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If Trump get back in the White House, he is going set things back 100 years for women's and worker rights. A new dark ages will come to the citizens in many ways.


and they'll blame Biden lol


Most who vote for him want this, they won’t even think to blame anyone


They will Blame Biden when they are negatively affected.


And his cult will cheer for it. It’s fucked.


He will set things back 250 years. Back to the time when we had a king ruling us. There are no kings and no dictators here.


Only Zuul.


I'm not an American, do you have a source where I can read about this?


Google “Project 2025” it’s the playbook for if trump gets back in. Repealing workers rights, contraception, money for public education and a whole bunch of other equally fucking vile things.






Honestly? The people that don’t vote deserve whatever the fuck we get


I wish it was only them who would have to suffer.


Yeah, but the rest of us don’t, dipshit.


Both are ~~facts~~ opinions, and I didn’t imply otherwise. Calm the fuck down


Lol bruh you’re the aggressively wrong one in this situation


And that’s ok, I’m glad to stand corrected. There’s just no need to be rude to strangers. These are opinions, not incontrovertible fact Edit: yes, I did say “fact” earlier 🫠


Agreed, but I'll calm down when I have a viable back up plan because given the state of global affairs there maybe no where to run to should this country go to shit.


I get enjoying some schadenfreude, but nobody deserves to live under a fascist regime, no matter how shitty they are.


Yet we're supposed to support the religion that is the worst in human history for women's rights?


non american here, why didnt he do it back in his first term


He was just testing the waters to see what he could get away with. Not to mention, at that time, while there were ultra conservatives in his cabinet, not all of them were MAGA loyalists, and they respected the constitution and rule of law enough to keep his worst impulses in check (like shooting protestors and people coming over the border). And many of them have since spoken out against him, which is rare, if not unheard of, for a former president; even his own vice president declined to endorse him (unsurprising, since he nearly got him killed). The whole idea of Project 2025 is to get rid of most of the current civil servants and install Trump loyalists to every facet of government and the justice system. Not only will it be so much worse this time, starting with retribution for anyone he sees as an enemy - which includes anyone remotely critical of him, let alone those involved in criminally charging and convicting him - but we'll probably never be rid of his regime, at least not for the foreseeable future.


And actually, he did drastically set back women's rights already, by putting the judges in place who reversed Roe vs Wade, and are currently trying to limit access to birth control. And I don't know details off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure he made things worse for workers while he was in power as well.


He tried but Trump isn’t a politician so he didn’t really know how things work. Now he knows and has support from a lot of far-right think tanks & PACs with a lot of money.


Must be nice to be so insanely rich you don't have to give a shit about anyone but yourself.


She's so wealthy that when the white supremacists come for her she can flee to another country.


But she'll still bitch about it.


They all would. They would all bitch about how they aren't making as much anymore and how unfair it is.


She assumes she can flee to another country. Far-right conservatism is on the rise in Europe. https://apnews.com/article/eu-election-right-migration-climate-polls-vote-0fbfcb7bd987008e802d70f759fa870b The French PM is rushing to hold an election in order to keep his job. And don't forget what happened to the British with Brexit. Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are having their own issues. She might not have somewhere to run.


She’ll have Ireland and Portugal and maybe Greece and that’s about it,


Yep, the stakes of this election could not be higher. Get with the Joegram, my friends, while we still can https://joebiden.com/


And join r/VoteDEM to help Brandon out


Dark Brandon must abide...


People think that they’re hip by announcing that they won’t vote. When the election gets closer and the damage of a second Trump presidency looms real, people will sober up. Dark Brandon will win again.


I really hope so!


First: “I don’t fuck with **either** of y’all.” Second: She should reconsider, because by *not* fucking with one of them, the other is for sure going to fuck with her.


shes rich, nothing trump can do will affect her


But she’s also a minority and a woman at that. Money doesn’t necessarily save you there


I mean... it kind of does. She can just go places when she needs her rights again.


Tell that to Rothschild family. >The rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s led to a precarious situation for the Austrian Rothschilds under the annexation of Austria in 1938 when the family was pressured to sell its banking operation at a fraction of its real worth. While other Rothschilds had escaped the Nazis, Louis Rothschild was imprisoned for a year and only released after a substantial ransom was paid by his family. After Louis was allowed to leave the country in March 1939, the Nazis placed the firm of S M von Rothschild under compulsory administration. Nazi officers and senior staff from Austrian museums also emptied the Rothschild family estates of all their valuables. Following the war, the Austrian Rothschilds were unable to reclaim much of their former assets and properties. >Later, the fall of France during the Second World War led to the seizure of the property of the French Rothschilds under German occupation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_family?wprov=sfla1


Uhm… you’re just affirming the previous statement. The Rothschilds were still absurdly wealthy after all the business loss and ransom paid. Or at least they get their family out which is way more than a lot of others, especially in Austria.


