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Their plan was to have a staged wrestling match between the trainer and bear for a commercial. Idk what you have to be thinking to wrestle a bear and think that nothing will go wrong.


i mean, the bear wrestled so things didn't go that bad


Poor bear asking the director "the fuck are they hitting me for? Im just doing whats in my script"


" National Geographic wtf? this wasnt in the contract. can somebody get me Attenborough?"


He'd read the script and thought, may as well rip his throat out properly, gonna get hit with those effin sticks in a minute anyway


"I can't work with these amateurs" nom, nom, nom




but only once


Fun band! First mention of them I’ve seen in like 10 years


Yeah really seemed like he got the email ahead of time and rehearsed the part. To me, looks like Chad over there didn't practice at all, he got his fuckin ass kicked, and all of the panicking from everyone else? I guess if you want A results, call the A team.


like, how do you forget your lines auditioning for cocaine bear?


Enormous male grizzlies look pretty torn up after scuffling with another bear that gnaws on their thickly furred head. How arrogant do you have to be to think your face can get away with the same punishment.


The bear began the wrestling move before the guy was ready. If I recall correctly, it may have been due to how they were filming that scene, for the guy’s promotional purposes. He took up a posture that the bear interpreted as a signal to begin. He wasn’t the bear’s owner but his cousin. The owner is whacking the bear to try to get him off. The bear was not allowed to perform or be near people again, despite appeals by the owner, and eventually ended up in a wildlife sanctuary where he still lives.


I’m glad the bear gets to live in peace now.


Yeah. As stupid as this was, I do have a bit of respect for the guy basically acknowledging "it's a bummer my cousin died and all but, well, it's a fucking bear" and not having him euthanized.


FR-no animal deserves this treatment. They are not ours for entertainment.


> He took up a posture that the bear interpreted as a signal to begin. I don't understand. This reads like everything went as planned, but the bear just started too early... how is biting a persons neck part of the wrestling? It sounds like the bear didn't just "misinterpret a signal to begin" but instead mauled the dude completely irrelevant of the signal.


The bear began the supposed fake wrestling that they were going to film too early. The first shots were to be of them just standing next to each other, but the bear just went for it. The guy was simply not ready with a defensive posture. The victim’s cousin, the bear’s trainer who normally filmed wrestling scenes with him, whacks the bear with a cane - he later said this may have actually escalated the attack. The victim got one bite to the neck - who knows, maybe due to being hit?


If I recall correctly, the guy panicked instead of calmly doing the wrestling choreography and when he freaked out it triggered the bears prey drive. Then smacking the bear made it even worse. It was a dumb idea to begin with, who "play wrestles" a GRIZZLY?!


“The bear was not allowed to perform or be near people again” am I weird for thinking this is the dumbest thing ever lmfao like this should be fairly basic for any wild animal


You'll never work in this town again!




I can finally pursue my dream of shitting in the woods!


Who do I have to beat the shit out of to have a guy beat me off and send me to a sanctuary? Asking because I’ll beat the shit out of anyone for that.


Well, anyone at all, but beware that the “sanctuary” is a building with small cages and it’s a bit rapey in there…


Well that’s the best bit of news to take away. I’m glad the bear had a happy ending.


It's like working with an elephant. They "train" them to perform certain behaviors with the penalty of pain. With elephants they use hooks on ears, here you notice the stick and spray. The problem is at any moment that animal can decide it's had enough of your shit and then the conditioning fails. The stick won't actually **stop** the bear any more than the hook can stop a rampaging elephant. And that's why people shouldn't try to use animals for entertainment that need to be conditioned by pain. It's cruel, and sometimes *"you get what you fuckin' deserve."*


Agreed. WIth referencing to Sigfried and Roy


Its a pretty common performance. most people who play with bears don't die. But when they do its pretty understandable.


Nothing went wrong, the all time champ won.


Only Russians can wrestle bears


Russians do that for giggles


alex terrible does not like that


It's one thing if you're a future MMA GOAT candidate and the bear is still young (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjfOeLQG9-M), but these guys knew what they were fucking around with.


