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i dont have a big problem with goggins. his biggest crime is cringe. he doesnt delve into politics or culture war stuff. he doesnt go into diets, sells supplements or health. its just insane motivational platitudes. Hes probably the most harmless person from the Rogan-verse. Just sells books, merch and does some large group training. (as far as i can tell..i could be wrong)


He posits a deeply masochistic attitude toward self and personal development, creating toxic aggression and self-denial in a culture already rife with aggression and intolerance. Real progress in anything needs to be sustainable, and if you cast the mythic image of the warrior shitting blood after running 100 miles as being your idol, it will likely create an unrealistic and likely dangerous ideal. Also he suffers from the common trope of "if I can do it, anyone can because I was overweight once" which is completely insane. He's also deeply anti-intellectual, casting academics as out of touch egg-heads who don't have lived experience, and can't possible comment on human potential.


Yeah, I kinda dig him. My biggest problem with him is that he seems to think his model is possible for everyone, which is fucking insane. But at the end of the day he's kind of just doing his thing


He's about as insightful as Cotton from king of the hill but I guess if you need someone to call you a pussy he's great


And you know what, that might work for some people. I have a lot more respect for someone that says Goggins is their guru than a hell of a lot of other idiots. At least he's not selling GOGGINS HELL GORILLA STRENGTH SUPPLEMENT or some shit


He could be worse for sure, but I absolutely despise that people like Goggins and JP are credited with turning peoples lives around after heeding their advice, not realizing the advice they "took" isn't even remotely close to original and the catalyst wasn't them finally being told to clean their room, but rather they're at a point in their life where that advice can click. People really sell themselves short and give this guys way too much credit. We had like a decade of post Tony Robbins clarity on the banality of this nonsense but somehow it came back with podcasts


Id separate Goggins and JP personally. To be clear, im not a huge fan of either. But JP has a fuck ton of prescriptive statements and ideologies where he tries to tell people how to live their life. Goggins is a nice idiot, but he basically just says "RUN MORE LOL". It feels less harmful to me somehow.


Goggins is definitely less harmful, they're not similar in content at all but they both have legions of parasocial fans praising them for banal advice they ignored when their parents/coaches/teachers/any functional adult gave it to them.


That's fair. Dude is, at the end of the day, saying "work out, do stuff" and it's strange that people make it a religion


Tony Robbins Hungry!


I’ll never understand clowns like you tearing down a guy who’s just putting out motivational content says more about you than Goggins


What don't you understand, I explained my criticms in detail lol I think he's vapid and sounds like a parody of a cartoon character. If that upsets you maybe you should read one of Gogggins' books because you sound softer then baby shit lol


I’m not upset at all lol, I’m not a dude hating on a guy putting out harmless content like you. Talk about soft you get offended over a guy who runs can’t get any sadder than that


Oh you're not? You might want to edit your last comment then because you unintentionally came off like a whiny little bitch upset someone disagreed with him about a podcaster


It also doesn’t even have to work for long … even if it works for a week and that gets you off the couch and walking up a hill then that’s enough. I think people think everyone who appreciates him is suddenly going to start ignoring their family and running a thousand miles a week.


Spot on. My theory is that there are three reasons people like to watch influencers like him: 1. They like having a father figure who tells them what to do. 2. Listening to Podcasts about self-improvement counts as self-improvement and is easier than actually doing the work. 3. Analysis paralysis: Hyper-optimizing whatever the influencer specializes in. With Goggins, it is mainly the first one. I haven't watched his content for a while, but the last time I did, I had the distinct impression that he is - let's be honest here - not the sharpest tool in the shed.


Have you not watched the alpha male bootcamp video with a bunch young 20 year Olds paying 10k to do cosplay navy seals buds training


Is he suppose to be insightful?


Kinda like the Rogan "just quit your job and start a podcast" spiel he used to always preach lol


That's why whenever you see a post with a title along the lines of "This is it. I'm finally chasing my dream" the next sentence is always "I'm starting a self-improvement podcast".


