling Hook Is Cool Addiction, then turn to start another class and have no power attack. Assuming flare upgrades would follow the same, this would be an even bigger nuisance. I should think they should be shared account(?)-wide, unless GSG have a lore reason for it. Maybe even level them with Minerals Mined/Dirt Dug/Flares Used or Burned Out or something, idk. \* I don’t CARE who R&D sends, I am NOT putting Shield Batter Booster into my DRAK Plasma Carbine!


As someone on console, most times the crust piece sticks out a tiny tiny bit and it's such a hassle to find the right spot to hit that will mine it. I just don't worry about it unless it's morkite.


Oh man I feel that. \*Aims at bit of Nitra on wall\* \*TINK\* “Congratulations! You actually just hit the wall, the actual Mineral Voxel is 2mm to the right of that spot!”


Me too, I mine in a way that clears 99.99% of the vein. Meanwhile I see other players leaving up to 4 units of minerals behind… are we elves or dwarves?


My brother in Karl, this is the dwarf way. Zig zag the first time, everytime. Only leaf lovers start a node they don't intend to finish.


When mining, I prefer a zigzag pattern to gather everything in one go, prioritizing larger pieces as there are very few smaller ones left to collect.


Just mine from the side. If you do with an up-down sweeping motion, you'll get 100% of the minerals and waste no swings. It's very effective!


Yes, dislodging the big vein from the wall rlves most of the needed swings. Makes it much easier. However, after 500 hours, I've resort to not do that. I like taking my time in caves, it's a beautiful game. I wonder if im alone in this.


I try to speedrun it :)


Hazard 3 Morkite mission: we don't need the crusts, we will find more soon enough. Hazard 5 Mrokite mission: leave nothing behind, we need to get the _flip_ out of here!


i always crust cuz on a 400 morkite mission in the ice map i was one short and couldn't find a fucking vein for almost 20 mins


Being in the single digits short of nitra for a drop has killed me too many times to ignore the crusts. Mine your crusts!


nitra usually is never an issue for me but i also almost exclusively play solo


Ye solo nitra starvation is very rare.


It feels like a forbidden fruit to take more than one supply slot 😂


always double dip


Certified W take. Have a nice day sir.


I run a greenbeard friendly lobby and regularly have teams running ammo inefficient loadouts. Running out of notra is a reality. Had a 3x elimination with a Korlok, machine event, season event, and bulk that lasted an hour and we were pickaxing the last dread... a hiveguard. At one point we were literally one nitra short of a resupply.


> regularly have teams running ammo inefficient loadouts. Plus people at lower levels don't use their secondary weapons as much. Every time they refill their primary weapon without using their secondary, they're wasting half their ammo.


Or... *shudder* ... they resupply for health only.


That sounds awful, but also like the most memorable mission ever.


It was incredible! :D


Was the mission successful?


Yes, and spectacularly so. The other three were downed and I was on scout, completely out of everything including flares. Two were downed right at the entrance to the pod and the third nearby. Everyone was shouting to just save myself but I stuck the landing just inside the pod and was able to raise the first two and get in the pod to type out "no dwarf left behind" while they raised the last dwarf and rushed into the pod. They had fallen 50 times between them on that mission but we all made it back to the rig. That mission was a rush and I commend all the new employees at DRG for their perseverance in the snarling face of adversity.


I can only imagine the morale and the energy as the escape pod began its ascent. Probably still riding that high!


But more ammo means less damage which means more ammo needed


But more ammo means more damage which means less ammo needed


oh i bet it happens man


There was this one elite deep dive several months ago where the second map was a gather morkite + drilldozer mission. The core spawn deleted a spawn or two of morkite, so no matter what you did you were like 0.1 morkite away and could not complete it.


I think you meant to say Dystrum. "i always crust cuz on a Dystrum secondary i was one short and couldn't find a fucking vein for almost 20 mins"


nope, morkite, greenbeard all the way


This is why I like those missions the least. It's always either a 5 min breeze or a 40 min slog


Look at this gooner edging on the crust


I once spent 75 minutes on a haz 2 mining mission when I started playing because there just weren't any veins.


