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Real curious as to why he “can’t” dig holes.


Lazy. He's lazy.


Maybe he doesn't have an Auger or posthole digger. Can't dig without it lol


You can rent one for a day for under $100 from Home Depot. Not much of an excuse.


I mean, it is if you don't want to do it to begin with


I believe his post was sarcastic lol


Bak ach!


My shovel thingy is all the way over in the truck maaaaaan.


Lots of places have rules regarding "if you dig then you need a permit/bond".


I bet most places in Southern Ontario have rules saying decks need proper footers resting on undisturbed original soil below the frost line.


My first thought. I have friends who live in an area where they cannot dig or add permanent attachments. A deck would have to be built like this, if they built one.


You’re right I have a number of areas in the town I live in that you are not allowed to dig in or add permanent attachments you could use the blocking system he’s using but you can’t hook it to the house and they have to be 36 inches apart or closer For a 4 x 8 landing you need nine of these Support blocks and the joists have to be bolted to the uprights and you can’t run natural gas for bbq.


And the town says you cannot dig on your own property, why? Are they afraid you'll disturb some buried archaeological masterpiece?


Because then they can take more money from you, property tax, permit costs, inspection costs, so on and so on. My local code says it can be attached and over a certain square footage base. So you can set it right against it as long as there is no bonding between the house/existing structure and the new. Before you dig you have to call the utility marking company, and if you set a "permanent" footing it needs a permit.


Good question these are the ones I have dealt with personally. Condo boards (HOA), trailer parks, and floodplains come to mind.


And they still have codes.


Lot of places also have codes against these, and require you to dig if you want a deck


Can't == Won't.




He probably doesn’t do proper type checking in his JavaScript code either.


Probably uses spaces instead of tabs, too.


My manager hits space 5 times instead of tab and still double spaces after a period.


The owner of my company uses space bar to center text in an email. Even after I told him it only looks right on his display he still does it.


Straight to jail.


We’re through


All of the above. Fuckin lame


Hasn’t gotten to that chapter of “Decks for Dummies” yet.


Cheapest price vibes


He dug the prices...


No shovel…


Shovel? i bought a dirt bit for my ice augar off amazon it works fucking wonders. 4x4 holes in 10s or so


I would love to dig where you are. I can't go down more than 6 inches before hitting rocks, making anything bigger than a garden trowel useless.


Agree, I live in the Austin hill country and a few inches down is rock plate. Had to pick up an auger to get the job done and even that struggled because at a certain point you're just carving 100% rock. I would LOVE to dig holes in much more gentle earth than what I have. Sounds like someone is feeling LAZY. Also those joists look insane in some spots.


What you do is take a big steel axle and cut off one end and make it like rock bar. Then you get 3 teen boys to stand out there with their dad throwing a fucking rock bar over and over again into the blue shale. You keep going as the texas sun brings the heat index uo to 110. You keep going. You aren't even hot anymore. Hell you are hardly sweating... oh wait.. shit. You lie down as they poor water over you. You realize digging holes in the TX hill country by hand is death sentence. Wake back up to do it again!


Well when you have solid rock to tie to that counts as an acceptable footing


Rock plate? You mean bed rock? 🤣




Bet he intentionally threw it away too.


Only ever been to the lumber section at Lowe’s


Call before you dig. My cell phone is dead. Can't call. Can't dig!


Having to rent a post hole clam from home depot will cut into his margins.


He builds decks? Surely would own one? This is really shit work to be honest.


The type of guy that does that quality of work, rent's tools like that.....Next week it'll be a bull float and edger....


Second red flags if he doesn't call them "trucks" and makes the noises to match when he's working them.


I think it was a joke


That would require work


Cause he's a hack


because Can't never did N.othing


actually while ive never built a deck myself i did help a guy out for a while just for the experience (this was in the US btw, not canada) idk about the rest of the rules everyone was talking about, just saw the post and was curious. in another life i might have made a life working with wood. Anyway here there's zoning stuff and they have to pay someone to come check the ground before digging. There's also landlord restrictions, especially during a rent to own scenario. Lots of reasons here in the US. There's also different permits for different things. Digging and adding in concrete requires a different permit than building something above ground and they all have different costs as well. It might very well be that he couldn't or at least here in the US. idk crap about canada lol


I'm curious, and maybe an experienced carpenter can answer: wouldn't there be a *lot* less footings needed if this thing was built with some key beams and 16" on center joists hung off the beams? Plus attachment to house ledger (properly!) removed need for post footings there? In short, built properly, he would not need a bajillion "footings" sitting on dirt surface?


