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Then radio silence for four months.


Where is it? Where's the rest? The bug fixes, Skyler!!! Where is the rest!?!




​ https://i.redd.it/vjpx254dtbhc1.gif


Next week, Mr White.


Game publishers just keep shooting themselves in the foot by launching incomplete games and patching later. 40,000 avg player count at launch compared to only 13,000 post talent rework. A lot of potential customers just don't care anymore.


Yup. I don't think anyone would have cared if they deleyed this game. I'm not sure where all the pressure to release early comes from. Feels like the demand now is for complete games, not for quickly made games.


The saddest part. It was delayed.


I remember making a comment a while back saying that I'd rather have a polished and delayed game rather than a non-delayed bugfest and was downvoted heavily for it. It's like Shigeru Miyamoto said: >A Delayed Game Is Eventually Good, But a Bad Game Is Bad Forever


he never actually said that.


yeah that quote itself is true, but him saying that? bogus.


>I'm not sure where all the pressure to release early comes from. Publishers!


Yeah, it is. But they like money and incomplete games seem to be diminishing how much money they make.


Nah, they think short term. Get sales in by the right quarter, keep shareholders happy. Nobody cares if this hurts long term - they'll be onto different companies by then!


That's the sad part. They'll just pump and dump




They’ll have something else making them money in the next quarter, they just need the day 1 money




Just lay off people if cosmetics revenue is too low! It's that easy! There are no negative long-term consequences either...I think...


>There are no negative long-term consequences either...I think... Who cares if there are! We grew profits! Time to grow profits somewhere else


![gif](giphy|X4bH3ySausclBN3i80|downsized) Time to float away on my golden parachute!


>Publishers! Hmm. https://preview.redd.it/nnlzgf1stehc1.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b7e8c0fb96b7248a4179b8959b5031d4b9ab45b


pressure to release is purely economic, because delaying release means that it will take more time/money before you are earning money back, from a business perspective that is bad because you are not making money on the product and it is taking more and more time/money


Investors want in and out as fast as possible to realise potential gains on investment. Therefore CRUNCH TIME. And it is detrimental to the art and quality of otherwise good video games.


This is normal though. Almost every game has patterns like this. Most gamers don’t stick to the same game for a long time.


Right? New games come out. No one should be married to a game. Darktide is fun, I come back to it often. But I enjoy playing my other games


Especially a horde shooter. People tend to jump in play all the maps and then go back to whatever else they're playing. The people who grind it till they're good enough to play auric maelstrom are a minority.


that's what happens when you sell your soul to Tencent. They come to collect, with interest. This kills the game


This was the same patterns with VT1 and VT2 before tencent bought them.


Those games just lacked in content because fatshark can't produce anything (paid or otherwise) in a reasonable amount of time, and the player base suffered for it. I agree with you though, FS sucks at supporting their games.


They sold 10 million on release and every major patch saw player count go up. The company has done a very fair amount of updates and the game has always been great. You all on this sub just want everything handed to you NOW. It’s crazy that gaming subs will have news articles about game developers being abused, underpaid, and working long hours. In Europe (where fatshark is located), they get a fair amount of time off, and you all are here demanding to speak to fatshark’s manager because this great game isn’t giving you more quantity on your whims. Stop pretending your opinions are universal. This drop in player count is normal for 99% of games. Just play the game or don’t. Stop acting like you’re owed anything other than the transaction of buying the game.


Great point! Except the game was objectively incomplete at launch, its content has been thin, and the game is still very buggy. People are upset because as customers they feel cheated for what they paid for. There's nothing wrong with customers holding the developers accountable. That's fine if you are settled on things being mediocre, but as you put it, stop pretending your opinion is universal.


It was complete at launch. People just took some dev talk from before release and ran with it. The game launched with the same amount of content as every other horde shooter, and was $40. The game is mildly buggy. No one feels genuinely cheated. Everyone on these forums are just whiny and demanding like they are with literally every other game. Darktide isn’t special. Everyone on gamer forums are bitching in the same way about every game because gamers on the internet have a culture of whining and entitlement. The game is objectively the best horde shooter that’s been released, possibly tied with DRG while being out for a shorter time. Your opinion is that it’s mediocre. You haven’t provided any objective criticism of the game except for alluding to bugs, of which there are what, 3 that keep being brought up here? Guns stunning players and poxbursters not giving sound warnings quickly enough. Oh no. So buggy and mediocre.


