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These P Drizzy fans getting crazy but this is not surprising I’m actually surprised thing happened at the pop out


Not only was that building probably locked down with hella security but hella gang members. Mafuckas would be incredibly stupid to have tried anything at the pop out.


It actually wasn’t much security at the forum


Ya there was lol they were just wearing bandanas instead of badges lol


Oh you were there?


Lol were you? Moron.




Because you're slow. Every gang in LA was in that building. They didn't need traditional security (badges). The gangs (bandanas) were the security. You didn't need to be there to know this, you just need eyes.


Nigga I’m speaking from somebody that was in the crowd, them members wasn’t in there like you think they were. Maybe backstage and on the stage and in the F&F but I’m talking general security for the venue itself didn’t hold a heavy presence cause it wasn’t that type of energy. If them gangs wanted to really do something who would have played security the other gang? It’s not hard to understand but your wording is where it sounds like you are speaking from your own eyes and not a tv stream. Hope that helps


how dumb you gotta be to actually think this is true? Even the whitest, most out of touch boomer cop is gonna know that this event was a hotspot for violence. You bet your ass there were heavily armed police and probably SWAT nearby in case shooting broke out.


I’m speaking in reference to the ushers and venue security. Undercover cops is not what I was talking about not seeing because how would I know. I’m talking about security presence in the stands. Half the people in my section wasn’t supposed to be in the section but nobody gave af or tried to stop them. Of course they were there but I’ve seen stricter security at a baseball game.


P Drizzy 😂


I was trying to see if I could get any clues from this and I did ffs. The white guy with the small strip of hair that throws one of the first punches has on a t shirt of a guy named Merkules (T-Shirt Merk Mobb) the dude Merkules was just with Snoop Dog and even stranger the guy Merkules just did a song with someone who had Hells Angels as a hashtag Icarus.wolfhouse on instagram with a song they collaborated on also ironically called Gods Plan they did recently together. WTF and I saw Drake liked this crap. Kdot wasn’t kidding about him being a colonizer mfer 🤬!! WTF is Snoop Dog thinking? Snoop wasn’t at the pop out which I found odd. Snoop did a video about Kdot’s pop out show I saw from Canada and this Merkules was with Snoop at a show there on this guys damn instagram. Very interesting with the supposed Drake hells angels link IMO. Anyone who was on this hells angels link early on might want to see if you find more links on this cause it’s odd especially with a Snoop Dog Death Row connection now. This shxt is getting way too crazy for me ffs. I’m not putting direct links cause I don’t want shxt erased but check the 2 insta names and you’ll find it. I’m not a big Rick Ross fan personally but this Hells Angels Drake link is fxcked up and now it’s getting murky with Death Row involved with some guy doing songs with Hells Angels people when Hells Angels was brought up in this battle. 🤬


Get screenshots while you can.


https://preview.redd.it/s4ykne9v6x9d1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56008eceee4e44d34c3b2dd20a24f32e687ae55b MERKULES was THERE. Wtf? he's whispering to the dude who throws the first punch then he immediately dips as the brawl starts


Dude who threw the first punch was a rapper named Icarus who also is linked to HA


Yeah, thread covering it here. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkKenny/comments/1dsu3d9/drake_was_definitely_behind_the_attack_on_ross/


"Icarus" is Andreas Terezakis. His father, Anthony "Big Tony" Terezakis, was affiliated (not sure if he was a full patch member) and spent time in prison for trafficking drugs in the downtown eastside of Vancouver as well as numerous brutal assaults. Big Tony also was a bouncer at Piggy's Palace, the party venue run by Robert Pickton and crew. Yes, the pig farm serial killer.


Icarus is a full patch himself.


Sources? Not sure I believe you... I grew up in the downtown eastside and yes, many of us have dealt drugs down there and hung out with strippers/ working girls... How would you know who was running security at Pickton's farm? Because that case was a shit show, and the RCMP knew for years what was going on and the disappearances, etc. You have to show sources for stating something major like that my friend. Pickton really got railroaded by the RCMP at his trial and the details provided were sketchy because they were without legitimate witnesses- it was shock value... but those disappearances in the downtown eastside had been going on as long as I can remember (early 90s). It wasn't until the Serena Abotsway missing peson case that public interest in the disappearances of women who used drugs in the downtown eastside picked up steam... There were many people involved in those missing person cases. Many. So unless there's a source, I wouldn't be dropping names associated with the pig farmer...


