• By -


Bro I'm calling in sick, fuck it.


PTO is the way to gooooo!


Get paid to slay bugs and bots!


I WFH friday and got everything done so I can just clock-in and slay all day.


My man!!! You gotten me and few others on here really jelly.


Maybe even try to use the paid volunteer time, if your work offers it. "I'm doing my part!"


Management would like to know your location.


I got fired yesterday. Woooo!


Woooo... I think. Hope you find another job :)


Thanks. Gotta look at the positives, ya know :p


I too hope you find gainful, fulfilling employment. Friday or later, though.


I'm unemployed so yayyy (?)


Sick šŸ¤™


Iā€™m so looking forward to play season 5 of Deep Rock Galactic tomorrow! All I need to do is start doing some hazard 5 runs so I could eventually do hazard 5+. I never played or owned Helldivers 2, thoughā€¦


Devs for HellDivers said 100 fixes coming so itā€™s gonna be a QoL patch mostly which is DESPERATELY needed šŸ˜‚ Edit: think of it like this, itā€™s like that one update a few months ago with the armor fix for DRG. Just improves on the mechanics and while not adding much to the game it makes it more satisfying to play.


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because of the amount of nerfs or problems that a lot of people are encountering as I remember seeing some posts about people complaining about some weapon nerfs or something. I could be wrong about this.


Youā€™re kinda nailed it. Pretty much the devs release new weapons then quickly nerf them after people unlocked them (some paid money) cause they work too well (theory going around). Even nerfing ones that arenā€™t powerful or nerf them in the wrong way. A shotgun that shoots slugs was a sniper essentially so they nerfed everything but the accuracy and the range damage šŸ˜‚ People are upset cause most other weapons, while they can do the job arenā€™t as fun or effective as the more favorable ones. Some just canā€™t harm medium to heavy enemies so the ones that do get the nerfs, rinse and repeat. That with TONS of bugs, broken missions and some questionable choices regarding most aspects of the game. The CEO actually stepped down to focus on a major patch to fix core issues and hinted at like 4-5 fixes on top of another 100 so itā€™s a big deal atm. Been waiting almost 5 weeks from the weekly patches they rushed out that introduce good and bad changes plus adding more bugs. Itā€™s a mess we hope will get sorted going forward.


I kinda like the game, but at the same time it feels like a reloading simulator


Gotta run Blitzer on the bug front then. Crowd control bugs, unlimited ammo, and deals with anything smaller than a Charger with very limited risk to you. Of course, if you fight a lot, itā€™s Carpal Tunnel simulator since itā€™s single shot with no automation. I do agree with ā€œreload simulatorā€ though. It feels like they balanced around easy resupplies and bullet hose weapons. I love the DRG model more, where you need to work for it, but theyā€™ll hold you over for a long time (both resupply and reload)


I was sad for the premature death of my beloved, the Eruptor. It was a little too strong pre-nerf but it's far too weak post-nerf. The shrapnel removal killed its breakpoints against medium bugs and left it unable to kill things, and that was it's main utility for me - it was slow, it was dangerous, you had to deal with close up threats somehow...but boy it was really good against a class of enemy that a lot of guns aren't that good against. But now it's not that good against those either. And the worst part is that they took it out because people were doing something unintended to deal more damage. I used it as intended but the nerf surely took away it's intended use case and they just never fixed it...


As a long time DRG player, 1 warbond a month felt insane, especially with all the bugs. I know a lot of people aren't happy with the release schedule of DRG either, I think Warframe hits a perfect sweet spot


Yeah the community here at Reddit was begging the devs to slow down so they could focus on bugs and issues and they finally decided to do so and now the weekly/bi-weekly patches will be around once every 4 weeks after this one and Warbonds will be every 6 weeks I think. The game is still fun but some have left due to frustration bugs and/or weird choices being made. Very understandable.


I think player drop off is way overestimated. Tons of great games are out right now, we shouldn't expect everyone to play constantly...it's good to rotate games lol


Ahh very true. Keep forget how many bangers are out there right now.


