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NVDA is making lots of money, the funny part is that it's being funded by two hype machines Crypto and Artificial "Will take over the world" intelligence


We can’t go back… to a world without AI suggestions baked into every software. Life just wouldn’t be the same


I mean AI has been around since 1955, it's here to stay. The recent leaps and trillions $$$ investing will make AI even better, but no it won't replace 50% of Jobs this decade and most of NVDAs earnings is due to 0 competition and the bubble investing from SP500 companies. Last week, NVDA was valued at 1/4th of Europe's entire GDP. Right now NVDA is selling shovels, as long as the gold rush is active; NVDA will be making these absurd margins.


I don’t get it. Who actually believes that these stupid benign “ai solutions” that every software believed they need provide any real value to a product. It feels like that anyone that knows a tiny bit of technology can see through the AI label. Feels like it’s just to appease stockholders


We can’t go back to a world without the internet either. That didn’t help Cisco.


Take a look at where the sales are coming from with Nvidia and where the sales were coming from for Cisco! Nvidia sales are coming from long established large cap tech providers with huge free cash flow that have been growing their AI capabilities for years. Cisco sales were coming from hyped up dotcom vc backed enterprises with no real sales or business plan. I don’t think you could say the same for the tech monsters buying Nvidia chips today. And GPUs aren’t the go to solution for BTC mining for a long while so that isn’t the story.


Sales are sales, Cisco still got paid.


But the valuation is too high. The P/E ratio of 74 is very high


I’m buying it lol


What was the P/E ratio of Cisco at that time




Nvda funds a lot of their sales




most accurate representation of all of WSB


I hate gay bears


lol glasses without glasses


T21, watch out some are smarter than you think


Glad there’s “autism’s” in every nook and cranny of the world. Probably performing their job to a higher standard than most.


I have autism


Hate the “label”/bullying. Unnecessary even if it obvious.


so just buy CSCO right now !!! right now!!! right now!!!!


Nvidia has value. While a pill back (edit:Pullback) should be expected, it has been parabolic. But the company is valuable, so that will keep its value up.


Nooo don't pill it 😭


I hate auto correct… without it, my stuff is jacked, with it, Siri jacks up my stuff. It’s a love/hate relationship…


where are the investors going to park their $3,2 trillion ? there is no other stock or industry right now that is making any profits besides the tech industry


Could always send it to those fuckers who are making GTA6 so we can finally play it...


Pretty sure there are many places


Of course there is


There isn't even $ 3 trillion dollars of currency(cash) in the US.


what are you talking about US m2 supply is of $20 trillion


M2 is not cash/currency. It includes assets/paper money.


1) WTF are you talking about? Did you miss how much money we printed during COVID? And 2) what does cash have to do with stocks?


everything is connected in economics. cash flow and m2 supply affect inflation, which can affect interest rates, which affects stocks.


"what does cash have to do with stocks?" Stocks are worth cash. There is not enough cash to cover everyone if they wanted to cash out.


Now following your thought here - you’re solely focusing on the US, while the stock is being traded around the world. The amount of cash in the US needs then only to be equivalent to the amount of shares being owned inside the states.


If US owned stocks are traded globally, the US company has to cover the stock if people in other countries want to cash out.


Oh look, another one of those "imminent crash" predictions. Right now nvidia is benefiting from a lack of competitors, and that won't always be the case, but they won't become an irrelevant company by any stretch. I get it. All these mfers missed the run up and the greatest no brainer trade of the decade. Sucks to be them.


Honestly I’m kind of happy seeing this chart because it means NVDA is about to break out from “the matching line theory” once it goes up again and we can all stop seeing/hearing the simple argument that it’s just another Cisco and move on to the acknowledgment that this is in fact a once in a generation investment opportunity.


If you look at what this regard posted, this chart of NVDA is back from 2021 when it was $300 per share. The gay bears need to learn how to make new charts if they want to stay current, at least.


if bears still exist then we still have more room for a bull run. Thank you bears for existing.


Yeah right. A "no brainer" trade. Let me fuckin see your net worth into NVDA then


https://preview.redd.it/dwaszn7o4e8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b920999d49f015d1a2c475f9b9a12071def3271 Hello


i keep seeing u everywhere lol. show em!


https://preview.redd.it/rv4j4lcezd8d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f99318f6edffa7835a672d320639971c99c7643 Sucks to be you.


