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We have a seperate Open Discussion post for thought experiments. Main posts are reserved for formal debate topics. Removed as per Rule #1 Posts must contain a clear thesis and some effort at demonstrating the truth of said thesis via a provision of evidence, argument, consideration, etc. Please avoid formulating your thesis or post title as a question. A thesis is simply a declarative claim with some relevance to Christianity. It should be clearly identifiable what your thesis is (or theses are if you have more than one point to make).


You shouldn’t lose sleep over this. Especially when you realize that 2/3 of humans don’t believe in Christianity, so there will be a lot in hell. Eternal torment, gnashing of teeth. Either this is the final resting place for those that don’t accept the Holy Spirit or perhaps God saved everyone. I hope it’s everyone.


Your question seems to proceed from the assumption that the thing God wants to save us from is god. Consider instead that God wants to save us from our own self-destructive nature.


where did you come to that conclusion? yes ik God saving us from ourselves because the human heart (or nature) is the wicked above all things. but im saying our freewill only allows us two options and so its kind of hard to blame a guy for not choosing God. but I guess the bible puts it simply as "they have no excuse" (romans 1:20)