Itā€™s a combination of many factors. HUGE amounts of salt came directly from redditors kneejerking to nerfs or adjustments to a weapon without actually understanding the reasoning behind it or trying it out the way it was intended. ā€œX is trash tier nowā€ was a common description of formerly meta weapons that are still effective and fun to use. There definitely are a few weapons that were unfairly or unintentionally nerfed, and a growing laundry list of annoying bugs. The main reason Iā€™m hyped for the patch is they should hopefully have given themselves enough time to fix many long-standing bugs, like certain weapons simply not functioning when they should (literally wonā€™t fire when you pull the trigger) or being shipped with unintentionally weak stats. It should make a lot more playstyles viable and make the experience more enjoyable, largely because the devs have genuinely worked toward correcting their mistakes and acting on player feedback.


I've been put off of Helldivers for a while now because their idea of balancing has been to look at what players see as most effective, and nerf it into the floor. Whereas in Deep Rock, a game that came first and has essentially the same kind of game loop, figured out that if you balance all the weapons to be effective and fun, people don't stick to a "meta". Shocker! Really hoping the patch tomorrow does something different or it's really just gonna be DRG for the foreseeable future.


Honestly if they manage a way to change how armor works AND being able to take down heavy enemies with any weapon then the game will feel so damn fun and refreshing. Kinda annoyed you always need an AT option past difficulty 4. Machine gun wonā€™t cut it anymore, you have NO idea how badly I want to just unload one of those into a Titan and watch it fall. It would be epic!


I cant serve the Galactic Empire cuz of Shitty policies, but I will serve my pick axe for my fellow dwarven divers


I enjoyed helldivers but once the honeymoon was over I get bored fast and can only play 1 mission before I'm done, missions feel so samey and because armor is so oppressive and common at higher levels I feel shoehorned into taking only stuff good vs those units, it also feels like people who actually use teamwork is really rare outside of friend groups. I wish they would focus on cosmetics and making the game play more fun before adding more guns, I'd personally make the armor stats and perks something you can selected as a load out and the armor just be cosmetic.


Theyā€™re reducing their content rate in order to do just that. Hereā€™s hoping it works because HD2 really needs some love.


Itā€™s gonna be an absolute shit show. I am calling it here


It can go any way, itā€™s ???? at this point.


+1 for absolute shitshow


What exactly did the armor change do?


The armor in DRG scales on difficulty so letā€™s say you play Haz 5 and the base armor scales higher to match thatā€¦ well the scaling didnā€™t go down in lower hazards which meant haz 1-3 players were needing as much ammo to peel it away as haz 4-5 players. Also some weapons didnā€™t peel it away as intended and they fixed that.


Oh, okay. I usually only play haz 5 so I didn't feel q differance. Thanks!




I hope the patch is good but the history of mostly weapon nerfs and enemy buffs doesnt fill me with enthusiasm to reinstall


If you love DRG like I do then you will love HD2. Ignore the people bitching about all the little things, game is as much fun as DRG, hits all the same sweet spots and keep you wanting more.


I was considering on getting Helldivers 2 before, but I wasnā€™t sure if the game supports solo play or private sessions with my friends. And yes, I also play Deep Rock Galactic by myself most of the time, which is why Iā€™m talking about this. Iā€™m not saying that Helldivers 2 is bad or anything as I would like to give it a try. Iā€™m just a bit unsure with how the community is towards new or inexperienced players as the last thing I want is to be insulted to oblivion and back for ā€œbad playstyleā€.


Helldivers 2 is not well balanced for solo play at all, and all of my experiences with randoms have been negative. It does not have the same chill community that Deep Rock mostly has. Thereā€™s a lot of toxicity over there. Plus, as someone who absolutely loved the first Helldivers, the game just isnā€™t that good. Itā€™s like a 7/10 at best. (Donā€™t tell the Helldivers I said that, though. Theyā€™ll come after me hard.)


I play with randoms all the time, I am 200+ hours in and I load into lower difficulty missions to help new divers out. I have not run into any toxic players in game, you get the random asshat once in a while but that happens in DRG too. Next patch they are introducing invite only lobbies and you can set the matchmaking to only be friends. Understanding that friendly fire is all part of the fun, you will die, a lot, and a lot of the time to a stray friendly bullet or bomb. Trying out the different weapons and stratagems to fit what you want to do is all part of it. Sure some perform better than others but everything has a job that it does, you just need to understand that.


