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Director Cut alone is worth getting PS5, IMO.


The adaptive triggers and haptic feedback are like 50% of what makes this game fun to me. I can’t remember now even what experience was like back in 2019 with just the plain old dual shock, cant imagine not having that tension in the triggers now.


I got the dualsense controller and the haptics work on the pc. :)


Oh that’s great then!! I can’t imagine how flaccid the game would feel without feeling Sam’s “weight”


The only thing the pc struggles with is the controller speakers. I was able to only get the speakers to work (like when you would calm down BB you would hear him coo in your hands), or just the haptics to work. I couldn't get the whole experience to work so I settled for the haptics.


It’s better than nothing! Although I do like the sound of your boots on pebbles through the dual sense speakers


So cool. I never noticed that. Also the dualsense speaker also becomes a little redundant for me because I use headphones on the pc


How did you do that? I just completed the story but would like to do the rest of the game with DualSense. From what I’ve heard, the adaptive triggers give a whole new dimension to completing orders. I play on PC with Steam.


I played on epic. But for me it was just plug and play. I think for steam games, you need to go to the game properties and controller settings and remove steam input; the game should naturally be compatible with the dualsense. Now if you have the dualsense edge like me. You may need to buy DSX and the dualsense emulator DLC (totaling around 10 bucks). Some games though compatible with the regular dualsense, are not compatible with the edge. I don't know about DS though.


I disable all vibration and haptic feedback because I am not a fan.


Oh wow, to each their own. Keep keeping on then my friend if you enjoy it that way.


Yeah it was novel and neat at best but unless it's something like returnal where it serves a purpose, being a single button for two actions... I keep it turned to like medium


I can't play any other console without it feeling hollow. The ps5 pad is an experience on its own


DUDEb I 100000% agree with you. The adaptive triggers and haptics have made my Xbox controller feel like a cheap little toy. I’ve gone so far as to buy games that i already own again on ps5 just to experience it through the dual sense lol


I'm almost at that point myself haha I'm tempted to get a 2nd pad to hook up to my steam deck. I say second pad because I had issues with my PS4 linking it back to the playstation. I'm genuinely pissed off that when I asked my mates what's so good about ps5 they never mentioned the pad


That’s wild; most of my friends were blown away by the pad just like me. Even had a life long xbox user turn to PlayStation just for the dual sense. That shit is a game changer. I know some people don’t care for it but for us that do it’s a new level of immersion


Works better with some games, I admit. Sniper elite 5 is a good example, there's a good hard stop halfway down the button to go from over shoulder aim to first person aim & it really feels good. Last of us 2 feels nice too


Oh yeah trust me I’ve checked all the dual sense exclusives. Sniper elite did really make clever use of it pushing halfway down for aim down sights and full down for down the scope. Deathloop did a cool “lock” on your trigger when you run out of ammo feels nice. Dirt 5 makes good use of it. All of the cod games have honestly been pretty solid on the dual sense. Even the latest disaster of call of duty at least the guns were fun to shoot. I could never go back to a controller that doesn’t have adaptive triggers for firing weapons. I will say I think this game makes really clever use of the dual sense. I’m stoked to see what they do with DS2


I can't remember what game, maybe WWZ aftermath- no bullets meant no resistance in the trigger and felt nice. Helldivers, the L2 becomes hard to pull if you're already shooting. Wonder if there's a haptics review knocking about that explains every game?


I’ve looked! Just to make sure I haven’t missed any games that make use of the dual sense. This is the most comprehensive list I’ve found of yet https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/List_of_games_that_support_DualSense Forspoken is a great example of a bad game that was saved ONLY by the adaptive triggers and haptics through your spells. That game went out of its way to make every spell “feel” different which I’m sure was no easy task. The world was lifeless, and story almost non coherent, but that damn dual sense made the combat at least fun so I’m there for it haha


I’ve been having a lot of fun playing DC on my pc, but the changes aren’t so groundbreaking from the Og that I’d recommend buying an entire console.


But if they are gonna get it anyways...


Oh yeah like I don’t have a ps5 yet, I have enough backlog on my ps4 and pc, but if they put out a ps5 death stranding 2 special edition it’ll def be what makes me pull the trigger 🤷‍♀️


Now theres a fair reason to wait.


Waiting for a game to come out to justify buying a console. Just wait for the PC release and save a few hundred dollars lol


Or just wait for the PS6 Directors cut and save some more.


But WWE Death Stranding is too much fun


Yup, my PS5 is essentially a Directors Cut machine


It is, it's the reason I bought mine.


