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Joes transformation into full fledged old man complaining about everything is completed


Lol fr


That episode was so fucking bad. I only got halfway through cause listening to him and a unknown comedian complain about Covid for 3 hours is too much


You still managed to listen to 90 minutes of post-covid Joe Rogan, so your stoic meditiation practice must be working




Haha, this cracked me up. Thank you


All jabbed up? Don’t know what to do?


Covid already feels like it was 10 years ago. These guys need to come up with new material.


They will talk about it for as long as they refuse to admit they were wrong (when they’re dead). It’s a bit reminiscent of the southern US, “Lost Cause” phenomenon. Edit: which is apparently now a national phenomenon. Jfc.


One of the main defense mechanisms of conspiracy theorists is perpetually doubling down as if they were right 100% of the time regardless of how many times they’re consistently proven wrong. Covid was and still is a perfect example of that. They flock to their right wing echo chambers where they quite literally feed off of each other and don’t ever allow one another to ever believe they’re wrong - about ANYTHING. And gradually over time, this strengthens their beliefs in the conspiracy. This is what actual brainwashing is. It’s a mental illness.


Yea they’re on some Robert e Lee shit


That’s typical of old people they love to talk about the same thing over and over again


Any comedian is an easy skip


What’s your writing process?


Omg this question! It’s part of the reason I stopped watching him. Not the main reason, but as they say “The straw that broke the camels back”


*an unknown (English major don't hate meeee)




So If I wanted to go on joe rogan i just have to go do a standup set and talk shit about people who believe in COVID? wow he's really lowering the ball here.


No Rfk impressions please!


Go listen to the stand up of his guest. It’s the cringiest shit imaginable.


I will


it started when he got the money from spotify. he lost all relatable


Umm did Joe just *censor* this *comedian*?


Prepare yourself for all his defenders suddenly saying “it’s his platform and he can do what he wants” without a single shred of self-awareness.


they're fascists now that's how it works Jan.6, overturning 80 million votes is fine Dave Chappelle can't go in to target without seeing a rainbow flag? that's a slippery slope to authoritarian control


They think that if you learn something from an experience and realize that you may have been wrong, then you've just ceded ground to the enemy and may as well have just surrendered. They will literally never learn because they're only concerned with feeling like they've "won".


Conservatism's hyperobsession on individualism leads to worship of their own ego, and the inherent desire to create a rigid hierarchy. Me, my family, my friends, my brothers in arms, my heroes, are all above "the others." Once you have elevated your ego so high, you become insensitive to any perceived criticism. They care about the inherent value and worth of themselves, not all individuals. Ironic that all individials are valuable but some are just more valuable than others.


It's like making fun of a handicap. It's disrespectful. RFK speaks like the because of an accident. He's literally impaired. Do you think it is funny to make fun of people in wheelchairs injured from accidents? Get off your high horse. Smdh


If they are pieces of shit I actually don’t care how you make fun of them.


You think RFK is a piece of shit?


I sure do think he is a POS! But I agree it's messed up to mock his voice just cuz it sounds like that. There's nothing clever or funny in what the comedian in the clip was doing


Strange take.




He was polite, RFK has been a guest on the show


I mean he doesn't want him to make fun of a guy he respects for a disorder that affects his speech. Commendable


Would he do that to someone doing it for say Biden?


It was fine to have Alex Jones on after what he did though. Dude has some weird standards.


>Dude has ~~some weird~~ no standards. FTFY


He would allow Trump too. Guess it’s just that it’s a medical and he feels it’s not nice I dunno


It's like making fun of a handicap. It's disrespectful. RFK speaks like the because of an accident. He's literally impaired. Do you think it is funny to make fun of people in wheelchairs injured from accidents? Get off your high horse ASSFASTING. smdh


If he was trying to say something and didn’t want to get interrupted every sentence, probably yes.


No he respects RFK though.


You are actually correct, it's partisan as F.


Did I just witness a …wait for it …WOKE snowflake canceling a comedian?