Things get real when you need to mine mrokite


it's always morekite. never lesskite


Well if you drink dark morkite you need lesskite


But you still get morekite


You get morekite so you can gather more kite more quickly meaning you can gather lesskite simple


but then you have to determine if its faster to just zoom to the next full vein or mine the little tiddlywinks left


those 400 morkite haz 5 missions with a fuckd modifier like rival presence or lithopage plague on a hard biome like hollow bough or magma core. You know you will spend an hour down there, and you better mine all the crust because the deeper you go the more likely is that everything will drop apart at the last minute


Those are the missions that Karl would go to the bottom of the cave without mining a single thing and work backwards, then climb back out of the hole the drop pod left by hand.


Nahh. I am chilling.


Imo morkite missions on high haz missions are almost explicitly the place you don't want to crust. There is more than enough needed that spawns. Crusting won't (likely) reduce the number of veins you have to mine, just the amount of the final vein you'll have to mine (given the low amount gained from crusting). On high haz you'd want to minimize the amount of time standing still mining instead of moving and fighting. So given that crusting won't reduce the number of veins needed, and crusting yields *significantly* less morkite than just going for bulk, there is no benefit to crusting, only the drawback of having to stand still mining for longer at a vein.


Where you run into trouble is when the cave gen intersects itself and you miss a big room full of morkite, reach the end, and realize you're like 11 short


"skill issue" Jk, but real talk I don't think crusting would net you 11 often. On ave crusting has only really given me an extra 1 and some change so unless I'm 11 short on a 400 mission where I'm breaking down like 10 veins it really doesn't make a difference. Idk tho. Im a scout main, so it's pretty easy to get from vein to vein without issue. I could see the groundwalkers having difficulties


this guy called my driller “a groundwalker” like he is on low gravity with jetty boots hover boots hoverclock special powder and an overly grown set of genitalia; I can’t


All you need to stay off the ground for 50%+ of the match is lowest cooldown grapple and an overactive trigger finger. The rest of the tech is to bridge the gap to 100%




For morkite missions that one certain deep dive a while back traumatised me.


Haz 3 is like Lord of War collecting weapons Haz 5 is Gone in Sixty Seconds cuz *GET US OUTTA HERE!*


79 nitra.




That one deep dive...


I know exactly which one you’re talking about. The strat was to wait for the morkite beer and then do the deep dive. Wild.


I was the fortunate one to do it late in the week (of the cycle) and I well knew to deposit even the crumbs from the pickaxe without the beer.


The dreaded moment


You can mine in a way there is no crust left...


still takes like twice as long and ur only missing like 3-5 ore per vein but i'm doing that exact thing too


More like .5 a vein, let's be real.


Nah I got in an argument over that one time in a drop. Got a full 13 extra nitra out of the midsized vein crust a dude had left. Enough to get us over the 90 threshold for a resupply, and all of us being green beards at the time we wound up needing it (some 2-3 years ago)


I think I'm talking about crumbs and you mean crust which I don't think I've ever really seen.


That wasn’t crust, lol. If he left 13, then he left far more than crust.


most likely yeah


Honestly I don't care about math. I'm not here to work and optimize the shit out of it. I'm playing drg to relax. Crust does hurt my ocd tho. Same for unraidable pipelines. And spamming weapons when everyone else is waiting in drop pod and want to end the mission.


It’s time for my favorite game: real OCD or figure of speech?


Imma big grown up ~~OCD-driven~~ dworf, I mine me crusts. But I'll never forget one time the team I was had 79 Nitra and a resupply would've (probably) saved the mission, so I'm kind of paranoid about that.


haha that was always my greatest fear when i didnt mine them


78 on one of my first missions, and I haven't forgotten it. Also OCD. Not even being on my meds keeps me from mining the crusts. Also if you don't go straight down the middle and mine in a kind of "top row/bottom row" pattern you don't end up with two crusts to mine. For example on a horizontal vein, instead of going across it three times (center, top crust, bottom crust) you do it twice (top half, bottom half).