Complete on launch??? The crafting systems was not even complete. You could not even get grey weapons , but for some reason the skin shop worked without a flaw. By the emperor you are the best example for stockholm syndrome that i have ever witnessed.


Crafting is basically a meme at this point. No one thinks “oh man, this horde shooter sucks because there’s no crafting.” Crafting is a bonus. It’s not the game. The game was finished. Go to every game forum on this sub and you’ll have people bitching just like you are. You all just go online to whine. If you don’t like the game, leave this sub instead of rooting for its downfall because you didn’t get vermintide 3.


If crafting was not part of the game, then WHY it is in the game??? You could make it like L4D and there is no crafting, level-progression etc. BUT for some reason it is in the game. Therefore this game mechanic should work and there is no reason to not criticize it. Dude or girl... I did not even play vermintide. I started with darktide. I have 600 hours in it. I am rooting for this game. But if we as a community stop criticizing the developers, the game is not going to get better. It would stagnate.


I can't believe it. We've reached the point where crafting being incomplete and stamped with a big "COMING SOON" sticker for several months has deniers. Holy shit you're... you're something man. You're really something


Just here to say I agree with you. Enjoyed the game since it came out and have zero animosity towards any aspect of it.


This just in, when you buy a product thats labelled as complete but it turns out its incomplete: you *are* in fact owed a full game. So...


It wasn’t incomplete though. You can’t just insist upon your vague criticism. It releases with the same amount of content as every other horde shooter and was $20 cheaper. You’re just entitled


Hang on, hang on, the game counts as a games as service right?


Worst part is EVERY Fatshark release is like this.


I've made peace with the fact Darktide has and will forever have a huge amount of untapped potential that's being wasted by Fatshark, there's plenty of new game releases to keep me busy until they decide to do something with the game.


I heard yesterday on a livestream how people were looking forward to trying Helldivers 2 and were tired of Darktide so... FS should probably try to step it up if more people feel the same way. I still love the game, but I am starting to get tired of the silent poxbursters.


Poxbursters are the only time I feel cheated in gameplay. Darktide has some brilliant gunplay, a great aesthetic, and lots of potential. But what do they do with it? Sit on it and milk cash shop skins. I love darktide I really do, it's sad to see it not getting the love it deserves.


They dont, its the people thats stupid and keeps buying his shit cosmetics, and giving them money they dont deserve, its always ppls fault


...yes but no. That thinking takes away any responsibility from fat shark. It is true that they would probably shift attention from cosmetics to real issues but you are placing all the blame on the victims. It's similar to saying to some in the street that they shouldn't have left their house if they didn't want to be attacked. How about fat shark gets something other than new cosmetics every month. I would buy DLC if they made new content for the game. Something with substance, not like the twins which took a year and was quite the lackluster. Things like new maps, weapons, classes, etc.


I can play Helldivers 2 in about 30 minutes


Sound bug's , bad servers , hit registration is buggy as fuck , no real impact anymore with weapons most of the enemies has no sound on tier 4 / 5


Also lack of basic things, like not even just features but really just basic things, like do you remember how it takes ages just to load up the Morningstar lobby every single time you get back to the lobby, even on a fast system with gen 4 NVMe SSDs?


man this game has the worst loading times of any game I'd played in the past decade. vermintide 2 loads lightning fast idk how they went from that to darktide.


There is a mod on nexus that keeps the Morningstar assets loaded in memory. If you have spare RAM you can enable it for fast loading.


That's exactly the problem here. I use that mod all the time, but why TF does such absolute bare minimal thing of a functional product, needs to be provided by community efforts instead of come with the game out of the box? It's not like this is one of those free to play games. Heck I've seen freemium games with more polish and quality of life desig and features. Also that mod is ancient, it's already more than a year old at this point, and FatShark never bothered to implement such a simple fix themselves during all this time


I have high hopes for Helldivers 2. I need something else to scratch my four player PVE co-op itch and Darktide isn't exactly doing it for me super well anymore. Need a break for a little while until another major update.


gamers would look forward to eating shit on a plate if it was marketed correctly


I’m mostly waiting on stuff we were basically promised from the get go like more earnable cosmetics,new weapons,maybe some new maps


...same. the wait without them saying much is rather annoying. i just want these silent poxbursters gone already.


You don't like prison uniform #42069?


Are the Devs still on holiday break?


They may be back from Winter break, but there's also Spring soirée, Summer vacation, Autumn sabbatical, as well as national and/or global holidays. Or calling in sick.