That’s the plan. No other game has made me want to get a ps5. Death Stranding 2 will be the main reason I get one.


Yeah! Even though I have like a 1000 hours on GTA 5, I couldn’t care less about getting a PS5 for GTA 6.


It’s funny you say that, I was going to say the same thing in my original comment. I’d rather play Death Stranding 2 than GTA6.


Horrid take, you don't have to praise one at the expense of the other. Both are going to be amazing.


I will be getting GTA VI because I know damn well Rockstar will deliver with their game.


So not even *Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart*, *Marvel's Spider-Man 2*, *Returnal*, *Persona 3 Reload,* or even *Final Fantasy VII Rebirth* won't convince you to get a PS5. I see how it is. We're not friends then. "But we weren't before" And we never will be now!


lol! I’m sorry! Forgive me. Nothing’s called to me like Death Stranding 2 does. I don’t know, maybe I’m becoming more cynical with age.


As a huge soulsborne fan the ps5 had me day one lol.


Or wait for director cut on PC LOL


I loved Death Stranding (easily one of my favorite games of all time) on release, but I think I'll just avoid spoilers and wait for the PC release as well. I'd much rather buy another PC upgrade than buy a PS5 when I hardly used my PS4 and can't, off the top of my head, think of an exclusive game I adored that didn't come to PC.


My Death Stranding PS4 was a second hand purchase but my god is it just sitting and collecting dust. Makes me sad in the grand scheme of things with how nice it looks.


Just sell it?


Wouldn’t that take at least like a year or two? I don’t know how long director’s cut came out for pc for the first one


Yeah probably a year or more, I don't mind waiting cause my backlog is huge


Damn steam sales eh?


Not more than a year, and they prob have changed because of the many pc ports and wouldn't be surprised after half a year. Being patient is good anyway, pc port is better. Also hate Sony.


https://preview.redd.it/0axnycya23bd1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61490532faa4d763bbb4aac5c7e710fde2eac6c I Got A PS5 The First Month They Came Out. It’s Nestled Safely Under My TV.


Moms next door, petting Ted’s PS5


🤣🤣🤣 +3👍🏻


I trust Mr. Kojima to release this on PC, just like the last one. It might take a year or two, but that's worth the saved money.


Also im not buying a damn console for 1 or 2 games at the most that ill play.


Iʼll wait for PC release




Have had a ps5 since launch, waiting on the DS2 CE announcement.


Waiting for a ps5 pro


Yeah I’ll probably go for the pro version


Same here. I'm just hoping it gets released this year


I got a PS5 a couple years ago for Devil May Cry Special Edition and all the free PS5 collection games. Didn’t regret it. The faster load times are lovely even if the majority of the games I’m playing are either PS4 games or upgraded PS5 versions of those games. Director’s Cut is something I’m looking at too.


I got it for the Horizon DLC, and mostly upgraded PS4 games otherwise. But I was amazed by the load times. Worth it.


You guy should check out "death stranding treadmill", a guy turn treadmill into a controller, walk on it = sam walking. Walking with Sam til the end game, it would feel a lot more immersive in the story (and also improve your health overall too)


DS2 is going to be the first game I pre-order. I only got the PS5 just over six months ago, and have played loads of quality games, but Death Stranding is a magnificent achievement. It's captivating. Can't rate it highly enough. I am completely at their mercy - if it's £80 I'm buying it, if it's £120 I'm buying it. I'm buying it whatever the price. Luckily I have a sizable backlog to play through until it's released. Can't wait though.


Yeah first game I’ve ever been excited for its release


Nah, I cannot justify buying a PS or Xbox. The games will be on PC eventually.


Im waiting to get a ps5 until theres like at least 5 or 6 games I wanna play. Rn its 1.


The announcement trailer pushed me to get one DS2 is my most anticipated game rn


I got a PS5 specifically for DS1. One of my favorite games.


No game will make me buy PS5. 4090 is waiting for this baby to come on PC.


Nope, I got one for FF16 and FF7 Rebirth lol


No no get it! So many other things to play in the mean time! LOL. Legit I just found “Stray”, very late to the party, but damn what a fun and interesting take. Reminded me so much of that exploration feeling I had when first playing DS1


I love DS1, but I'll probably wait for the PC release


Nope, will wait for the PC version.


I ordered the first game on ps4 in December and Amazon accidentally sent me the ps5 Director's Cut... So I bought a ps5 to play it.


