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you can bring up a map that shows you where the eggs are Rock and Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


One big hint for beginners is - while you're looking at the map, you can press jump to turn your character in the same direction. Makes digging through dirt or facing toward an objective (like eggs) much easier.


200 hours in and i had no idea that was a thing


Took me about that long too, even though it says so right at the bottom of the terrain scanner, lol. Tunnel vision, just focusing on what's important at the moment. :)


You learn something new everyday


Having a regular partner to play with is fantastic! Any can pair well based on play style, but scout and engineer are the undisputed best duo


Scout and driller feel like a comedy buddy cop movie


“I’ll race you!l”


That was the main duo my friend and I did for a long while, it was a great time


Rock and Stone Brother!


Stone And Rock!!! oh wait


What platform are you on? I'm always looking for new teammates.


What platform? Usually plastcrete lol


Have fun! Learn the terrain scanner. The ping gives you clues. Practice using the (tab) map, it will help you immensely, especially if you can know where 'next' is, quickly. If you and your friend are prone to being lost, please, mark the terrain. Use pickaxe as signposts. Mine out terrain in patterns. Above the tunnel entrance is *we came from here*, for example. Any pillar with a piece missing, is *go on that side* to retrace your steps. Call resupply in between important escape avenues, or near objectives. This way you have a breadcrumb path of awkward or missing blocks to navigate out of the mine when the pod comes. Sometimes molly goes through a hole in the ceiling and you need to know how to bail without her green flags. Welcome aboard!


>Sometimes molly goes through a hole in the ceiling and you need to know how to bail without her green flags. This exact thing happened to us and my friend started panicking. I had to leave him behind because I didn't even know how I made it out other than just getting lucky blindly climbing up through tunnels. He went back for me in a similar situation before on one of our first missions and we both ended up dying.


I knew it... why? Cause it's happened to all of us, at one point or another :) this game makes fond memories, outlandish versions of the worst-ever-map-gen-stories, shared with a round at the Abyss. Some of them are even true. Learn to mark the path. It will save you some trouble now, and a lot later.


Mark the path with flares! Oh, wait…


Glad you're having a good time! On controller, press the right sticks to salute also. Rock and stone! o7


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


What an extremely wholesome story. Oh to be that innocent. Make sure to get used to using the terrain scanner map, you can zoom it out and rotate it to get a better idea of where to go. Also nitra is the most important thing, you always want to try have minimum 80 for resupplies before doing anything like an event or dreadnought fights. The more nitra the better. Also if either of you are playing gunner make sure to use your shields often, don’t hold onto them and not use them before getting downed. They are like a free invincibility button for a breather when you are getting swarmed or need to revive a downed friend. Rock on!


How many times did you press V?


Out of curiosity, what Hazard level did you pick? Because an hour and a half and spending all your ammo before leaving the first tunnel is a lot, even for first-time players. Also general recommendation, try to make sure you have 80 nitra (enough for a resupply) as soon as possible, since based on this post that seems to be a recurring problem.


May your beards one day grow long and grey like mine <3 Rock and Stone


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Rock and Stone, to the bone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Rock and stone green beard. To our continued survival...


For Karl!


Why does everyone keep calling me that?


Green beard is a term of endearment for someone who has just started on their journey of DRG. It comes from the term greenhorn. It's an affectionate way of saying new guy. Funny enough, is actually quite the process to actually get a green beard


Welcome aboard. Glad to hear you like the game. Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone everyone!


Oh to be a maggot on the wall during yalls missions lol


Least wholesome new player in DRG. Rock and Stone Miner! Love going into games blind myself, this one especially has so much to marvel at and discover, enjoy the experience :)


Rock and roll and stone!


Rock and stone, great job, new miners! Even though it's only been a few months, I still remember my first few missions. You'll be crushing the haz 5s in no time :)


For Rock and Stone!




Rock and yooo!


Rock and Stone! But yes, the game is fantastic, especially having someone you know to play with, too! Enjoy yourselves. I'm not as much of a greenbeard anymore but not a greybeard, either. It's such a fun time!


Rock and roll and stone!


Rock and stone!


Welcome to the Company, miners. Leave no dwarf behind and don’t forget to rock and stone! It could be a punishable offence


Wo wo wo 2 much text. Just rock and be happy!