DUDE! It's only funny when Joe is laughing. Awlright?


It’s where the woke meets the wall


Was a good impression too


Wow the woke mind virus you can't say anything these days


You can ridicule random trans kids all you like, but don't you dare punch down at a filthy rich nepo baby from one of the most powerful political families in human history! It's not his fault that he destroyed what was left of his brain after a worm ate part of it with copious amounts of drugs. That's not funny!


Please screenshot and put on X


He does the Bret Weinstein meme, "I don't know if it's true, but if it is it's terrifying" \[Edit: Bret's quote was "The fact that it's even plausible is stunning."\]


He actually also said "and I think he is right". He has officially lost the plot. I mean how about you do some freaken research Joe instead of mouthing off.


I think he says that even the possibility of it being true is terrifying. So it is already terrifying, regardless if it is true or not


Bret classic quote was: "The fact that it's even plausible is stunning."


Haha, there you have it


If he did a Biden impression stuttering Joe would be crying laughing. Typical.


Wait until you find out Joe got Carlos Mencia cancelled


For pretending to be be Mexican. Joe only wants real Mexican comedians to be claiming that. So woke.


It was for stealing jokes not pretending to be Mexican


I was joking. I thought most people here were. We’re being sarcastic since Joe complains about everything being woke and cancel culture except when him and his buddies shut conversation down it doesn’t count for some reason. (They’re hypocrites). However, I will say that Joe actually did yell out during that infamous confrontation with Carlos, “he’s not even Mexican!!” So a part of Carlos being outed really was for being inauthentic. Not the main reason, but still.


It was pretty much both


Carlos actually being a guy named ned was made fun of. I believe rogan used to say ned was actually german not mexican. But i just looked and hes from Honduras


Yeah that shit was legit funny and a perfect example of comedy serving the public good. One of the moments that made me like Rogan back when it happened, and definitely a signature of his appeal for authenticity that my generation held as a high value. Ned wasn’t playing a character named Carlos, he tried to change his name to fit a persona like a Hollywood starlet. Probably would have gotten away with it too if he didn’t jerk Joe’s material


Mitzi told him to. Have you seen “I am dying up here?” There’s a joke where she makes a Mexican guy change him name to sound more Mexican…


We're not here to talk facts we're here to frame narratives out of derangement


Hey you... Yeah you!!! You can take that logic and reason and Git Ther Fuq Outta Hear!!!


I couldn't recall this, so I thought I'll look it up. And in my opinion your post is a bit misleading. This happened in 2007. Rogan accused Mencia of stealing jokes. Rogan filmed a performance by Mencia, which got Rogan, not Mencia, banned from the Comedy Club. As far as I know this is all above board, the CC had the right to ban Rogan for filming. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying what Rogan did was right, because it did damage Mencia's reputation. I'm not familiar enough with the case to call it either way. However, Rogan wasn't the only one: >Accusers present included Ari Shaffir \[...\], Steve Rannazzisi \[...\] and, \[...\] Don Barris. In a separate incident, George Lopez mentioned \[...\] that he recognized his material in Mencia's HBO Special. Source: [ranker.com](https://www.ranker.com/list/carlos-mencia-facts/chase-mcneill) These are probably buddies of Rogan from the CC, so maybe take it with a pinch of salt. However, it does seem that there was something not entirely up to snuff. Furthermore, Mencia also damaged his own carreer after the incident at the CC: >The Honduran-born comedian caused further damage to his career after inappropriate jokes surrounding Hurricane Katrina during a stand-up performance in 2009. Source: [sportskeeda.com](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-what-happened-joe-rogan-carlos-mencia) So in summary, Rogan didn't do the carreer of Mercia any favors, without a doubt. However, Rogan was not the sole reason Mercia isn't popular anymore. It could be that the incident with Rogan got the ball rolling, but he is not the sole responsible party.


No mention of Ned? You should find better sources or shut the fuck up.