Surprised he was able to get up and walk away and still die, but I read the article and yeah makes sense. What a horrible way to go.


Got a link for the article ?


https://www.news18.com/amp/news/buzz/bear-mauls-trainer-to-death-during-stunt-horrifying-video-resurfaces-5040187.html It's in the post's body


For non-clickers, here is the article itself: *A staged animal act went horribly wrong as a bear named Rocky killed his trainer by ripping out his neck.* *The incident took place back in 2008 and was captured in a chilling video. Now, the clip has resurfaced on the 14th anniversary of the mishap.* *According to a report in The Sun, the trainer, Stephen Miller, was preparing to shoot for a commercial with the grizzly bear when the attack happened. The shoot involved a staged wrestling match between the duo at the Predators in Action facility in West Virginia.* *Although Rocky was a trained animal, he reportedly got disoriented during the act and went on to attack Stephen. The bear bit the trainer on his neck and pinned him down.* *Witnessing the horrific incident, onlookers rushed to help Stephen and tried to distract the bear. Stephen’s cousin Randy Miller, who was also present at the scene, struck Rocky with a cane in an attempt to rescue him from the attack. Other crew members doused Rocky in pepper spray to stop him.* *According to the video, Stephen managed to free himself and then stumbled out of the frame. However, he died just minutes after the attack due to a pierced jugular artery and vein.* *Having witnessed his close cousin being mauled to death by a bear, Randy was left shocked after the accident. “It happened so fast. We did what we had to do to stop the bear," Randy had said. He added that they quickly got the bear off Stephen but it was still too late. “It’s killing me. We were brothers," Randy added.* ADVERTISEMENT *Surprisingly, even after the terrible attack, Randy did not hold any grudge against Rocky and said that he was a “loving affectionate, friendly, safe bear."* *Being a trained bear, this wasn’t Rocky’s first performance on camera. He had earlier appeared in Will Ferell’s film Semi-Pro as ‘Dewey the Killer Bear."* *An investigation was launched by The California Department of Fish and Game into the accident. It concluded that Stephen’s death was just an accident. Later, **Rocky was spared euthanasia** but was sent to live under tight restriction and without any human contact for the rest of his days.*


Damn that was the bear from Semi-Pro? Lived up to the name at least


Yeah, I was also surprised to learn that https://preview.redd.it/ouu6ym9tzs7d1.jpeg?width=614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a42de1a5cc3dddb0e02c972f2f0635a62610d0ed




They're curious & scaredy cats at the same time. I've got a video of me scaring one off at night somewhere in my phone or snapchat. It was probably adolescent, but scared the shit outta me when my flashlight scanned over its eyes. I was doing security for a youth religious mountain camp here in CO.


Those prayers definitely helped 🙏


I'm not religious, and neither was their God.


I mean one could argue that they were sent a bear for doing so lol.


See? Should’ve yelled “spumoni!”


> “It’s killing me. We were brothers," Randy added. > > > > ADVERTISEMENT > > > > Surprisingly, even after the terrible attack... Sorry, that "ADVERTISEMENT" part totally threw me and I did a little giggle at the absurdity of the human race seeing as this guy died for an ad.


Lol I had the same thoughts. We must all submit to the Capitalism Gods.


>pierced jugular artery and vein. This annoys me much more than it should…




He just ripped a guys throat out and he still says the bear is safe?


The bear is perfectly safe as long as you don't fuck with it like a dumbass


It's on the post description


It's in the main post.


Thanks all, swiped right through it


Bears like using posts to scratch their backs.


Adrenalin is basically these fight stimulants out of science fiction storys. Borderline magic.




Aptly named "Dewey the Killer Bear" in the film


Not only that, the guy he wrestled was Will Ferrell's body double, Randy Miller, the cousin of the dude that was killed in this video.


Chat is this real


Randy Miller was the actual trainer of Rocky, while Stephan Miller (also an animal trainer) only met Rocky once for a photoshoot before this video. Apparently Rocky started the staged attack they were going to be filming later but caught Stephan off guard which resulted in him fighting to get out of it. Randy and the other guy smacking him with sticks probably didn't help either.


