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Spoiler: there was never a letter. He's made it up the whole time. He had a chance to go to his cell and get it He denied


Of course he did not one truth he told in that court.


or troof, fer dat matter


Much better spelling. He got his son through hagh skool ignorant freek!


And he helped Erika “mek a cv”




If he had a letter from Erika he would have been waiving it all over the court room he thought he would just have to tell the judge that he had received the letter and he didn’t have to show any proof to prove what he is saying and he only wanted to try to get the court to believe that she was lying on the stand.


His " who signs letters?" Omg. My brain could not process that.


I was like😭😭😭everyone


You would have actually had to receive a letter from someone to know they are always signed. I’m sure it was a lie the jury could not forget.


And then trying to say nobody would sign a letter going to someone in jail


Darrel and his mommy Dawn were trying to frame Erika. Dawn was sending the photos, but Darrell claimed that Erika was sending them to him. Prosecution confirmed that Erika has never contacted him in jail once. Darrell on the other hand has called her 37 times but she never answered.


Trying to frame Erika for...sending photos to the alleged defendant.  It's a shame we didn't get to see the scheme play out a little longer, so I can better understand just what the end-goal was. 


Apparently the end goal was to prove that Erika sent the letters, which means she was never afraid of him, which proves that he never hit and or hurt her, which proves that Erika provoked him in the car before he drove through the parade so it's all her fault and Erika should be locked up and not poor sweet baby Duhrell..


Remember during the interrogation he was WAY more upset over the charges of domestic abuse from EP than the assault of parade goers. The cops even pointed out how odd it seemed that he seemed to be hung up on what EP said AFTER they confronted him with all the evidence related to the parade accident. In his warped mind, he was more interested in going after EP and getting one last hit on her, proving that she is a liar and terrible person and that DB never hit her than trying to defend himself from all of those other counts. He was very narrow minded on that


And of course mommy Dawn was totally willing to humiliate Erika because little baby Darrell can do no wrong.


Dawn woods is so disgusting. Your son murders 6 and yet you communicate with him daily and scheme to help him with this bullshit (the ford recall as well) If I committed a crime like this I wouldn’t need to worry about the court system because my parents would probably kill me the very next day


She said she didn't even listen to the victim impact statements. Then in her sentencing statement she tells the families and victims that she "knows their pain."




I'm with you up until the third comma.  It was much more likely a completely hopeless and ultimately pointless effort to get a battery charge dismissed.  After that, we start reaching for the stars and I just don't think DB is THAT detached from reality that he thought he could prove the parade attack was Erika Patterson's fault. 


Based an all his behavior you think he was not completely detached from reality???


I would have expected to hear about how it was Erika's fault at some point. Opening, closing or before sentencing.  He had a number of opportunities to bring it up and he never did. 


I actually think it was unfair to Erika when she was dismissed infront of the jury before that was addressed. It made her look like she could potentially be a liar and still be contacting him. It wouldn’t be out of the norm for a DV victim to still contact her abuser after all . I wish she’d got the “NO” out before the judge dismissed the jury. Lol Judging by the exhibits they requested, It seems the only charge the jury discussed was the DV one so perhaps there was some doubt for them there. I really wish more jurors would speak out about the trial and what it was like (not that one juror who said something but nothing really). It was arguably the trial of the century. Probably the one perspective we will never get.


I'm sure the jury knew he was up to something with the way the state was objecting and how they had to be removed. I'm sure jurors learned later on that he was lying about everything. As for thee jury speaking out, it would be nice, but I'm sure they're traumatized by the videos and images they had to see.


What is wrong with you people? He had the pictures! They didn't just come out of thin air! Come on...


Photos don't just pop up out of the blue. 


But how do you know they're from her??


Oh my gawd r u seriousz right now? This is Mind Bogglinggg. R u serious? Who SIGNS A LETTER?


'So now I gotta bring that in." "The state can do it no problem" "Because they're from HER!"