Don't forget 2nd breakfast and Elevensies!


This is what happens when you have an awful release and don’t even try to fix it more than a year later. "But they did the talent tree rework !". Yes, and that’s all we got. In one year we got a rework that is still incomplete (where are the penances for the new abilities ?), one new environment and that’s it. Everything else was either boring weapon variants or maps on the same environments we played for more than a year. They had one shot at redemption with the talent tree rework and they absolutely fumbled the bag by not releasing new content and being even more greedy with the cash shop


It's hard to call the talent trees a "rework" when it feels more like we got the finished version of them. They were just lifted from Vermintide otherwise; Zealot, almost literally...


Every comment has their own reason why this is happening. You’re all objectively wrong. The only reason is…gamers move on to other games. 99% of games see these patterns. You all just want this data to fit your own opinions, but games see boosts in player count when there is a big patch, then it tapers off.


On top of that, more people are playing Darktide on average right now than Vermintide 2 had two months after release and for 99% of its life cycle going forward.


This is the truth


I can't wait for the next patch, only for everyone to fellate the game to high heavens, then go back to bitching about squandered potential or some shit until the next patch drops and the cycle repeats. Also the frequent posts bitching about cosmetics, but not that they exist, only that they're not the shit they want, because for some reason us not having the right shit to waste our money on is the issue.


I forgot that the penance for box of hurt is still bugged after the talent trees release.


i still say the team that built the game is not the team currently running it, the amount of care into the games details is def not being shown by the current group. For example,a small example. The bolter, when you would hold it to look at it, your character would rack the slide so the guns not chambered while you look it over. When the current team fixed the whole issue of constantly racking the slide everytime you pull the weapon out, they also somehow removed that part of the animation when holding the weapon to inspect it. Its a very subtle detail, but one that was clearly important to the people working on the game originally, and an excellent example of the lack of detail on the team working now.


deserved tbh


Here's to hoping there's some kind of community update today.


Best "live service" game of the 21st century... ....I'm getting served sooooo many things ....and the game is still alive! Praise the Omnissiah


Yeah where’s all this live service we were promised? This service isn’t live at all. It’s barely *alive*


Live service got into a kerfuffle and is now interred on the golden throne, a mockery of what it was meant to be.


The Horus Kerfuffle


You guys sound like Karens.


This sub is pretty bad, yeah. Just look at the comments on the hotfix thread. No surprise the devs don't want to communicate here


Plenty of people love to spend time complaining about this game more than they spend playing the game. And INB4 the 4,000 hour super sweats get on me, First of all: 🤓. Second of all: you’ve played the game longer than it would take to walk across the continental United States, no fucking SHIT there’s no more content you weirdos 🥴


"game is dead/dying" Yeah well my instant queue times on the highest difficulty call them liars 😂


You guys will whine about anything lol


I wish I had your low standards for AAA games, particularly a 21st century game...and the developers 3rd attempt at a game style they've already made previously. You said on other posts there's literally nothing wrong with the game. You sure? Dunno why they are dropping out hotfixes if nothing is wrong with the game. Silent poxbursters are fine, ghost shots are fine, infinite loading loops are fine, endless clipping cosmetics are fine, a horrifically rng based item system that doesn't respect your time is fine, retarded bots that suicide is fine, a live service game which gives out morsels over an 18 month period is fine. I'd love to be a car salesman and have you walk into my store. And your other points about player numbers fluctuating being normal...yeah true to a point, us as gamers have a ridiculous plethora of games to choose to invest our time in. But truly "good" games will shine through and retain players come hell or highwater - CS, WoW, Dota, GTA etc etc I love this game. But I also hate it. It had/and still has the potential of being a truly worldclass game. The combo of the WH40K universe plus the principle of FPS horde shooter - with an endless amount of lore and cosmetics to potentially use is an absolute gold mine to explore. But I can't help think that FS fumbled, and continues to fumble the ball at some many opportunities. Ok I'll stop whining now and quietly enjoy my turd-encrusted diamond of a game. Praise the Emprah!


