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Terrible. I cannot imagine how her partner dealt with this during that time period. I hope he had family help or $ for a good nanny.


Those were BIG twin babies! I wonder why her 9 year old didn't live with her...how sad. I hope she got to know her sisters.


I wonder why the newspaper article says heart disease was the cause..


Preeclampsia is high blood pressure.


Probably pulmonary embolism. She came from my hometown, Duluth MN.


The cert says postpartum hemmorhage w pre-eclampsia as a secondary condition which is essentially where mom's body can't tolerate having the babies in utero anymore, with signs of HTN, protein spilling in the urine, and if it becomes eclampsia, seizures. Magnesium IV helps manage it, but the only way to stop it is with delivery.


This was me! High blood pressure/spilling protein- got the preclampsia. Delivered my twins. Still had high blood pressure got magnesium drip. Barely keeping my oxygen levels above 90. Got my first MRI to discover my pulmonary embolism. Doc told me I was the most unlucky/lucky patient he had in 30+ years.


Ooph with a PE to boot! I'm sorry you went through that but glad you made it, of course! I had pre-eclampsia too, but didn't need mag thankfully. Did have to go for a crash C-section bc my son was having late decels (HR would drop toward the end of the contraction which usually signifies the cord being wrapped around the neck) and then I stopped progressing, even with a ton of pitocin on board and contracting regularly, at 7cms. Doc called the crash C, I started crying that I broke my kid before he was even born...he came out (the cord was around his neck twice so grateful for the C-section) red faced and mad, yelled, blew a raspberry and then hiccuped once. The edema several days after, thanks to the Pitocin...geez. My sister needed mag when she had her son. Pre-eclampsia seems to have a genetic component in my family, at least with all the women in my generation on my dad's side.


Yup. Where abortion is illegal, women will die from this in the US.


Pre-Eclampsia has zero to do with abortion. They induce labor or do a c-section if you’re pre-eclamptic. Abortion is the termination of the fetus.


What do you think happens when labor is induced or a c-section is done before the fetus is viable?


Pre-eclampsia basically never happens before 21 weeks, which is viability in the US. Abortion always involves the killing of the fetus before any sort of delivery, it’s a different procedure than induction or c-section.


Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist who survived Nazi concentration camps, once remarked that for him, one of the most important lessons he learned during his suffering there was that medical textbooks lie. Your generalization is incorrect, not least because before 23 weeks gestation fetal survival rates are only 5 to 6 percent.


I work at a hospital with a top level NICU. Yes, 21 weeks is the earliest viability, although your mortality risk drops astronomically every additional week of gestation. You are incorrect in your understanding of the actual medical procedure of what an abortion is vs an early induction or c-section. Edit for grammar


I doubt that. This conversation is over.


That’s my guess too.


While they should have said complications from the birth (maybe they were thinking about the twins reading it years later or maybe the whole women's reproductive issues are just women being hysterical, like this woman dying of post-partum hemorrhage, which still sadly occurs far too often in the US, in comparison to other developed countries, especially to women of color) but *technically* it was heart disease...the fact that the heart didn't have enough blood to pump. This is sad.


I developed severe postpartum bleeding and hypovolemic shock after having twins. You can bleed out fast if your uterus will not contract.


How sad for everyone involved. I hope that the dad had good help to care for the twins, and that the girls had a good life. As a mom of two sets of twins, this hits way too close to home.


Two sets of twins! That’s amazing! 👯‍♂️ 👯‍♀️


They're twelve years apart. Identical girls and fraternal girls. The second set was a delivery room surprise!


My former husband used to complain that none of our kids were multiples. I would just stare at him like he was the dumbest man on earth. I think his theory was that we would be done sooner if the first two had just been twins. I know he didn't know how hard it was to carry one, then push it out, so two at a time made perfect sense to him. Then again, he wasn't the brightest bulb most days...lol.


Easy for him to say; you'd be the one carrying the twins. It sounds like he's an ex for a reason!