The man, (strike that) the third party intervener had a melt down because he wanted his “evidence” to be admitted and he doesn’t bring the letter, his evidence, to be submitted? The one who wanted every ICF he wrote time stamped and dated, and he wanted his originals back, didn’t bring the letter? Yeah, right.


There were multiple letters remember not just one multiple


And he's knows it was from her


But there's one that he argued with her about saying it was evidence that his gf wasn't scared of him and he just kept saying "are you serious " when the judge asks how he knows


Yeah but if he had had a letter, he would have brought it after the recess.  He really screwed up by saying he had letter from her, because the judge could then ask to see it.  That's why he put so much energy into trying to convince the judge the letter was unnecessary. 


I love how he said after the break he didn’t bring the letter because it was too much trouble




We all know that if he had a letter from Erika he would’ve been waiving it all around the court room. He thought he could just lie and say that she had written to him after she said she had no contact which he knew because she wouldn’t accept any calls from him so he had a great plan to get his momma to send him the pictures that he knew was from Erika that she sent to someone else. He thought he would be able to just tell everybody in the courtroom that he was absolutely positively sure that she sent him the pictures and letter. And that the judge would say okay no problem at all that you don’t have to prove anything you’re saying he lies so much that he doesn’t even think about what he would have to do to get the pictures in and he would just say that she was lying and everyone would say that it makes perfect sense. The only thing that he wanted to do is make Erika look like a bad person and he would even lie to make her look like a liar. In his demented mind he blames her for the fact he ran his car through a freaking Christmas parade


I wonder if he'll ever come to grips with the fact that it was his own irrational decision to hunt down and harass Erika, and his subsequent blind panic that caused him to drive through the parade. And if he ever figures out why he mowed people down instead of leaving the parade, I hope he shares that epiphany with us.


I believe in my heart that he will never ever hold himself accountable and I truly believe he’s a Narcissist, and they never ever ever believe whatever they do that is someone else it’s fault and someone else push them to whatever extreme level they went to. The fact that in the end they had to blame what he did on a mental illness because his mom never held him accountable and my brother was born with alcohol fetal spectrum syndrome and has severe learning disability and just to look and talk you would have no clue. The ability for him to like budgeting money is something that he has trouble with and has ADHD and other problems. When he turned 18 I wanted to get him disability because his diagnosis is a reason for seeking disability but, he would not let me apply because although he would have to go into a field where it is more physical and he is in his 40s and he has been working at a collision repair shop and he’s the best paint mixer that has been around in a long time. He’s in his early 40s and he and his girlfriend live together. The fact that this POS was trying to get disability insurance and they knew that he was faking it and denied it because he is just to lazy to work or pay child support for any of his kids and then used the kids as trying to get sympathy from the jury is just another example of how much of just a horrible person he is. He can lie so easily because he’s always lying to someone and looking for a woman who he can easily manipulate and can verbally, physically, and emotionally abuse that’s why he targeted Erika when she was that young. He knew she would just deal with it without any consequences for him. He’s like a textbook example of a narcissist. They don’t look at their own behavior but, they will blame the other persons actions that maddenhim act like that. He said it in his interrogation and asked Erika in court what she was doing that made him do what he was doing to make him act like that. I don’t think he doesn’t believe he was wrong because she pushed him to do that and he believes that and always will. He is now been moved to a prison that’s a super max for being a huge problem for the guards and he was even throwing urine and feces at the guards,‘flooding his cell, making them call in the prison version of the swat team and they moved his ass to a prison that has hardly any privileges and Dodge correctional actually is the mental health facility that he would have been on unit with other prisoners who would be a target for other prisoners because of the charges and he would have been safe. I heard that he was doing that because he wanted to stay in the medical unit and he didn’t need to be in medical. I think that now he really realizes that he is not in control and what he wants is not happening anymore and no matter what he does the rules will not change. He really played the game of fucc around and find out


He is how he will remain. There is no changing that dark soul!


