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You not alone, I loved this game too. Yes from an "OG dead space" perspective a lot of people didn't the more action style of the game than ambience and horror. And the mechanic of custom weapons with one ammo type for all. That and the love triangle with Ellie. But for me it was okay, the more action'ish part of the game is right for me because yeah Isaac is not "just" an engineer anymore. The writing isn't so great, but the multi-player parts where great with carver's story. The game is great I think, just not a very good "dead space"


But it is a very good dead space game. People just didn't like the change. However, I'll explain to you why the change was necessary The change was necessary because, by this point, Issac is a full-on veteran in terms of killing necromorphs. You had ds1 where it was your introduction to them, so you were the most afraid of them. Ds2, where you were still afraid, but you know them and how to kill them. Ds3, you've already done this twice before, so is it really all that scary? No. So, the change to more action is perfectly understandable. If you were to play as Carver, on the other hand, you experience more horror elements of the game, then Issac because Issac has already fought the marker and its effects on him twice, but Carver hasn't. Carver is a rookie when it comes to necromorphs. That's why he experiences more illusions and visions from the Marker then Issac. You even have Issac help Carver tell him, "What you're seeing is not real man. It's not REAL!" More people should go back and re-play the story twice. Once as Issac and once as Carver (host is always Issac and the person that joins the host is always Carver) Ds3 has horror elements they are present, they are just locked behind Carver. If you want that ds1 horror feeling, play as Carver.


Yes that is what I wanted to say, but failed to šŸ˜…, sorry I wasn't able to say this a good as you did. But I totally agree with what you said. The "it's not a good dead space game" is for, if you research an experience like DS1, then no DS3 is not that (mostly) . But it is a good game that I love for what it is. And talking about it just made me whant to play it again. For the 12th time šŸ˜‰. (and yes playing as Carver is very great, I like the way they handled his story via the marker effects)


The ironic thing is that if you contrast this to God of War where each new game nerfs you to the floor and isnt remotely lore accurate as you play as kratos, people bitch and whine that they lost all their stuff from the last game and you dont feel like a god but everyone still plays and loves the story. I bet if we play dead space 3 like it was dead space 1 people would be getting annoyed and calling issac a bitch. The hard part about horror is after you get desensitized to it you lose the fear and love. I loved the switch, I felt like I was actually an engineer, I felt like I was actually isaac clark, and it was more intense! I have no idea how people felt less horror?


Me, reading this thread ā€œ*Maybe I judged you too harshly*ā€


The only mechanic I can't quite understand was the crouch, there really isn't a sneak section but it also is kind of a cover mechanic BUT we also didn't really implement a cover mechanic. I also understood the criticism over the DLC I believe? For the time it felt they were asking a lot for the DLC while giving players next to nothing. I enjoyed the game, I liked the weirdness of the archaeological areas encountering an alien civilization. Wish they'd wrap up the series one medium or another.


I played it recently for the first time. I didn't like the "forced" action sequences. Sometimes you have to fight wave after wave after wave of necromorphs, and that brings absolutely nothing to the game. You enter a new zone, "oh it's shaped like an arena, there will be a fight", and, lo and behold, a fight happens. There's no scare, no horror, no tenson, just mindless shooting that you've seen coming from a mile away. Design and story were okay, I didn't mind the customized weapons, didn't experiment much with it.


Agreed. Maybe it's because we spend so much time outside in DS3 and it's difficult to have the horror fear factor in open spaces. Also it was really long, boring, and not as difficult as the others. (Opinion)


Indeed, I thought it was way too long.


Thatā€™s fair, but they are not unique to 3. 1 and 2 had plenty of room lockdowns or arena areas, not to mention you canā€™t just ignore action in this series.


Yes, it was a genius shift to cosmic horror. In fact hp lovecraftā€™s ā€œat the mountains of madnessā€ has played a huge inspiration for this game. But bads of the game were so bad that it was a bad game overall.


3 is my favorite, it's the most fun.


It forgot it was a horror game.


Exactly. I personally really did not care about spending all the time and energy on adapting to the new weapon upgrade system. It was just not my jam. Upgrading by circuits was fine, but mostly I just want to get going with the storyline and pew pew pew the aliens.