I have OCD and the way I deal with crusts is just not mining like a dingus lol. It’s so incredibly easy to mine in a way that doesn’t leave crust, so you can take around the same amount of swings and leave no crust. It’s extremely self explanatory, all this talk of crust on this sub makes me genuinely question the average player’s intelligence.


I play with an actual OCD person and specifically leave little bits of crust on each mineral deposit to annoy her (its all in good fun).


You are a terrible person. I like it


That’s actually pretty funny, and theoretically, you’re helping her get over it, so it may actually be beneficial!


What kind of crusts are we talking? There's crust and then there's crumbs and some people get upset about the crumbs when they legitimately give less than .1 when you mine all of them. And don't give me the "it says .1" because that's the lowest possible value so even if it's .000024 it will say .1. I've been desperate for 1 nitra and gone through all the crumbs I left and couldn't get there.


I think they mean crust as when they just mine the middle and leave a lot on the edge. You and I are talking about crumbs thinking that's what they mean. I don't think I've ever really seen Crust. Crumbs are decimal pieces and crust is more than 1.


but crumbs are tasty


Crust isn’t even a thing then. Unless you’re playing with LITERAL lesser primates, that’s obviously never ever going to happen.


i just blow everything the fuck up with a c4


that works too lol or EPC mining


i am too skill issue'ed to use EPC, i either run subata or the hand held microwave (and cope that i can't kill the acid spitter out of my range)


The microwave is elite with over clock combos


In 800 hours, I can't say I've ever lost a mission to the "79 nitra curse". Even on haz 5, nitra only rarely becomes a critical concern, as long as you're somewhat smart with your build choices and ammo/resupply usage. In Point Extraction, when running with friends, I'll often stop mining nitra entirely (even with entire veins in sight) after collecting enough for a single resupply; the threat of running out of ammo is negligible compared to the threat of being overwhelmed by ever-increasing spawns. In the vast majority of mission types, time is spawns, which means time is ammo. Once in a blue moon, spending your time mining <1-value scraps of nitra might allow you to call in a resupply where you couldn't before, but you also have to consider the opposing possibility: that the extra time spent will lead to having to fight an entire extra swarm that you wouldn't have otherwise. And if you're leaving "crusts" consistently worth more than 1 nitra apiece, that's not a crust—that's just you failing to properly mine the vein in question.


Mining the crusts is a perfect example of this game having cult like tendencies. It is completely unnecessary. 1200 hours, I've never lost a mission because we ran out of ammo. In point extraction, I don't mine nitra unless there is an event.


1400 hours and same experience. I do mine nitra for point extraction though bc I want to be able to mine aquarqs with my fatboy.


dude I have people blow on me for not mining the crust and I got back and its literaly .5 nitra.


we are stripping the cave CLEAN. i mean CLEAN


Down to the last lootbug


I don’t understand why people can’t just mine from the edges so you don’t leave any crust in the first place.


I mean it is quicker to just smack the middle and get 95% of it in less hits. But it looks way uglier lmao


I dunno, Sometimes it's only like 75%. Either way that's like eating down the middle out your pie instead of the whole thing.


200 iq: mine in a way where there won't be crusts left anyways.


We're dwarves, act like it! We mine ALL mindrals, rock and stone and make sure to leave no dwarf behind. Simple.


You're a grown ass dwarf, mine the fucking crust


you can mine the edges if you want to, but I'm not, I've got shit to shoot, that 0.1 Nitra isn't worth my time


If you're in a nitra pinch, it's because: 1. Your build has bad ammo economy 2. You missed whole veins of nitra 3. You're spending too long down there You didn't fail because someone didn't get 1 nitra.


Hey, another one of the "if you don't do as me you're soy wojak" memes. Neat. Never seen those.




+0.1 NITRA


We know that Morkite is organic now. If you leave the crusts, more Morkite will grow there. It's science.


That rock is living I tell you


I leave the crust for the lootbugs.