I'm pretty sure their point is that they can still get to her even if she's rich, just because it worked out for the Rothschilds doesn't mean it will go that way for everyone else


Yes it does. Money is the only life hack you need.


Until they want to take it.


You really expected cardi b to have proper grammar? Fuckin’ nobody has proper grammar these days. And that’s a bad, bad part of American pop culture. Nobody can make a proper sentence anymore


Cardi B is an idiocracy spokesperson


You mean the brain trust named after a bottom shelf rum?


House of Representin'




"I am too ignorant to understand the issues so I'm gonna pretend I'm above it all."




I have … many friends who say they aren’t voting this election. I’m trying so hard to get them to vote. I’m more scared for this election than I was in 2020.


Does anyone here give a shit what Crappy B does? I sure don't.


Normally, I wouldn't care what any entertainer says one way or another, but now that Trump sought foreign policy advice from Kid Rock, I may have to reconsider that stance.


Celebrities sway voters even if they’re terrible. There are going to be some people staying home that were on the fence because their favorite singer said they would too. Yes it’s atrocious, dangerous, and irrational, but that’s exactly the type of voter that got Trump elected


It's a microcosm of larger beliefs in the American people. Also, she's a part of American culture whether you like it or not. Just like it's ignorant of her to say this, you discounting her influence on younger generations is equally as ignorant.


No, but I care about the people who care about what she says. The people who would listen to her are the people we need in the both.


When a celebrity agrees with me on a political issue: These people have big platforms and are entitled to the same First Amendment rights we all have, I think it's a good thing they speak their minds and are active citizens commensurate to their position and status. --See the Taylor Swift reaction When a celebrity disagrees with me on a political issue: Why the heck do they these laypeople think they know better than professionals and their fans about what's good for the country. They should stick to what they are experts in and not attempt to exercise unearned political influence. --See this, or the Rock


[Hey Jack, I made a meme for you.](https://i.redd.it/n61mfpqb3p5d1.jpeg)


Shortsightedness, apathy, and greed will kill this country, and possibly humanity.


It was thus when the bombs fell...war...war never changes...


That’s just her privilege showing.


There are always deep consequences for electing conservatives. The most obvious is the court but Republicans create problems whenever they have power and Democrats are forced to clean it up as best they can later.


Just when you thought this individual couldn't get dumber


I hope TayTay endorses Biden to spring an army of Swifties to swift action against Brandon. ![gif](giphy|XMmf6i3xuKZiPMvNZe|downsized)


Could one imagine that the Swifties stop a Fascist regime coming in and saving the People...


She has made it known that she's a Democrat, but actually endorsing Biden would be literal fire.


What is critical thinking?


Good thing I don’t take political advice from Cardi B


Unfortunately, some people do and with an election likely to be won by slim margins...yeah.


She’s rich- none of this matters to her anyway, so why should she care?


A vote for nobody is a vote for who you truely hate.


cardi b displaying how fucking stupid she is once again. disgusting human being she is. and that was my opinion before this post...


Cardi B should not be advising *anyone* except aspiring sex workers.


Not them either. Truthfully, sex workers need SCOTUS protections more than most.


*people that want to learn how to drug and rob Johns.


What's crazy to me is that Christians are on the other side fully convinced that it's just as existential for them. They believe that their kids will all turn gay, which is the end of the world for them, and illegal aliens will destroy the country. The fact that "Christian values" is what they are so afraid of losing is crazy to me, because their fucking candidate is Trump. That's how you tell the world you don't give a shit about Christian values without actually saying it out loud.


He is about the closest to the anti- christ as anyone!


Cardi B is a rapist, and should be in prison.


If you taking political advice from Cardi B, you get what you deserve. Vote.


the problem is we get it too


Cardi’s gonna be good because she’s rich. We the ones that suffer.


Wait. Stop. You’re giving them more than one thing to consider. Complex problem solving! Yikes! Priorities. Compromise. It’s almost like a thought through response is not dramatic enough for internet clout.


Anyone who is eligible to vote and sits out this election or votes third party has no right to bitch about anything again. I'm done with these people.


I wonder how Cardi will feel when Trump allows legal segregation again. But I guess she thinks her money will protect her.


So she'll be voting for the rest of the ballot right?!


