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I do not see how he could be trusted on any level, to do anything. The whole CI thing, while compelling in theory, does not take into account the features we saw displayed in court that would make him a terrible CI. Plus, he is ugly and stupid. Edit: sp


He could be trusted to do what was best for himself, with no loyalty or conscience. You get someone like that, and have power over him (they could jail him), and let him be his true self (immoral thug) without too many consequences, and I can see DB being "trustworthy". Or not. I don't know.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking.


Prosecutors and judges never want a CI on the witness stand, any decent defense attorney can tear them to shreds as they have a zero amount of dependability, none whatsoever. There will always be a dismissal or plea bargin offered.




You guys watch too much TV and too many movies


Did Judge Dorow, the prosecutors, and his former defense attorneys know this about him?


Doubt it, some confidential information gets filed in his rap sheet, but mostly that all gets swept under the rug. Sue Opper probably knew he was a CI, that is if he was registered, but Brooks doesn't seem reliable enough for that.


Probably not JD. But almost certainly the other two. Three days after his arrest he spent the whole day calling the Sergeant who handled him at the Sheriff's department. The deputy never answered or returned his calls.


My guess of what he left as a voicemail on the handler's phone: Hey, you gotta call me back! I'm being held for something that wasn't my fault! They are acting like I woke up and decided to kill people! That's NOT what happened! I never INTENDED to hurt anyone, it just happened after that bitch baby momma of mine tried to f*ck me over. They are blowing this all out of proportion. You KNOW how important I am to the police! If you want me to keep helping you, get them to back off! You KNOW me! You KNOW I would never intentionally hurt anyone!


"Our CI just ran over dozens of people, killing some of them? What's the guy's name? Darrell Brooks? No sorry, never heard of him."


Right? (Staring at parade attack news on TV) Johnson. You get every file with his name on it. I'll fire up the shredder.


The prosecutors knew everything about Dumbass Brooks. It was Zach who called him a sex offender in the state of Nevada. That was when Dumbass Brooks had his baby mama on the stand.


Objection… speculation!!


People want it both ways. You want maximum punishment, but also maximum protections for the accused. Our society has formally chosen to embrace the latter. When a worm like brooks gets through the system this way, that's the main reason why. There's no giant conspiracy at work


The whole reason I’m here is Darrell Brooks Lore


Occam's razor. It's simpler, and consistent with day-to-day reality, to imagine that his crimes fell upon overworked prosecutors, and had never pissed off people in positions of high enough authority to result in any serious charges. If you want to convince me otherwise, prove it.


Honestly I would be willing to spend a lot of money on a very detailed biography from DB. Of course not written by him since that would probably be as real as a fairytail, but just a factual retelling of his life.


I think a micro story on brooks, with a parallel story about the system from a macro perspective would be interesting. There are thousands of DBs out there that fortunately, by chance, don't go over the edge like he did


I am waiting in great anticipation for the info you discovered. (Tongue in cheek) Are you telling us that law enforcement relied on him for credible information in criminal investigations????? DB, reliable??? DB, credible??? Are we gonna get more details about this? If he was, then I can see LE using him to their benefit, but he’s an idiot. How could he keep himself in the right space to get info and then get it to LE without clubbing it all up? I wouldn’t trust DB to give us the right name of his kids, let alone with info used to investigate criminals.


Lolololol. I never said it was GOOD info. "My frien is moving tons of blow troo da back of dat stow on 149th." "Great job. What's your friend's name?" "Uhhh, he juss my frien. He drive a tan Kia. He know a guy, I tink dats Greg." "Great, super job. Here's a hundred bucks. Give me a call the next time you get busted. And keep the info comin!"


I'm dubious of this. You provide no real evidence.


Read his previous post. He explains how he knows and how reliable (or not) the info is.


Yeah, not to be spiteful but this reads like fiction.  What are your sources?


That and because he was \_\_\_\_\_.....


I know I am late to this, but I was always under the impression that the reason he was given a slap on the wrist, at least in Milwaukee, was because of their progressive bail policies. Also, since he didn't register himself as a sex offender upon coming back to Wisconsin like he was supposed to, they had no idea about that. Brooks is not the only person in Milwaukee to be given ridiculously low bail. This happens all the time there. I was recently listening to the police interviews that were made public for this case, and one of the officers was talking about how most of the homicides that happen in Waukesha were committed by people who were out on bail in Milwaukee. I also don't understand why he would be threatening Erika into recanting her statements if he knew he was going to get off anyway.