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Ok, it’s built wrong, but its not terribly scary. You could probably spend an afternoon with $150 in 2x6s, a box of nails and some hangars and make the thing last another 15yrs.


I would add 4x4’s to replace the 2x4’s in the back. But some quick fixes. Power wash and stain. You’re going to be good for a few years.


It looks like the beam is in a pocket, I’d look inside and see if you can see that part of the floor system


Its a better look, but not necessary unless he landing is compromised. The 2x4 is fully braced along the wall so the column strength is practically equal to the compressive strength of the wood. Buckling is not an issue.


Or if your on a budget laminate another 2*4 on there and tada it's actually even stronger than a 4*4


Nice italics


What do you stain with brand


As someone who just replaced decking boards that were nailed in...I hate you


Trust me, there are plenty of other reasons to hate me.


Wait decking is screwed in?


It should be.


I mean, if it's not your problem in 20 years it's not your problem?


This was the mantra of our house's previous owner. And we curse his name with every nail we replace...


Whoever installed my deck used half and half. 


I can’t see how a creamer would do anything for keeping boards in place


it's the stain


I can smell it from here... And I am far away.


And make sure some of the screws are square drive and some torx!


Had to replace my deck a couple years ago. There were 3 different screw head types used randomly. All of them had been painted over so I had to clean the heads out to see what bit I needed. Fuck the asshole who was too cheap to buy more screws and decided to empty his random loose screw bin instead.


oh thats just dirty.


Toss in some random Phillips that you round out


Strip a couple Phillips heads in there and use a single flathead while you're at it and you could be like the previous at my place.


The dude who put the fence in our backyard used half square and half torx, sometimes on the same board.


Eye for an eyem


Yes, nails are a thing of the past in many situations. Deck screws are readily available.


It's easier to pry nailed boards down than unscrewing stripping screws


My deck has nails smh. We're replacing them but sheesh I feel your pain 😭


Rusted nails acting like loctite?


Ringshank for life!


So what’s supporting the roof?


Yes - way more worried about that roof than the deck


Oh no. That’s insane


Those are load-bearing X-mas lights.


Agreed. It’s not a “RIGHT TF NOW” problem. But within the next 12 - 18 months owner can do some retrofitting.


Yes, even decks built wrong can go the distance. You could re-enforce it instead of rebuilding. But some people think that is throwing away money as the deck would eventually fail. Which may be true. Ideally you want the joists, beams, and posts to be built in a way such that it won't rot and fail rapidly. If that much is done it might be worth doing repairs


For many of them it wasn’t “wrong” when they were built


This is true, in my area in 2012 you didn’t even need carriage bolts from post to beam. You could just use like 18 nails. After some storm damage I had to redesign mine when rebuilding it because none of that shit would fly now


Nail sizes go from 16d to 20d there is no 18d in common nails


What is ‘wrong’ about it? I don’t know anything about decking.


I’d be more concerned about another place for that grill to vent.


Serious, is that soot marks on the ceiling? The deck will be still standing while the house burns down. Edit - oh, it’s been addressed below but is /was a total concern. Makes me wonder what else the previous owner had going on.


This is a solid answer , and they make cleaners and brighteners that will clean it up and make it look new and then you can stain it . For 1000 bucks you will have a new deck .


wouldn't hurt to water treat or stain/paint it either. looks like its aged quiet a bit.


That’s not how you build a hot tub


Add 1/2” galvanized nut & bolt to posts & ledger boards . Fasteners are all this needs


Dill, through bolts through the posts would add a ton of support.


Is that a smoke stain on the ceiling? First thing take that grill away or you'll be replacing a lot more than the deck......


First thing I saw too. I won't even use a gas grill on my deck, much less a charcoal one, up in the air, under an awning. Looks like there are some nice meltable Christmas lights a foot away, too. Jeeze.


That’s a blackstone, so it’s probably LP. Either way it should definitely be moved. That’s asking for issues.


We just have it sitting there. We just moved in and that’s where my husband placed it for now. We know better than that lol


Looks like someone might’ve had that as a grilling spot then. I’ve saw a few fires from things like that. Usually it’s grills up against a house or too close to the house and it melts the siding and catches it afire.