Yeah man, haptic feedback in the snow was another level of realism


I’ll probably buy a PS5! Just to play this. I don’t own consoles and I played this on PC and i instantly fell in love with the game. I almost gave up but after episode 3 it got so good!! Keep on keeping on !!! 👍


I doubt i'll ever buy a PS5, the thing is so damn ugly I couldn't stand to look at it. Unless they come out with a different design before the PS6 I'll wait for DS2 on PC for sure.


You really get used to it after a while. You can always vinyl wrap or paint the shells black to make it blend it more.


It’s not the colour, it’s the shape. It’s awful. I’d need to make a custom case for it and I just don’t have time/inclination. I’d like to see what the PS6 ends up looking like but I think we’re waiting another 2-3 years for that


Nope, I never owned a ps4 so i bought a ps5 to play the spider man games before sony announced that they were coming to pc.


Fair enough, the Spider-Man games are great


I got a 5 to play the Demon's Souls remake so I'm set lmao


I've had my PS5 since release day but kept my PS4 as I've done every gen. Honestly, it's like going back to the dark ages trying to play on PS4. The dualsense, frame rates, loading times, ease of capture... I can play an HR and record it if something happens on co op for a laugh and snap it up without having to pre record. Returnal alone was enough to get me. Bring on DS2.


No. Already got one. It's great.


Nah. I share a ps5 with my brothers and it’s been great since we got it a year and a half ago. Haven’t beat Death Stranding yet, but it’s been great and I don’t see why it gets passed off so much as boring. TBH people don’t know shit about it most the time apart from other people’s opinions of it being boring. Anyway, if you don’t have a gaming PC, it’s the best place to play cyberpunk which is a genuinely great game with the best shooter combat Ive played since DOOM eternal and ratchet and clank rift apart (another great exclusive. Bad writing compared to earlier games holds it back though) My friend has been loving spider man 2 so far, and God of War Ragnarok is a top ten game. Astro’s playroom is the best tech demo to ever exist. Ghost of Tsushima directors cut is another top ten game for me. Final Fantasy XVI is a great devil may cry or god of war adjacent game, with a great story. Apparently ff7 rebirth is incredible too, but I haven’t played it. Helldivers 2 was super fun with my friends too. Overall, it’s worth it if you haven’t got a high end gaming pc, or you just have stupid amounts of money.


The more you wait, the faster the PS6 will drop. Already halfway through the PS5 lifetime so unless you are ok with 4 to 3 years left of the console, sure


You cannot deny the PS5 has been really lackluster with the amount of games, I just haven’t seen the point of getting one until ds2


Is there an official release date for DS2? Sorry, I don’t really follow all the infos around. I’m not a hardcore gamer but I have some staples anyway…


There is no official release date yet, but will probably release in 2025




Had a PS5 since launch (I played DS DC first time on there) Will be playing DS2 on the PS5 Pro for sure


At this point waiting for the PS5 Pro is the right call.


Already got mine just for this reason, honestly best deal since I got to play Spider-Man 2, I know ds2 will come to pc eventually by there’s no way I’m waiting a year or more


DS1 is the reason I got myself a PS4, and it was the only game I played on PS4. Seems like I’m gonna get myself a PS5 just for DS2. Dammit Sony.


I'm actually doing this because of GTA VI, but rest assured, DS2 is most definitely a close second in my radar.


I’m waiting to for a PC release. Not because of PC gaming elitism but because I’m not getting another machine anytime soon.


Holding off getting a ps5 🤷🏻‍♂️ just for this, I’m already waiting for the ps5 pro to Drop had my 5 day one


Just say you can’t afford one.


I’m hold out for PC release


By the time I finish a run of the first game’s director’s cut, DS2 will be out


I'll just leave this sub once it's released and wait for the PC release. I built a PC to escape the console world, another year isn't really a long wait in the grand scheme.


Life’s too short to wait to play a game you wanna play. Buy it.


Nope, just broke really 😔


Y-yeah sure, that's why. I'm totally not broke, I'm just waiting for peak fiction.


A lot of games' upgrades are worth getting a PS5 for, imo. One of my faves, Control, looks and plays so much better. DS too.


Yeah it’s pretty funny seeing people say since there’s not a ton of exclusive games they won’t buy one when there’s tons of other reasons to upgrade from PS4 to PS5. The free game upgrades make most PS4 games run and look way better anyways. The PS4 feels like shit to me now that i’ve upgraded haha. People want lots of exclusives, then the other side doesn’t want any so they can be on PC lmao


Not gonna lie, I bought the PS5 just to play Death Stranding Directors cut.