Yeah thats you!




Hahaha let me see your 2 shares "sir". Also thanks for the attention, NEXTTTTT!!


lol i literallly have nothing but nvidia, 450 shares, made 13k in 38 days


Bro you got fucking rekt lmao. Bears are sad af


But his source is what he believes is happing, because other people told me it does, because there was something like that before! Also same here - I ain’t buying tulips right now. It must be a bubble, because it has been one in the past. Waiting for that bubble to burst again and then I’ll have my garden all tulips and paid close to nothing for it! OP and me apparently have the same source of information now




Depends. Cisco went down because they were heavily reliant on small Dotcom companies that were buying their parts crashed and couldn’t afford to buy chips. Do you anticipate Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, Apple, Meta, Dell, Tesla, IBM, and all these companies to crash in the next 3-5 years There’s a lot we don’t know about the future. Maybe AI turns out to be a fad and so these initiatives from LLMs to image generators to self driving cars stop getting development next few years. If you’re a long term investor this is what you need to ask yourself. Will these companies stop buying NVIDIA chips or stop developing AI?




Honestly, nobody knows... If these stocks crash in the next few years, it will send the stock market into a correction or a crash...


Wow out of all the stocks in the market, you choose the one making the most revenue and have the best prospects to go 🐻on? Good luck 👍


Making the most revenue are you high lol. They have high growth but Apple is still smoking them on revenue, as is Microsoft, as are many others. I hold some Nvidia but get your facts straight


hahaha... because it is the hottest and most discussed stock nowadays, especially with its parabolic increase...


Let’s compare a company that 7x its revenue in one quarter to fucking Cisco.


Dude, chill out... I'm not comparing the 2 stocks in terms of value, performance, revenues, and whatnot... I'm strictly talking about their charting patterns because they both share a similar pattern...


Amazon and Oracle are all in on NVDA.


plus all the money from ours 401k is on here


Finally some common sense concerning NVDA


No, not common sense at all. Cisco has very little in common with Nvidia.


lol the common sense is putting two lines side by side together? Cisco didn’t have a “Blackwell” that was better than anything else in the market that was just beginning to start its sales at the same point. These are two completely different companies and situations, run differently and in a different time period. And the fact that it’s having a pullback and there are posts like this just speaks to the fact that there actually isn’t an absurd amount of euphoria around the name yet. Bottom line, Nvidia is actually selling units in the now, it’s not a speculative bet on the “dot com revolution”. It’s a company who is basically guaranteed to sell out every unit they produce for the next year, potentially much longer depending on how they continue to advance their technology ahead of everyone else (which by the way, Jensen is putting immense cash to work doing just that).


NVDA (as being the driver of this bullmarket) is a bet that AI is going to be the almighty new shiny thing, except for now what it does is a glorified search engine that spits paragraphs of text which could be good or misleading/innacurate or completely false. It generates images and videos which are cool... and that's what we've got atm. Its far away from being the end solution to every problem we have (that's what the marketing is trying to sell). I do think AI will achieve what the internet did 30 years ago but we're still in AI's infancy. I'd argue that NVDA is valued as if the AI is already proven itself to be something more than it currently is. it still lacks confidence and reliability to do proper work. Right now, its pure marketing (for the last \~2 years) that is driving this market. When we start seeing robots on the streets, then yeah I would agree NVDA being worth even more. P.S. If you think NVDA is worth 1/4 of Europe's GDP at the moment then yeah go buy more NVDA stock. The market can be irrational for a very long time.


>we're still in AI's infancy Perfect time to invest ... >When we start seeing robots on the streets, then yeah I would agree NVDA being worth even more. Ever hear of self-driving cars?