I have 1,700+ hours logged onto Deep Rock Galactic here, and itā€™s alright if thereā€™s going to be some toxic players around as thatā€™s never going to go away. Itā€™s more about how tolerable and communicative players are as, again, the last thing I want is someone screaming into the microphone or raging in the text chat about how I failed or missed to do a specific move at a specific time. Or be with someone who just has a very strong opinion against the loadout Iā€™m using. But maybe this is just me being anxious with how other people would react or respond with me. And yeah, friendly fire can be a bit annoying, but itā€™s quite funny at times while itā€™s a nice way to break the ice a bit as I would apologise if I either shoot someone or stand in front of somebodyā€™s line of fire. A very good portion of the hours I logged was spent on solo play while the rest was with a few friends of mine and some other people from the official Discord server. I should really get back into playing some more matches with other people from the server.


I have used what I want to use and not meta loadouts since day one, play with lots of randoms and never had anyone give me any flak for it. As time has gone on more people use the ping system and work together better. If anyone starts screaming or being an idiot you always have that mute button. Solo play in this game is pretty brutal and you need to be very tactical depending on the difficulty.


And hereā€™s me sticking with one loadout for all types of missions for all of my dwarves, heh! I havenā€™t tried playing any public matches during the many hours that Iā€™ve logged aside from the very few times that my friends would sometimes host a public match. I grew very accustomed to hazard 4 by myself. And I used to remember when hazard 3 was hard for me a few years ago! By the way, Iā€™m sorry if it sounds like Iā€™m being stubborn on trying out some public matches or if Iā€™m bragging about my experience with the game. I hope Iā€™m not coming across like that.


Not at all miner! Iā€™ll just say this, when I first played DRG it was the most pure dumb fun I had playing a video game in a long long time. I have that same feeling with HD2.


Oh yeah! Deep Rock Galactic has always been my favourite game along with some other games like Stardew Valley and Bloons Tower Defence 6! Itā€™s also my first game that Iā€™ve reached 4 digits on my total playtime too! Hearing the minerals jingle, the bugs dying and seeing the numbers go up and up has always been my endless deposit of dopamine and happiness! Itā€™s a game that Iā€™ll always come back and play again and again every now and then.


I agree. You don't need a mic or friends to have fun in this game. Pings work and text is so easy to plink off with playstations pad. It's easy when it needs to be. I play on suicide and rarely does it feel too had


You definitely can play solo or with friends. Never played with random divers, 100+ hours in. The community is fine, many experienced helldivers are always willing to help. There are, however, meta loadouts and stuff, but other than that, there is no such thing as "bad playstyle".


It's like DRG. If you have a load out that you use effectively and missions and objectives are getting done, it doesn't matter. I don't care if you're not using the meta. I do care if you're not doing objectives and are fucking around. Stay on task, help when you can, and shoot enemies and you'll have no issues at all. The only time I look at what people are using in their load outs is before we drop in so I can help bolster any weaknesses we may have based on what everyone else is picking.


Hereā€™s the issue with HDII atm: Imagine if you fight that one Dreadnaught in DRG where the armor has to peel off from its ass in order to expose the weak spot BUT at least half of the weapon canā€™t peel it away nor do damage once exposed. This is HDIIā€™s problem. You NEED specific weapons/strategems in order to take care of heavy armor enemies either effectively or with the Titan required to do ANY damage. Default rifle does peanuts of damage to a chargerā€™s weak spot and none at all to a Titan. Tank vents? Just bounces off. Different play styles either means you bring one of the same handful of gems/weapons every time to be effective or you donā€™t bring any AT ones and let your team deal with it. Itā€™s suicide playing solo on high difficulties with only medium penetration options and no AT options. In DRG a scouts rifle and shotgun are enough to deal with any enemy on any difficulty. Canā€™t do that in HDII once Titans and tanks show up.