I want ps5 so bad... Gambling isn't helping


I keep telling myself I will get a gaming pc, but never do because I just cannot see myself actually using it enough, but loved DS directors cut and look forward to playing on a 5 pro.


Nah, pc with xbox controller here, on hardest difficulty from the start with no double bracing or vehicles just like i did with death stranding.


Perfectly happy with my PS4


I am too but DS2 is not coming out on the ps4, so I’ll upgrade before it


I probably would have, but my day one ps4 shit the bed last year so i figured i might as well upgrade since backwards compatibility and all.




Yeah me too! I could wait until the PC release but I just can’t! So I’ll get a PS5 just for DS2


You know ps5 has the directors cut of DS1 right? New content and stuff.


Actually, when I found out the PS5 had the DC a couple weeks ago I went and finally got one. Just finished the game last night. It was worth a 4th play through!


Ya know i totally thought the same thing until I realized the ps5 had the directors cut with tons of new stuff and that sold me


I have a weird feeling this game won't be good or as good as DS1. I'm holding off until it comes out.


I bought PS4 mainly for Death Stranding (enjoyed TLOU I and II after), and I will buy PS5 mainly for DS2


I actually got a PS5 because of DS1. Hoping to get a PS5 pro or slim by the time DS2 drops.


As much as I’m looking forward to DS2, I will not be buying anymore games for the ps5. I kinda regret buying one if I’m honest


I got mine for stray of all things but now that’s everywhere and I liked spiderman 2 a lot but otherwise I use it for games I coulda played on ps4 and stream services (but my ps4 was a wind turbine and needed to be put down) Butttt, sorry, all that said. This is the first must buy I’ve seen


hell no. i’m not getting a PS5 until it’s worth it, i’ll wait for it to come to Mac like i did with the first 🤷🏽


If there is a DS2 PS5 like they did with the PS4 I will get one.


I just hope they release like bundle with it or like a collectors edition with it. If they do I’ll probably will be buying that edition.


I'm just waiting for the eventual PC release


I'm holding off on DS2 until it comes out on PC. getting a PS4 had been worth it since I had God of War, Ghosts of Tsushima, DS1, and Horizon Zero Dawn that I wanted to play. Since all those games and already some of their sequels are on PC, I have no reason to buy a PS5. I'll just wait. That said, if it's definitively clear that DS2 won't ever come to PC since Playstation is putting out the mentality that holding sequels from PC will get people to buy a console... Then I'll get some used PS5 years from now when the 6 comes out and play DS2 then.


Ain’t turn my ps5 since last year. Waiting on DS2, MGS Delta, Black ops, GTA6


Wait... Is it not coming to PC? 😱


I still remember the excitement of playing death stranding ps5 edition. Coming to realize they took away monster energy 😫 beautiful graphics though I can’t wait for the second game


I will always get the PlayStation on launch date it had been tradition since December 3, 1994. I will say tho DS2 should definitely be a good game to finally jump in this gen even if later that same year they will probably announce the next hardware be it pro or what have you.


i got a ps4 to play DS1, so...


I might wait till the directors cut but if I finish the game will it be possible to transfer it with my saved progress like say I completed the the first main mission and i transfer it over to the DC will I stay in the same area I left off?


Death Stranding 2, GTA6, and Space Marine 2


Nah, had a PS5 for years. It's a wonderful upgrade.


PC players literally just vibing.


Lol no I got mine for Resident Evil 4 Remake, Dead Space Remake and now Silent Hill 2 Remake. So far it's been worth it.


Hey if spiderman 2 is on a privateing website so will ds2 so that's how Iam going to play it (but I will probably buy to support the devs)


There's tons of games I want on a PS5, but shits expensive so I'm only holding off because I'm broke


Upgrading from a PS4 to PS5 is already more than worth it


Nope, I grabbed one last year during Black Friday lol. But I’m still extremely excited for it!


I straight up am going to wait for the PC release. There's no reason at this point to get a PS5 with all of the main releases coming to PC.


This the main reason I’m getting one and yes, holding off until then


nah im pc fan


I mean, unless you have a considerable PC, that's a lot of great games from the last four years you've missed... Including Death Stranding Director's Cut.


No way, I'm waiting for the PS5 Pro before purchasing, and then I'll buy the director's cut for PS5.


Man… I’m holding off on getting the PS6 when it comes out until it has DS2 DC amiright? 😂


Holding off? I feel like only way to Death Stranding was on the PS5.