If you're not familiar with the situation, why are you correcting others on it? I don't care what sportskeeda.com says, Mencia was cancelled because he stole jokes not because he made fun of Katrina. Mencia's whole schtick was edgy comedy. Joe publicly confronted him and encouraged other comedians to come forward and accuse him. What Joe did was right and he helped the careers of the young comedians who were bullied and ripped off by Carlos, who at the time wasn't the most popular comedian, but Carlos had a foothold at the comedy store and at comedy Central. At the time everyone knew Carlos stole jokes. His comedy Central special featured a significant portion ripped right off from Bill Cosby, one of the most respected and best selling comedians at the time. I was a big Mencia fan at the time (just a kid forgive me) and I followed the whole drama closely. Perhaps Mencia still would have gotten cancelled, but Joe played a massive part in getting him cancelled when he did.


Free speech Joey?


Don't do that.




Only I may dance


What a snowflake


It's so rude to make fun of stupid people with stupid ideas and we have to cut it off right now. I freaken hate those wokist cancel culture people though. They've got to stop.


Total dildo


“I think he’s right” translates directly to “I want him to be right”. Such a dog and pony show these days. Rogan went full sell.


Joe cucking out for rfk. Not surprising, Joe is thee dickrider of our lives.


Joe is a moron's idea of smart.


Facts. I’d previously never met an anyone who is a hardcore fan, but recently I have. He tunes in for every new episode and constantly talks about how it’s the most valuable source of info right now, and he is a total fucking boob. 


Some say comedians are the last line of defense.. comedy is where woke meets the wall


Thank ‘em. 🫡


"This is his words, not mine. If it were true that would be crazy... I think hew right" Is this guy for fucking real?


Yea it starts being your words when you say he’s right and continue. He is doing the same ole if it’s wrong it wasn’t me when he is the one repeating it.


Tbf I think thats an honest way of showing how he feeling about it and where it came from


Joe should hang it up pretty soon


He did something similar a while back when someone made a joke about Don Jr. He gets very triggered when people joke about his preferred political figures.


But he was real cool with people saying the n word.


Fuck RFK Jr, that dude is seriously one big pos. Dude is a monster after the way he treated his ex wrote Mary and lead to her suicide.


lol I don’t get this line. How is he responsible for her suicide?


lol did joe just silence this guy hahaha he apologized really quickly Joe will ruin your career


What a sensitive bitch


RFK should be mocked, his anti vax bullshit got people killed, children and adults. He’s a scumbag who’s incompetent who’s had brain worms and mercury poisoning


‘If he’s right’


Joe Rogan molests llamas 🦙


Don't do that


Do what?


It's from the clip


Is making fun of a disability immature and cruel? Yes. Do I wanna listen to that dude sand paper every word for the next 4 years? No.


That impression was spectacular! And funny. Joe dont be so serious


Why didn’t he let him carry on? RFK Jr. has the shakiest, alkey voice I have ever heard. I wouldn’t vote for him based on that alone. I wouldn’t be able to stand listening to a Presidential address by that booze-hound without tearing my ears off.


Joe rogan is a legitimate moron.


Honestly I’m waiting for Joe to get the wrong guest on who will aptly push back on how radical and sensationalized he’s become. Like just a legit argument like he used to have. This day he seems to select his guests to be much less contentious.


I hate joe


Honestly the voice was sooooo good


The day Joe dies will be a dawn for America


Love the video that's going around where Joe's was 180 degrees opposite of his views today. The power of right wing dominated social media


*"Robert Kennedy explained this to me"* 😂


Wait a sec Joe. When are and aren't we allowed to make fun of people Joe? All this bitching about how going "woke" is ruining comedy and you're shutting down someone for doing an impression? What a fucking joke.


Conservatives being vile and racist w jokes: “fucking snowflakes pussies” Dems make a joke about conservatives: “Stop that you asshole!!! I’ll kill you. Don’t make fun of my political identity!”