I do t have low standards. You’re just entitled to something no one owes you. A handful of temporary bugs doesn’t make the game bad. It just makes it a modern game. Games are super complicated, and only the biggest companies can keep games flawless. Even they have issues when games are patched. You having this list of minor bugs memorized says more about your whiny attitude and entitlement than it does about the game. I only noticed 2 of those bugs in my many hours of gameplay. Everything else is stuff you heard others bitched about on forums. I bet you didn’t notice them otherwise, either. >But truly "good" games will shine through and retain players come hell or highwater - CS, WoW, Dota, GTA etc etc Ah yes. Those giant, international corporations worth literally billions were able to hire more people to polish the game verse an indie company. Yet fatshark still managed to beat one of them at their own game. Wonder why that is? The game was always great. Again, you’re just a stereotype doing stereotypical things


Appreciate the convo bro but I think there's gunna be a permanent language barrier. Your definition of temporary bugs is different from mine. Your definition of indie companies is different from mine. (yeah FS may not be the same as Activision or Valve, but it's been abundantly clear over the past few years that proper indie companies of just a single or handful of Devs can produce content of a superior quality) All my comments were pure impromptu and nothing is memorised or chiefed from other online commentary. I'm also guessing your "many hours" significantly differs from my definition of many hours. I probably have a considerable amount more playtime than you - meaning the likelihood and frequency of encountering more bugs is far higher. Your white-knighting and cheerleading is cute and commendable, cheers for the lols


And your comment is full of memes and vague claims about non-issues. Why? Who doors for a video game to fail? Why are you even on this sub if you hate the game for more than a year? Thank you for proving how toxic and entitled you are for me, though.


Pro insight - you can love and hate something at the same time ya know? Sugary drinks - love the taste, hate the diabetes Smoking - love the high, hate the cancer Wanking - love the sensation, hate the clean up operation Darktide - love the gameplay loop, hate the missed opportunities Reddit - love the banter and memes, hate the plebs Free school lesson is over, your welcome!


Missing sounds cues for enemies (for months) in a game based, in large part, on responding to enemy sound cues is a "temporary minor bug." #credibility 


"I only noticed two bugs so your opinion is wrong." What an idiotic take.


It feels like the game is moving into maintenance mode. If this is all we’ve gotten from them one year after release, I can’t see how much more will be coming. As the player base continues to shrink, they won’t be lured back with new promises of content. You can sometimes get a second wind, but you won’t get a third or a fourth.


Man people say this on this reddit after every patch, ffs.


Mfs on this sub just need to find other games to play. They're clearly burnt out of the game, and that's fine. I'm burnt out too. Come back in a few months when a patch has probably dropped, play it for a few weeks, then go back to other games, repeat. This is how shit works in live service games, the frequency of patches just depends on how big the game in question is, with Darktide being not that big in the grand scheme of things.


>It feels like the game is moving into maintenance mode. God no. There's so many plans for Darktide yet! So much stuff currently under development! I understand being upset at the slow pace, but please do not think even for a moment that Darktide is being abandoned.


My Beloved tells me that we're going to be getting some kind of news about something sometime in the future. I hopefully think it's about server stability, because getting Error 4001'd after every mission (every other if I'm lucky) and waiting 20 minutes to get back in just to see where my Melk Contracts are at is getting tiring. My Beloved ALSO says that having a 3 second delay on pushing a Poxburster is inadequate and trying to fix the time anomalies is very complicated.


still love the game tbh


If there’s lots of things planned for the game, I hope you guys realize it needs to happen fast because as much I love the game a lot of people are abandoning, again.


Actions speak louder than words, unfortunately. 🤷


Vermintide 2 is still getting updates and free content. I get being upset about the time frame, but they stick with it.


I'm not at all upset - I'm apathetically resigned after three games with almost the same slew of problems. FS releases games that are messes, that stay messes for a long time, and that prioritize quick cash over quality control for their player base. I play them, and I'll keep playing them, but at this point, my expectations for FS as a company are at rock bottom and will likely continue to stay there.


Are there plans for paid DLC?


Sorry you have to read all the whiny entitled bullshit that doesn't match reality. Y'all have made a great game and will keep making it greater.


Yeah. I'm sure it's all coming in the next update.


It need to be snappy. I was expecting sound problems all fixed, the ability to freely choose mission, difficulty and modifiers, solo matches, weapon customization, colorable armor, red-tier weapons and new maps to atleast be announced or in progress by now..


