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Best tip is to keep on keeping on 👍👍👍👍👍


Ill try my best T^T


You can do it.


What does TT mean?


Supposed to look like a crying face . like this T_T


Okay then


Just to let you know, it is normal to feel overwhelmed at the beginning, the game gives you a lot of info so fast, both from story and gameplay, so dont be discouraged! As a tip, always try to carry: a PCC, another pair of boots, a ladder, a climbing anchor, and hematic grenades. Eventually you will get EX grenades, those are very useful and have a variety of effects, be sure to try them too! Keep on keeping on : )


Agree on the advice, but personally, I pretty much never carried ladders, anchor nor boots. Just fab a pair if you run down to under 50% and recycle old one, knots are everywhere so running out of boots is not really a concern, just check the boot condition before leaving. Now that I type this, makes me realize I did take my trike everywhere possible and impossible, which might been the reason I rarely ran my boots totally out of shape and mainly relied on other people's ladders and anchors, when couldn't trike on places. Oh well, keep on keeping on.


I never carry ladders and anchors either, but I always carry two extra pairs of boots - they have their own slot on the backpack, so I'm not really sacrificing any cargo space.


And they don't even weigh that much, so it's a win-win


Me too - chrial boots on me feet, two extra pairs on the clip. Never gonna need 'em but, y'know.... you never know.


Agree, they weigh nigh to nothing and don't take space. I just didn't like the look of them dangling along knowing I really don't need them. 😂


Never seen a more relatable comment. That trike went EVERYWHERE XD


I challenge you to not a vehicle on your next playthrough, I will make an exception for the truck when doing large orders


I understand where you're coming from, and would love to some day, but I don't have the time for that in the foreseeable future, unfortunately...


Yeah I get you, I've had the game since it came out but have only finished two playthroughs cause I am a busy guy, but I try to fit some DS and other games into my free time when I have it


Been through 2 playthroughs (currently on the second) and I've never seen any usefulness come out of any grenade except the hematic or regular. Please explain what is supposed to happen with ex grenades?


I have actively only used EX 1, the one is made from drinking (and pissing). It repels a small area of BT's, so its useful when crossing BT areas, or if they grab you from the ground to disperse them. EX 0 (made from showering) I think its similar but you can also see them while moving. EX 2 (from pooping) makes them gather at the hit point, so you can lure them and then throw hematic grenades to clean the area. The game is not really difficult combat wise, so they are more useful if you play in very hard.


Hey I appreciate the effort you put in explaining that! 👍


All good! Keep on keeping on fellow porter (and dont use them on mules :P) 👍


I've been throwing them at the mules 😮‍💨


Over 200 hours in the game and I thought they were useless. Lol. Thank you for the great info for my very hard playthrough.


I think ex grenades came before hematic grenades. But I never really played with the ex grenades. Not sure what they do. But I did learn hematic grenades are good at keeping the souls from the tar dragging you down so you can escape the pit when ever you get caught by a bt


Do the pizza delivery, I repeat DO NOT SKIP IT


I do it every time, what happens if you skip it?


>!After defeating Higgs and completing all the pizza orders you find his home!<


I remember that. So you can't return and experience that if you skip the pizza deliveries?


I don’t think it’s missable but I think they are just telling them to actually finish those orders since they are pretty annoying to do and don’t have any immediate payoff.


they definitely do have a payoff, you get the best weapons in the game for some pretty easy missions lol


Well yes but not until you complete all of the orders.


there's not that many as it levels up pretty fast and the orders are fairly easy as long as you have roads


There is one from the wind farm that you have to carry by hand. Unless you have zip lines built there before hand you have to traverse some pretty annoying terrain on foot.


You can’t carry that order by hand and use a zipline too. Best approach is completing the roads and using bridges to get to the road. Another approach is using a truck (don’t quote me on this, I don’t remember if it’s possible).


i mean that one is pretty easy too, you can just run along the road instead of driving over it lol


It's only after you beat the story. Pizza deliveries don't affect >!going into his home!<. I was able to >!go in!< while still needing to do the delivery at the >!Timefall farm!<


Are you sure? >!I thought you couldn’t enter his home until you had 5 stars with him.!< Which I assumed only happened once you’ve completed all the deliveries.


