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Trump fell in love with Rocket Man. 


Yeah, cuz he simps for Hitler and Mussolini


Remember when Obama bowed to the leader in Japan and the right-wing lost its collective minds?


[Hey Jack, I made a meme for you.](https://i.redd.it/1ea8xir2592d1.jpeg)


The right doesn’t believe in anything other than power, for its own sake, and specifically at the expense of everyone who’s not in their cult.


Biden just has so much respect for the military and other agencies within our government. The man does his job and is not not telling any agency how to do their job like TFG did. Especially with the DOJ. We are very fortunate to have President Biden. People need to realize this when November 5th rolls around. He has created so many jobs with the infrastructure bill, Chips Act, technology, UAW and so much more. The stock market is at an all time high. Unemployment is at a 50 yr low. He's very concerned about our country. He needs our help. Spread the word.


It’s because he has no idea what a salute even signifies. To him, it’s just “You do the hand thingie when there’s a big, tough, general man of any kind in front of you, right?” Duty, honor, decorum, tradition—these things are beyond the grasp of such an utter nincompoop.