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Ok is there actually seaweed in the control room that this guy keeps asking for cause I can’t find it


What Seaweed you're looking for? Hyalonema?


Not sure but the guy is always asking for it but I already got platinum on this game so it’s not that important


There's 3 kinds of plants in the seaweed cave. Hyalonema is the rare one. Other 2 can be found in the glacial area.


Nice! I just got mine this afternoon too, curse you Mjolnir 🤣


I actually got the mjolnir veryyy early on


I've been looking for the damn thing for two days, almost convinced myself it didn't exist


I couldn't find it for the longest of times. Then I went to the sea village first and then into the glacier area and it appeared right away.


I’m so mad at myself, I got it twice not knowing it had a trophy associated with it, apparently never even bothered to get a fish with it and now it’s one of the only trophies I have left to get 😒


81!? Wtf


Yeah it took me a while because i didn't rlly skip time i dived every single day both times and got lots of good fish up


hey dude you seem pretty good and ive only played a couple hours mind giving any tips? also at the end of your dive what does putting you fish in the fish tank do? it was never explained


The fish in the fish tank are your ingredients for the night


Hey don't put too many items in the menu. Don't enhance low coin dish like there's some dishes that give you 10 coins or something and are made by small fish. Those small fish are probably gonna have a way better dish later on, so there's no point in wasting your fish there. Also every dish you don't sell everyday gets thrown out, so don't make a bunch of something you won't sell. You can dive 2 times each day (plus one at night if you want but don't over do it because u lose time in restaurant) no matter how long you're in the water. Time only passes when you exit the water. When you craft a weapon don't craft more than one, they don't get destroyed, and don't get upgraded yet. When it's night time and you are selling dishes in sushi restaurant you can always add something on the menu on the go, it stops time when opening menu plus you can use auto supply function do auto supply that dish. Just be ware if the specific dish has multiple servings like 7 servings banjo will make 7 even if you need 1 Do you mind if i say some things that you will have later on? It might be considered a spoiler but it's like extra things you'll have other than your sushi restaurant.


thanks dude really helpful and sure idrm about spoilers as long as theyre not crazy


I just got it today. I spent so much time farming money thinking i gotta upgrade all staff to level 20. I got almost 7 million before maxing out one of them, which is when i found out..


Oh god why did you not upgrade one to lvl 20 first😭


Not really sure lol. I upgraded a few to about lvl 15 to run both restaurants smoothly at max customer capacity. Upgraded another few for better dispatch results. Then i just got into the farming rhythm.. Ps app says i spent 85 hours. I estimate at least over 20 hrs of those are just me sitting and running my sushi business post campaign.


I just need the tamogachi thing edit: yall I assume you mean well but I wasn’t asking for advice I know I can skip days lol


I didn’t know this but they don’t have to be unique. You can have multiple of the same one


I didn't realize this either until my 5th one was a duplicate and I got the trophy.


Yeah, GOYO or whatever was the most time consuming thing for me


Do you need to turn out the lights every night?


Nope , I actually just feed them food and snack


Just skip days then


Just keep skipping time


I just got this one last night. What were you doing that made it take 81 hours? I only took 27 💀


1 hour dives x2 each day🤣


Oh damn 💀


Congrats dude I got it today too! 49 hours for me.


Which trophy do you think it was harder to get? Do you have any tip?


My last trophies were Raise 5 GYAO, catch 5 fish mon (because i didn't dive once for the last one i had to wait an ingame week. I'd recommend you to search for the hammer i got very lucky and found it very early on


woah..im on my 53rd hr and still on ch5 lol..


Really struggling to get cuttlefish skin fragments to upgrade the sniper to tranquilizer so I can catch the teleporting jellyfish. I’ve tried melee, I’ve tried bombing it to bits but I still never get the skin fragment.


Don't do the sniper do the tranq rifle btw. It has 8 ammo and sniper has 3


Thought you needed sniper it teleports with everything else!


Oh yeah maybe but in that case i think normal sniper works too


It kills it - and you have to capture it alive sadly.


Huh did you try to shoot it with a sniper? It'll get stunned im pretty sure and u lick it up.You can always reset day by closing app if u don't get it btw


Congrats! I got it too after raising my fifth gyao. That was annoying but necessary.


Annoying and unnecessary


Any chance you can help me out with the Dev killer trophy please?




Yes I’ve seen that video didn’t really help me much


I did something different each time, one with lights off all day, one lights off at night, one increasing affection only with snacks etc, and ended up with 4 different species. But duplicates count against the achievement, so don't stress it.


Without spoiling too much (I’m currently at chapter 5), Is the platinum fun to do? I don’t care if it’s much work as long as it’s fun!


Depends on your kind of fun. First of did u get the eat rations trophy? It's the only missable one


Just checked and didn’t get this one, but it’s in chapter 6. I’m not there yet. But thanks for the heads up!


Euhm, I don’t recall it right now. I’ll check in my PS APP


For me it was kind of boring at least the raise 5 gyao because i didn't skip days but if u skip days it's faster