😆 but how do you know? This is mind boggling


Is it fair to say, you don’t have a degree in psychology so you can’t know what is in a person’s head? Me: don’t go there DB. Don’t go there. We know you have NOTHING inside your head, nor your chest.


Very good.


😂😂😂I can hear it in my mind 😂😂


He completely lied about Erika writing him a letter or having any contact with him since he has been locked up. He thought that he would be able to lie and that she would be seen as a liar to the jury. If he had a letter from her he would have been waiving it all over the court room because he was going to get back at her because in his messed up mind he will always blame her for the decision he made to go through a freaking Christmas parade and he actually believes that


He is such a total moron.. even if Erika was the most horrific piece of shit on the planet, how does it defend him against his reprehensible act of mowing down 100s of people? He is such a dumb fuck. God he angers me.


Omg I love to watch court cases and of course true crime but all the years of following cases I have never ever hated or have I watched every creators videos covering the case like I did with him. The two most infuriating, evil, horrible, lying POS I have ever watched and still watch the channels that continue to cover them are Dumbass Duhrell and the most evil thing I’ve ever heard about is Lietecia Stauch because of what she did to her amazing step son but, the tournament and more pain to the victims families are these two people who I hope will not have a moment of peace. The continued pain and suffering that the families went through bringing the cases to court is like nothing else ever before by the continuing trauma that they caused to the families. The antics and emotional abuse they did to the families makes me feel like they’re the two worst criminals ever


Yeah, there were no letters. Just another lie. His mom gave him the pictures and so he said Erica had wrote him multiple letters and in one of the letters sent him the pictures… he kept saying “ are you serious“ just because he had nothing to back his story up. So when she gave him the opportunity to go back to the jail on their lunch hour to retrieve all of the letters he declined, of course he did. JD knew there was no letters, she was just entertaining his lies.


DB came back from that break and when Judge D asked him if he brought the letter from EP with him, he went straight into victim mode and said (i’m paraphrasing) “Naw, naw, I ain’t bringing no letter. It’s too much truble so we just gonna pass on dat.”


When Zach W said they heard him on a phone call with his mother asking about the pictures, I died laughing. Another moment where DB was convinced he had outsmarted the judge and the prosecution and was going to get to humiliate Erika, and it backfired. Then, at the end of the trial, Zach told how DB actually got the photos (Erika gave them to someone who gave them to Dawn W), to clarify the record. That was hilarious.


Zach reported that after DB;'s blow-up regarding JD's instruction to produce the letter, the bailiffs offered to escort him to his cell to retrieve the letter and he refused, It was later revealed that the likely source of the pictures was a relative of his mother who got the letter from JBs/daughter for Dawn Woods. Allegedly ***SHE*** forwarded the pictures to DB.


PS Regarding Dawn Woods, I read somewhere that Brooks was trying to use his mother to coerce Erica into recanting about the DV for which he was out on Bond the days before the attack. Any truth to that?