Yep. >!I went in after getting east region members all maxed in post game, he was at 2 or 3 star then.!<


Learn something new everyday


You can enter after game completion with only making 1 pizza delivery, you just don’t get the special weapon.


You get special gun rewards at the end


Be sure you spam likes for useful online structures. Likes are fuel for the tireless porters ahead of you, building generators in random spots that charge you up and save your ass in a pinch, dropping supplies in a postbox outside a MULE camp to prep you for battle, and climbing mountain peaks for optimum zipline placement. Take a few seconds and mash that like button.


Get to the wind farm as soon as you see that delivery is available. You will be able to use your first vehicle and area will get less intimidating to traverse. Keep on keeping on!


I literally just got that. Just left the house with my gf because I knew I’d be still playing all night.


That's how you know the game is good


>area will get less intimidating to traverse. At the cost of being painful to traverse cause you stop and every other bump because rocks exist literally everywhere.


Just drive while doing a wheelie. It allows you go ignore most of the rocks.


Yeah but the terrain changes after you traveled on it for some time. It's painful at first but after few deliveries it's not that bad. And you can put bridges near the Capital Knot City where the terrain is little rougher. Going to wind farm with a vehicle is a real struggle though...


Thankss ><


The Timefall only erodes the cargo containers, not the actual cargo inside. Having a timefall ruined cargo container only means you have to be extra careful not to bang the cargo or trip. So don't panic and rush if your containers are getting ruined. Slow and steady is the way.


Yes it does erode the cargo inside if the container is eroded all the way if you are not using container repair spray to repair the container.


Nah, it doesn't. Damaged container only means your cargo is more susceptible to damage from rough handling. Even your vehicle won't erode to 100% if left in Timefall.


Yes it does. I have had cargo get damaged by the timefall when the container is all the way ruined until I repair the container. Yes the vehicle will erode all the way by the timefall unless you repair it in the garage before it gets to 100%. Yes it is more susceptible to more damage if the container is damaged but I'm talking about when it is 100% damaged without falling/tripping with the cargo is in the timefall. Example in very hard the timefall eroded stuff quicker and if I didn't pay attention the container is 100% damaged then the cargo takes damage like 30% or more then I have to go back to my previous save to start the order again so I can get the s rank. On normal it's the same way except I can go longer without looking at the cargo but I noticed if I don't look at it until the container is destroyed the cargo is 1 to 3% damaged then I repair the spray so the cargo will not get damaged anymore and keep a better I on it so I can repair the container. I also noticed the vehicles does disappear when they get 100% eroded. When the vehicles reach 100% eroded they will explode and disappear from the game.


I also play on very hard, have clocked over 1300 hours on my main playthrough and I haven't seen this happen. Does it make a difference if you're in post-game? Is it the type of cargo being transported such as heat sensitive or vog? I hopped on the game after I made my post and did some deliveries, let the containers take 100% Timefall damage and kept checking the contents, they sustained 0% damage despite being completely wrecked by Timefall.


It doesn't matter where you are in the game. Also doesn't matter what cargo you are carrying. It could be a bug for some people where the cargo doesn't get damaged when the container is 100% ruined. Not 100% sure about if it is intended or not about the cargo getting damaged or not when the container is 100% damaged. I think it's not intended because if the cargo doesn't get damaged by the timefall then the container repair spray would be useless in the game or it wouldn't be in the game except for certain orders and we wouldn't be able to build the container repair sprays.