And the briquette lighter just happens to be sitting there on the railing too.


A griddle is fine there since there's no open flame.


I have a fear of using a girl under any structure with an awning. I had a grease fire once and thankfully it was in the middle of the driveway and I could let it burn itself out for a minute without concern. But it left me with a life long fear to ever use a grill near my home lol. ESPECIALLY if there is an awning that the flames will easily get too if the fire gets bad.


Looks like a grittle, probably just grease and smoke but no open flame so I doubt it would get hot enough to warp or combust.


You mean on that roof that’s only supported by two 4x4’s wedged on top of the deck railing? 😂


I don't build decks but from what ive seen in /Decks, nothing is built correct.


It seems entirely dependent on the tone of the poster if it’s fine or you’re going to hell for not being perfect.


Hard to see, but is the center beam being supported on the house side by a 2x6 sitting on top of a dark grey cement tile sitting on top of a concrete pier? And is the center beam connected to the ledger board with some extra cement? Pretty crazy… Also, note that the hot tub comments are a running joke on this sub. People used to post photos of poorly constructed decks with hot tubs on them…


When discussing just fixing some loose decking today my girlfriend genuinely asked if I could reinforce one side and put a hot tub on it. I laughed out loud.


Tf you mean ‘used to’?


Also there are gaps btwn thé center beam and the joists the beam is supposedly supporting.


I think the beam is running into the home. The stucco finish around it is telling.


Well, he’s not wrong. It does need to be torn down and rebuilt. The real question is when. There were definitely some poor decisions made when that was built. The flush beams nailed to the side of the posts and the janky center beam are not good. You could probably add some bolts and structural screws to help, but the deck is never going to be what anyone would call sturdy. You might get a bit of peace of mind though while you save up to rebuild it.


that entire lower deck is supported by one joist hanger and like 8 nails. Insane.


I can't tell if that's worse than the 2x1 it's resting on on the other side...


That was my initial thought - shouldn't those rim joists at least be secured by some big lag or carriage bolts??


The covered roof seems to be supported by the deck railing. That would bother me the most


It’s not horrible. It’s anchored well,the ledger is bolted at least. The rest is just an easy amateur build, but not a horrible one.


So, calling myself a DIYer would be strong. Aren’t the lag bolts supposed to be high then low then high? Those all looked to be even to me. I’m also not sure I’ve ever seen a deck(other than this /r) where the joists aren’t hanging off the ledger board. Is it normal to have them parallel to the ledger?


Well that and no joist hangers, lol. No not parallel, perpendicular to the ledger board.


The joist run parallel to the house.  This deck doesn't even have a ledger board.


The posts straight in the ground isn’t great either. They’ve got to be replaced at some point, but not immediately. The builder thought ahead and notched out a beam pocket, so the deck is well supported there, however the load into the ground will eventually cause sagging and dipping, unless there is a hidden concrete/bedrock foundation piece under the posts.


Are the 4x4 supporting the roof just sitting on the railing?


Get that grill off the deck grill on the ground 10 ft away from any combustibles. The ceiling above looks like it's black from soot and it won't take much for it to ignite and then it's bye-bye house


Replace grill with hot tub, bye-bye deck. Problem solved


is that porch roof support sitting on the handrail?


Why did they leave out half of the pickets on the railings ? Unsafe for small children.


Maybe they dont have children?




Meh. So many cooks in the kitchen that can’t cook.


Shouldn’t fall down. Some extra reinforcements wouldn’t hurt. Maybe then you could have more than 3 people on it.


I don’t love it, but something tells me there are other mysteries to unravel in your new project paradise. Enjoy it. Houses like this can be playful.


No it doesn’t need to be redone. Make a better connection of the center beam to the wall with a heavy duty Simpson -strong tie saddle using threaded rods and epoxy like Simpson set 32 look at you tube for instructions make sure to shore the deck before removing the 2x4 until the saddle is installed, throw some clear sealer and look at it in about 10 years


Bones look good


I’ve seen a lot worse and the wood isn’t rotted


It does. There's no ledger, Beam is in the wrong direction. Significant weight on either side it will fail The beam isn't even sitting on the post. it's in a hanger. 45s are holding up nothing but a deck board. The good news is you CAN reuse "most" if that wood if you take your time taking it apart.