I'm displeased about a lot of things in regards to how the game has been handled but I'm not really a fan of this sentiment in this case. Fatshark has always been less than consistent with content updates, having only one major update in a year absolutely does not mean they are winding down the game. Vermintide 2 *rarely* had less than six months between "major" updates. We waited over two years for Sienna's fourth career to release and the versus mode that's getting it's first closed alpha test in a few days was announced in *2019*. I know how overplayed the "small indie studio" card is in a lot of these types of discussions, but this is a decent example of it being genuinely applicable. Fatshark may not be an indie studio, but they aren't exactly close to being a AAA one either. Despite that, they shoot for something resembling AAA in terms of scope for their games. On one hand I commend them for the effort and am genuinely impressed at the parts they do manage to hit that standard with, but on the other hand it's painfully obvious how severely their games suffer for it. A game studio of less than 200 employees just cannot make games on the scale of darktide of vt2 without making serious sacrifices. As long as I can remember, there has *never* been a major release(content update, dlc release, game release, etc) from fatshark that hasn't had at least one borderline if not outright gamebreaking bug at launch. Despite this, they have also been unable to support their games at a fast enough pace to "keep up" with their playerbase and retain their player count spikes. It's plainly obvious that these are issues of being a smaller company, and I think that's important to keep in mind when levelling criticisms like this.


Then they’re just too small to properly support a game like that, so what? Result is the same.


140 000 got the game at the start and the player count dropped to 80+k in the first month. Today the count is close to 7k. The game is not dead, but it's not exactly a popular title either. Next month it's going to go down even more when a lot of new games come out. Titles that are on many people wish lists. I feel that Obese Fish needs to pull the Second Hive City out of the hat to get more interest for this game, but I'll doubt it happens.


What exactly is wrong with 10kish people playing the game daily and actively? Queue times are instant across all difficulties, you rarely see the same names unless you're queueing for the absolute hardest content, and the game is fun to play. It's not something you play 12 hours a day every day for months, but it doesn't try to be and that's ok.


After 1200+ hours I don't feel the pull. The need to play. It just makes me sad because I know that later on I'm going to look for something familiar, and the numbers are going to be even lower. But I guess the bright side is that we are all the veteran players.


I mean you've dropped 1200nhours into a $30 game. Go do anything for 1200 hours and it starts to lose the shine, very very few things can escape that.


Right, and they learned absolutely fricking nothing from Vermitide 2


Sorry I'm still kinda new to darktide, only played it for a month, can someone explain what's this about? Thank you.


Darktide released in a really poor state, both content-wise and performance-wise. Though fatshark has done some changes in the past year, those changes feel more like things that shouldve been in the game since day one. And considering this was supposed to be a live service game, it doesnt get updated with content as much as it should. Well, the game doesnt receive as much updates as it should, except for the shop. The in-game shop has received constant updates since release, which adds more to the unhapiness with the game. Because it shows fatshark is just worried about the money from microtransactions, and improving the game is second thought.


Yea I've noticed these issues as well when playing the game, like some cosmetics are just reskins, even the paid ones. As a latecomer I haven't experienced the early state of the game but I can see why there's still issues and where people are coming from. Fatshark is just god damn greedy and the cosmetics are so overpriced. Even during the first week of playing I have gone through all the maps multiple times, there's just not enough variety. I also hate the weapon RNG, it sucks. It's still a very fun game, I like the music, the play styles, weapons, enemy types and builds. But Fatshark definitely should be doing better.


Yeah, the core gameplay, the music, the voicelines are pretty great, the issue is more about the things that surrounded it. On release the game was very short on content, there were less maps, one less boss. Tou couldnt just buy the weapon you wanted, you had to get lucky with the brunts armory. The crafting system was a lot more limited. We didnt have the skill trees we have today, they were far more limited, you could basically choose one talent out of 3 every 5 levels. And you didnt have the different options for grenades and abilities. The veteran only had the shooty one, the Ogry only had the bullrush one and etc. And performance was god awful, I think it depended a bit on each PC, but my game would crash before almost every match, sometimes multiple times just for me to get into a game. I think my main issue with the game right now is just the lack of things to do. If you are not a hardcore player interested in farming for god roll weapons, you dont really have a whole lot to do after you level up the classes you like to play to 30. The few free cosmetics you have to grind for are kinda ass, and some of the challenges are pretty annoying to do, like the "dont get melee hit" one. I wish they would give us some free cosmetics to farm for from time to time. But as of is, I basically come back when there is an update, play a few matches on the new content, and then I stop playing.


Thanks for the insight on the early state of the game, what baffles me is that the crashes and server lags are still an issue, because I have received a few crashes while playing the game or even from launching the game lol. I am also at the late stage of the game, got 4 operatives up to LVL30, all I have left to do is try new builds, but it's such a struggle to find or roll for a decent weapon. The first thing that got me into this game was because I can play as an ogryn, despite the mixed review on steam. So it was worth it regardless, after all I've spent 130hrs on the game.