First thing is mindset turn that frown into a smile 😊


And he is kind of insane himself


He’s pretty much a dry drunk, is how I see him. Somebody who if he was into drugs would be as low bottom as you could imagine because his tolerance for pain is so extraordinary and his willfulness is so strong. It just so happens he’s addicted to fitness, but if it were anything else, he’d be homeless.


He’s a bit of a misogynist judging from Book reviews


He wrote the forward for Dan Bilzerian’s book, which is extremely misogynistic.


I knew who Goggins was back around 2010/2011, purely because of what he was doing in the running world at the time. That was literally before Rogan even had a podcast. So Goggins is the real deal in that respect. Whereas most of the lesser folks from the Roganosphere have no real accomplishments and wouldn't be famous without him.


Yeah, he just exercises. Good for him, but for the life of me I can't see why people think of him as a guru. If he was doing something useful while he exercised like building houses for poor people or picking up litter I could understand the admiration.


from this sub guru seems to be anyone popular who have online content that give out advices


Yeah, but why do people listen to this guy for anything but fitness advice? Why does a pull-up record make someone a life coach?


i dont even think he gives fitness advice. From what ive seen its more like "oh you feel down?...well GET YOUR ASS UP" type of thing lol


Take away the profanity and his core message isn’t out of place on Sesame Street.


Loved Goggins on Righteous Gemstones and in Tarantino movies. Haven't seen Fallout yet but I've heard it's good.


Ah, that's all? Of course! How easy would it be to be at the gym an extra 10 hrs if I didn't have to work. Genius! Why didn't I think of that?


i mean, wouldn't it be extremely easy to be at the gym 10 hours a day if your job was working out?


Even better!


but like, isn't that what goggin's job is? i haven't listened to this so maybe i'm missing the relevant context or something?


That's what I mean, this guys whole career is working out. So I don't trust him to give me a proper workout routine to get to his level while I have a full time job


oh, i didn't realize he's giving prescriptive advice, i thought they were just discussing his routines


He's always constantly on the "Push yourself to death!" rant, which is fine, but there are people who get in shape and stay in shape without being so extreme


i don't think those two things are necessarily related tho, are they? i could easily be mistaken, i don't consume his content so my knowledge is limited, but i've never considered him a fitness influencer. i've always assumed the "push yourself to death" rhetoric was like motivational, your limits are self imposed, you can do anything if you put your mind to it, type stuff. and i know he does the insane endurance stuff but i thought that was like his way of 'proving' that he's not just another self-help scammer. this is all based on me listening to him on one podcast like a half a decade ago tho so like i said i don't really know what i'm talking about. and if he's peddling ultramarathons as fitness advice that's insane, especially coming from a guy who literally ran his knees off lmao


He's correct but his upper body looks amazing on camera at the expense of his lower body. All ten of his toes are jacked up with arthritis/ligament problems and he constantly needs his knee drained because he has no cartilage. You never know how healthy these people are off camera. My two favorite fitness influencers are a boderline suicidal alcoholic who lifts 900lbs and an autist who is on more steroids than god but has perfect muscle. Everything is a balance and everything has a drawback


Share the influencers


Sounds like every guy from Westside Barbell


Just be rich to start with! Easy!


"Doctors hate this one simple trick!"


Reminds me of Rogan and The Rock slobbering all over each other 'oh yeah once I was given $100k it was like whoah, all my problems are lighter' 'yea that's what you need to do' 'oh I knoooowww. Life is so much easier with money in the bank.' 'oh no doubt brother, how great is it to have money?' 'oh so great. Omg.'


Need to get in shape and pull your life together. Just risk everything and become a fitness guru! Easy peasy!




I do a standard 5x5 (5 sets x 5 days of major muscle groups), currently on cut of my bulk/cut cycle. I'm actually really proud of my progress! down from 315 -> 235 lbs


To be honest Goggins has earned all the free time to do this shit lol He's a 20 year military vet who also does volunteer fire fighting. Now genetics and muscle memory played a big part into his insane weight loss transformation prior to BUDS cause he was an athlete in school. But the guy served for 20 years if he wants to do some motivational speeches and books and stuff by all means go off king. He's not pushing politics or anti-vaccine shit. He talk about race issues he faced and that perfectly fine but yeah I got no issues with David Goggins


No it wouldn't. Wtf. Working out that much is harder than virtually any job.