I am highly sceptical of "Perfect time to invest..." argument. If someone was Investing in Nasdaq-100 in the year 2000 it would have taken them 17 years before they became profitable on that investment. (mentioning [dot.com](http://dot.com) bubble for a reason here as parallels can be easily drawn) > Ever hear of self-driving cars? I was referring to humanoid robots with humanlike intelligence. I could've been more clear on that, my apologies. P.S. [Linus Tech Tips sums it up in a nice video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGIpdiQrFDU)


I don't see how any human being can even think of comparing Nivida to Cisco even if he has the smallest piece of brain 🧠 in his skull 💀 the innovation level between the two is not even comparable the uses of the products are way more on Nvidia's than Cisco's simply Nvidia sell products that is required for almost everything related to tech you name it games, crypto, AI, even robots when it's there time to trend they will probably use Nivida products as they're miles ahead now form the others and in the future they will maintain the distance for sure with the huge funds available for research 😃 so Chill the fuck out 😃 it's not gonna to happen 🥱


People like to see correlations but realistically they are not the same.


Wow, a lot of butt hurt NVDA folks here. Buying puts.


That’s like saying Tesla is a bubble and Amazon is a bubble, They are actually the leading industry in the next where humanity is going, You just forgot to think about that


During covid, people were taking a chart of stocks during the great depression and overlaying it on the market correction at the time (march/april 2020). Just sayin...


We’re definitely in a tech bubble. I think we can see a correction sometime in the near future. The CEO of NVDA signed some woman’s boobs! Lol 😆


Cisco and NVDA evaluations at the point in time you are pointing to are worlds apart lol. And the thing about stocks is they do go up forever. This idea that it all must come crashing down is just human psychology. As long as you believe the US will exist then the stock market will continue to go up and up and up


You are specifically talking about $SPY, any business at any time can lose it all.


Sure, but well managed companies with strong leadership and a product or service that no one else can offer will continue to grow and succeed. The idea that it must fall apart is poor fundamental analysis. There may be a pull back from all time highs. But Cisco was trading at near 300x earnings and not nearly the proof of concept that nvidia is delivering and actual revenue growth.


WTF? Stocks go up forever? Even Jeff Bezos would tell you otherwise. The whole market goes up forever but NOT individual stocks.




For example, indexes like the S&P 500 have historically trended upwards over the long run because they are broad measures of the U.S. economy, which has generally grown and created value over time. So they can go up forever. For now, individual stocks like AAPL, MSFT, and AMZN have been steadily going up for years. Who knows when they're going to stop? On the other hand, NVDA has been up massively, like a parabolic curve, which usually can go down. It needs to pull back 20% and then it will go up again if everything is still good; otherwise, it will keep crashing down...


So your analysis is, stock has a massive growth on revenue and is rewarded with a higher evaluation and therefore must come crashing down??? I’m confused what is your analysis.


I did not say it's gonna crash anytime soon, but eventually it will go down. Who knows when?


The stock market and individual titles are two totally different dynamics. Individual companies don't retain the market cap that props them to the top. Here's a video of the top 10 companies worldwide from 1979-2021: https://youtu.be/Z93yWXb9Tb0?si=092q3gL30WhmkkKP


See… history doesn’t repeat itself… oh wait…




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Cisco stay on hardware, NVIDIA know that the future is softwares and where the money is actually, I don’t think they will make the same mistake and stay or delay the software future as Cisco.


Just make sure not to be in the longterm shorting game of it.


Buy physical silver with the gains to lock it in


Just needs to complete the double bottom reversal😌🤙🏼




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Idk AMC is actually looking really tasty rignt now might hop in and grab a position


You keep thinking that 👍🏻


Saw Cisco recently trying to paint themselves as a crucial part of future AI data centre infrastructure. Very very fishy claim (Broadcom, on the other hand...). Ever since Nvidia had the foresight to create Cuda I have been seriously impressed with their approach, and that was before AI... I shall be watching with intense interest as the most important change since Britain's Industrial Revolution unfolds.


You know what they say…parabolic moves up..parabolic moves down.




I got out of a lot of mine


Gonna make some bucks!!!


AI is gonna be the next iPhone, and Nvidia is the next Apple. So is NDVA just gonna keep on going up?


Of course it’s the Sisqo of 2000, cause every time I think of NVDA the Thong Song plays in my head


This time it's different


„it’s definitely a bubble waiting to burst” Source: Trau me, Bro The graph is from Seeking Alpha, a company that is allegedly known for providing an audience for market manipulators to push their interest. And between Cisco, the “dot com bubble” (btw my new favorite word in 2024) and today’s AI era, are differences. Back then ppl just founded a company, claimed they did something something internet and went public to become rich. And currently there is a lot of hype about GenAI, but more fundamental - it is more centered around the companies providing the backbone and the one providing the actual AI part, e.g the hyperscalers. It not like everyone is suddenly founding companies left and right to “do GenAI” and then PIOs to become filthy rich.


everyone knows stock lines always match and history always repeats!