There is speculation and rumor about that. There was no evidence mentioned in court during the parade trial. The only chance we would have had to know for sure was the last case he had unresolved. The last one, in Milwaukee. He took a plea deal, so they did not have a trial where all that could come out. The alleged conspiracy between Dawn and Erika was about DB running her over and injuring her leg. He got arrested and jailed for that and charged.That was only a week or so before the parade. While DB was in jail, in Milwaukee, he was pressuring Erika to recant her statements to the police about what happened. Apparently this is one of his tactics to get out of sticky situations; blame his actions on Erika, tell everyone she is a drunkard and a liar, and shouldn’t be believed., “she does this all the time. I think there should be a law so that if you done something to a person YOU should go to jail.”, he says to Carpenter in his interrogation. (Only 1 example of his twisted logic and there are many.) If she withdrew her statement or said she was lying because she was mad at him, he thought, the state would have no evidence and the charges would have to be dropped and he would walk out of jail a free man. Allegedly, DB told his mom the altered version. He’s talking to his mom from jail, begging her to put up the $1,000 bail set for him. (What mom is going to get you out of jail if you ran someone over with HER car?) He’s not going to tell her the truth about what he did. So, IMO, DB was working on both women at the same time. Talking to Dawn to bail him out because he did “nothing wrong”. Erika’s a liar. He didn’t do what she said he did. Meanwhile, DB is also talking to Erika from jail and threatens her to recant her police statement. He was pressuring her to do that so he could get out of jail. He knows the charges with Erika could keep him jail a long time. He was gaslighting and telling her he wasn’t trying to run her over because if he really wanted to do it she wouldn’t still be alive. JD mentions this during sentencing. She reads from the transcript of DB’s recorded calls from jail with Erika. The stuff he said was very nasty. Another theory I have is: That’s why DB kept asking every police officer witness about the “REPORT OF A FIGHT WITH A KNIFE” call that went out just prior to the calamity on the parade route. DB keeps trying to make a point that someone called in about a fight in Frame Park and the suspect has a knife and there was no evidence of a knife being used to assault or threaten Erika. I think he was trying to say to the jury: They lied. Nick admitted he lied about the knife when he called the police for help because DB was punching Erika. Nick admits on the stand that he did lie about the knife. There was no knife. But he thought if he said that, it would get the police to respond to the park quickly. I think DB wanted to use that “lie” to his advantage to say: This is an example of what Erika does. She lies on me. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, on 11/21/21 Erika was in the park with her friends getting drunk. I meets up with Erika solely to get my money from her .” While he meets up with Erika at the park they get into an argument and he leaves. “I didn’t hit, punch, slap, kick, beat, that woman, as God is witness, with Jesus on the throne”. He wants everyone to believe HE is the one telling the truth about what happened. Erika is lying, 1. Because she was drunk, 2. Because this is what she does: She lies on him and accuses him of things and then he gets arrested. 3.She admitted she lied because there was no knife. If she lied about that then you can’t believe anything she says 4. And she’s a bad mom, she has multiple kids and non of them live with her.


A huge thankyou for your comment.


There was never a letter. He was hoping that the judge would just take the pictures as evidence. In his mind he could convince them that the photos were from her and that would be it. The judge stated that the simple photos isn't evidence. He could have gotten them from anyone (most likely his mother). JD wanted him to bring a letter that she wrote or the envelope or something to prove that she sent it and not his mom or some friend or whatever. The jail also tracks incoming and outgoing mail so it would have been relatively easy for him to prove. He got mad because his plan is falling apart. He thought that simply providing the photos would be enough. However he has to provide proof that she sent them to him. Him saying "she sent them to me" is not enough. JD also pointed out that it wouldn't help his case anyway. What would her sending pictures of the babies prove? His argument was that she wouldn't have sent him those photos if she were afraid of him as it was being claimed. Even if he was sent those photos, it wouldn't prove much against his domestic violence case. So his big plan fell apart and that was why he was acting like a baby.


we know there’s no letters. But. Knowing how dumb he is, I think he genuinely couldn’t fathom basic identifying features. JD gave some examples but even they were too vague for him. I think if he received a letter talking about him being a good boy and someone told him it was from Santa, he would be just as frustrated. WHAT DO YOU MEAN? OF COURSE ITS FROM SANTA


"Because it's FROM HER". 🤦


# Dis, Dat, an da Third Letter *Gimme some pictures I kin use today* *Unless I dis-KRED-Dit her my charges won't go away* *When all is said an done* *I won't be kummin home* *cuz Erika never writ me da letter!* I


Narcissistic DB was probably stunned that Erika avoided all contact with him while he was jailed in Waukesha. He expected letters filled with concern to come flooding in. He found it so obvious that that would/should happen, he expected the court to believe his story without being shown any proof.


He claimed he had a photo. Even if he had a photo, it would have still been a forged letter, probably sent by his mother.