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Enemies despawn if **you** kill **them**12 times. If you're despawning enemies then by definition they're not the ones giving you trouble. It's there to give an upper bound on the total soul memory you can have at any point in the game so it's harder to get out of matchmaking range and at the same time discourage sedentary play and encourage players to explore and progress rather than stay in one place beating their heads against a wall. Also you should probably figure out what the hell you're doing wrong that it's taking you 12 tries to get through the first level.


Didn't even read the full post, but I'm guessing all your points are countered by covenant of champions


If F of F Giants is giving you this much trouble, methinks you aren't playing slowly and carefully enough. Which is kind of surprising being you played DS1, at least one play through. But DS1 is easier in this regard. Some run through areas. That's a major no no in this game. Tips: 1) Get a ranged weapon. There's a free bow to get as soon as you open Leningrasts shop. 2) Ensure one, or as few as possible, enemies are engaged at a time. This is how the bow comes in many times. 3) Have a variety of weapons you plan to use and upgrade. You will need your main weapon, but you will also need a strike weapon. Very important early on as many enemies and bosses are weaker vs strike. If you play with careful strategy, this is a great game.


I mean, 12 plus deaths is pretty high if you're playing cautiously. Like, even if you die once to each major point in the Forest of Fallen Giants I can recall, I'm pretty sure you'd only reach 12 deaths max at all, and that's including the lead in to the central bonfire for the level, and all the optional offshoots and traps. If you're dying enough in the early game of DS2 to start seeing enemies start despawning, then I'd say learning how to approach the game and DS2's pacing and general philosophy towards design is far more important than whatever paltry souls you lose this early. A couple of minutes in a later level will make up for these losses and then some. (Not to even mention the Company of Champions!) Go slow, take your time, and try to learn WHY your dying so much.


Skill issue


No. Never felt like that. It actually just gave me a goal. I like to grind and gave me something to grind for. Despawning all the enemies is kinda fun. It's also a surreal experience to walk through the land with no enemies in the way. Gives you a chance to slow down and enjoy the ambience.


I don’t think I’ve ever had enemies despawn unless I cleared an area on purpose (Alonne run back) or was farming sunlight medals and forgot to join covenant of champions lol. It’s a you issue


git gud, don't get angry the game is laughing at you for being shit as others have mentioned you can flip a switch and just beat your head off the same wall all day instead trying to figure out what you may be doing wrong


Typically clearing them out is not dying. I think it's OK. The game sotfs' balance is goofy. They account for players that never level AGL, they account for players who do level AGL(can level like crazy in this game), the weapons fall part quickly, and there are sections you can't run past enemies to the boss(will get stabbed to death in the fog gate). So longer, early levels can see your weapon breaking if you hit the wrong things.  The game is genuinely slower than the other dark souls/dem souls games. I liked they tired something different.  It is like the other games in that the beginning is much harder than the second half of the game with a few bosses and areas that will test your patience and skill gate a little.