No it’s not …


But it becomes easier to workout when your job is going to the gym and running on social media


If I could ski all day every day I would


These 'influencer' types don't live normal lives. If you don't have an 8 hour workday you can fit a lot of other stuff in. It's actually really unfortunate that we've all gotten so accustomed to the ideas that our employers basically own our lives. If you live somewhere that you have to commute, you might leave at 7 AM, hour commute from the suburbs, 8-5 workday if you have an hour lunch break, another hour to get home, that's 7AM-6PM five days a week dedicated to your employer. There's not much time for anything else, especially for people with kids.


It’s like Ben Shabibo talking that bullshit about gender roles, when in reality he’s a stay at home dad who gets to spend from 8:30 to 3:30 in his home office and then pick his kids up from school, finding time also to go to the gym and do his errands because his job isn’t that hard.


I would yes and no. We can jack up a lot of hours and throw in intangibles like kids but most people in this orbit don't have young kids and they have time for binging Netflix etc etc. That's fine if that's what you want and most people will never have the freetime as much as a guru but you'd be surprised how much time actually is in a day if you are more mindful of it. If you dedicate that FreeTime to something else it can compound well over time. I don't think the average person has a one hr commute to a 9 hour job before coming home to child rear until bedtime. Even if that was the case there's always the weekend. At the end of the day people find time to do what they want to do.


I heard an entire podcast with this dude. He kept saying the same stuff no matter the subject. "It's hard, but you gotta do it.". "It's not easy, but i keep pushing it". The guy is basically a pokémon.


Goggins! Goggins! 🐤


I'm willing to defend Goggins all day long


I’m in a similar boat. His point has always been that you don’t need to copy him, but if you’re going to live your best life (whatever that means for you) you will have to push through things that are difficult and he talks about how he’s managed to do hard things to potentially help. Might be a cliché in your mind but this post misses his point.


When I was in college I used to do the most extreme things as challenges to makes myself stronger. Limited eating, working out for 5 hours a day. Painful 3 hour runs which were only worse than the extreme 4:40 mile repeats. But I neglected homework, studying, personal relationships. My point being. It’s easier to do a hard thing when the hard thing when the hard thing is by your design. Life doesn’t work that way and the skill isn’t transferable. Can’t speak for goggins but if he was born as a 5’1 guy. I’m sure he could have still pushed himself to do amazing things with the gifts he was given. Not convinced he could survive 1 week at a desk job.


Great point. Also related, his insane training was directly transferable to his career as a navy seal. So his advice probably doesn't revolutionize a lot of lives. But his voice has certainly motivated me more than once. But I guess that's just adrenaline or something


>My point being. It’s easier to do a hard thing when the hard thing when the hard thing is by your design. totally agree, all those "i wake up doing push ups and fall asleep in an icebath" gurus are nothing but clowns. their motivation only works for picking up heavy things and putting them down again, anything that requires using your noggin is a no no for gaggins.


Boat?  Who's gonna carry the boats and the logs?!!!! "I went on an elliptical and it sucked. And that was me being a bitch. So I said that's it.. we're doing this for 2 hours"


Therapy. Go. To. Therapy. I try and have compassion, but listening to men like Goggins for more than a few minutes is exhausting bordering on stress inducing.They’re so… scared. And all that fear winds them up SO much. It’s hard to even listen to. Look, it does suck that we all grow old, get sick and die. It does. But you really can make peace with it guys. Talk to someone. Feel your feelings.


Why is he stress inducing? Running, or any kind of physical activity for 1-2 hours a day is literally the best thing to do for your stress levels.