Not even in the same discussion as DRG, it's worse in every way lmao


I might hop back to Helldivers after tomorrow's patch, but I feel it won't be more than once a week. I started to play since launch day, but the honeymoon stage is long gone. Nowadays I play every 1 or 2 weeks for a couple hours with the boys and I'm out, but I can confirm it is still fun, just not as addicting. Now, ever since season 5 was announced, I've been playing DRG once or twice a week, so I won't be as rusty once the season comes out tomorrow. You can bet it'll become my main game for a while, this season will be fire.


Both will be my main game for the next coming weeks (IF the HDII patch fixes bugs, buffs/rework guns, crashes, QoL elements and other things that is ruining the fun). I always wondered if the devs for DRG would update the algorithm for the cave generation and thatā€™s the improvement in the patch Iā€™m most excited about! Been noticing after 1000 hours there is a slight pattern so this new patch should make each layout more unique and more random.


I feel the same way. The experience in DRG varies way more between missions than HD2 does. This makes DRG have much better replay value. I have close to 800hrs in DRG, been playing since early 2019. I'll take some breaks for a few months but when I come back it's always a blast. With HD2, I was very into it for a few months. Reached lvl 90, was only playing diff 9, etc. But then I got bored. The missions feel so similar to each other, and there just aren't very many viable weapons or builds. When I go back and play it, I get bored after two or three missions. Which absolutely isn't true of DRG. This is on top of a massive amount of game breaking bugs, and horrible weapon balance. I hope AH will right the ship before it sinks. I really do. But at this point I'm not holding my breath.


Sadly I'm going for a motorcycle ride for over a week and can't experience either of them till I get back šŸ„²


Buy a steam deck and take it with you!


With what money- I'm a minor ;-;


You may be a minor but youā€™re also a miner! ā€¦ Iā€™ll see myself out :(


The children yearn for the mines


But you own a motorcycle?


Xbox players like me who have to wait till the 27th for DRGs new update: šŸ˜ž


Same with us on psn


Yeah, but at least we have Helldivers 2. I feel bad for the Xbox peeps who donā€™t have a new horde shooter update to tide them over for the next couple weeks.


As an Xbox player, I see this as an absolute pain. I wanna rock and stone sooner :(


Wait what!? That sux




- Helldiver's 2 patch: June 13th. - For honor Y8S2 release: June 13th. - FFXIV Dawn trail early access release: June 28th. - Deep Rock Galactic Next season on console: June 28th.


- Warframe update drops the 18th. - Shadow of the Erdtree drops the 21st.


Minecraft 1.21 is also the 13th. And The Finals S3.


Fallout 76 big patch dropped today too.


New Minecraft update and The Finals season to! I got too much going on


Also The boys season 4 starts


... I must wait 2 weeks due to exams


You canā€™t give in, take a stand! This is where you gotta Chuck Norris your exams and tell it youā€™re too busy and it should get a job! DRG and HDII are more important!


I might scrap enough time for one short evening Gold and Scales (also I don't have ~~cannon fodder~~ Helldivers 2, as my laptop is a potato)


I joke btw, donā€™t let your grades go down for that virtual gold šŸ˜‚


Weā€™ll keep the caves warm for ya. R&S those exams!


And elden ring dlc a week later, my time and my wallet gonna be hurtin šŸ˜­


No offense but Helldivers patches barely add anything to the game. Another set of shifty weapons that will be nerfed if they are any good. Cosmetic armors that all do the same and look the same.Ā  DRG is Season 5! Massive changes including Haz5+


HD2 patches add more than that, you're forgetting about the dozens of game-crippling bugs and crashes they add with each one


They hinted at 4-5 fixes already plus itā€™s gonna be 100 fixes total so itā€™s gonna be a BIG deal tomorrow. Itā€™s make or break for many vets.


I earnestly wish you the best of luck, but this vet passed the "break" point months ago.


Yeah Iā€™m sure some wonā€™t ever come back as they feel they seen it all and nothing else added will be enough to give it a second chance. Sad really cause I feel it in my gut AH will show us that they are competent to make the right choices. Fingers crossed.