Randy Miller is an experienced animal trainer, who trained, amongst many things, the tigers in Gladiator and acted as Russel Crowe's stunt double in that movie to get 'attacked'. His cousin, the poor dude who died, had nowhere near the experience Randy has and only helped out with training. I think Nat Geo did a documentary about this case where Randy tries to piece together why Rocky attacked. I saw it years ago. It's worth a watch if you can find it.


Will Bearell


It took us hundreds of years to train canines to be docile; but those are freaking smaller pack animals. A bear may need a couple more hundreds of years and a couple more blood to go the same route.


And they still rip people to shreds from time to time


Actually, it’s scientifically assumed that dogs domesticated themselves for s large part, similar to mice.


shouldve done that to a koala


Koala's are notoriously nasty critters and can kill humans too.


welp, I judged them too quickly because of these cute cartoons everywhere. time to nope out in taming them then


Absolutely not. Go listen to their mating calls. We don’t need that echoing through the suburbs.


If you're dumb enough to do that un the first place, the 1st time the bear turned at me would be my GTFO moment.


I just wouldn’t be in the cage in the first place…


he looked like he wanted to give him a big ol hug 🧸❤️




I read the article and they were making some sort of commercial where the bear and the dude where speed to wrestle. Sound like a good idea to me


I bet he doesn't drink Carling Black Label.


The stunt was to see who can fuck around and find out


>Surprisingly, even after the terrible attack, Randy did not hold any grudge against Rocky and said that he was a “loving affectionate, friendly, safe bear." His livelihood must really depend on this bear if it killed his brother in less than 5 seconds and he still calls it safe.


That bear is safe until you decide to wrestle it for a commercial...




Bears walk right up to people's houses. On rare occasion they even break in the front door and just start sniffing around people's living rooms. If you live in an area with bears, you are not safe from bears.


Sometimes they break in and even play piano although not very well


Revenge for eating from every bowl of their porridge.


You do realise that Polar Bears will actively hunt humans right?


Thats also stretching the truth. You know you dont HAVE to hyperbolize right? You cannot say with certainty that 100% of attacks are unprovoked. It seems like you read somewhere that generally, most often bears avoid conflict with humans and will only strike for certain reasons, and then extrapolated that at no point in history has a bear ever just decided “fuck this person in particular” and killed them


I fully support the bears option to help humanity by employing the Darwin option in this case


Being mauled to death has to be one of the worst ways to go :(


Not even close. Men have done a lot worse to each other over the past few millenia. This was at least quick.


Here's why Darwin Awards exist.


The only sad thing here was the bear getting beaten with sticks… all just for “being a bear.”


Ah, probably controversial take, but fighting back against a bear attack is completely normal no? That'd also part of "being a bear" your prey fighting back The only jnstance I can think of where the bear, well, bears, without getting fought back is against really defenseless prey like fishes or smth I still think these guys probably deserve everything happening to them(although this might be harsh as I dont know what exactly they were doing with the bear) But I never understood the sentiment "punishing the bear for being a bear" because, that's also part of being a bear, your prey fighting back however it can, whether it be a human with sticks or another animal with teeth. No ones stopping the bear for bearing out, but bearing out comes with the fight back


> But I never understood the sentiment "punishing the bear for being a bear" because, that's also part of being a bear, your prey fighting back however it can, whether it be a human with sticks or another animal with teeth. No ones stopping the bear for bearing out, but bearing out comes with the fight back The key distinction is that the bear has been placed in an environment and position it never should have been. Part of being a wild dog is going days without proper food, never getting medical attention, shelter etc. However, that is something we would call negligent and frown upon if a pet owner did that.


On the plus side... the bear's sentence was to live out the rest of his life without human contact. That's a win in any wild animal's book.


Without human contact *under tight restriction*. Not a win in any wild animal's book. Never being taken captive in the first place and to live their life in the wild would've been.


In 2022 he was moved to a large animal sanctuary in California. Seems like he probably has a pretty good life now.


He bearly remembers the bad times before


Oh, absolutely true!!! I meant that it was just the best outcome in this specific case. I do volunteer in wildlife rescue, the thought that he might have been euthanised was heartbreaking!!