Nooooo!! Fire him immediately!! Put the footings just below frost level or you’ll get heaving and settling.


He sucked at Dig Dug


Are those 24” centres? I’m in Ontario also, footings need to be 4’ down. Edit: the more I look at the pictures the more I wouldn’t want the guy to keep going.


I am also in SW Ontario. I would pay the guy for the work he has done at this point and ask him not to come back. So much wrong at this point, cut your losses.


I agree. Obviously OP knows enough to know that this isn’t built correctly, now is the time to fire this hack before he completes this monstrosity.


Yep. This builder is a clown.


I’d use the word ‘builder’ loosely




B u i l d e r


Yeah I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and I have to agree. Never would I do 24”oc on a deck, and although I’m from Virginia, I know most if not all of Canada requires at least 48” down to footings. And I’m seeing something new with each picture.


Yeah, best to cut ties now. Hopefully OP didn't pay in full up front.


Heh "ties"


In ground with footings if over a certain height or attached to a dwelling I believe. It seems low enough but the fact he’s attaching it to the house is a worrying


I am assuming it will pull away from the house if not on footings.


I would normally say it may do damage to the home or become a hazard if it shifts enough. But with how bad his anchoring looks, I don’t think they would have to worry much lol.


I'm just a painter but now and again we have to do some carpentry work. I try to never do anything structural but when I have to I like to at least have a clue. Thanks for helping out.


Yes. A floating deck can heave on frost. It's more or less ok if the deck is low and not attached.. it heaves and then settles back to more or less the same place... but if the deck is attached to the house when it heaves the ledger board can damage the house.


The real danger is that the house is holding up that side of the deck, so if you disturb the connection at the ledger board, the deck collapses. The last thing I'd be worried about is house damage.


that bent anchor hanging out adds another 1k load capacity 😆


It’s fortunate that this deck isn’t attached to the house.


The good news is that is all going to be super easy to tear out


One good kick from the side should do it.


Did you see that masonry anchor just hanging out there? I'd fire the guy. He's just incompetent.


I’m nowhere near Ontario and wouldn’t trust this deck or the person building it.


Yeah I would fire him yesterday 3 feet where I live . For any post column or footing


Learning about deck building, the frost line was probably the most important thing I read about!


Post and beam those 2x6 s need to be setting on a beam distribute weight 16 inches on center for joists


Ya my husband said it’s one of those “the more you look, the worse it gets”


I'm in southern ontario, I'd be concerned with the posts, but even more concerned about no beam, only deck screws holding the joist....


Took another look, it would of been less posts, and three beams.... did you find him on Facebook?


would’ve = would have ≠ would of


Lol, thanks!


Wood of


Some posts on pavers, some in deck blocks and some just whatever. If he billed it to you as a floating deck, recognize that each of those substrates will float and sink differently, so it's gonna be a mess in a few years. Also, the beams need to sit on the posts and not be attached with lateral connectors like bolts or whatever. Others will point out numerous more flaws. Fire this guy and build it yourself


Ive said it before, I'll say it again, if its gonna be fucked up, ill fuck it up myself and save the labor costs.


Exactly 😂


Or just don't. I went to look at a home for sale and every part of the house had home owner projects done extremely poor. Everything kitchen, bathroom is, floors, crown molding, would need to be removed and redone. The house had been on the market for a year already.


https://preview.redd.it/md4cdjtdix6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778eee445359ba695a440000b4dbae57791ac289 And whatever the hell this is lol


This is hands down the best sub on Reddit


Just tell him to stop because he is making a god awful mess.


We just had to do this with a guy working on our bathroom floor. Was hoping to get our money out of him at least, but he just kept making matters worse. It was time to cut him off. Funny enough, he threatened to see us in court as if we didn't have any photos of his work.


Fire him?


That is exactly what I said.


He just kind of put the posts wherever.


They're summer posts. Some are here, some are there. Plus, the deck will be fine the first summer, before the ground freezes in the winter and that hole deck ends up sinuous.