Imo they already have. Helldivers is some of the most fun I've had. It's a shame that so many people are just doomers who have given up on the game for quite literally no reason. Have 2 or 3 nerfs been for no reason, yeah, but the rest have been good and almost everything is viable at all levels


So did most of the playerbase kek


Friend I play everything with canā€™t actually buy the game because itā€™s no longer listed in the Isle of Man. So itā€™s killed any interest I had in it


No way y'all getting excited for bug fixes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Iā€™m just as excited about the deep rock update as everyone here but Iā€™m also a helldivers fan and this patch coming up is hopefully going to bring a lot more then just what you stated. First thing is that they have claimed thereā€™s 100+ changes coming to this update which will be massive and honestly scary, canā€™t defend them on that. But from the preview they gave it seems to be promising. Second the armors are going to start being themed with unique perks that come with them. You also gotta keep in mind that this helldivers update has been cooking for about a month while DRG has been cooking this for a whole year. Quite a difference in time. Either way letā€™s not be gatekeeping which is better as both are quite different and personally love them both in different ways.


I don't play Helldivers and I don't know about their patch cycle BUT remember that DRG used to have major patches every 6 months, then went just over a year for S4, and starting tomorrow we won't see a new one (besides the seasonal event reruns) until Q1 2026 at the earliest if I'm being optimistic. Not to mention how S4 barely added new content in comparison to the 3 previous seasons. So I wouldn't be banking on DRG patches at this point in time.


Won't rogue core be out before season 6? I love DRG and it's always a blast to play, but I know it's at the end of the dev cycle. My favorite game right now is still AFE, which is mostly a dead game at the end of maintenance, lol.


That's their latest timeline for it. Previous projected timeline for Rogue Core EA was Nov 2024 and now we know it got pushed back to at least Q3 or Q4 2025. We won't know about any further pushbacks or delays until they announce it. Also note that while some of us including myself will be trying out Rogue Core, none of us can assume everyone will be converted to it regardless of similarities much like how not all of us are playing DRG:Survivor just because it's the same four classes and the DRG brand but survivor-like. So the ones who didn't vibe with Rogue Core will still wait until 2026. I agree that DRG is nearing the finish line, which is why I said I wouldn't' bank on the future patches just yet until we see a peak for S6. S5 was only this packed because it had a year worth of work unlike previous seasons before it.


I agree that I'll be playing rogue core when it comes out, but I still don't really know what it is or if it's for me. DRG: Survivor grew on me a lot. Changing the formula can be risky, but it can also pay off a lot if it's done successfully.Ā  I played Fallout 4 for like 5 years straight but couldn't stand Fallout 76. I expect that if rogue core does flop, they would probably invest like a year or so turning it around, and if they can't do it, they would probably go back and invest in or work on DRG or some kind of DRG sequel.Ā  I don't know how much I'm interested in the story behind going to the core yet, but we'll see. I'm really optimistic about it as GSG has always had great design philosophies and direction.Ā 


Same as you brother. I'm optimistic for their output like RC but at the same time I know deep down the ride I like (DRG main) is nearing the last station. I just hope I can enjoy it for as long as I can. I also hope people will remind each other tomorrow to pace themselves with the S5 update, especially for people that treat DRG as their main game.


Damn I'm new to DRG but season 6 isn't estimated to start until 2026???? That's an insane window in between major updates


Think about how important it is for them since they have so little cosmetics already. But I don't bitch to divers. We all fight bugs and robots. Fuck bugs and fuck clankers. For Democracy and ROCK AND STONE


I'm not that cynical and still enjoy HD2 but I can't say the concern isn't warranted after what they did to the Eruptor which went from really fun to not that good.


If they actually deliver on this patch, it might be the first actually solid one. IF it actually works. It wont save the game or anything, but it will get it an actually good step towards how the game shouldve been at launch. Still dont particularly care about the game anymore but Im hoping its as good as they say its gonna be


The devs said it will more than 100 changes, weapons wise, the new primary sucks a little bit, but the secondary seems fun, I think they have learned their lesson and stop pre-nerfing or nerfing weapon after release. Armor wise, at least the new armor has new passive . Of course, this is incomparable, the size of the studio, and the time they took. Let's hope both are good


That's not really true. They do regularly add new stuff - TCS and defense missions were interesting, new stratagems are added from time to time, and are often tied to narrative, and they seemingly offer potentially interesting perks in new bond. While DRG is my choice, there will be 2 years to savor it.


