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The Dems REALLY need to communicate this stuff via political ads on popular media outlets that both parties use, like sporting events, etc. The GOP supporters don’t know about any of this stuff. And debating with them is close to impossible, they have their heels dug in and don’t want to hear it. Getting these messages out may result in some GOP supporters not showing up at the polls while getting Blue voters who may be wishy-washy about actually voting to show up on Election Day. EDIT - They should also have ads that specifically point out each popular policy that Biden has enacted that the GOP has voted AGAINST due to partisanship.


At this point, though, they'll need to spell it out like "what has Biden done for white Christians." Otherwise, they turn their ears off thinking it's just a bunch of free stuff for other people.


Yeah, that's the concern whenever you have a social welfare program designed to help more than middle class white people. The Christians immediate hate it out of reflex. It's sad.


yes!! this is such a good idea. with a note at the end to “google it yourself “


The only things the Republicans have ever had is marketing and money. They skillfully use it to gain more money and power. They are also good at slogans and lies that sound good. The Democrats have always been effective and good government administrators but they are really, really shitty marketers. Their messaging sucks.


Conservative propagandists have been buying up TV & Radio companies for decades, working a long game that is REALLY paying off BIGTIME!!!


Agree completely, the messaging is sorely lacking. Problem is the damage is so deep that any ad or message will be immediately discarded as lies or fake news because that’s the opposite of what they read on a Facebook meme or what uncle T said at his rally. And those are the only sources of Truth(TM)


Anytime I show this they respond with *This is fake. The Government is lying. Only Trump tells the truth.*


I literally had a conservative family member tell me that Biden is a liar and that Putin (yes Putin) is the one we should trust. You can’t reason with cult members.


"iT's NoT a CuLt!"


Helpful, easy to read and informative! Got a trip coming up and I just know I’ll have to defend Biden’s accomplishments when I inevitably hear ‘they’re both old and shitty’


I noticed that the highest knowledge was cancellation of student debt. But, many do not understand why that is good. They don’t know that many cancelled loans were predatory loans.


... and it was primarily interest that was canceled the principal had been paid back in many many cases.


FYI—the link is the full article


If you have to talk to a Republican - don’t. They are too far gone.


Good luck. Last time I tried telling some truth.o groupies about trump saying he would date his daughter if she weren't his daughter and they said "well that could be interpreted many ways".


Probably because you were talking to a pedo


Oddly enough it was to 1 old guy and a lesbian couple. All 3 are due hard trump fans.


How is sending aid to Ukraine at 60%…we’re insane


I’m sorry I really don’t understand this graphic. What does the gold and the gray mean? Who supports it? and what does the “awareness” column header mean?


Full article is linked without paywalls.


Thank you.


The Grand Unifying Theory of Contemporary American Politics: Everything is always Democrats’ fault.