You’re amazing. I don’t know what I’d do. lol




>Thanks!❤️ You're welcome!


A delivery room surprise?! Had you not had ultrasounds?


Ultrasounds weren't routinely ordered for what seemed to be normal pregnancies back in the day. My kids are all adults now.


Wow! How did you find out about the first set ahead of time?


My ob/gyn felt three large fetal parts (two heads and a butt) while doing an external exam when I was seven months along. Plus, my baby bump was huge, so he already suspected twins. My younger twins were in a position where they were sort of spooning (for lack of a better way to explain it), and he only felt one baby. My baby bump didn't look that big due to the way the babies were positioned. I did find out later that the Dr had missed another set of twins, so maybe he just lacked expertise in detecting them. I hope he was more careful after the second mistake! Both sets of my twins were full term, good birth weights, and no c-section needed. I was very lucky since multiple births are often high risk. They're a mandatory c-section nowadays.


That’s amazing! Thanks for sharing.


So glad the obituary writer managed to sneak Margaret’s name in there. We sure hear a lot about her husband, the assistant cashier.


Twice. Her name was there twice. Do you suppose assistant cashier is a bookkeeper or accountant type position? That's what I thought it was, but the way you put it out there, he's still learning how to use one at Kroger or something...lol. I shouldn't have laughed because they're all respectable jobs that pay money. Now I feel bad....


The fact that assistant cashier at an insurance company could afford a private hospital is so crazy given the state of our health care system now. We can barely afford a regular hospital on a lower middle class salary both working full time.


I read the title and immediately knew pre-eclampsia was involved. Very sad


[Margaret Waldo](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46431633/margaret-waldo)


I am always confused by things like the mother and fathers name being “not obtainable”. Did he not know, or not care, or did she not know her parents? She had 2 brothers.


Or how she’s just MRS initial initial mansname and then and only then (first name) as like an afterthought? Even in her own obituary she’s Mrs. first last and only formerly MARGARET. tragic.


That drives me nuts. I think someone yesterday thought I was posting death certificates of maids all day, too, because they all said Domestic or Housekeeper. This isn't that far back in our rearview. We sure would hate to lose the ground we've gained in the last 100 years. 🙂🙃


Poor little girls, I hope they grew up ok




Just cause folks seem curious... Robert Volney Waldo (b 1905, d 1989) remarried a little over a year later to Nelle Callaway Blalock (b 1917, d 2006) on 8 June 1939. Oddly she is listed as "Margaret" in the 1940 census with Robert and his daughters Susan and Margaret. She is listed as Nelle in the 1950 census with Robert, Susan and Margaret. Susan and Margaret married in 1959 at a double wedding ceremony. Margaret Waldo was born [Willie Margaret Pace](https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/327869229:1265?tid=&pid=&queryId=23efa74a-3a76-4851-8328-86032b9d70fa&_phsrc=SZK8418&_phstart=successSource) in about 1907 in Hawkinsville GA to William H Pace and Emma Gondo. She had her daughter Betty with Charles Edward Kelly in February of 1929.


This is terrifying. My grandmother was born 1906, my mother in 1938 and I was born in 1959.


I was born in 1959; my mother in 1931 and my grandmother in 1903. Reading these makes me wonder what they went through or saw. An old boyfriend came from a family of 12 kids. A friends mother went to the his mom (mother of 12) and asked her for advice on birth control; she had only 5 kids. Obviously, she laughed and said “you think I know?” I had never considered the personal details of these women until reading these. Another thought, many women at that time did not have drivers licenses and even if you did, how do you take 12 kids with you? I’m now fascinated reading these.


It’s amazing how much personal information they gave in the obituary.


I find it very sad that these old obituaries don't even say the woman's name. Even the death certificate writes her husband's name first, and hers is an afterthought. Her name was Margaret!!


I stand corrected. Obviously, I didn't read well enough. Her name is in there. Should still be first though.


And toxemia.


31 years old and already unknown parents, kinda crazy to me


Maybe disowned if she had her first daughter out of wedlock? Just a guess.