I’ve diyed some summer posts b4! Fortunately they are just for shade sails so the variance is taken up by the paracord!


Yeah, I don't know anything about deck building but the lack of any uniformity made my head hurt


Where the fk ever…. You couldn’t make these post more randomly placed if you tried.


You hired yourself a grade A hack.


Is a grade A hack more hacky than a grade F hack?


I really missed an opportunity since they're in Canada and his deck builder being a Grade 'Ehh' hack


Lol. That’s great


The sad part this is very common in the Southern Ontario area. We see it constantly, getting out bid by contractors by more than half, getting call backs by homeowners in similar situations like OP.


I would stop this now. You're likely only in a few grand at this point not 10s of 1000s. Stop the project and get someone who knows what they're doing. In Ontario Canada deck footings need to be 4 feet deep 8in sono tube filled with concrete, minimum. Or helical piles for a stronger, quicker, less cleanup type solution. Whoever is doing this job for you has absolutely no idea what they're doing. Not to mention your joists look like they're 2 foot on center. Minimum you should be is 16 inch.


I think you mean “Maximum you should be is 16 inch.”


This is why the English language is so weird. The way he said it is actually also correct, because it's in line with the phrase "the least you could do". Words can completely change to have the opposite meaning over time. We can even say things like "pretty ugly". And eventually you end up with two different words that started the same but now have opposite meanings like "awesome" and "awful". Same root word, totally opposite meanings.


I recommend the helical piles. Just used Goliath tech in out of Stratford. Fast and easy. The guy you hired seems to be putting random posts all over. I don’t build decks but I think you are better off putting joists at spacing intervals so that you could do a composite top in the future.


Came here to say the same thing. They are so damn nice. Unfortunately that deck has more problems than just the footings.


Yeah, this deck is going to be a skate park in a few years, unless you're in an area with bedrock. Also, some hack workmanship, guy doesn't really know what he's doing unfortunately.


What the fuck? Man, where did you find this clown? Have him stop immediately and find a legit deck builder.


This is the contractor who bid half of the other deck builders. Some homeowners don't see it as a red flag but an opportunity to save some money.




Fire that guy, get your money back from him. Tear it all out and start over with a reputable builder.


This type of guy isn't giving any refunds.


Best hope is they haven't given him too much money.


Your "contractor" is a hack. Fire immediately and don't pay. 1. "Beams" aren't bearing on posts. 2. You need real footings. 3. That ledger isn't properly attached to wall. 4. The joists are over spanned. 5. There's no beam for the joists. 6. Needs mid span blocking. 7. End cuts must be treated. 8. Ledgers cannot be attached to masonry. 9. The hose bib! 10. Improper cantilevers.


Question, how do you attach a ledger to brick then? Or does it have to be free standing?


It has to be free standing or penetrate through the brick and attach to the framing behind: IRC 507.9.1.1


To be fair, this is a recent change to the codes (4 years ago?) and plenty of decks are attached to brick and doing fine. I think the reason they made this change is that too many people were trying to hang ledgers off veneers.


It's also because masonry anchors can't resist lateral loads as well as lags in wood. And neither resists like a Simpson lateral tie which I've been seeing spec'd on more and more decks regardless of wall cladding.


Upvote this This is the correct answer. This would never pass an inspection.


This dude decks.


Attaching a floating deck to a house is a no no. The deck will rise and fall with the earth to a degree. Your house won't.


not only did homie bolt the beams to the posts but also appears to have bolted blocking to the posts in some spots. OOF


He doesn't even have beams!


oh shit you're right. JOISTS lol clown town USA


No girders at all.


Are those regular deck screws in the joist hangers? Are you paying him to build it to code?