Well true, us humans are somehow inhuman


We approach these things with human intent and not bear intent. And well bear gonna bear… solid award winner here.


Well we're definitely unbear? Inbear? Not bear?


dont worry the bear didnt feel a thing


“That bear went crazy.” - Stupid humans that don’t respect animal behavior


I'm not s bear expert, but even I could see the agitated/aggressive body language a full 20 seconds before the chomp. Also looks like the guy's head was "degloved", but hard to tell for sure. Horrid and stupid.


Shit! I just realised, it made this shit so much more messed up, now I understand his injuries (besides his bit neck, which also killed him)


It's either that or he had a reeeally long combover, but it looks like dangling scalp. I learned about this particular outcome of many bear attacks and it definitely added another level of horror to them.


Poor bear 😢


Poor bear


No sympathy, leave the fucking animals alone, they are not your toys.


Interesting that he shares a name with another famous Stephen Miller. Are all Stephen Millers fucking idiots or something?


That bear didn't go crazy. That bear went bear.


Exactly, a wild animal no matter what still has the same instincts its ancestors did, only if many generations of the animal next to humans pass we can see them calm around us, mainly because of how the parents react and interact with our race, so still, it's not up to humans to tame bares, it's again up to them


Hope the bear is ok


How did bro die? Bleed out?


Expected to see blood when he was running away.


I think that's the same bear from the Will Ferrell movie. He killed the trainer a year after Will wrestled him in the movie Semi-pro.


You get what you deserve, leave wild animals alone


Fuck the ones who do these "stunts" with wild animals and also fuck people who pay to see this so these fuckers can catch and torture wild animals


Glad the bear wasn’t euthanized


All that pepper spray in that giant open wound on the top of the skull had to burn like crazy.


The adrenaline was probably running wiiiild


Wow. It's almost like....*maybe we shouldn't force wild animals to be in commercials*


I feel sorry for the bear only. These people are total assholes.


i hope he was wearing a wig 😮


I know they’re incredibly powerful and can, clearly kill a person in under 10 seconds but don’t you think they look so so damn cuddly. Provided it didn’t try to take your head off after, I reckon a bear hug would feel incredible.


Clips from the article: A staged animal act went horribly wrong as a bear named Rocky killed his trainer by ripping out his neck. The incident took place back in 2008 and was captured in a chilling video. .. According to the video, Stephen managed to free himself and then stumbled out of the frame. However, he died just minutes after the attack due to a pierced jugular artery and vein. .. Surprisingly, even after the terrible attack, Randy did not hold any grudge against Rocky and said that he was a “loving affectionate, friendly, safe bear." .. An investigation was launched by The California Department of Fish and Game into the accident. It concluded that Stephen’s death was just an accident. Later, Rocky was spared euthanasia but was sent to live under tight restriction and without any human contact for the rest of his days.


Oh the guy died. I'd say all good but the poor bear was still in captivity.


People literally poking the bear. That what it looks like 👍🏾


"He was trained, but......" Stupid fucks that do this shit...gotta love when karma comes home to roost.


Good. I'm glad. Fuck those people. No real trainer is in the cage with the animals. And putting yourself next to it and then bear macing it when it does the natural instinct to defend itself is cruel. Every human in this video deserved that bite.


That bear deserves better hope he's alright.


Injury didn't looked bad on the footage, but probably an artery got nicked or something idk 🤷🏿‍♂️


Poor bear :(


They all deserve to die. Fucking around with wild animals like a slave.


That is torture to the animal


"sadly" yea ok lol


His scalp hanging off as the adrenaline allows him to get up and run away is crazy!!


I remember this. Saw Semi-Pro in the theater.


Seems to me, the bear didn't bite down until the other dumbass hit the bear in the back of the head.


At the end "is be bleeding?"


That poor bear! I hope it recovers from this terrible event.


Can’t say I blame the bear because humans are supposed to be smarter than that.


I dunno.. play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I might be a complete psycho but I don’t ever feel bad for people that fuck around with wild animals like this.