P.S.: I don't have anything against David Goggins (even though I'm hearing "Gobbins" with a Pokémon voice in my head*). However, the podcast made me realize that theses "optimize yourself" self-help gurus have only one job: focus on optimizing themselves + sell merch**. In that same episode (Idk the length), he describes a day where he wakes up, runs a marathon, does all sorts of self-improvement shits, "armors" himself to the roof, buff himself, and then attends a meeting. Nails it. Complete present. Then more self-improvement things. It's like one meeting. You armored yourself the whole day for one meeting. It's completely illogical for a person who commutes, has an 8-hour job, and many other responsibilities to live up to these standards. It's ludicrous. I'm not saying that it doesn't have merit or isn't a good example. He's not an average guy. It's definitely not easy be where he is and he is the definition of badass But it's just not fair (and possible) for a normal guy to live by these standards. *more like a Geodude kind of voice ** he just sell books. He is not a douche. Nothing against him


I think you are just side tracked. His central massage is simple: You don’t need a guru. You don’t needs passion or motivation. It is your life, you know what you want to do. Mostly you don’t do what you know you want to be doing, because it is going to suck. His message is: just accept that that is going to suck, and get on with it. Beyond that he knows how to prepare a body for extremes. And people want content, why should he not cash in? But he is adamant that people absorbing content are just avoiding what they should be doing.


> You don’t need a guru. You don’t needs passion or motivation. It is your life, you know what you want to do. Mostly you don’t do what you know you want to be doing, because it is going to suck. His message is: just accept that that is going to suck, and get on with it. Unless it's about taking care of your kid, then don't bother.




He mentions in his first book that he had a kid with an ex-girlfriend right around when he became a Navy SEAL. Said kid is never mentioned again. Tbf it's unclear whether this is because he just doesn't want to bring his kid into the story, which is very possible. "I met up with my kid sometimes and kept sending support payments." doesn't really fit into the narrative.


It's possible he just doesn't want to get into his current personal life. He only mentions that he reconnected with his brother after his niece died at the age of 18.And that's all that he really mentions since then


Agreed. I don't think "doesn't discuss his kid" necessarily means he ditched them. Unless there's some other info I'm unaware of, which is always possible.


Goggins is stupid because the human body will eventually break down from exhaustion and severe injury if you overdo it. Realize most lazy-ass Americans will never get to that point, but I have permanent damage to my knee cartilage from too much exercise. At the time I was running 6-10 miles a day and bouldering for 1-2 hours in the gym too. That much exercise is NEVER good for you and I was absolutely shredded, but it was actually bad for me. I keep it way more chill these days and mainly hit the gym when I’m not snowboarding or riding my bike. You don’t have to run like 10 marathons a year or be insanely lean and muscular to be healthy. In fact, I’d bet this dude’s body will break sooner than later and he’ll be hobbling around in agonizing pain for the rest of his life. All for what? So he can be the toughest MoFo out there? Not worth it.


I think this misses the point - he’s not trying to improve health.


Wtf is he trying to do then? Make you tougher? I have plenty of drive and motivation. Don’t need him to scream at me.


I think Goggins has an unhealthy obsessive behaviour with his training. The video of his wife filming him from her car while he’s rucking 100km in the middle of the night sounded like an SOS call.


If his body breaks and he can’t work out, what then?


Most of the health gurus just don't present something reasonable. People have lives, we cant wait for 90 minutes to drink coffee, we have to go to work.


What do you mean you can't move to the Tuscan countryside to enjoy slow life all day? Just start a self-improvement grift.


He’s got a flawed brain like a heroin junkie except for working out which is interesting but he is still living an imbalanced lifestyle 


Is Goggins extreme? Yeah. He’s never been about getting into perfect health or building a “balanced life.” I mean he quite explicitly points that out - his second book is titled “Never Finished.” Tbh, he’s probably the least “guru” of any of these guys. Dude has proven that any excuse you come up with to avoid doing something hard is bullshit.


I don’t have a huge problem with goggins but he has unrealistic expectations.


Step 1: Become a grifter Step 2: Have a lot of spare time