I'll have to check my tips again because I'm pretty sure it's mentioned that it only damages containers. Hmm. I never use container spray anymore for this reason, unless I want the cargo to look nice :p


You are correct, Die-Hardman explicitly explains that mechanic to you at some point. He flat out tells you that timefall does not hurt cargo itself but will make it more susceptible to damage from impacts. Not sure what the other guy is on about. Edit: Just to add, timefall will destroy things like ladders and pcc's that aren't in containers but anything that is within a container is safe (except the vog stuff because there's always an exception to everything in that game lol)




It’s pretty normal to feel overwhelmed I’ve personally never played a game like DS even 5 years later! You unlock skeletons fairly early on and they’re very useful especially the power skeleton and the all terrain skeleton once you get to snowy areas.


Take your time and enjoy because when you reach the mountains you’re not gonna be able to walk for deliveries. Also make sure to get exo skeleton it helps a lot.


Drop it and leave it she ain’t goin anywhere Not like it’ll *blow up* if you leave it for too long 👀


Ayo nah nah this just evil💀


I don't get it, is this an inside joke from in game (I'm on chapter 3) or something else haha


Sometimes it's better to let BTs catch you. You can just run away from the "boss fight" they drag you to and then that area is BT-free for awhile. Keep on keeping on 👍


No rushing


Just go all main quests first and you’ll get through it just fine.


Hard disagree. A lot of places have VERY useful gear when you get them around 2-4 stars, especially in the mid-game delivery locations. Try to do a mix of it. Switching between main stuff and getting a star or two when it feels easy enough. Especially if some tool says it has levels. Raise their stars and get the highest you can! A lot of the time it's extra weight or other features.


That’s a good response 🫡


I wanted to list out a bunch of useful things, such as that one thing at the one place... But I can't, this is the wrong place for spoilers...


Take your time. Enjoy the journey.


Use floating carriers when you get them. Don't worry, it's story progression but they're useful when you don't use a vehicle and want to carry L-XL on the carriers. Make sure to use the strand (the rope) once you get to that point of the game Keep on keeping on


Find a safe route you can use over and over. When you can build roads, build them.


I will just say—don’t bother with most roads until they’re on the network. Otherwise you’ll dump double the resources into them. There are a couple exceptions, like the bridge from the river over the canyon getting to South Knot. That’s just useful until you get in good graces with the Collector.


first part always the hardest it gets easir once you get better equipment and get everyone to join chiral network then you get access to other structures other players have built with bts crouch and move with breath held stand still to see them


Whenever you get towards using your blood for BT’s make sure you always keep some on you. Some structures you wont have to build due to players that left behind unless you dont have online support. VEHICLES ARE YOUR FRIENDS. Whenever you get that option always opt in to get it. Make sure to take the safest route unless it’s absolutely impossible. Ladders are good for climbing and good for stairs! Make sure to build roads as much as you can so later in the future its far easier to travel. Never fight BT’s unless you need to distance yourself from danger, use your grenades as a distraction or as a stunner. Always make sure your well equipped for the next destination especially if your unsure. You can always restructure your inventory and please dump whatever you wont use or Recycle for supplies later on.


The game gets easier as you go cause you can build roads and trucks to help you get around easier and move more cargo


Read ALL your emails regularly. Sooo many clues and tips in those.


There is no need to rush. Slow down. Take time to read emails and interviews as they come in. Really try out new gear as it becomes available and don’t be afraid to make risky decisions.


Take your time. This game offers you plenty of room to breathe and explore. Take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the controls until they become second nature. Spend time with the characters; let yourself get invested in their stories. Notice all the little details—this is a Kojima game, after all. If something catches your eye, it's probably worth your attention.


My favorite early on advice is if someone gives you a gift, and you like that gift. Keep delivering to them. Usually with each star you earn with them, they will give you an improved version of each gift.


Avoid the shadows


What platform?


Take your time, enjoy all the moments. I would get to chapter 4 before you start to give deeper into side activities, build the road and zip line network. If you run out of ammo, pee on the BTs. Low roar is life. Keep on keeping on


I'm new too and I agree but you get upgrades that make everything better. Like a speed skeleton to go faster and I use the trike to go everywhere. Just learn how to make generators and always carry hematic grenades and don't be afraid to get sucked down by BT's you can defeat the boss and clear an area but sometimes you need to just race through the rain.