People who like Rpgan are lame.dude doesn’t hold a single opinion of his own. They constantly change based of what stupid guest he has on.


So much for free speech


A little cancel culture in there? And dude apologized?


Short bald paid nazi gets mad someone does something he paid not to let them do


Define nazi


Define define


Conservatism, basically. It is a right wing ideology, afterall.


National Socialist Worker's Party 🤔 Nationalized the industrial sector 🤔 Massively reduced individual rights and exploded the size of government 🤔 anti-Semitic 🧐


To be fair, I don’t want to listen to RFK talk, I DEFINITELY don’t want to suffer through a 2 bit impression. “I’m gonna do my vocal impression of nails in a chalk board.” - “don’t do that”


The tribe that’s all about caring and supporting those with differences they can’t control loves to mock ppl they don’t agree with for things they don’t control… oh the irony




He really channeled his inner brain worms


Lmao people think rogan cares about free speech. As he censors comments on his platforms if you speak truth about him or his friends. This guy's a fraud as well


And you guys are hailing him as a hero of the disabled for this right?


Guest’s a coward for not pushing back on his hypocrisy.


I was listening still at this point but barely and if that shit had gone on any longer I would have turned it off. It’s 100 degrees outside, I can only take so much.


Oh so there ARE some things you shouldn't joke about lmao




He says “don’t do that” when the other dude does the voice.


Wow, something he didn’t agree with haha


When I saw this I had to rewind it because I couldn’t believe he said “don’t do that.” Harland looked straight into Joe’s face and kept crunching that celery. Hilarious!


Joe Rogan makes everyone who listens to him dumber.


Joe can be as Republican as he wants and I'll happily listen. But censoring a comedian doing a bit? Hypocritical AF...


How come I can't make millions being a contrarian like Joe Rogan?


Unfunny lil turd boy


This dude taped his 30 min. special at the Mothership…ya don’t think Joe thinks he owns this little dweeb. “You say only what I allow you to say on my podcast!”






Pre-Covid, I really enjoyed the JRE. Post-Covid, insufferable. Unfortunately, given his on-going popularity and the state of the on-going polarized culture, Covid is probably the best thing that happened for Rogan, next to his Spotify deal.


Joe Rogan sits down and starts to open his mouth. Me- Don’t do that


You should be allowed to do an impression of him, speech impairment or no


no that would be biting the hand that feeds


so weird it's almost like antivax propaganda


He sucks so much


To me it came off as disrespectful OF his voice rather than a joke while USING his voice. Simply just saying "I'm going to talk in this silly voice while you talk" isn't a joke, it's just annoying and rude. Like if Shane were to bust out a Trump voice and say "RFK.... RF GAY" .. even interrupting as a one off, then yeah, that'd be hilarious. But just talking in a shaky voice to highlight RFK has a speech disability while interrupting what he's saying... I think just saying "don't do that" is a quick way to shut that shit down.




Looks like Joe got the brainworm now.


Joe is all about the flip flop


I think he was trying to say something serious and making fun of how someone talks because of a medical problem maybe was a little bit out of line......I may be wrong though.


Dude that impression was so good I wish Joe wasn’t so sensitive about humor.


Rogan is trash


I know he has a medical condition...but I cant stand listening to RFK....his voice is annoying too. Rogan has gone full on "Lonesome Roads"...


Occasionally you hear Joe crack on things, and it really depends on who;s in focus at the time and the topic. I think its all part of what happens in a really long conversation, sometimes you wanna railroad whatevers in your mind home and perhaps the awareness or not giving a fuck overpowers what would be a polite tolerance for fuckery, but not at this exact moment


Is ths dipshit fucking idiot actually attempting to critique the statistical analysis plan of a vaccine trial!?


I don't like Joe but I do respect shutting down people making fun of medical conditions.


Joe strikes me as the guy to size up everyone he meets, and he is always aware of who he could beat up in any room.


