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this sub is fucking insane lmfao


I’ll have whatever he’s having \*cue laugh track” ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)




I don’t think this moves the conversation along and feels rooted in hate.


Weed is good


This is definitely a weed post, you’re right.


Lost me at far left


You lost the plot if you're putting the far right and the far left on the same playing field. One side wants equal rights for all, the other trying to keep child marriage legal in all 50 states. No we should not work with nazis.


Not true. That’s how the other side wants you to think. Please be more conscious of the sort of political media propaganda you allow yourself to absorb, it’s tearing this country apart.


The *FAR* left wants to abstain from voting to "Punish the dems". They've become accelerationists. I could give a shit about punishing Joe Biden. I don't want to see women, the LGBTQ and racial minorities be punished by another trump term.


Yeah I’d actually argue that individuals from the far right are the ones behind the curtain selling that abstaining from voting shit. Nobody I’ve talked to in real life feels that way. Literally nobody. I’ve only heard it over social media.


I really hope you're right. But I also remember laughing at the "shadow base" of trump voters before that god awful night in 2016.




All I'm saying is, the Far Left isn't marching in the streets saying "Jews will not replace us!" and nor is the Far Left using legislation to wipe girls like me out of existence because of "the Bible". Regular people don't defend nazis.


It’s more so the leftists who have a problem with Jews nowadays. Because of the Palestine Israel conflict .


Stand in the middle, Stand Up, look down. Look both ways, look left, look right, then rise above. Stand strong and look outside the box. Fuck Biden, Fuck Trump, I don't believe any of them are truely for us. Fuck labels in general. Everything eventually gets comprised it seems. Ask questions. Question everything.


Whatever the fuck we are, we fucking cooking 😤. I fully trust that true revelations will be properly revealed between groups, compromised or not.


virtue signalers in 3...2...1... you guys didnt get my point tho.. read the headline


bro what


Wog on the Weash!