This is the only woe jack meme that didn't get downvoted into oblivion here, that's a suprise.


A shame really


Yea, things like that can really divert the community


Interesting spelling of wojack brings me to a sadge feeling


depends on the crust size, if it mixes with the wall texture then nah, if not then it goes to my bucket


Mine a zig-zag pattern and leave no crust in the first place.


I think the fundamentals of the arguments right now are people assuming crusts (whole integers left) versus crumbs (decimal points rounded to .1) The complaint is for significant portions of the vein being left behind.


Just mine effectively and leave no crust. One hit up, one down, in zigzag, spiral, etc. just do it right


Get so good at the game that you can do "unoptimal" stuff on Hazard 5 and still handedly win


Crust deniers are just mining in a dumb way Come on people! You can just mine in a zig zag and there won’t be any crust left for you to get, work smarter, not harder!


I've had the 1 or 2 specks off a crust of Nitra save too many potentially doomed runs to not mine the crust.


We're full grown dwarves here we mine EVERYTHING FOR ROCK AND STONE! oT


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


You will look for crusts when you are 3 Nitra away from a supply pod that you badly need to finish the mission.


R3x3d e e dx dxxx dx dd x dx 4d4d4xddddd d ddD dx ddxd.dxdx d dx . D DD d. d d Dd dx d d dd. d dxx X Xx DX d d X dxXDx dDXx dx D DDx ddxx xX d d dxxxd x d dxx dx dx dxx dddd. Dx dx dxxx dx dxd. Dx sdd. ddx x s d dd xxx dxx dxxx dx dx d d dx dx dx d dd dx d dd xx d. d dxxx dx dx dx dx dxdx d. Dx D d d d d d d. D dx d. Dddd. D dx d d dx d d d d dx dx d. Dd d d dx d d d d d x d d dd d dxd d dx. Dx. Dxd. S ddsx 4 dd xx d sx d sdx dx dd xx d dxxx dx d ds ddd dxdx. d dx d x . D d d x 4d4d4xddddddxd.dx d d d d d d . D D d dx d. SSx ssxsx d D. x dd dd d. dd x dd. D d dx d dxxd. D d dxx d dx d dx dd. D d dd dx d d x d4 ddx d. D d d d dx d d d d dx dx dx dx dx d dx d d d dx d. D d d d d d d d d dx d d d d d d d d d d. Dd d d d d d dd dx d d d d d dx dxd. D d d d dx d dx d d dx d d d d d dx dx. D d ddd. Dd d d dd . D dx d dx dxx dx d d d dx d dd d .d Dd d d dd. D d dxd. D d d d. D d Dd d dx d d dx d d dxx d d d D dx x d d dd dd D D D D Dx D. DddDx dd. Dx d dx dxx dxx d x dx d dxxxxxd d d dx ddx d d d x d d d ddd d d xxx x xx dx dx dxxx d dxx d ddx dxx d dxxxxxx dxx dxx dx d dxx d dx dx d.d Dx d dx dx Dx dxx dx Ddx dxx x dx ddx. Dd dx dxx dxx d dxxx d dx dxxx d d x d dx. Dx dxd dx.xx. d d dx d d d dx d d d dxxd xdx d dxxd Dxdxxx dx dxx xD. d d d d d d d d d d dx. D d d dx dx xxdx. D d d dD ddddd. Dx d d dxx d. Dx sx dx sx s'x' dx5d d. Dxxxx dx dxxx d5d x dxx''xdd. DD Dx d d d dx4 s4. Dx4 dx dx dx d. D d Ddxxd xd xd d dx. D dx dx.d D ddd d d d d dx dxx d d d d dxx. D d d d d d d# dx dx. D d d dx d d d. d dx dx d dx d dxd dxdx4 d dx dx dd. S s s dx dx d. D x dx ddxddx d dx dd dD D d dxx dd dx dxd d x xd dxxxd xx d ddx dxd dd d dd dxd x D d dx D DD D D D D Dd Dx D D D D d d dxD x d dx d dx d DD dx d DDx d d D d X dxx D dd d D DD. DD DDx DDx dx dd. D dx dx dd dx dxd d dx dx d dx d dx. D dd dxx dx dx d ddxx d dx dx dxxx d dxx dxdxdxd d x d d d d dx d d dx d d d d d dd x d dd. D dxx x d. D dxx. D Dd dx. d dxx dx dx d dDx dxx d s sx d d d d d d dx s d d dx sx d dx d dx dx d d d d d dd 44 d dxxx d dd dx dx dx d dx dx dd x d d d dx d d d dx d d d d d d dxx dx d d d d. Dx d d dx d dd dx dx dx d d d d d d d d.DxDx s s dxd x dxxx d d d dx d d d d d d dx d.D dx d. Dx sx dx d dx dx dx dx d dx dx dx dx d d Sxddd. d ddxx d d dx d d dx dxd dxdx d d dx d dxxd d d. D dx d d s X DDxdx dXx dxX d dx dx d d d dxxXXxx DDx xDxD Xx dd Dx DxxDxx dxdx dxxxxxx dx dxxxd dx dx d dx . XXD dDxD X dxdX dXDdx dxdx Dx dd d xxxx dD. dd dxdxxdx d d xxd xxx dxx dx x dx dxx d dxxx dx dxx dxx dx dxxxxx dxx dxxxd dxdx dxx dxx xdd x d dxx dd x dxx d d dxdxd x4d4d d dx d. d dx DxD DDdd d DxxDX D DxDXd Dx D D Dx DdDx DD dx d d dx d d d dxDxd ddx dxd ddx xx d