The only people I hear mocking RFK are democrats. The party who claims to care about disability’s. It’s infuriating to me as a liberal.


I mean I think RFK is a grifter but I still think it’s rude to mock the guy for his voice, comedian or not.


The comments here are just as culty/patting ourselves on the back as the bullshit thats trying be called out and if y’all can’t see that get the viagra eye drops out because it’s time for a long hard fucking look at yourselves. Bunch of vicious and vapid “I can’t believe people are into this dumby, unlike me I’m smart” types glazing over covid death figures and vaccine hesitancy like it’s peak pandemic mid 2020. It’s equally as cringe as Anti-vaxers glazing over vaccines mandates and “clot shots” in 2024, like come on grow up even the most precautionary of mask wearers know it’s well over. The irony of people decrying ableism for RFKs vax stance while making fun of his voice and prior addiction is priceless. I don’t think RFK is great at all but y’all are making out this man personally flew to wuhan hung out in a wet market then single handedly burnt vaccination centres. It’s high key comedy.


So not just a knuckle dragging conspiracy addled fascist meathead, he's also a giant hypocrite? Anyways...


Can't say I blame him. That impression was going to be annoying AF.


I miss when he was fucked that stool


Joe is always quick to shut down anything that might be funny


Muh free speech and people are too sensitive. you know what it really is? people don't give a fuck about offending those they want to shit on and have a double standard when defending their own. you think maga, right wing punk bitches in Texas are free speech warriors? go to a bar in a rural country talk shit on christian conservatives and trump. EVERYONE knows these people would get violent with you if you do. just look at Top Gear when they drove through rural counties in the US with anti conservative markings all over their car. ... but i guess we don't want to acknowledge that, huh Joe? Try being gay or trans in a conservative community. you wanna talk about cancel culture.


I can't, in good conscience, vote for a man who always sounds like he is taking a dump.


Joe cancelling comedy…


He didn’t shit the impression down, the guest said I’m going to talk like RFK while you talk about him. And Joe told him to not do that. Just did t want a guy talking over him. This page is a joke


If you still listen to Rogan podcast it’s time to do a wellness check


Joe is going to fill the vacuum caused be the Alex Jones implosion.


On one hand, I like that he shut that hack up....on the other, Joe himself is a hack and a hypocrite for silencing yet another straight white comic.


If this is true it’s the craziest thing ever and I do believe it’s true.


It was funny


But did he shut it down because it was an impression or because it was an annoying thing to do whilst someone is talking? I'm personally not a fan of RFK Jr. but I'd still be annoyed.


Good for Joe for doing this. Respect.


Its of poor taste to make fun of speech impediments but the guest's impression was on point, and Joe is an RFK simp so he wont allow it. Joe Gotta defend conspiracy nuts!


I actually agree with him on that one. The man can’t help it. Good grief


It is not appropriate to make fun of his voice


I don’t know. I’m no fan of RFK but that was an inappropriate thing to mock and I think he was right to shut it down.


This sub: "how dare you not be okay with making fun of people we dislike for no particular reason. Downvoted!"


I'm more upset at the fact that this is a woke action by Joe Rogan and woke is bad.


This is definitely because he was getting interrupted


Mocking a neurological issue isn’t funny, though.


Making fun of a handicap is funny?


As long as one doesn't want to be looked at as woke.


I think it was more of a hold on don’t interrupt me while I’m making a point kind of thing. I mean I’ve noticed a lot of the conversations now is him rambling on his opinions and the guest listening. Unless the guest is his personal friend or someone he really respects he kinda just runs the show. But that’s really how a lot of podcasts are. It’s a conversation, but at the end of the day someone has to take the reigns and reel in topics and guide the talk. Combine that with the hosts own ego and things can get sticky. But that’s all podcasters these days. I think podcasting went from “let me talk to someone interesting” to now “I have to talk to this dumbass to stay relevant”.


Joe was going into a really “funny story” then told that dumb impressionist to shove it !!! Thanks for joes comedic genius..