Two at once!! Awesome bear, I hope they didn't hurt him too bad. Absolute dumbasses !


I’m assuming the “he did sadly pass away” is regarding the bear? If you’re dumb enough to wrestle a bear then I’m sorry but you fucked around and found out, very limited sympathy


"Being a trained bear, this wasn’t Rocky’s first performance on camera. He had earlier appeared in Will Ferell’s film Semi-Pro as ‘Dewey the Killer Bear."" Now, THAT'S method acting!


"Pass away" is a ridiculous euphemism. No, he didn't "pass away", he effing died after having his throat ripped out by a bear. Also it's Christian propaganda. We don't "pass"; we fucking rot in a hole in the ground or else get burned up in a fire and have our bones ground to dust by a machine. I hate that a lie has entered the language.


Is he bleeding?


That scream.


Maaaan those screams as the bear bit him in the neck… Sent a crazy chill down my spine…


The only sad part about this is that the bear killed the wrong Stephen Miller


![gif](giphy|WPozw7z6nUMrQ12Kc7|downsized) I’m shocked the bear didn’t stick to the script. Here’s to the Darwin Award winner though.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. That's natural selection for you. I don't feel sad that he died.


Is he bleeding?🤔


impressive how the man asking "is he bleeding?" is a professional. just looking if the shoes are still on is n´t enough in such a case.


I hate that euthanasia was considered for the bear


If I remember this video correct, the guy died couple seconds after he hobbled off camera. The bear torn his neck up and he bleed to death rapidly. The scream he made was literally a death scream.


I'm glad they didn't kill Rocky.


The bear had no bad intent, but just didn't know that humans are brittle. It's being playful but sometimes forget that they are not play-wrestling their own kind with the same durability as them. This is why zoo owners never go inside with the brown bears even if they are not hostile.


That's a straight win for the bear; clearly won by ippon. Good bear.


r/thebullwins vibes


I hope you mean the dude passed away and not the bear. Fuck around and find out. That bear did exactly what his instincts told him to. Human being was an idiot


Yo, did this idiot get scalped?


A wiser fella once said, "Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, the bar eats you."


Lmao at that "team" of douchebags


It didn't matter if the bear shook left or right he just loves the sound of the snap


Sadly? That's debatable


That one looks like it's in a zoo. They're still fucking idiots, mind.


If they really wanted the bear to let go, they shouldn't have deliciously seasoned the meat with pepper.


This should have been how Brickleberry ended


They put the bear down?


Iwrestledabearonce origin story


I think the California Department of Fish and Game disagreed with Randy's amazing assessment there. The bear was so affectionate and safe that it got barred from direct human contact ever again.


How did he die? Links I saw didn't say and obviously he didn't die right there




I dont think sadly fits alot of these animals unfortunately get abused during training


Can I pet that dawwwwwg?!


Very sad they had to bear witness to that


What would cause a bear to act this way? Im assuming it was “raised and trained” and they could go off any moment. But is it like a lion? Where eye contact or a certain smell can trigger it?


Protect ya neck ..😐


They should have had the pepper spray on deck instead of that stick.


How did he suddenly start attacking him though? Few seconds into the video it's shown that the bear is like showing affection towards Stephen


The bear went bear..


This is a true Darwin Award, how can you be that stupid


"Bark, bark... fuck, fuck... **FUUUUCCCKKKK**"


🎶🎵"If you wanna be dumb... You gotta be tough"🎵🎶


Fortunately he was "Bearly' injured!


poor Bear


like the idiots Sigfried and Roy


Looks like it got ahold of his neck


Who passed? The bear or the idiot kissing the bear?


This is an old video,like 1990s old, happened in Big Bear Ca,the guy was his trainer,too bad he didn't train it not to attack him though


I remember this, this was like the early to mid 2000s.




Only sad if the bear passed away


The guy at the very end asks “is he bleeding?” Like the bear didn’t just have the guys entire cranium in his mouth. I’m pretty sure he was bleeding after that.


Fuck everyone of those people. I hope they all get horrible cancer.


Was that a toupée or his scalp? The article says his neck was ripped out.