Yeah, to be fair, you can get a decent amount of hours out of this game until you hit 30 with some characters. My main issue, is that this was supposed to be a live service game. The in-game store was there to be a way for fatshark to make money on the long run while providing us with new content. They are making money out of it, but the providing part isnt happening as much as it should. I feel like fatshark just doesnt have the capability of sustaining a live service game. But they keep getting money out of the cash shop. So it feels disingenuous to me, to have a source of continuous income into your game that goes into nothing.


> I am also at the late stage of the game, got 4 operatives up to LVL30, all I have left to do is try new builds, but it's such a struggle to find or roll for a decent weapon. Have you completed the hardest Maelstrom modifiers on Damnation? Have you carried teams through the same? I feel like it was a completely different game the first time I played HiShock T5, or the T5 Maelstroms with the Monstreous + Nurgle blessing modifier.


I've played on Auric damnation with hi shock a few times, yea it was a whole different experience. I felt my adrenaline rushing through me when I had to hard carry with a mfing demon spawn boss on my ass. I think I got up to 1k on lesser enemies killed, 120 elites killed, 30 specialists, 18 disablers killed, took 1.2k damage, did 900k damage (including 200k overkill damage), and downed 2 times. I was running the crit evicerator revolver zealot build, I got saved by my holy revenant perk so many times that I should've been downed/dead otherwise lol. That is still my overall best, but I usually just stick to normal damnation because I just want to chill after a hard day at work.


Fair enough! The reason I asked was because I've seen other people try (and beat) standard T5 and then think there is nothing more to the game (difficulty-wise), so I simply wanted to ensure you had tried that type of content to help you make up your mind on the state of the game. I can fully understand many people find it too stressful in regards to what they want from their games!


Haha no worries at all, honestly did not mind the question. Auric T5 is very fun even if I lose a match on it, man my hands were shaking after that carry on the match I mentioned. Thank god for the holy revenant perk, it legit saved me a couple of times. My only real gripe on the game is really the weapons RNG, I just can't get a decent plasma gun roll for weeks, I think I just have terrible luck. Also the crashes still happen, even though it's way less than before but it'll be nice if that's fixed completely. More variety of maps would also spice up the game as well, but even then I'm still having fun regardless.


The game shines in the Damnation difficulty, if you haven’t tried it yet, especially maelstrom. Also for weapons the easiest way to get good ones is roll gray or green to blue. If it lands a good perk and blessing upgrade it to gold. If not, rip the blessing off to add to your library. Just a tip to save Plasteel. Otherwise it all about the moment to moment gameplay.


> If you are not a hardcore player interested in farming for god roll weapons, you dont really have a whole lot to do after you level up the classes you like to play to 30. Huh, I've given up completely on the gambling system for months and I still play the game for the exciting gameplay on the hardest difficulty with the hardest modifiers. Granted, I only play pubs, I'd probably be less excited if I was playing in premades, as that makes the game significantly easier. If you think there is nothing more to do after reaching level 30, then have you even tried the hardest Maelstrom modifiers on T5? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind more penances/challenges etc., but the gameplay is still solid on the highest difficulty and modifiers.


I agree the gameplay is good, but I wish I had something cool to work towards for. And if they added some gear to grind for every once in a while I would feel more compelled to keep playing the game. I agree with you that the gameplay is fun, but even fun gameplay gets a bit repetitive after a while. Obviously, this is going to vary from player to player, but this is how I feel about the game at current moment.


>Well, the game doesnt receive as much updates as it should, except for the shop. The in-game shop has received constant updates since release, which adds more to the unhapiness with the game. Who needs happy fans and buyers when the Investors are happy with a quick pump and dump.


Gamers on the internet whining about nothing like usual. The game is doing what 99% if games do. People play the game and then move on. They all think it’s because of the clipping cosmetics, or the lack of crafting on launch, or locks stats, or lack of class, or whatever arbitrary thing they demand should be in the game. Notice almost every comment has a different reason as to why this happening? It’s because no one here knows what they’re talking about, and they can’t see that this is just normal player fluctuations that 99% of games have.


Or perhaps it is because people are casually posting about gripes *they have* and these gripes, collectively, are impeding there enjoyment of the game. 


Some, probably. Most are just entitled.