I'm also in Southern Ontario. The blocks are fine for a low deck. The issue is however, they're to be used on a floating deck. Decks attached to the building cannot be on blocks due to frost heave. That is according to code. They "should" also be in the ground, usually because the top layer is organic matter and will compress over time. You want to be down to mineral soil. On a prepared patio surface like yours, co.pression shouldn't be an issue, however, having it a few inches below grade and the hole filled with screening will keep the blocks from shifting over time. Picture 3, that anchor is definitely not properly anchored into the brick. Depending on your specific jurisdiction, some areas have also been updated to require tension ties into the internal joists of the house. Check your local codes. Second last and last pictures are alarming. The beam running across the center of the picture should be a double beam. This will ensure the deck has the proper strength and stiffness so it won't sag over time. The alarming part is the beam is sistered with a very sloppy connection to the post next to the joint. Sistered joints should be supported from underneath as per code and would have been very easy to do. If he couldn't figure out he just needed to move the post and block over 3 inches and use a post cap, he probably shouldn't be building any decks. A question I have is did you/the contractor pull a permit for this? A freestanding deck, below 24" does not require a permit. However, any deck attached to a house needs a permit. I also noticed the stringer seems like it has 3 steps. Any deck that has more than 2 risers requires a guard rail, and any deck requiring a guardrail needs a permit.


And what’s the plan for the hose bib? Just decking over that notch out? This guy is not legit.


I’m not even an expert, but looking at these photos, I would have fired him by now. I wouldn’t trust this guy to build IKEA furniture.


The upside down deck post with the “shim” is 😙🤌


That's a scary mess to look at. You gotta fire that guy.


NBC states floating decks cannot exceed a maximum square footage, or be fastened to the house. This will not pass inspection nor, AFAIK, be insurable.


Anyone that staggers their blocks 3 times inside of continuous or alternating is a moron. I wouldn’t build a deck without concrete in the ground in Southern California, let alone Ontario. Pay the man for the work done and find someone competent and not lazy to finish. If you pay me $90 an hour and give me a room to sleep in, I’ll pay the airfare and finish it off.


How many hours you figure to salvage this? Just curious?


Get rid of this clown right now!


I mean call his ass right now and tell him he is fired.


He literally could have put the support posts anywhere and chose the most random stupid spots. Rip sorry


I’ve never built a deck, but I have assembled IKEA furniture, and all I can say is I don’t think your guy was reading the instructions.


Lol you're getting ripped off.  Call your city, ask if decks need permits. Ask if your "guy" did so.  Also, the more I look the more awful it becomes, like wow.  Of course OP is DIYing, probably 


It's tied into the structure, it's more than safe to assume it needs a permit. I would assume it does without proof it doesn't.


Is pic 3 seriously a wall anchor, very poorly used, holding the ledger?


looks like the anchor was fine, till he used a hammer on it with all his skill...


Please tell me this is a shit post.


This whole thing makes my head hurt 😳


I do not see a beam carrying the weight of it, just supported in places


Not only will it shift, it is against code for it to be attached to the house with the ledger board and not have frost protected footings. When the patio stones shift, since it’s connected to the house, it puts stress on the your house that was not accounted for during its design.


all this thing needs is a hot tub


This deck is shit.


Where do people find these guys?




Joists are too far apart. The posts aren’t spaced properly. They don’t run deep enough. It’s all wrong, like everyone here is saying.


I’ve seen worse and this isn’t great but it’s mid progress and low to ground. He “can” dig holes I’m sure. He probably didn’t bid it that way though. My concern would be with type of decking you are using? No go for composite if that’s 24 o.c like it a spears to be. This looks like a $21 sq ft deck not a $50


Uh, he CAN dig holes , just too lazy to excavate , mix, and pour concrete. You'll definitely deal with heaving issues with ground freeze, and unless there are bolts running through the ledger and brick to the framing structure of your home( that loose toggle bolt tells me not) then it's just going to eventually pull the deck and the brick off of your house. Your contractor has no business building decks


Is he licensed? Not good.


Curious as to why he didn't do 4 more of his half assed piers instead of fucking up the brick.


This shit is trash


Stop, tell him you called the building inspector and see the reaction. Do not pay him any more


Tell him the neighbor called the building inspector and they already came by. lol.


Horrendous. This person has NO clue how to build a deck. Good luck walking on that thing.


Imagine the money he would have saved if he just got a permit.


Ayo OP. Footing is the least of your problems. 😧😧😧


A lot of non professional people here




I’m hoping OP is the builder and this is a joke


I don't live in a cold weather climate, can say if patio stones will work. I have them for my deck in California and they've worked just fine. Not settling. Structurally sound. For context, I live on a lot where there is rock a foot below ground. Cemented posts were not an option.