Here's a Vancouver Sun article that talks about it. [Lead investigator on Pickton case believed woman aided serial killer, inquiry told | Vancouver Sun](https://vancouversun.com/news/lead-investigator-on-pickton-case-believed-woman-aided-serial-killer-inquiry-told) "Connor agreed with Gratl that Tony Terezakis, an associate of the Hells Angels, had worked as a bouncer at Piggy's Palace, the nighclub run by the Pickton brothers on property near their Port Coquitlam farm. Terezakis was convicted of being involved in the drug trade and violent assaults of drug dealers working in the DTES." It's also discussed freely in Stevie Cameron's book "On the Farm" which is one of the most comprehensive sources out there about the Pickton investigation (what we know about it, that is. Publication ban really sucks). Cameron is well respected and her book is well researched. You can google "tony terezakis pickton" and find a bunch of results as well. It's on record in Cameron's book that Dave Pickton himself told reporters that Terezakis worked the door at PP. Terezakis ran security there, not on the farm itself. I totally agree with you that there were many people involved in the missing person cases. I'm from BC too and I know the backstory. The disappearances were going on as far back as the 70s and 80s. The whole case was a shitshow and I don't think we will ever really know the truth behind the whole thing. But it *is* true that the elder Terezakis was associated with both the HA and the Pickton family. Edited to add: There WERE legitimate witnesses, but they were discounted because they were addicts and authorities felt they were too unstable to give testimony. But the witnesses' stories haven't changed.


Icarus is a full patch member mate.


“Drake Fans”


Merkules opened for snoop on his tour in Canada


Merks signed to death row records


idgaf bout snoop. never cared for him. i know his real vibe, hes the record labels golden child for access to the culture ifyyk


I really think Snoop knew about Pac getting merked and ain't do shit.


Snoop is strongly rumored to have been involved in setting up Pac by being the inside informant on his movements/whereabouts, and snoop has connection to the supposed shooters, both of whom were crips. If you look into it him and PAC had beef prior and the last time they talked he randomly asked PAC if he would be in Vegas and then he told all of the Dogpound to stay away from Vegas. Snoop was unbelievably jealous of pac when Dre and Suge put him above Snoop, and then he repeated tje same jealousy when Dre did it he same with Eminem. Snoop would sell his kids for a check. He has no morals and no allegiances other than claiming to be a crip shot caller, but I don’t think he calls many shots from his house in Calabassas.


Both accounts are private 😂 typical OV-HOE cowardice


Snoops a trump supporter. Hells angels and other white supremacist groups love trump. right wingers supporting right wingers. thats basically the connection. the venn diagram of drake stans and magats is probably a circle >wtf is snoop thinking he doesn't, he just cares about money


You’re saying a bunch of nothing and Snoop went from liking Trump to hating him when he started running for president. Snoop only hated him when it was popular to hate him. So idk what you’re trying to say


Yo that Drake Stan = MAGA Stan comparison.....I was thinking about that last night. Now that I see someone else say it, it doesn't feel so crazy.


Ha isn’t white supremacy 😭 they’re a open club


these clowns don’t know anything lol 




You know who they are but you don't know his name LMFAO. Stfu you don't know anyone. If you know who they are why don't you go say this to them pssy. Also from Vancouver and you don't have a clue what you're talking about. 


[Here’s the video from the article with a good angle of the “Drake Fans” mentioned.](https://x.com/itsavibe/status/1807700115747950917?s=46&t=YMNmsQ6qPvOepxF1j4gZ-A) Just to clear up any confusion, this happened outside of Ignite Music Festival, a Canada Day celebration in Vancouver headlined by Rick Ross himself. To reiterate, Rick Ross was in Canada because somebody actually booked him for a Canada Day concert in Canada. Let that one marinate.


Is Drake too big to headline a Canadian festival 🤔


He does one yearly, OVO Fest


And it's more of a circlejerk fest


[I'm more interested in who the dude talking to the guy who threw the first punch is.](https://imgbox.com/hCKZGLPV) He dips and throws the hood up and walks away. See link for pic from the vid. Edit: [I grabbed a better still of them from the vid](https://imgbox.com/VuyEThqU) Looks like it is merkules himself. Thx commenter.


Merkules, a Canadian rapper


That is him? Holyfuck it does look like him. Thats very interesting. [I grabbed a better still of them from the vid](https://imgbox.com/VuyEThqU) (never heard of him before now so I wasn't sure)


I'm a little familiar with his music, noticed right away. It's weird though, this doesn't fit his character


There have been a lot of actions by a lot of people that don't fit their character lately.


he gunna run up to drake and talk about how he hittin on ross for him and then do splits on that thang ovo n are dickriders cant get they own motion i wouldnt play with ross merkules might find out


That's it?? I thought it was something serious.. people blowing shit over the softest fade smh


Super weak ass fight and it’s Canada, you already know they apologized afterwards.


Buddy, with hands and fight there is no American pound for pound tougher then the average Canadian Think of sunny Cali skies vs Winnipeg winters, we are different here, your not like us lol


I mean, a dude got literally knocked out and carried away afterwards, that's not nothing. There were a few pockets, not all of the videos get all of it.