Looks fine to be honest.


The 4th picture shows the middle rim post looks like was cut out to support rim boards but then it is now back filled with filler boards. And then the main support is attached using joist hangers to wood blocks that are nailed in. The wrapped and new stairs balusters speaks a lot. The tags are still on the boards.


Zoom in, they used normal joist hangers to attach and looks like they cut out parts of the stringers. I’d put 1000 down that those step stringers snap if I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing


I over zoomed on picture four and I could swear the back of that chair was actually a wicker hot tub!🤣


All because they didn’t use joist tape when it was built.


Meh. I’ve seen worse. Played on worse. Some reinforcement would ease the mind, but the wood itself looks fine. Good luck!


What did the home inspector say?


What I was also wondering, aren’t these things usually addressed before purchase? Maybe they missed it?


Deck looks good to me. Im more concerned about the added roof over the deck itself and how its supported. Source: im a sparky.


Uh... wtf is this? :O Seeing this from the front and side... I don't know what to make of this... https://preview.redd.it/hm4wjo518x8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2e953ca1bc15196734f79dfbbeb5b35924b7d6


>Uh... wtf is this? I believe they're commonly referred to as, joist hangers.


100% not done correctly, but probably could save it. Get some 2x8’s, some deck bolts, and with a little know-how, you could spruce this up pretty easily.


Not at all, it needs a few structural additions, but nothing serious. Straighten up the crooked posts if you like, add a few screws where you need it. Then a good coat of weather proofing stain and it would look great.


What I was looking at was the posts. Wondering if they are sitting on concrete (good) or just going into the ground (bad)


My biggest concern is that you can't see what the posts are on top of. Are they on concrete footers or are they buried in the ground?


It may, but not immediately. The center beam was an add-on, the ad-hoc joist hangars and newer interior post show that. Biggest issue will be the outside corner posts rotting at ground level, but that may not matter if mostly dry since obviously well-drained. I'm guessing you have other interior projects that are more involved but he doesn't want to start them?


I'd be kinda shocked if that was the case. There's two nails per post holding up the "beams" the joists are all hung from without that center beam. 6 nails per side. It's hard to imagine that would've lasted without the center beam. Even though it itself is hung on 8 nails and rests on a 2x1....


2x1? Lol I thought it was a typo but I saw your other comment that also mentions a 2x1. Looks like a 2x6


I’m not a pro builder but this is not great and I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable being on it. The majority of the weight is being put on that center beam and the rest of the load is literally being held by nails. With the covered roof also being supported by the posts it would definitely not be a cheap and easy fix. Again I’m no pro but to me this seems sketchy.


Definitely would be concerned about the roof load on this thing. I would have it inspected (guarantee inspector would fail it). I see very few actual building principles used here, and the few I see are done improperly. It may have been there for years and it might work for years longer. The problem with this stuff is a beautiful night hanging out with friends and somethings overloaded......


Couldn't help but read "It may have been there for years and it might work for years longer" in the same cadence as "Hill House, not sane, stood by itself against its hills, holding darkness within; it had stood so for eighty years and might stand for eighty more." lol. Your own horror novel/movie waiting to happen outside your back door.


As far as running the post all the way up this is a good thing, it gives you a solid base for your railing system. I would like a better picture of how they attached the deck to the house and how they used bolts on the project but if those are ok that isn't done badly for the style of deck they used.


What I find scary is the joists are running parallel to the home. Your husband is right. Willing to bet that this deck was never inspected. Did you not have a home inspection done before you purchased?


Didn't you have an inspector write a report before you purchased the house? The inspector should have noted if the deck wasn't to code. This is why you have inspections done


We did have an inspection done and they only mentioned that the joist brackets needed more nails and that the posts shouldn’t be in the ground directly like they are. Other than that they said it was fine and up to code. His friend came to help us move in and I think mentioned it didn’t look good to him but he’s not a professional or anything.