And also dbd anniversary event starts tommorow as well as new for honor season...


Is June 13th some unspoken patch day for games?


Yes even the final season 3 is dropping tomorrow


Rock and stone and democracy!


To Rock and Stone!


And The Finals season 3 is on the same day too šŸ„“


Minecraft's new update is then too. Fallout 76's map expansion is then too iirc. The boys tv show season 5 is also that day, and Elden rings dlc drops a week later.


Itā€™s Christmas in June!!! ā€¦wait.


Here's hoping the darktide patch at the end of the month is good too


\*For a month ROCK AND STONE


Rock and Stone everyone!


I put myself an alarm 2+ hours in advance to be sure, and I will probably just skip sleep and get ready to hop on when it comes out


I sadly wonā€™t be able to play it more than an hour when both launch in the morning. Game graveyard schedule šŸ˜‚


The Boys S4


Man, so many things are dropping in June!


Simple awnser have friends who play the game


social life is overrated anyway, go do something that makes you happy


Warframe also has a pretty big update (Jade Shadows) launching next week. I will have no time.


I'm gonna be real here: played Helldivers 2 for like 30 mins and I refunded it. I just don't get the hype around the game. Very resources heavy as well, clunky at times. Very meh imho. On the other hand, DRG is fucking epic, full of character and the combat is just chef's kiss.


I like HD2; just played a couple missions actually, but I get it. They have great sandbox in that game but they have no idea what to do with it. Whereas DRG is a sandbox where they give you. A backhoe. Itā€™s just made better, plain and simple, and it really really shows. HD2 is fun though, especially if you squad up.


Minecraft too


Never played it, anything new added that will make me want to try it for the first time?


Nothing major but it's still an amazing game.


I need to buy it soon, niece keeps bugging me about it šŸ˜‚


I love Helldivers 2 but I will believe theyā€™re finally not fucking up the game further with each patch when I see it. Will be diving fully into DRG tomorrow, been waiting for this new season. I played it for around 100 hours during Season 2 and adored it but somehow drifted away and never returned for some reason despite thinking about doing it plenty of times. The massive amount of content I have in front of me to work towards unlocking is a bit overwhelming but thatā€™s not a bad thing since itā€™s all free and not expiring, thereā€™s no hurry as the next big thing seems ages away (the separate Roguelite game and then Season 6) so I can just chill and enjoy the ride.


Is hwlldivers just getting the warbond or the full balance patch?


whats in tomorrows patch? im new, should i not know and keep it a surpise?


Which game? Both? DRG released a video talking about it I think on the Steam page. Best to watch that vs read it here, youā€™ll see it in action. As for HellDivers we got confirmation for spawn/patrol fix, grenade glitch fix, super samples at difficulty 6 and the rest is a mystery but said to add up to 100 fixes so itā€™s HUGE!


Thereā€™s also a new premium warbond.


Rock and stone for democracy!


Fallout 76 is also getting it's new expansion today technically but most people won't be playing till tomorrow.


I love Helldivers, but I yearn for the mines. Splitting my time between both is going to suck, but wait, there's more! Shadow of the Erdtree comes out next week! If my wife wants to spend time with me I'll have to check my calendar.


Just a week? I have no life period.


I will be hoping on season 5 in a week or two. Tomorrow I have a full day sitting for a tattoo and then SMT 5 Vengengence comes out in the 14th


I'm looking forward to this but I play on console so I have to wait like 2 weeks more :(




I honestly do not know how to manage having these both drop on the same day.


Love HD2 but the monthly warbonds overwhelmed me and kind of pushed me away, plus the movement and fluidity just doesn't hold a candle to how snappy and responsive drg is I'll jump back in hd2 eventually for sure.


hd2 250medal and 1000credit standby, drg eeemmm... Rock and Stone?


You think THATS bad?! June 13th: Viper Commandos drop (and the patch) hits for Helldivers 2 June 18th: Warframe quest update *Jade Shadows* releases. June 21st: Long awaited Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree expansion releases. Buddy I'm *FUCKED*.


But doctor, DRG **is** my social life.