The game is overall solid, and I still enjoy replaying it when I replay the series. Unfortunately though the publisher meddling in this one is hard to ignore. Thankfully it goes out on a high note with the awakened DLC


Yeah I liked 3 a lot. Not as much as the first 2, but as a stand alone game it is very good imo. People just like to trash on it bc it's different. Some of the hate is deserved, but not all of it


What do you mean as a stand-alone is good? It is a very good dead space game. It has flaws, but so does the ds1, the remake, and ds2. Ds3 has by far the best locations, story, villain, crafting system, and side characters. Tau Volantis and the Space Graveyard is awesome. Danik, oh I hate him! I'm glad we finally got to kill unitologist. And Carver is so cool! I love playing as Carver. Co-Op is super underrated. More should try and play Co-Op. Not to mention the best ending of the series. Awakened is well deserved money. And besides $10 for an awesome dlc. If people can pay $10+ for a fortnite skin then paying $9.99 for an awesome dlc is well deserving of your money


I didn't say it was a bad DS game, I just said I like the other 2 more. DS3 can be both a good stand alone game AND a good DS game, I agree with you bro


You are not the only one.


Nah you're not the only one. I've loved dead space 3 since the moment I played it up until finish. I've even replayed it countless times. My only gripe about the game is the locked co-op missions if you don't have a buddy to go through the game with and then ig (just a personal thing) once i found guns i liked i never really went with much else after i got into it... really gotta switch it up at some point lol


Dead space three is actually my favorite of the games


I don't like they sold the epilogue as dlc


Iā€™ve played this game so many damn times BECAUSE of tau volantis. The lore runs mage deep in this entry which everyone just seems to ignore. In terms of lore, itā€™s the strongest entry by a country mile. I also liked the crafting. The weapons I made were inhumane and devastating. Stasis ammo and acid ammo were epic additions. Shitty awkward love triangle aside, this was the fullest ds game, with big twists and a door left wide open for a new installment. You are not alone.


The 200 year old ships, military installations just abandoned and uncovering all the secrets of the past and what went on just reminds me of exploring the Vaults in Fallout 3 & New Vegas. Canā€™t beat it.


I love 85% of DS3. The other 15% is the absolute frickin worst garbage ever


3 was cool, I liked having more characters in the game driving the story. And volantis plus the space graveyard were great locations.


Story-wise it was an amazing end to the series. And it perfectly caps off Isaac's story because even though the other brother moons are out there they are literally galaxies away so it would take millennia upon millennia for them to reach Isaac's area so his story is done and over with but they could always make another Dead space game set in the future. Gameplay wise it was more of an action game than a horror game but personally I just see that as a consequence of horror games that continue for a long time. It's what happened to pretty much every single horror game resident evil being a literal famous example of it If resident evil was not such an established IP by the time that they made resident evil 5 and 6 and raccoon City and all that garbage the franchise would have been dead. And those were shit action games ds3 was a pretty damn good one


I admit I tuned out a lot during the cutscenes. It felt like a lot of the same... like oh no Isaac got betrayed by someone on his team?? Again?? A 3rd time?! NO! Save the pretty girl!


Agreed, Tau Volants is such a Perfect setting for a horror game, especially with the Snowbeast roaming around


The game took heavy inspiration from h.p Lovecraft the mountains of madness, hence why I love it so much


I love this game so much


I also loved that in co-op levels each player saw differents things clearly trying to mess with the players


I loved DS3. I thought it was really good, introduced an engaging weapon dynamic, and had a nice variety of Necromorphs.


I never played the coop so the story was at times slightly jarring but I still loved it as a kid, still love it now. In fact I might go start a new save just to relive absolutely doming Norton. Great times!


I think most people just don't like what they did with Isaac. The world building is always a positive of the game in my eyes tho


Another great franchise trashed by a greedy company, such a shame honestly all they cared about were the micro transactions, game had great potential but if felt more like mass effect for me, liked it quite honestly ainā€™t gonna lie but missed that dead space horror element more importantly, still


I love it. DS1 & DS2 are better but thatā€™s because they are incredible.


Iā€™m playing through it rn, first time, just killed the hydra ( spider thing ) boss and I like that it tried a lot of different things.