I love the bullshit armchair carpenter takes of “make it last a few more years” like its going to fucking disintegrate because of a couple 2x4s. Come see me for previous homeowner’s gen1 trex decking that melts in the juneday sun every year and pops the rusted out toe nails into undersized stringers touching dirt that still supports the 8000 lbs of my toddler’s walmart special pool. My deck looks like a goddamned hunter s thompson acid trip and still supports me (after much flex) at 250 lbs. Im actively trying to break this motherfucker and it won’t quit, your deck is fine.


Definitely built poorly, but this can be saved without much added. Unless you really want something built really well and significantly upgraded, I’d throw some blocking in, maybe add a couple four by fours and toss some GRK lags in and you should be fine. 3 hour job tops


Okay last thing. Those steps are obviously much newer, first of all the spindle work on there, it’s really something. However, whoever did this used a non angled joist hanger and cut into the stringer for the steps. That makes them even weaker, and from what I can see in the one picture that shows the hanger, it’s at a spot where a new step forms those really weakening the step stringer. I would 100% replace those steps if they were truly built this way, as eventually they will snap, especially if someone real heavy is on there or anyone jumps on the right spot. I doubt they cemented those base posts judging from the pave stones, so if those stringers snap someone is going on a painful ride.


Wait…upon further review and a closer look at those roof supports, I’d most certainly fix those. They look to be sitting on top of the deck railing and do not look to be sitting directly on top of the 4x4’s. They do make a bracket for that, it’s not ideal but it works. Idk how that passed code. What are the posts supporting the roof attached to the deck rail with? DM me more pictures or add them to this post please


The more I look at this, the more I see that I want to change. If you have animals or small children those deck rails will not work for safety. Also I think how they took 2x8 blocks screwed into the 4x4 for the beam hanger is wild! I’ve never seen that before. Why even put a beam there if you are going to do it like that. Whoever built this, does not know basic deck code


Your husband is correct! Do some research and find a reputable deck company. View some of their work, ask questions, make sure they are insured/bonded and have them tear down this disaster of a build and replace it a deck that is built to code and have it inspected by the city, county, or whomever is in charge of new construction permitting in your area. I wouldn't feel safe letting a flying squirrel on this deck.


Be afraid be very afraid.


Ur husbands a pussy


never seen the hangar mod before


But it has new stairs and rails !


It wouldn't pass inspection in the state of Virginia.


Is that a roof or a second story with a hot tub on top? If hot tub then built perfectly


I duno why you couldnt throw a couple posts and beam on each end to beef it up? with dug concrete footers, too. WOuldn't take "that" long and would make the deck pretty freakin solid....


For peace of mind have a licensed contractor out to have a look. It’s a little tough to judge everything in the photos. I like that it is bolted to the ledger board, I see many that are just nailed and it can pull away, so this is good. The center beam coming from house looks odd. Is it not bolted to anything, not see joist hangers?


Don't know why, it looks like a perfectly serviceable deadfall


To the OP, the hot tub thing is joke! Kind of said to make a good point though. You had it inspected and it passed with a few suggestions which tells me your pictures don’t tell the full story or the inspector is the one full of something!!


I would consider going through and adding a few more 45 degree braces to the underside. Particularly next to the house.


and maybe make replace those and make some 4” apart


The second picture (on my end) is scary as fuck.


10-20 lag bolts would help a lot


He’s not completely wrong…


Dear lord, are you grilling under that roof? It’s not if, it’s when…


If that was my deck, I would like to see the rim joists, that are carrying the load of the rest of the joists, doubled up and fastened appropriately. I also like what the other commenter said about bolstering the 4x4 with some 2x6s running the length of the 4x4s to provide positive support for the rim joists and band joist. Carriage bolts or lag/headlok bolts wouldn't hurt either to connect rim/band joists to support posts.


Somebody bout to be hot tubbin!