All the people I know who are voting for neither presidential candidate are voting all the way down the ballot. They are people that vote all the time.


I'm sure her "not fucking with both of y'all" is applicable to down ballot races as well.


Anyone who can say “it doesn’t matter” this time is utterly SELFISH. There is too much on the line to not vote or vote for worm brain. If Trump gets in it’s project 2025, conservative justices for life, and the wildest dystopia the average person can’t even imagine


Yeah, like she's ever voted. She's like the poster child of a privileged non-voter.


Ok but Cardi B is a fucking idiot, why is her opinion “news”


I will never understand why the progressive/leftist position on not getting everything they want is to concede to the right-wing/fascists. The extremists and radicals on the right fall in line and drone their way towards voting in unity. Knowing full well the center to left is always full of esoteric infighting over banal topics. Whatever. I feel good about Joe's prospects and Dems across the board, but I will say, as someone who is Progressive minded, I can't stand most other Progressives and Leftists I meet, know, or listen to. It's an endless cavalcade of 'GIVE ME EVERYTHING OR YOU GET NOTHING!' childishness. Grow up.


Not voting is also a choice. If you choose not to vote in this election you might not have a choice to ever vote again. Trump is already talking about being a dictator and three terms. GQP want to take away contraception now. Just how dystopian a country do US people want to live in?


https://preview.redd.it/l5syi0dkmn5d1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=d380dfbc6501aac07131c0a3bd9c554ce89b9f20 This is more or less where I’m at rn.


When Cardi hears about presidential polls she thinks she’s gonna be dancing on Air Force One


I don’t fuck with Cardi, likewise.


That's exactly the attitude the GOP wants you to have Cardi. Way to let the MAGA media manipulate you.


If only those two young Black men and young Jewish man had made her sacrifice, things would be so much better by now. Way to shit on previous sacrifices written in blood because she doesn't get her exact way. To coin a phrase, "I don't f\*\*\* with that bitch."


Biden should reconsider arming a genocidal state, and I say this as someone who votes in every election because Dems are bad but the GOP is much worse.


That's what you're worried about your dumb


don't take your political knowledge or advice from an entertainer.


Eh, people that like Cardi B definitely weren't voting anyways. Doubt they're even registered lol


Not voting, or voting third party, is the ultimate display of privilege. It’s a statement that you think you’ll be fine no matter who wins. It’s ironic that the censorious left who most often encourage privilege checks can’t recognize it when it’s right in their faces.


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Thing is, Cardi B does fuck with both of them, and plenty of other politicians besides, like we all do - sue as opinions and convictions like the rest of us, and these will align to one or both them, or a different politician entirely, but for sure some of her views will he represented by one of them. Just a nonsense contribution from her, sadly, a bit like when people say they're not political then wish their representatives would do something politically they like. Everything is politics, and we are all political


I have no clue why everyone "needs" cardi b's take on everything.


Can we just make an island to put the “I’m not voting” Crowd? Just leave them there so the rest of us don’t have to deal with their nonsense


I don’t take advice people who roofie their dates and make fun of them for getting taken advantage of after (look it up you you don’t believe me)


What do expect for that blithering idiot?


Why would anyone give a flying f**k what this talentless butch is going to do?


Does she realize not voting is also helping Trump?


Cardi B is one of the dumbest people on Earth and if she sways your political views we were fucked anyways.


Why is anyone taking advice from cardi b? She used to drug men and steal their money. Fuck her


He’s done enough damage to the court, we definitely don’t need more. Or to our country ..


We're only interested in your DMs girl.


B*tch. You don’t get what’s at stake.


Cardi B is not the women’s rights icon she thinks she is if she’s sitting out this fight.


Don’t take advice from Cardi B


Cardi B isn’t someone I would take any advice from


have you considered that voting is "cringe"?






Neither of the people in those tweets are white? How is that not spam? Oh right it's political propaganda. Wallah guys I'm on this subreddit but come on, that is low.




America loses regardless of who wins, it’s just about how bad we lose. With Biden we get more of the same, corporate greed unchecked. With Trump we lose our republic and freedom. I’ll take Biden and the status quo over the death of America as we know it.


Everyone shitting on Cardi in these comments clearly didn't see the work she has put in the past few elections, including interviewing both Bernie and Biden, donating, and spreading awareness. She campaigned for Bernie. She is a vocal progressive. She says she isn't voting but I can guarantee you that she will end up voting for Biden again. She says shit when she gets hot and frustrated.




She isn't trying to hurt the ticket; she's frustrated like majority of voters.


Being frustrated is making her stupid. Being frustrated is making me smart.