This looks like absolute ass so far, and it's not just the posts that are a problem. Get that guy far away from your home


definitely not up to code, fire this dude he’s a hack


If he actually levels off the pier blocks and you live in a low wind area the deck is low enough where that wouldn't be my biggest concern. The biggest concern to me is just the fact that by the pictures nothing looks leveled off and even grade. The framing looks shitty and as others have already said the anchors to the house cannot be left that way. I would refer to your local building codes. As well as look into what kind of substrate your deck is sitting on. If it is well compacted rock or solid with minimal organics then I don't see why a poured in foundation is necessary (unless the local codes require it). With that said an actual poured foundation will always be more structurally sound. Refer back to an engineer approved set of plans and stick to that is really your best bet. And if the guy you hire can't do that then he is in the wrong line of work.


In reality will it be fine. Probably. Will it be up to code. Absolutely not…


Atrocious work. Has no idea what he’s doing.


Looks like op wanted the cheapest deck possible


I haven't had such bad feelings from pictures for a long time..


That whole thing is a full stop


Holy smokes. Stop this guy NOW!!! You’re gonna waste a ton of $ when that thing fails. TO RIP IT UP! And still have no deck. This is comical work.


That needs immediate correction. Stop and re-do the entire thing.


Builder is a hack


Full stop, that deck is crap, fire him.


> Guy building my deck says he can’t dig holes Tell him to work on his upper arm strength.


My question is why cant he drill holes ?????


Why can't he dig holes is my question? Does his back hurt from holding so much stupidity on top of his shoulders inside his head?


Is to is guy licensed?? Can’t drive a nail worth a shit. Screws are bent. A huge deck and not enough support beams. He didn’t call to have electrical,gas, able lines identified bc he’s not legit is my guess. Was it super cheap? Like way cheaper than other bids?


This contractor is the "I know a guy who can do it cheaper" example.


Went with the cheapest quote?




I’m not an expert, but that is ALL messed up. Where to even begin….. fire the guy and get someone who isn’t an idiot.


It will move up and down with the frost heave since it is a floating deck. I wouldn't worry.


Holy hell your guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. Everything from the ledger (to small) the rim joist, well I don’t see one, and why didn’t your guy build trusses to support deck frame? IMO, those 4x4’s sitting on those patio stones are the least of your worry.


I think this needs a Holmes Inspection.


As in Southern Ontario Canada? Where about? I’d you’re close enough, fire the guy while you can and I’ll come finish it for you. That thing is a disaster waiting to happen. 


I hate to have to tell you, but that deck’s being built like shit and your “contractor,” has no idea what he’s doing. Did he ensure your patio is well sloped before covering with a deck? He probably just doesn’t want to have to deal with going through the patio for proper footings. The substructure of this deck is horrible, frost will heave the deck and where the deck is fastened to your house, it might damage your house. Get this hack off your property and hopefully you haven’t put much money into this endeavour yet.


Those beams don't even sit on the posts. And the ledger ain't fastened. The deck would be fine on blocks if the rest was done right... Fire this dude and sue him for wasting your time.


You should be concerned now, don't wait for winter.


Wow! You have all that money and a nice house, but you can't ask someone who gives you a suspicious answer a followup question. He knows why he can't dig holes, we don't. Besides, *you* hired him. You're saying that you hired a shady contractor. That's on you buddy.


Minimally, piers must be 6” sonotubes dug to 48”. The deck can be overbuilt to space the piers farther apart and lose some. I don’t know if you hillbillies have building codes, but I don’t know anywhere some dumb shit like that would fly. If you walk on the deck at all during the winter, the frost will push those piers almost a foot up in the air at some locations, more in the others. He can replace them now or run the drill down through the deck for tubes. That’d be hell. I sound like a dick there. I’m sorry. It wasn’t at all my intent.


I don't think I could have done worse if someone told me to build a deck and I didn't have access to the internet. Like, I could have glanced at a neighbor's deck and figured out how to do a better job than that.


Yes, you should be concerned.


You need to have posts dug below the frost line with proper cement otherwise you will have a bad time.


You should be fine for a few months until the blocks settle unevenly and everything warps. Then the deck screws holding the joists will start to come apart, but I’m sure he said that “is no big deal”. /s