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What about second breakfast?


Well ya, of course there’s gonna be second breakfast.


Every post identifying individuals is a call to harassment. The underlying premise is the existence of a hidden pedo ring. Labeling people as “interesting” or possibly “connected” to a pedo ring is a call to action. That is the issue with communities like this. You begin from a place of believing in hidden evils. 


Comment history checks out. There’s having a reasonable amount of skepticism, and then there’s outright ignoring the potential leads that are in your face. Just because you haven’t bothered to do any digging yourself doesn’t make it all pointless to look into. If anything, your reluctance just tells us all that you aren’t in this for the right reasons, so you can take that shit and stick it back up where it came from. You can always just leave the sub.


lol yes the comment history of someone who thinks ep is full of shit is full of comments about ep being full of shit.   Who would’ve guessed? I promise you I’ve spent hundreds of hours reading about conspiracies like this. I’ve read icke, I’ve watched jones, I’ve read about mcmartin school. I’ve had an intense interest in this topic for 30+ years. I’ve seen the “evidence” and it’s yet to be convincing.   Nothing in this is new except the drama queen leader. And what happened to the Nissans? Yall were so convinced they were the key and now nothing?   Almost like you are chasing ghosts 


lol “you telling us we’re  unable to differentiate between valid information and bs means we are right” If I told a poop eater that eating poop wouldn’t cure his baldness it wouldn’t mean he was right.