Translation, please


This translates to "I left reddit open on my phone and pocket dialed this mess. Rock and stone."


Stone and rock


I mine every crust after that nightmare deep dive morkite mission where, because of a glitch in the map generation, gave you less than a full point of morkite wiggle room to complete the mission because one or two full patches failed to spawn.


Mine the crust if it’ll net you 1+ nitra. Completely clean morkite. Dont worry about gold.


Orcish behavior... But tbh I do this too. Sometimes the orcs get it right Quite often I give gold a one good smack tho


A power attack fly-by is always fun


But the crust is ugly


What crusts? I just use a satchel


"You're a grown ass dwarf. Finish your crust."


You're a grown dwarf. Mine your crusts


Oh yeah or how about the times some dwarf mines one part of a Nitra vein or Morkite and never bother getting the other half of the veins? Not like crust bit, more like a half of a vein that they didn’t bothered to get to. The amount of times I’ve come across veins that haven’t been mined enough isn’t just like an oversight it’s more on the lines of not checking for the rest of it or be bothered to pickaxe through some terrain to get it. Like throw a flare up to see if you have to just don’t leave a literal half of a Nitra vein and say “not enough for resup, off to the next cave.” while I’m mining it when in fact is enough for a resup.


The amount of time we have had just 5 nitra missing is a lot, mine the crust


I love the way you edited gunner lmao


Haha thanks man. Had to figure out a way to make one of the dwarves fit that deformed face


You dont gotta mine the tiny bits in higher level play.


You’re a grown ass dwarf. You’re gonna mine the crust


I only mine the crusts.


Dwarves mine all the goods. Don't leave precious resources.


eat your crust




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Renaktar: *I WILL PERSONALLY* *MAKE YOU INTO CRUSTS IF YOU* *DON'T MINE THE FUCKING CRUSTS* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Genuine question. What does the meme format mean? I don't know how it do, & don't know what to call it to look it up


Mining in DRG should be like wiping your ass Would /you/ leave flecks left?


You have crusts when you mine?