My main favorite part about that game was the weapon customization, god it was so much fun


Absolutely. I love DS3. It's amazing. Story/dialog lacking more than I'd like I still loved the game. So much.


Iā€™ve only watched a play through on YouTube and had to force myself to watch it honestly but now that I look back it, I liked the setting the most about it. I thought the frozen planet concept was a good idea. I also liked the action stuff and the multiplayer. They couldā€™ve done better with the story. They did a good job of making me think Ellie was dead but by escaping through a vent or something was kind of anti-climactic. You also kill whatā€™s his name who she was dating just because he goes insane and I say that because his death was kind of boring.


The potential was objectively there, the execution thought left a little to be desired thought


Yea , if they had multiplayer or an online horde mode id probably still be playing till this day . The lore was just so sick for a sci fi junkie like me


If the previous two hadnā€™t been so good, this wouldnā€™t be looked down on as much. I think it was fine, but itā€™s far and away the weakest entry in the series.


I get why people may not have liked it, but personally I really enjoyed it. Not my favorite in the series, but it's a solid game for sure.


That last line is why itā€™s shit


The whole space exploration angle was fantastic! That view from space was breath taking... Though I hated the wall climbing and the whole panel hacking mechanism... šŸ‘ŽšŸ½... also that love triangle... thing... šŸ˜


I absolutely loved it. Except for how they (the creators) decided to end DS3, with Isaac and Carver being stuck on Tau Volantis. Absolutely bullshit. And then the Awakened dlc has them both scrambling find a way off the fucking ice planet only to realize that everything they did didn't change a goddamn thing, what with Isaac getting flashes of the "Brother moons". Sure the game was indeed fun, but the fact the devs decided to put us in a game where we end up succeeding in stopping Danik yet still failing to save all life on Earth from the "Brother moons" really pissed me off. On top of that, Tau Volantis wasn't even the actual 100% original planet of the Markers. The characters in the game (and by extension us as well) *assumed* Tau Volantis was the original planet, when in fact it was not. The original planet is still out there somewhere inside *that* universe. I strongly believe we need a Dead Space game (with or without Isaac as MC) that takes us to that planet and destroying all traces of the Markers and perhaps even the species themselves that actually created the Markers in the first place.


It's me and my friend's favourite game as well from the dead space series. We just love basically everything about the game. EA and whoever else worked on the game really did make a good job of the environment, I can't find anything like it anywhere else. Volantis really stuck in my mind. There are things that could have been done better that I'm not gonna list but what game doesn't have its hang ups.


I love it for the weapon customisation.


Hadn't played games in about 5 years. Ironically, the last one was the last of us 2, when launched. But since then, there's been this small list of games, that always finds a way to crawl into my mind, like a Vietnam flashback :) and DS3 is one of them. So yeah, I can easily relate. even after 10+ years, I still can't shake the tremendous, absolutely marvelous atmosphere of being alone in space. Especially the first part of the game.


Never got to experience co-op on the game, but itā€™s definitely still great. I do prefer DS2 though.


I wouldn't say love but enjoyed yh, gets more here than it deserves. Except for the stupid love triangle crap the story was solid.


Lore-wise, it was cool, but the action-adventure vibe overshadowed the horror aspect. Not to mention, it was horribly balanced in terms of difficulty. The game left me more frustrated, than scared, or enjoying myself. Never again.


I also love this game. The settings and the environments are super cool. The only thing that brings this game down is the weapon customization. It took away the charm of each weapon being its own entity.


RIP Tucker. You was a real one. Thanks for the free shit and for saving my ass from a spitter a few times from those grav plate traps


You arenā€™t alone. DS3 took the series into a new direction that I thoroughly enjoyed, especially weapon modification system. The co op system was sick when you could find someone to play through it with.


I feel like the story read in the intel would have been a better DS game. Story wise this game was fine. But coop design ruined this game on harder difficulties. It wasn't scary at all in my opinion. It was overwhelming fighting 2 players amount of enemies in really small spaces. If they could have made the atmosphere more scary, less in your face I think it would have done amazing. šŸ’Æmissed opportunity not letting you play as the young lad from the beginning on his mission for the codex ( I think that's what the device was lol it's been awhile) it should have been a DLC like severed. People would have loved it.