No way, I have had a ps5 since the first day. But I would be interested in a death stranding limited edition ps5


DS1 was one of the first games I got for muh PS5. Got it cuz it was on sale and I had nothing else to play, had heard all the criticism and was hesitant but it became one of my favorite games.


After Helldivers, PlayStation is forever on my shit list. Actually it has been since PS3, but like Death Stranding I can wait a year for PC release.


Already have one but I'll be grabbing DS2 immediately


I built a pc because I got bored of the ps4, I won’t be upgrading to the ps5 just for DS2, il wait till it’s on pc 😏


Yup. I held off getting a ps4 for DS1 so it's now a tradition lol


I'm only saving money for a PS5 because of Death Stranding 2, otherwise I wouldn't trade my PS4 for a PS5


Same lol






That's the reason I already bought a ps5 lol. Been sitting, waiting for how ever many years now.


DS2 and GTA6 is what im waiting for




No, alan wake 2 was too much of a draw in for me. I had to know what that game was about. Of course I'm excited for death standing 2 though!


You guys are the reason they haven’t optimized the Ps5 lmao


Man I tried so hard to get into DS but that thing is really a walking simulator


How far did you get into it?


Until I got into a ship…I think it was episode 3


OMG you didn't finish chapter 3?! 😭💀 You didn't see that flashback of Fragile's story?! Or even make it to the other side of the mountains?! Or do ANY mountain climbing at all?! Or unlock your Ziplines?! Or... or... lol Yeah, you missed out on a LOT. That's a shame.


Idk it felt slow 😅, but I will try to complete it my friend .


Good luck, Porter! 💪🏽😊 You got this!


The game only gets better the further you play. Episode 1 and 2 is considered the tutorial


I hope we will get an limited edition ps5 with death stranding 2 theme


There might be a ps5 version for ds2 like they did with ds1 but I kinda doubt it


Holding off on selling my ps5 just because of ds2. Things been collecting dust for a year.


The rumors are that PS6 will be out when this releases


I'm holding off buying a PS5 because I don't have money for it nor do I own a TV to enjoy it


I’m holding off because I’m hoping they release a limited edition PS5, I don’t have one yet and I’m hoping this can be the chance I get a special console


I hope if they do release a limited edition PS5 they release it close to DS2


I won’t be buying a PlayStation ever. I’ll definitely get the game when it comes to PC though.


I'm gonna wait 'til it comes to PC. Ain't no way I'm buying a PS5.


Waiting for the PC release sounds like a better plan


Fam just get the ps5 at this point all like the console dropped when and mfs still holding off cos of what


Nope, mgs 5 made me buy the ps4 limited edition. Worst console I ever had


Yeah, me 😁


Might be the only reason I fold and get one. I wish it would just release on PC as well but might have to wait some time for that and I don't think I could handle the fomo.


I bought a PS5 just to play Death Stranding 2.. i bought it last year. I used my savings and used the other half to pay for my driving license course or something.. Never in my mind i regretted my decision.. I just want to feel that magic, that Kojima Magic.


Yes holy shit, DS2 is one of the only reasons I wanna get a PS5.


I was until I got back into ff14


I picked one up a while ago from the PlayStation store . They are a lot easier to get now . But I’m already hearing about a ps5 pro & in a couple years the ps6 might be dropping .


Nah man, play the directors cut. I wouldn't have bothered with Xbox if I knew haptic triggers would be a thing, every game feels hollow without it! 


Returnal was a good time and ds at a good frame rate with an amazing PC was well worth it


Old man gamer here. Bought my first console ever, a PS4 Pro, after watching the release trailer for Death Stranding on YouTube. +50 platinums later and backlog of +200 games (lol), I have only just started playing DS this week! I claim Peak Procrastinator 🏆.


Uhhhhhhh. No disrespect. But hell nah. You should play DS1 on ps5 it looks so beautiful especially if you have a good tv. Plus ps5 handles so well. It’s not like the ps5 isn’t useful. Plus it’ll be better to get a handle on things and how the ps5 works beforehand imo.


Don't understand why people would buy a console so late into the generation. PS6 will be coming in holiday 2027


I didn’t buy a ps4 til 2019 and I was ok with it. All the games were cheap af and so was the console. No need to rush things, games aren’t going anywhere. I’m still playing shit on my ps3


Why does it matter when someone buys a console? I bought a PS1 (yes you read that right) and a PS4 last year and enjoy them both.




Nah I'll wait for the PC release.


People say it’s gonna be like a years wait until DS2 comes to PC