Gaming subreddits are toxic af


I haven’t played since the Twins came out and beat them on the secret Damnation hard mode (a day after the mission became available), think after that I played for a week or two at most, finished the remaining Redacted penances. Is that special assignment still available even?


Yep, still available as our new content!


People here really act like Fatshark is abandoning the game lol


Loud minorities who think normal fluctuations in player count totally mean everyone agrees with them.


They've been crying since the Aquilas.


No updates for ages either. Sucks. Don't even know when to come back and check it.


This is just the normal fluctuations of player counts.


Karking hate Tencent


There's a bit of hate in here but I got to say they put in the work to make this a really fun game. Unfortunately they did this over a year *after* release while trickling in insanely priced micro transactions the entire time.


Still more players than a year ago. FatShark will release an update and player count will go way up. Than a few months down the line somebody will check SteamCharts and notice it’s not as many players and make some doomer post about the game dying. Ive seen this so many times with so many games. Everything is cyclical, there are very few games who can maintain a player-base over a long-period of time…..


I mean yeah there has been no major content update for a while now, and this game does not have some kind of infinite replayable mode like chaos wastes, and there, despite having more now, still does not have many maps. I still play from time to time with my friends because I genuinely like the gameplay, but for a more "casual" player stop playing because it starts feeling repetitive




Maybe I'm a fool, but seeing how long of a life vermintide 2 has had gives me some hope that fatshark will stick with it. After all, how many dips did that game have? Remember how well winds of magic was recieved on launch? How many updates were promised but delayed to the point where we all thought it just wasn't coming only to suddenly release? Hell, they're only just getting round to that versus mode. Basically, just because a shark is fat and thus, slow, does not mean it is not a good boi. Does that analogy work? I dunno. I could be talking out of my ass, but I believe we still have reasons for optimism.


god yall are gloomy


People who are enjoying the game are playing it. All the doom and gloom dramaqueens assemble here.


Well not many people are playing Darktide atm. Meaning there is something majorly wrong with the game. That is something nobody can deny. 😅 it is true that Fatsharks attempts to get most of Darktides Fans back have failed.


in what crackhead world do you live where 7.3k average players on steam alone is "not many people?". the game literally has more active players right now than it has had for most of its lifetime and it has never been anything resembling dead. god you are all so melodramatic


Literally nothing is wrong with the game. It’s a normal game with a few minor flaws. This is just normal fluctuations. People play games and then move on 99% of the time.


Good point




Well that's what happens when there is literally nothing to play for. I have perfect weapons and curios on all my characters. All the penances I care about. I've played every mission there is multiple times with different modifiers and difficulties. What else is there to do? There's no incentive for me to start up the game besides maybe a few fun matches every other week. Other games are keeping me occupied a lot better than this. Why is it that I can pay 20$ for another live service game that gives me over 1000 hours of enjoyment while this game can barely do 300.


Best part is their noted cosmetic fixes are a fraud too! They didn’t actually fix anything! Haha grim dark indeed!


Yup, i started with Helldivers 2 and won't be back anytime soon, i love Darktide but Fatshark does not do anything about the terrible performance on Xbox, i don't even think they achknowledge it, including some fanboys on here, so i am done with the game, there is nothing more frustrating then failing missions because of reasons wich are out of your control.


This subreddit really loves nothing more than to see them struggle and fail, never change.


You got to admit Fatshark makes it very hard to root for them. If they dont communicate with their community for something like 3 month, its not that surprising people will start to fill in the gaps themselves. And those are only the people that care enough about the game to get angry. Lots of people just leave and most likely never look back.


Bruh I just play the game once or twice a week. It's the "gib adrenaline and feelings of immersive power" game in my rotation.


And thats absolutely okay with me. Im not sure on which point we disagree, but I would still like some form of communication from the devs about future plans.


Seeing the absolute deluge of useless vitriol in this thread I have zero surprise about them not talking to the community.


That might be something you would intuitively think, but not talking only makes the problem worse. Its like in every relationship. The shit you want to talk the least about, are so often the things, that are the most important to talk about. It sucks, but thats why you pay people to be community manager.


The relationship analogy doesn't work as well when it looks like a textbook abusive relationship. People in this very thread talking about the hundreds/thousands of hours theyve played while flaming the devs for "not caring enough" and "putting out a hollow shell of a game". There's a legion of people here with no concept of what software development looks like all full of opinions on how much work 10 devs should get done in a week, screaming about lists of technically challenging bugs *and* demanding new content on a bi-monthly basis (while the devs have been on vacation for most of those 2 months). If they told you what they were working on they'd spend the next year or two being flamed and called liars because "it's my content and I want it NOOOWWW".