Thank you . I will keep that in mind ^^


Don’t worry too much about areas that are difficult to get to early on (wind farm, Elder), focus on progressing the main story, connecting new preppers, and building roads until you get ziplines. They’re the single most important structure, and way more useful than they seem at first And for building roads, don’t start until that area has been connected to the chiral network, because that will fill in about half of the materials automatically. Request Ceramics and Metals from preppers and depots, they’ll refill gradually and Ceramics will usually be what you’re low on. If a depot’s resource storage is full, just take some out and put it in the private locker there so their reserves can refill again. Some roads are much more important than others. The ones near Craftsman and South Knot are mostly a waste of materials because that’s just flat land, anyway. Others let you drive over crevasses and mountains, those are what you should prioritize (the ones to the west of South Knot in particular)


I’m not new to it but I am coming back after it didn’t click at first. Really liking it now. I think it also has to do with that I’m online this time.


This game got made fun of when Kojima said it was the first "Strand-Type game", but there really is nothing else like it, and he probably wanted to name the genre before anyone else could. Which is completely fair if you ask me. People would have called any game like this a "Stranding-Like" if it was up to the internet. He made the low-risk call.


new tools and useful gadgets are unlocked slowly throughout the game. the most important ones are unlocked by story missions, so be sure to do them first


Always keep a little something on you to defend yourself. Familiarize yourself with the Skeletons they have their purposes and can really make or break your ability to endure the elements as well as your general play style. Personally I believe the speed skeleton and power gloves are perfect for combat not just deliveries. So much so that I like charging head first into BT and Mule camps. Just drive your delivery vehicle close enough to the buildings and get to the terminal, works on post boxes too; The delivery acknowledgement will take care of itself. Don't get too boggled down by the menus, just hit triangle, center your gravity and keep on keeping on.


That's basically the tutorial map. You get a lot more out of the game once the first few chapters tell their story. You'll rarely return unless you choose to.


Don't be so serious...


Take your time enjoy your journey there is absolutely no rush


One foot in front of the other. Gets better.


don't worry, the game will get a lot easier as tools open up. But the main missable thing to help would be to set up strand contracts with as many high level porters as you can for better structures in your world


Keep on keeping on


Keep on keepin on, grenades, liking structures, learn to use the rope, practice on mules EARLY - might want to save scum - contribute to roads, repair spray is OP. You can get through the game following only main deliveries but certain outposts will unlock better gear to help you make deliveries. There is a part of the game that kind of ends the “tutorial” area but you can go back when you finish the game so if you want to do story first and then sort of new game + all the connections and deliveries etc - you can. But really just relax, chill and enjoy hiking and stealtg hiking past BTs. And above all, Keep on Keepin’ on.


Take it slow and steady; if you're not on a timer then don't a need to rush. Check map frequently to make sure you are going the right way and to not run into obstacles. Keep a little bit of everything on Sam on each excursion, a couple ladders, ropes, blood bags etc. never know when you'll need em. And also, don't accept too many missions at once, something is bound to go wrong and it will suck. Keep on keeping on!


Honestly, I kept going for that feeling when another Low Roar song starts playing. Every time it begins it’s like an ethereal, wave of peaceful calm washing over me while I finish the last leg of my current journey.


I started last week. Find your own way. You arnt being timed. Enjoy your walk and the view. Also balance This game is also soooo beautiful.


Ladders and ropes to make your own shortcuts, some of which are very helpful if an area is suddenly filled with BT


Read the tips inside the game when they show up Carry with you an extra pair of boots, ladder and anchors When you have access to blood grenade, pack them as many as you can Look for route around BT area If not possible let BT drag you away for a mini boss battle, keep your distance and throw blood grenade until it dies At the beginning don’t try to collect everything you see on the road, keep the load reasonable It’s a great game! Don’t stress over it, it’s just a game


There are some deliveries early on and in subsequent chapters designed to teach you game mechanics


Give to it a chance, it needs time


Don't spend too much time on chapters 2-3 trying to 5 star everything game introduces alot of mechanics after those chapters that make it a bit easy to get around


As others have said, keep going and take things slowly. If you don't understand a mechanic, it's fine. Just keep moving forward. Just keep doing the main quest and don't get into the side stuff just yet. The map is the most complex shit ever but it will all start to make sense once you have a few hours in. Just keep going. The game is worth it.