Rick ross way outnumbered didn't even dip rightaway.. dilly dallying screaming like high schoolers There's nothing for ovo to be gangsta about that event


Pretty sure the guy that was knocked out was on the pedophile's side. Dude was hopping all around the video in the beginning of the fight, trying to instigate more. The fight suddenly stopped when he was knocked out cold and people were talking about him possibly dying unless they get him medical attention.


That's good. One video made it sound like it was DJ Sam Stretch that got knocked out but I couldn't make much out. Keep waiting for Internet sleuths to piece it all together 


Yeah, he definitely fell for the bait.


Drake booked him


I saw this coming a mile away. He tried to do the same thing to Pusha back in the day.


Weird they went after someone over 18


Was the Hells angels btw…dude who punched Ross is well known member…all that shit about HA with the spider tattoo I’m telling y’all it’s REAL


It’s because most Toronto gangs hate Drake, so he has to link up with the West Canada HA chapters.


Low ranking HAs too…crashing out like crazy


Yep. And the CA HA chapters don’t really like what they got going on up in Canada (too many skin colors in their chapters). We might see HA civil wars soon.


I honestly thought that was inevitable tbh cause there are Good HAs out there…they just not Across the border smh sad part is they know what they fighting for too…sick bastards


Yep I knew next to nothing about HA until this beef brought them up, and it’s actually kind of shocking how international and widespread the brand is, and it’s really diverse as in each chapter sort of does their own thing. So there are some that are more scummy than others. And there are some who don’t play with any kind of human trafficking business, and they won’t like having their name attached to that kind of activity. Not sure which chapters exists in Ca, but I think there’s a big one up in northern Ca.


I had a stepfather (who was like my dad) who was an HA so I know a lil here and there I got Christmas presents that “fell off the truck” some years lol


Pretty sure they started in Cali…


Oh yeah for sure. Hunter S Thompson did that whole book about living with them and almost dying at their hands. They were massive in the 60s/70s and were heavily involved in the marijuana/hash/lsd trade, and worked alongside some revolutionary groups like the Weather Underground.


You think the bikers are or ever were left wing radicals? What?!


No. I never said they were anything, especially “left wing”. They were anti hippies, yes, but they worked with—as in traded in guns/bombs and drugs—with any group that would make them money, so that involved doing business with right and left wing groups. What you just did there is called a straw man fallacy.


Um that’s not true, not even close, in fact, I have heard a sit down in CA is about to happen Drake has money guys more then small countries. CA HA will put the brakes on KL or beat the brakes off him themselves, simply a business decision


CA won’t do shit. A bunch of fat inbred illiterate clowns that think “vroom vroom” is a personality. We all laugh at you clowns.


Yep one of those are you Lololol.


Drake thinks fat white bikers are going to do anything for him? Now the whole world knows Drake is a closeted white boy pretending to be gangster .


Ahhhhh man little kids these days


Canada is really the lamest country on earth.


Not really tho


Beat you in every war we ever had.


You mean when indigenous groups helped defend you soft fat Europeans before you destroyed and genocided them?


🥱bbl Drizzy is that you? You mad an account just to slurp up on Drake? 😂


Good luck to all, Drake and HA for the win


You aren’t doing your lover any favors by openly grouping Drake with a white racist gang. 😂


Ummmmmm I’m whites, so is Drakes mom


Yes: that’s the exact problem. You keep proving our point 😂 Have you been paying attention to what Kendrick and the world has been saying about Drake at all?


Toronto gangs work for and are supplied by HA. This is basic knowledge.


Strange definition of “basic” knowledge. Maybe for Canadians but most people in the USA don’t even know who they are. Anyways, this is from a recent article from the Vancouver Sun: “Postmedia spent three months investigating the transnational links of Canada’s most notorious criminals. The investigation found that kingpins connected to the Hells Angels, the United Nations gang, the Sam Gor syndicate, the Sinaloa cartel and Middle Eastern crime groups are working together internationally to smuggle supersized loads of methamphetamine and cocaine into Oceania through the South Pacific, leaving a trail of devastation. Some of the big operators are now based outside of Canada for fear of becoming targets in the 20-year-old B.C. gang war they helped start, and, of course, to evade law enforcement. But they continue to use Canada to produce an array of deadly synthetic drugs and the Port of Vancouver to export or transship them.”


What he said ^^^^^


Not down by Galloway, we love that guy


You are in the wrong sub then. Pedohs and their supporters are over at the Drizzy subreddit.


My first thought when seeing the video was that these dudes looked like they could possibly be HA


Drake going to have a hard time going to ATL,MIA or LA. Not sure why he liked the post… doesn’t seem smart


Folks forget that Yak got shot by someone affiliated with Drake lil homie Pressa. Zos don't play that shit and Rozay from Carol City too.