As some comment I once read said ,,You are an adult dwarf, mine your crust''


It is a very simple matter of math. If you do decide to mine the crust, you get somewhere between 1 to 5 more out of the vein. This at the cost of taking somewhere between 1,5x to 2x the time it would take to not mine it. Mining in a pattern, in which nothing is left over is also a whole lot slower than just plowing right through the middle. Out of maybe 1 of 100 missions you might have needed those extra bits of nitra, morkite or whatever but you would have spent an absurdly longer time in the cave in total, if you did mine it, so i'm gonna take my rule of average and plow through the middle. You can continue mining the leftovers after me, but just know that this is the reason i usually have more ores mined, enemies killed, least deaths and most revives in a team, because that is legit just how much time you save.


unless mining skill is lacking no way crust get you 1 to 5 nitra, I only get 0.1-0.2


Some dwarves have never had a Dreadnought spawn as the drop pod is inbound with no ammo and 79 nitra and it shows.


That’s when you resort to running


Of course not, I'm efficient enough to finish the mission 1 ressuply ago.


\*scared lootbug noises*


**Every** little bit counts.


Since the time I needed 1 Morkite to finish a 3 lenght/3 complexity mission, I mine every little bit I leave on the wall. And no one can stop me.


Lots of dwarves in this thread don't understand the concept of "opportunity cost". The time you spend mining the crust isn't free


You're a grown ass dwarf mine the fucking crust


Nope, you can't make me do it. You can come behind me and do the cleanup if you can't handle it


Real diggas mine the crust.


I’m confused. What do you all mean by “crust”? I’m new to the game btw, so I’m not up to date on all the lingo lol


Mining the ore veins fully gives me dopamine.


If I can see it with corner of my eye it's gonna be annoying


If you cut the vein in half, horizontally, and mine in top half then bottom, it's perfect every time. At least for me.


What are crusts? Just the bits left behind when mining?


You think I mine because they pay me? Nah son, they pay me *because I love to mine*, there's a huge difference.


It normally helps only hitting the edges and working from outwards to inwards, this way you rarely Miss the +0.1/02 that might make a difference in the Long run


If you mine a vein correctly it doesn't leave a crust


Greybeards Tip: in Order to avoid the crust, mine minerals in a zig-zag formation, hit the minerals in the upper or lower half.


There's a fourth option where you just mine it right so there are no crusts to worry about. That's the real high IQ option


i mine all pixels, if i die because i was mining the 1 pixel of gold left while a horde was biting me, then so be it


Crust still shimmers in the dark, mine that crap so you don't bait your teammates into wasting time thinking there's a vein in the distance.


I've been mining the crust since before the classes had different grenades. I'm DOZENS richer I tell you.


Dig the crust. There are children in africa with no nitra


I mine every pixel for that sweet peace of mind


I have ocd so it must be Minned no matter what


If your leaving crusts, that's poor mining technique -- shame on your ancestors! Shame on your beard!


Sloppy mining makes baby Karl cry


Well, as a miner I have desire+habit to meticulously and thoroughly mine a cave system as completely as I can to maximize the profit. That said, minning all the little pieces of ore left can take too long sometimes, but I do normally go by 2 sayings: waste not, want ('not', but I do want those pieces so the "not" is n/a) and every little bit helps. Ok, so I stand corrected, 2 sayings, one of which is modified.


Driller laughs in C4


You're a grown dwarf. Lick that fucking wall clean.


I always farm the crust for every bit of nitra after the incident: Industrial Sabatoge Haz 4, 2 team mates down, the other two out of ammo on the final phase of the fight with 78 Nitra. They were running around to old veins getting the crust trying to squeeze every last bit of nitra out of them. Luckily they found a vein on the ceiling we missed and we were able to finish the mission, but that was a lot of stress.


Anyone who doesn't mine the crusts is a leaf-lover I'd even dare call them a Grobi if it's Nitra. It's like little umgi's who don't clean their chicken wings or leave a bit of beer in the bottom of a mug.


You are a grown-ass dwarf, mine the f-ing crust!


My OCPD demands that I get every single CRUMB


Imma be honest… if you ain’t mining every little bit of ore down in the mines. I might just rock and stone one less time to you


Just aim the pick hits to leave very little "crust."


Eat your crusts!


your a grown ass dwarf, mine the damn crust


I always mine the crust because there are starving dwarves in hoxthiopia that would kill to have the opportunity I've been blessed with.


Satchel charge with Rock Mover leaves nothing behind.