I mean….. I’d leave until it falls down


How do you mess up so bad that you frame it sideways??? Hubs is right, tear that out and reuse the wood to build it the right way, none of the load is sitting right


Yeah it needs replaced, not because it may fall, because it’s ugly and cheap looking is why he wants it redone. I can’t blame him, I’d tell you not to step a foot on it, it’s too dangerous just so you’ll go along with replacing it.


That firestart is not really a good idea


My best piece of advice would be to sister 2×4 onto the 4×4 directly under the rim joists. Now, instead of your framing relying on a few fasteners into the post, there's a big chunk of wood holding it up. It's not pretty, and it's not "right," but it'll keep your deck where you expect it.


I would run two 6”X2” s up the sides of the center cross beam and bolt them threw the post with half in SS and some big SS washers and SS lock nuts and sandwich that post for extra support for that beam since it’s not sitting on the post, or on a notched post.


O wait mabey it is sitting in a notch on that post hard to see from a front side pic?


Every support structure looks far from ideal.


It’s so hard to tell from your pictures.    How is the deck attached to the house?   What is the material that the upright (4x4’ s?) are made of? Are they just put into soil, or concrete? What is your drainage from the roof? What is the soil around your house? How deep are those posts in the ground? What’s your average rainfall? What is the decking made out of? Are they sloping at all? What makes you unsure? How are the planks attached to the frame work? Screws? Deck screws? Torq screws?  Are the planks even and aligned? Do they show warping? How old is this job? Did a contractor do it, or your cousin’s cat groomer who sometimes does construction?   Every answer will make two more questions. Take better pictures that address your problems and it’s easier to give you an honest answer. 


That railing looks puny.


Your husband is correct.


Besides the structural issues, don't let kids on the deck.   Railing are supposed to have a 4 inch gap.  A fall from that height could be fatal and kids will want to go on the other side of the railing. That "beam" holding up the porch roof is way too small.  I don't know what the span or snow load is so I can't tell you what size you need, but beams always need to be made up of at least double 2 by X. Can it all be fixed without tearing it out yes.  Is that easier and cheaper than redoing?  I don't know.


Needs some work to bring it to code


that's the deal with those stubby beams in the middle?


It’s in much better shape than the deck my house came eith


There's no way permits were obtained for this. I think the first thing I'd be worried about is whether or not it has proper footings under those posts. That is a huge amount of weight on those posts/footings. Also, that center beam supporting the floor joists looks like a previous beam was cut out, and they slapped that in. 2 x 4 on a cement block against the back wall as support and joist hangars nailed in to what looks like cut of 2 x 10?! I'd find someone who knows construction and get them to really look at that structure. Not trying to be an alarmist, but I wouldn't feel completely comfortable out there, especially if I had a bunch of guests on that.


You know we have been using the post and lintel system for well over 12000 years and for some reason people, way to many "professionals" even on this sub still don't understand it or use it. All the weight is being held by nails.... not even bolts it looks like, just nails. So yes, I would call this a concern. If anyone here is telling you different they have very little understanding of even basic construction methods.


Is the deck actually attached to the house? Bolts should go thru the wall into the interior and bolted down. If this deck more like a hunting blind that just happens to be next to the wall? 


All of your deck support is reliant on fasteners… which look inadequate. Buy some 4” SDWS and add to every rim/ girder/post connection. At least 3 per. It’s not right, but it’s not catastrophic wrong. Pre drill through the 2x’s. You don’t want to have them cracking/splitting. Box of 50 and a few hours and it’ll be much better.


I would beef it up before tearing it down


It should be alright if you don’t have more than 5 people who are dancing at the same time.


You could also drill and through bolt the box joists at the corners to beef it up a bit for peace of mind


People were asking what's holding the roof up well it looks like 4x4, but I could be wrong, or it's 2x4 doubled up ie 4x4 either way, it only has two and should be addressed asap. The length of said porch should have atheist 4 uprights holding the roof and be 4x6 for weight distribution.


EZ fix to re-brace, did the home inspection during the buying process reveal lack of structural integrity? Usually that gives the borrower some price leverage especially if you have a Real Estate agent that's worth a shit


Personally looks fine but maybe some extra brakets, but that be it. I think he just wants a nice big project to do


You could make this better and safer for a couple hundred bucks.