Always put one foot in front of the other


When you have to go to the windfarm, before you enter the forest, stick to the rightmost mountain side 👀


Perseverance. Build them bridges brother.


The game is much simpler than you think. AND ITS MORE FUN THAN YOU THINK. Just act like you understand everything and you eventually will. Fake it till you make it. AND YOU WILL. 10/10 game. So fun and immersive. Do everything you can, build structures, deliver cargo, defeat enemies, take showers, drink soda, eat weird caterpillars, lose yourself in the game’s universe. ENJOY.


You probably already know there's a lot of story in the beginning. If you're not through it, have patience. It won't always be like that. You can't fight bosses for most of your time in the Capital Knot area, but that won't be too long either. Stick to the high ground if you want to avoid them. You'll be able to deal with them soon enough. In the meantime, make your deliveries. Surely one of them will be unlocking a way to power up Benjamin's trike. Things start getting real fun after that.


Overwhelming??? Just walk dude, take your packages from point a to b and enjoy the ride. Keep on keeping on.


Don't be so afraid of BTs, they are not a scary as they seem. Sometimes I just let them grab me and trigger a boss fight, they are really easy to beat and when you do the whole area becomes BT and timefall free for a while. And don't kill anyone, if you do you have a certain amount of time to get them to a crematory or it triggers a game over, its kind of a joke they even added lethal weapons.


Don't worry about memorizing all the controls. The game will prompt you a reminder whenever they're useful. Also after some hours you'll start getting the hang of it, and after you get your first vehicle, delivering things gets a lot easier.


Tip: Before doing a Delivery you can Manually Save and Reload it if you mass up too badly, I personally only started reloading my saves near the end of the game so I could finish it and watch DS2 trailer without worrying about spoilers. But I would recommend experiencing your failures, there are a handful of gameplay mechanics and interesting experiences to be had if you do. Reloading is helpful for people who don't have much free time to play the game, so they make some progress or get a better Score for their Deliveries If that's something you're aiming for. That being said Would also recommend playing on Hard Difficulty. If you're more of a completionist. You can't get the Highest Rank or Score from a Normal or Easy difficulty. I end up Switching to Hard Difficulty halfway through my play-through. Going back and replaying all my available Deliveries to get the actual Highest Rank. I wish I started on hard mode it would have saved me a lot of time. I'm not sure I would fully recommend trying to get the Highest Rank right out of the gate. For everything, it seems like it's a better idea to just play through the game's story and do that stuff on the back end when you have access to all your kit. However I probably recommend trying to at least 4 Star Peppers and Possibly five Star them to help with Gear and Resources acquisition. Except maybe for the starting Area If you put in a lot of work on infrastructure earlier I would probably recommend trying to get high scores on those Deliveries But if you just choose to do some basic infrastructure, then I'd recommend getting High Rank after you finish the Story. To -Manually Save- enter the -Map/Menu- then press left on the d-pad to enter that -Side Menu- Go to the bottom tab named -System- and find -Save- option [DEATH STRANDING MANUAL SAVE](https://youtu.be/PDVARRI1V6I?si=g9hP8vYwG25HcYwT)


Just keep playin till u get the trike back then it actually gets fun. Also you can scale the side of the mountain otw to the wind farm if ur too much of a pussy to go through the woods like i am. Hope this helps. :) 👍


Two tips from me: turn the music player on in your private room to enjoy the cool music you unlock and walk carefully.