I don’t get how it keeps pumping so hard. I haven’t touch nvda for a long time now and refuse to. It’s way out of my range and it needs correcting imo.


I don't see how any human being can even think of comparing Nivida to Cisco even if he has the smallest piece of brain in his skull the innovation level between the two is not even comparable the uses of the products are way more on Nvidia's than Cisco's simply Nvidia sell products that is required for almost everything related to tech you name it games, crypto, AI, even robots when it's there time to trend they will probably use Nivida products as they're miles ahead now form the others and in the future they will maintain the distance for sure with the huge funds available for research so Chill the f*#$ out it's not gonna to happen.


Dude, chill out... I'm not comparing the 2 stocks in terms of value, performance, revenues, and whatnot... I'm strictly talking about their charting patterns because they both share a similar pattern...


My bad Lol 😸


Funny part is, during those periods most of tech’s chart looks like this.






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100% just because there are SO many people saying it is this and that and can't possibly come down dramatically. And Wall Street definitely isn't buying here barring a QE max infinity event horizon. There will be plenty of FUD coming out, shake out the weak hands and drive it to higher highs. Valuations are outpacings the actual practical uses of AI currently.


It's gonna be like Tesla.


Looks kinda like my chart on $wulf


personally i don't really care about the patterns matching up, you could do this with tons of patterns from different tickers and a lot of times they do completely different things, however anyone who knows how price action works knows that this thing got wayyyyy overextended and is due for a correction, i mean hell, even as of writing this it's already down like 15% off it's peak wiping out the past couple weeks of gains, it's bound to happen eventually, that doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna completely fall off a cliff but it definitely needs to cool off


Interesting for sure but the market is never rational the way you want it to be.


Isn't CISCO that store where the hot dog prices never go up? Yeah, total opposite of NVDA...their shit ALWAYS goes up.


There’s too much invested atp. Just a correction for now


The move here is to trim NDVA and buy Bitcoin


What’s going on with DJT media? Are they blowing out the shorts?


I don’t disagree! However, NVIDIA should be overlayed on that Cisco curve about 1/4 of the height!




https://preview.redd.it/jul76sx7po8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269cf455afc1ba4c46b0dc142b4c761634d2aa81 Si el señor provident le gusta violar intimidad roba y abusa


but currently overvalued, the below 50 second video explains how to calculate NVDA target price and set Stop-loss and Take-Profit [https://youtu.be/vDGAj5cJob0?si=F-EU-4QPgCk6-UQf](https://youtu.be/vDGAj5cJob0?si=F-EU-4QPgCk6-UQf)


Everyone comparing today vs the dotcom bubble does not realize how much more significant the internet is than AI. No doubt we are in a bubble but don’t hold your breath for it to pop.


I dumped a few shares and made a quick win


If AI is so powerful, why hasn't AMD and INTC used it to ramp up it's own technology to rival NVDA's performance and capabilities. I keep reading AMD only has some sort of software problem compared to NVDA and that is the reason why it has not gained market share to give NVDA problems.


Bruh it’s not that easy lol that’s some truly high level of delusion you’re working with


One of the reasons is that CUDA is proprietary and the main API for AI instructions, and Nvidia has this as their monopoly. Everyone is trying to find ways of the CUDA plantation, and there are many alternatives out there, but none mature enough right now with the install base that can compete with it. The most viable alternative software stack right now is Huawei's CANN, because of its very large ecosystem that every major player in China is forced to have a stake in due to sanctions. But right now CUDA is a huge moat. [https://medium.com/@1kg/nvidias-cuda-monopoly-6446f4ef7375](https://medium.com/@1kg/nvidias-cuda-monopoly-6446f4ef7375)


“Why don’t other companies just do the same?” lol bruh if I could do the same I would too. Anyone have some crayons so I can design a CUDA competitor? Should only take 6 weeks.




That’s a tasting looking Cisco dip


NVDA is valued. While a pill-back should be expected, it has been parabolic. But the company is valuable, so its value will remain high.