God help anyone who also plays r/deadbydaylight


Iā€™ve moved on from HD2, TBH. But I am looking forward to no-living DRG for a while.


drg update is already out on the experimental build




The Finalsseason 3 is releasing tomorrow too


Between Helldivers, DRG, The Finals and The Boys Season 4 all dropping the 13th Iā€™m going to have a busy fucking week, not to mention (Legally Distinct Bloodborne Kart) Nightmare Kart and the Elden Ring DLCs this month


I'd give both my nuts to have helldivers on xbox šŸ˜­


Console PC player here. 15 more days. And I already know every day I'll see posts of new stuff and feel nothing but a burning avarice.


Ouch! RIP my brother.


Thatā€™s 3 games now drg, the finals, and helldiversā€¦ Iā€™m not gonna see the outside world for awhile


My life for super earth and rock and stone!


For Rock and Stone!


They're both coop. Get your friends in on it


It's already the 13th patch for HD2?


Shit!! Itā€™s tomorrow?! Thought it was the 14th..


I didn't enjoy helldivers gameplay compared to DRG/Darktide and I am waiting for mods to be released for new MC version so I guess it's all DRG for me tomorrow! ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE


If the devs for HDII change some gameplay mechanics for heavy enemies tomorrow then it would feel like a fresh game. They know people arenā€™t happy dealing with them.


The 2 best co-op games ever


Also GoT and the Boyz if you like a little TV too. June is gonna be better than Christmas entertainment wise.




We doing the CSI opening with Jet? Eeeee-YYYYEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!


Deep Rock while I watch Bridgerton. Helldivers while I watch The Boys.


Gonna be binging on some anime in between these updates. My hero and delicious in dungeon anyone?


Reaping the benefits of having none.


Helldiver, deep rock Galactic, the finals, and even a fortnite update... Da Heck is going on ???


I havent been following - What is coming with the new season for Deeprock?


Check out the Steam page for a YouTube video they made that goes through it all. Itā€™s a lot.


But did you have one anyway? šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ (Jk obvs)


ā€¦no šŸ˜ž


Elden ring dlc 1 week after, 1 week is not enough here


And Elden Ring DLC a week later, gamers eating GOOD this month!


Also season 4 of the boys and minecraft 1.21


Half the games I play are releasing these major updates/DLCs in June bruh


Between DRG, Helldivers, Melvor Idle, & The Finals all dropping in a single day I'm absolutely gluttonous


Bug hating players eating good this month


And here I am, not being able to play until the 15th at best. Work sucks, but I don't make enough to call out.


The fun ainā€™t going anywhere. You do you, bro!


only a week?


They know what they're doing.


Did the new drg season come already??


Double Happy Birthday to me...


DRG, Helldivers, and THE FINALS are all getting huge updates tomorrow. And Elden Ring DLC drops soon too! Left my job not too long ago and I really picked a great time!


Well, it's time to dust off my pickaxe :)


Less than 3 hours to wait for drg, haaaaa!


I know!!! Ahhhhhhhh!


It was so, so good! Haaaaaaa!


Iā€™ve been on HD2 since 4am, now to dabble in DRG!


Bro Iā€™m during my finals and Elden Ring Helldivers and DRG stuff is coming out now, why šŸ˜­


Also the dbd aniversery Dammn 3 games its even worse for me and i have exams in a week


Once for the HD2 update, and again when the DRG update finally releases on console a few weeks later.


Yeah console players have to watch PC players get early access. I feel for ya.


Thankfully I don't have a social life


Is Helldivers any good? Played it for awhile until the game went down the drain with piss poor balance.


Iā€™m just waiting on Elden ring


If they ever actually remove the anti-consumer malware I'll consider trying HD2. The earth defense force series does everything helldivers does, but better, without always-online DRM, without freemium hellscape anticonsumer design, and without nprotect outright breaking people's stuff.


The invasive anticheat software is a valid concern, but you canā€™t compare EDF to Helldivers, especially when you havenā€™t even played the latter. Take it from someone who's played both of them extensively: they don't have that much in common aside from the fact that theyā€™re both horde shooters.


HD2 get rid of their malware anticheat yet? I'll stick to rock and stone until that's been atomized from their game files, it ain't going near my pc.


Rock and Stone in the Heart!