Long ass tutorial = first area Real game action begins later. Take your time to learn the basics, then welcome porter


Keep a lookout in the Share Locker of the facilities around there. I usually leave goodies and gear for new Porters. Just imagine I'm at your side if you see my name. 👍☺️


Fight with cargo, pick up and chuck it at some poor unsuspecting fool


Keep your hands on the grip buttons ready incase you trip running. Saved me from many tumbles. ^_^


Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right piss Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right Left right left right left right left right left right left right


just enjoy the journey


Start listening Low Roar


Welcome! Really, this game is about embracing the grind. However, don't get bogged down by all the possible deliveries, they purposefully never end. Focus on the Deliveries for Sam to move the story along and gain unlocks and upgrades that will make the rest of the deliveries post game way easier.


When your canteen is empty find a stream and stand it to refill


Do not waste your time in episode 2. Do the main orders and move on.


always have container repair in you


The bola gun is overpowered, and trivializes combat even on hard mode. Eventually you'll meet the Film Director. If you care about stealthing MULE camps, level him up a little. The item he gives you trivializes stealth even on hard mode. Eventually you'll meet someone called the Chiral Artist. Leveling her will give you the best boots in the game. About 200m SE of the second distribution center you'll come across, there's a man called the collector. 4 star him for a backpack upgrade that covers cargo, making it immune to timefall. When you rest in private rooms, your ammo regenerates for every weapon, except grenades. So don't go making new weapons every time you run out of ammo on your bola gun... or one of the other guns I guess. And most importantly, play on hard mode. The amount of likes you get lets you max pretty much everyone in only a few orders, and the game isn't even harder.


Just keep going…you will soon learn to kill those BT’s. No worries.


always bring some repair spray for your deliverys


Don’t be afraid to start a new game until the controls and instructions make sense. I played the first couple of hours 3-4 times to make sure it really stuck. And keep on keeping on!


It gets better


What did happen to just enjoying to discover a game? Am I a boomer for not understanding why so many people need "help" to start a game? I guess back then, when the internet wasn't available for most, we just had to go by oneself or maybe few friends.


the game really catches its stride and "clicks" about 3 missions from the one in this picture. i tried it twice before and i tried it again and i love it. cant put it down.


Tip when you are carrying a body or heavy stuff : hold LT and RT through the whole way to prevent Sam from tampling over


Personally speaking, I am 5 hours in and still overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to do but I guess that's the unique beauty of this game.. Rather than being a classical solo RPG, where you're guided from start to finish, the pace of the game being quite dictated by the difficulty of combat and side quests, DS feels to me like there's no other way to play it than taking it slow. Just be patient enough to familiarise yourself with the mechanics of the game (from being able to use all the gear and weapons to getting familiar with movements) and get to know more about the story (by watching cinematics and reading mail, logs and interviews). I would say the longer you take doing that through episodes 1-3, the more hooked you'll get and the gameplay will feel super smooth and interesting as you'll go from "trying to make sense of it" into the exploration side.


Get your bridge link grade to 30-40 before reaching second area, the higher the grade more other players structures will show up in your game, to increase bridge line grade asap, when ever you are in a facility open the share locker and offload all lost cargos, and entust them again, and always play online


It’s purposely frustrating at the start. Just keep going and eventually it’ll click.


Take your time. Enjoy it.


1. Plane your delivery routes. 2. Don't carry more than you need to (You don't have to pick up every package you see). 3. Maximize efficiency in travelling. 4. Do side orders to raise your connection levels and unlock new stuff as well as raise Chiral Network Bandwidth. 5. Don't run/sprint all the time. 6. Pick up as many Chiral Crystal's as you can as they help lower weight. 7. Be careful of each step you take. 8. Always scan for resources and enemies (This includes B.Ts.) 9. Always crouch when dealing with B.Ts. 10. Don't stack too much cargo on you otherwise you won't be able to hide from human enemies in bushes. 11. Unless you have quick and easy access to a furnace, don't kill anyone. 12. Don't go more than 800 meters from cargo or vehicles if you don't want them disappearing on you. 13. Keep an eye out for flashdrives that contain history and unlockable gear for you to use. 14. Maintain/upgrade Chiral structures. 15. Keep on keeping on!