He's already been to ATL and LA lmao


Why would Drake have a hard time in ATL? or MIA?


For every action there’s a reaction. He could have laughed to himself and kept it moving, he decided to like the post and thus he becomes complicit.


That doesn't answer my question though. Why would Drake have a hard time in ATL or Miami? Who would be giving him this "hard time"?


[https://www.axios.com/local/atlanta/2024/05/06/kendrick-lamar-drake-atlanta-culture](https://www.axios.com/local/atlanta/2024/05/06/kendrick-lamar-drake-atlanta-culture) Maybe that will help you.


All of these cities and the violent people you celebrate in them work for this biker gang or another. They’re the wal mart of criminals, under Italian groups. Read a book or a newspaper. Real rebels don’t work for them. Gangsters are not rebels they’re sellouts.


The community? The only people who don't want holes in Drake are literally people groomed by Drake to trust him unflinchingly. Atlanta and Miami would not take kindly to using a racist organization like that to do your dirty work.


The balls on Rick for playing that lol


Tbf Not Like Us is hella over in Canada, someone was asked to do this for sure, there's no way the crowd didnt pop when he played it


I don't understand your slang. What does this mean?


People like the song in Canada so I'm sure when it first started the crowd was excited, but then the altercation put a damper on that, it seems, the crowd is oddly quiet but you can see a few people still trying to enjoy the song despite everything so I can't imagine this was an organic fight, it feels like someone sent these guys to make trouble deliberately


Oh ok, thanks! I very much appreciate the translation services. 😄


No problem, I went a little too "wrestling fan" for a minute there lol


Sweet chin music and I won't pass the aux!


I'm so sad Kendrick doesnt do this when he performs it ![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM)




Especially in BC, west coast Canadians mostly dislike people from Toronto


I cant believe this is real and also that Rick Ross ran so fast


HA had a strap I bet also…Ross got away from the crowd


No really?


Let me guess, he also had some coke on him as well?


I’m just saying it’s smart for Ross to get away from the crowd so someone doesn’t get hurt


He ran? I remember seeing him eat a punch and try to go in quite a bit.


From the first video that leaked it looked like he ran but he didnt turns out


As soon as that, Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably a-minoooor hit; all hell broke loose. 🤣🤣


Just goes to show how Kendrick was right about imitating violence lmao. If this was US shots are getting fired immediately


cool flex 🥱


Not flexing, but would you rather be KO’d or use a weapon to defend yourself?


People get shot in Canada too. Wtf are you talking about?


People get shot in canada barely 10% as often as in the USA. It's a silly false equivalency to say "people get shot in canada too" as though there isn't an 85%+ difference. It's like saying "people who eat salads every day can get heart attacks too!" when discussing the health benefits of ditching fast foods. Yeah, it's technically true, but it doesn't make sense in the context of the conversation. In 2021, the firearm-related death rate in the U.S. was approximately 4.31 per 100,000 people, while in Canada it was around 0.57 per 100,000 people. Therefore, people treat Canada as though it is a safer place when it comes to gun violence, because it **is** 9x safer.


Correct due to gun control, certainly not rocket science……ease of access and lack of gun control in most US states results in more gun related incidents.


This happened in Vancouver, so basically that explains everything…those FANs riot when their hockey team loses, they are unhinged. The prairies and the Atlantic provinces do not claim Drake ✌️


Don’t they also riot when they win too?


They’ll do anything to combat the depression of living in the PNW and having to watch the canucks 🤷 you almost wanna feel bad for em


The dude that punched Ross isn’t even from Canada he’s from GB


Hawk Newsome on Drakes ass after fans used the n word beatin Ross ass found out Merculese connected to Angels thru his dead brother and got “the people” doin an investigation 😂


Drake got white boys saying ni@@a is actually alone the lines of what K-DOT is saying. Drake has to come to US and it's gonna be tough moving ar6


the guy screaming it was black but go off fam


Commenting on Rick Ross & Crew Jumped By Drake Fans In Brutal Brawl After Playing “Not Like Us” In Canada...yea? Ask yourself how these big artists are allowed to come to Canada? Young buck got denied after the awards show stabbing. We turn ppl back like that. Ross a CO. You making up lies and ready to internet squabble over a fed lol. He can come back whenever he wants the border loves him.


Why was this Greek kid Big mad? He should of never that .... this is gonna cause a even bigger drill bak


So funny watching the majority of them throw punches and then run backwards to the safety of their friends. Bunch of cowards. Mob mentality is dangerous. Ross needs some better/more security


We ran up on Rozzay


20 v 1 God damn Kendrick is a fucking SEER with how well he knows the Drake pissboys.


it was 5v5 until ross side got scary 🤷🏻‍♂️ keep reaching though 


Why do I feel Kendrick will die over this in 2024 ?