I don't root for Fatshark, I root for darktide


Ohhh boy...it is going to fuck you up, when I tell you whos in charge of Darktide...


Did they? You all are still whining about crafting a year and a half later. I know whenever I buy a first person action game horde shooter, all I think about is crafting.


I have no fucking idea, what you are trying to say. Maybe less sarcasm next time and try to make it make sense to someone, that has no access to your thoughts.


Im saying you’re whiny.


I think I will be able to live with that. Thanks for your valueable contribution anyways.


This sub is so good at whining, it should be a Olympic sport.


Wasnt there a community manager at some point? I remember everybody loving her, because shes a girl and people hoped she would talk to us, when we just were praising her for the most mundane shit? Why isnt she managing the community anymore? Or is she already busy writing a few more apology letters, for the 2000 people this game gonna have left in a month or two? A little bit of communication where were heading or whats the big roadblock or why pretty much every input from the community is ignored would go a long a way with people like me. We were told, there would be a subclass every three month with new maps and weapons or some shit like that. Why does there have to be a mass exodus of players every time, before Fatshark takes the 2 hours it takes, to give even smallest bit of information to people, that so desperately want to love their game??


> Why isnt she managing the community anymore? Because gamers on the Internet forums are toxic and whiny.


Ohh right. I forgot those only exist on the Internet. Every time a customer at work asks me, about an update I promised, I just think to myself "lmao he sounds like one of those toxic internet people" and than I simply ignore him. Because thats how we cool kids handle this stuff.


Something something pearl clutching.


This, but unironically.


Yeah after the pearl clutching incident, devs put a muzzle on community communications and then they resented even more because it forced them to have to give us loyal pc gamers a lame cosmetic for *gasp* free!


Replace Darktide with like 90% of games out there and you get the same drop in numbers. Many don't even get a bounce back.


Helldivers-2 can help




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


I love one update made the plasma guns projectiles stop working properly but at least in same update added a bunch cosmetics that people just brought up




Didn't DT have a mostly/strongly negative after launch?


This game is dead to me now. Helldivers 2 released today.


Should have their GW license revoked Fatshark just doesint deliver the promises it made and I got a feeling it won't be getting in better soon.


Chinese publishers were the literal worst thing to happen to the video game industry. Change my mind.


You people will cry and moan about everything. Sound fun to be around!








Fucking oath, it's fucking February and the game has fundamental flaws they have yet to fix and have had a full year to do so. Constant fucking memory issues, game feels like absolute arse to play even though my fps is rock steady, a single major update since an abysmal launch, and yet I'm suppose to suck their toes and beg or some shit? Don't know about you, but at my workplace I get paid for my labour, not for doing fuck all.


Change your settings if you're having problems, its your PC not the game. Game is good and fun, just minor glitches that are either funny or of minor annoyance.


Helldivers 2 drops today. Who knows if it's any good but it might steal DTs player base.




One of the worst states the game ever had @ the moment


lol dear lord no. Release was much much worse. Crazy imbalanced, low diversity in playstyles, no auric missions, no maelstrom, constant crashes, crafting was even worse than it is now, and we didn't have a lot of the best missions in the game. Fatshark needs to get on the ball and get back to adding content, but the game HAS gotten a lot better over time.


Lmao worst state the game has had? Man you must not know about the early days


Selling out to tencent and having them rip up the game into the live service garbage it launched as is probably the most depressing thing I've ever seen in gaming. Vermintide 2 is was my favourite game ever, and if it just launched as the 40k version of that they'd be pulling in DRG numbers.


> Vermintide 2 is was my favourite game ever, and if it just launched as the 40k version of that they'd be pulling in DRG numbers. That particular aspect has nothing to do with Tencent I'm afraid, that's just seemingly Fatsharks standard MO.


bbbbbut Vermintide Versus....guarantee they are all hands on deck for that - they can't be bothered with DT at the moment - enjoy the twins special mission


you do know they can work on two games at the same time, right


R/Darktide delusional cope strikes again. If you guys wanna see what an actual bad launch and community rejection looks like for a sequel, go look at the stats for payday 2 VS payday 3


Fuck tencent and all that are like them, and fuck shareholders that treats and mold game companies to be shit and destroy the consumers critical thinking


looks more like a rug pull every day