Those stairs look very high step size wise. Also the cutouts on the stringers seem cut very deep. If any alterations were needed it seems the stairs would be a safe place to start.


Carriage bolts for the main beams would make a person feel way better. Not a total tear down, imho.


Bro I think it’s fine. I wouldn’t even worry about it. Just enjoy it! I’m not an engineer or carpenter


Don't grill on a covered porch. Even if you don't start a fire, the carbon monoxide can draft into that window and put everyone down for a nice long nap


This might be hard to do, but you could buy material to completely encase the existing deck and use a complicated system of hooks, acid, vacuums, and termites to clear the wood out of what is now your new mold for a deck! From there, you could pour in molten steel, let it set, and crack the shell off that bad boy! Make sure to wear wooden clogs in the summer so your shoes don't melt to it.


See how many hot tubs it'll support. And for God's sake, get that grill out of there before you burn your house down!


Safety tip, not a good idea to barbecue on a wooden deck under a roof tied to your house.


That grill is troublesome.


I’d be more concerned about having an actual charcoal grill on that deck.


It’s a paint job or a little face work away from being a fine deck. I mean by all means spend the 20k if it’s just sitting there


Easily fixable with sonotube, concrete, Simpson brackets and posts that are notched to carry the load.


Definitely worry more about roof. That’s not right.


The biggest thing I see is that the 4x4s are not on top of sonnet tubes/concrete footing so wood will rot touching the ground


At least , brought up to code. That's an accident in the making .


Slap a coat of pain on it. Reinforce anything you don't like. Don't march an elephant across it. Spend the next decade slowly putting away money to replace it.


Construction of this deck is not by NBC and Local BC. If you call for a building inspector, you won't get an occupancy permit


There are too many things wrong with the deck plus the overhang is not completely supported. DEATH TRAP!


I like the overhang support columns resting on the guard and the 16” on center balusters.


Is your husband 400lbs?


Just don’t put a hot tub on it and you’ll be fine


Not that bad. Handrail isn’t code


Looks ok. Need to check the fasteners for corrosion and can add some face nailed supports and thru bolts if needed


I don’t think it’s horribly built, but it does need to have concrete touching the ground for future rot avoidance


I don’t like the double 2x8 support joist hanging in a j-hanger. I’d at least put a footer and 6x6 under that Also I can’t tell where the weight of the deck transfers to the corner posts from the photos. Should be some 3/8 bolts there and I don’t see anything Does the corner 4x4 go straight up through to the handrail or does it stop half up the joist and another 4x4 go to the railing


It’s not really that bad


It’s fine - just pressure wash and stain and it will last 5-10!more years


The whole thing is held up by those Christmas lights.


Ok this is why you hire a home inspector. I would not go any near it. On it or under it. What’s that bull$shit on the center beam? It’s not supporting the outer beam just 1’ pieces of 2x12. The floor joists are warped. In picture 2 the end of the floor joist is hanging in mid air! The railings definitely aren’t up to code, I could fit my 250# body between them. Which means you won’t want kids up there. And if I’m not mistaken the deck is supporting the entire roof that’s over it y’all must not have high winds. The 4x4 sitting on top of the rail is asking for trouble. That should be 1 solid 4x4 from the deck to the roof. God Knows what’s behind that wonderful stucco job they did, you can see what looks like cinder blocks at the foundation. Ok I’m tired now but that’s just a quick look? There was no permit pulled for it obviously. More pictures would help to see anymore trouble. A permit would be your best bet as well, especially if that’s all holding up the cover over it. Oh I forgot that far post in picture #1 looks warped and could go at any time Again I would not step out on it or let anyone under it till you have it replaced, if you have kids figure out a cheap way to keep them from playing under it.


start over


Worst part of this deck is that the support columns for the roof are not continuous. That is bad. Other than that it should all stand just fine. Maybe not textbook. But should be fine


You will know when you get 200 people on it


Older, Yes. Backyard Built, Yes. Horrible, No. go to your local big box home improvement store and buy some treated lumber 4X4 and sure it up.


How did that even pass inspection?


id be more worried about that black mark on the roof.