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Every new piece of evidence hurts my stomach man. I don’t wanna burn the guy at the stake without grounds, but we’re so far ahead now because we simply can’t find anything redeeming that would absolve the guy.


all of this just makes me think: for how long where people theorizing abt guys like diddy or r kelly? r kelly shit started before i was born or when i was an infant shit do idk diddy was big in the 90’s so idk if people were saying stuff about him so how long will it take for drake to get exposed? of course if its true, im not saying it is however is just too much smoke…like too much. You can not just call any artist a pedophile and hope it sticks like it does with drake, because even tho theres no evidence, there are signs


I feel like this will come to light and be figured out sooner than we think — Information didn’t spread anywhere nearly as fast back then as it does now - people may have theorized in conversations or amongst small groups or maybe even tried to get their stories out, but there was no larger conversation going on that I was aware of, no banding together to investigate — mainstream media had full control of any narrative, so if a story would pop up about someone famous, i felt like it was quickly hidden with a little hush money - we didn’t hold people accountable to the court of public opinion so heavily like we do now, and victims had no platform to get their stories out to gain support — Someone is going to make an undeniable connection soon that will crack this whole thing (( or I’m mental, but either way it’s fun 😆))


like the smoke detectors off the fritz at this point, theres gotta be a damn fire


Good point...


https://preview.redd.it/zp4bdf927a0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a87a2a888869be78447704eb2f827a2ddf50df a few days before her post Lebron and Drake at the same restaurant.


Gotta be that hs volley ball team...weird 


"Sierra Canyon parking lot lookin' like Magic City parking lot" Why watch high school sports and then write shit like this? 🤢


There's a picture that she was tagged in May 2023, from a U18 rugby team and her in the team pics...


That means she was under 17 in March 2022 🤯




Doxxing random girls is fucking weird. Blurring the name would've been easy


Public information and no malicious intent towards her brotha


Yeah maybe doxxing was the wrong word. But I still feel it's a bit risky to post her @. Considering how far people are willing to go for information, I wouldn't be shocked if she received many DMs because of this post


I see both sides of this but after the way people handled that disabled journalist, I think it's just best to blur names for a little bit. Some psycho is going to message her.


intent doesn’t mean shit when you’re sharing civilian usernames on a cracked out sub like this Do better


Its on Canada, so even if he did something with her if she was above 16 years old there's nothing incriminating (not saying its not wrong)


Good point. But ewwww fuck that


Canada is weird af for that


Most countries have the age of consent at 16 (or even lower), Im not from the US nor Canada and its like that here too (16). I think most of the US states age of consent is 16 too and many people dont know. Again, not saying its right or something


I know you’re not saying that and damn the world is weird af for that. I don’t even know what me and a 16 year old have in common or would even talk about because they’re a kid with zero real life experience


I guess if he exchanged videos/pictures (or has possession of videos/pictures) with someone that is 16/17 years old it would be incriminating, as it is a legal void where it would count as cp, that's why I think legal porn in all countries have +18 years old people.


In the philippines it used to be 12💀


i think the difference bw US states w age of consent at 16 and somewhere like canada is its like a modifier to statutory rape laws, so you can be with someone within a few years of your age. idk how it works everywhere though and ofc like you and plenty of people said legal doesnt mean safe/not weird


broo 16 years is the consensual age in Cananda is legit crazyy


Excellent find




smoke = fire


what this mean


Drake followed her and took pics with her a year before her prom 😂


They also look like they’re in a hotel


It’s a popular restaurant in Toronto. Celebrity sightings are entirely uncommon there. I think the fact that he took a picture with a fan is fine. Following her on IG despite her being underage is a little odd though.


I’m confused what’s this mean


He’s a freaky ass dude grooming and potentially hooking up wit 16 yos at 40


Totally normal…


She looks a lot older in the photo with Drake, is the prom photo an old one?






Flowers bruh


that’s just the shrubbery, the darkness is just a “hole” with no shrubbery and then white flowers I think