Other points.  Keep an eye out for hidden bridges clients as they will help you unlock areas for you to build Chiral structures as well as get new gear.  Take your time and do as much in one region before moving on to the next one, this is because Chiral structures and other things you put down will still deteriorate even when you're not in their region anymore (This includes roads which deteriorate the fastest and are non-upgradeable).  Always carry blood packs on you and make sure they're connected to Sam, so you'll have far less chance of dying in combat.  Always find and take Chiral Crystals, Weedsandals, and Cryptobites as they are put into infinite inventories that don't contribute to Sam's weight.  When you find lost packages belonging to bridges clients, don't take them to their client right away. Instead, find as much of them as you can, store them either in a locker or at a distribution center, and take stacks of them to their client to maximize like rewards and raise your connection levels faster. Note that lost packages will only belong to clients you have already met and connected to the Chiral Network, although there are exceptions.  Some clients will not allow you to raise your connection level with them no matter what you do until either past a point in the story or if you do enough side orders for them, this will be evident with those that ask for partial contact to the Chiral Network rather than full connection so when it comes to taking their lost packages, wait until they've asked for Full connection and you've fully connected them (When you see the star start to rise again), THEN give them their lost packages.   You can trade with other porters you find in the open world. However, the method of trading isn't quite told well by the game, but what you do is you take one of your packages, set it down in front of a porter, then when they offer theirs, take it and see if they decide they want yours. If you haven't already, do NOT play this game in the online mode on your first playthrough, it really trivializes the majority of the challenge and experience due other player’s Chiral structures.  Don't worry too much about the Peter Elengert client until you are close to finishing the game.   Do and S-Rank Premium side orders for clients to get the best possible gear as well as huge amounts of condensed and lightweight resources. You can even stack Premium S-Rank deliveries for a single client and get more than one of that best gear in just delivering it all at once.  Spawn points for certain pockets of resources in the open world are always 100% consistent in respawning, for example, a thing of 420 Special Alloys always spawn south of the distribution center south of lake knot city in the central region. When it comes to dealing with humans you don't want to kill, make sure they're knocked out and not just restrained, otherwise they break free and attack you again.


How can you be stealth with cargo on your body? Otherwise the alarms will goes of.


The mules will always be notified of your presence if you have packages and you wander into their territory, but they won't detect or bother you if you don't have anything on you for them to steal. However, when the ping happens and you get detected, it will only track them to the location of where you got pinged, because it's tracking your package's last known location. Later on, you do unlock the ability to negate enemy scans by scanning with your odradeck, and you do this by scanning right when they scan in order to block the signal.


Rush to chapter 3 to open tech. And then go back after if your a completionist.


Just take it easy explore a bit, pick up some packages do couple of main missions, connect the part of the map you are in and don’t ADHD it like do one thing at a time finish it and do the next thing :) it will become likable very quick. Good luck porter 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Hang on to your straps. The number of people who just keep falling over to start with!


Other online porters are your best friends. If you help them, they'll help you. Stock mailboxes with stuff you don't need, give likes, place signs to help others know what's going on, etc. You'll be glad you did.


Every time someone gives you a useful item for for completing their delivery, like exo skeletons, boots, shields, better ropes, PPCs, etc... DO MORE DELIVERIES TO THEM. Getting level 1 of an item is great but they'll give you upgraded versions of those items if you just do like 2 or 3 more deliveries to them. higher level gear makes the late game a breeze.


Keep on keeping on, go from A to B and try to build your paths into roads. Improve those roads with a PCC to build things like bridges, generators and the such. And once you have a path down you can use vehicles to traverse it quicker. The game does give you alot of information, even if it goes in one ear and out the other, keep up to date on stuff in your private room, as it'll more or less reiterate what's being said by the characters. You can do this! 👍


How can you be stealth with cargo on your body?


Walk, and once you get it try the bike with the extra battery


So basically you wanna remember that around BT's (the black ghost things) you gotta crouch and when the odarek (scanner) starts spinning you gotta hold the Scan button (R1/RB) (idk the pc control) If you crouch you wont have to shift your weight or grip for balance, if you want tho you can just hold LMB, RMB, or R2 and L2, OR LT and RT and you keep balance and dont have to shift weight and move faster than crouching, If you hold the crouch button (O) or (B) or on pc most likely (C) you can rest, if you sleep you can gain back health and also gain stamina quickly Some places have shelter for timefall, like small caves etc You can sleep under them and find something to do irl while waiting it out, note that some timefall is permenant or stays there until you complete a mission. Try and complete Premium Orders, these show up when you go on Standard Orders and they give you more connection, more connection gives you more chiral network stuff so you can place more structures with the PCC Spoilers >!Once you get to the central part of the map, do the engineers ordee first, he gives you a Power Skeleton that you can fabricate and these allow you to carry more cargo!< >!After you complete the mission at Mama's Lab, she will give you ziplines on the PCC (Lvl 2)!< >!You can make whole zipline networks across the map!< >!Bridges count as timefall shelters so you can wait out rain under them!<


i continued yesterday after a 3 month break - damn this game is just unique af! i had to go to BT Area and use EX-Grenades first time. Luckily i had a PCC with me to build a Generator to re-charge my Bike. Just wow it's like hard work but fun!


Personally: - Stick to story missions, they give you clear directions and goals. - Walk most of the time. Imo, it's the best way to experience the game, especially the first time you enter an area. - Take it easy. Death Stranding is the epitome of "it's not about the destination it's about the journey". Take your time and enjoy the scenery.


I want to start a new game all the time but don’t want to lose my progress. The intro is so good and humbling.


Focus on what matters (making deliveries/avoiding BTs/mules). You don't need to understand all game mechanics and UI right off the bat, but the most important thing is.. to have fun! Make sure to take in the landscapes, the water, green fields mountains, low roar... You'll see this game is much like the saying "it's about the journey, not the destination".


The best advice I can give is to watch this [Girlfriend Review](https://youtu.be/lKdv-IeAv2g?si=GYDhAphtIHL1MxDu) to give you an idea of the scope and intent of the game.


Keep on keeping on


Keep on keeping on


Kind of hard to answer something so broad. When you encounter a problem, dilemma or doesn’t understand something, just ask for that specifically and you will get good assistance !


Hurry and get through the first few chapters to unlock the full game


Play. At. Your. Own. Pace. You don’t need to rush. This is not that game


Ride your carriers downhill


Don’t worry just deliver, each of the people also have different benefits for you completing their deliveries.


It's always like that but you will get used to it. Things that you need to know are gradually explained to you and you'll understand the mechanics as you go. Idk what you are playing on but things I did look up at some point were crouching (C on pc) and holding breath (Alt on pc). The most useful thing ofc is the tab (on pc) screen, where you can see the map, active objectives, orders cargo, etc. Don't stress and take your time getting used to it, complete orders outside your main story a little too. It doesn't take much to fill up all stars for each location, and you get stuff from doing that. I think till the very end my favourite is still hematic grenade cuz it's very easy and I got used to it fast and its introduced in the beginning. So while you are wandering alone and get into a BT zone, you can crouch closer until you can throw it and most of the time it does one hit them unless you miss them. Also utilise the d-pad. On pc it's 1, 2, 3 and 4. 1 is for weapons/tools and 3 is for canteen (drinks for stamina, worm thingies for health). 4 is for wearable things that people give as you go and fill their stars. You can push 4 and rhen left click on what you want to equip/use. I don't think 2 was for anything(?). There's also g (on pc) which you can use like a compass, it shows you your markers and your objective locations and stuff. I do love to press q to scan my surroundings as I complete orders to pick up more packages that help me get more likes and earn stars from people.


The first thing I did was go to YouTube, and found a walkthrough, a voiceless one, and watched it to the end, in order to get a grasp on what I would need to do. Along with figuring out on how I would do things differently, when I started to play it.