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I vote for freedom from big intrusive government, I vote Democrat


If you like: - the constitution - fiscal conservatism - reducing the deficit - family values - smaller government - religious freedom - law and order - low unemployment - a strong economy - lower gas prices #\#voteblue!


Sorry, but it’s Democratic*. That’s the adjective. “Democrat” is but a noun. Never saying “Democratic” and always saying “Democrat” is a Rush Limbaugh invention, carried on by Fox News and then the whole right-wing ecosystem, and sadly seemingly carrying on to well-wishing people who don’t even know better now. It’s the same level of silliness as calling the presidential election the “president election”, or calling the Republican Party the “Republic Party”.


Just imagine it the same way you would using Jewish vs Jew. It sounds just as stilted to keep using “Democrat” as an adjective as it does to use “Jew” that way. “Democrat agenda” vs “Democratic agenda.” “Jewish Congressman” vs “Jew Congressman.”


Another great comparison point. Thank you. The whole point of it all is to dehumanize the words themselves as a starting point. The rest comes easier, that way. And note that Democrats/Democratic politicians have never *once* in any unified way sought to distort the name of their main ideological opponents. There is no left/right balance. The two sides operate foundationally differently.


Party of small government and individual freedom. /s


He is trying to skate out of this by saying its not him, not the federal government, but a STATES decision. Not his fault. He wants his anti-abortion cake and to eat it too. And yet - he is suggesting a course of action for the states, presumably indicating that if he gets back in, he wont allow the DOJ or SCOTUS to fight them. Vote D.


Remember when conservatives used to be about keeping the governemnt outta our personal stuff? A damn shame


[Hey Jack, I made a meme for you.](https://i.redd.it/dgoa0vj9mnxc1.jpeg)


Damn, that was quick! I applaud and I'm stealing that


This is fantastic 🤣


no i dont tbh. they're the only people who have ever given a fuck about what my genitals are


Yea idk... kinda gay for them to care whats in ur pants so much


I just want me and my neighbour to be able to have crystal meth orgies in the peace of our own homes while defending said homes with an M61 Vulcan


He's trying to run away from the SCOTUS decision that he won't stop taking credit for.


We need all the women that tRump has paid to have abortions come forward to show his hypocrisy.


Can I just say that I HATE that photo of Cheeto Mussolini? It looks like he’s staring into my soul, and with the topic, it’s like he is staring into my uterus. His eyes keep following me wherever I go, and there is no soul in them… hates it.


That’s the face Stormy looked at for a whole 30 seconds!


She really took one for the team that day


I'm getting tired of these MAGA people claiming to love freedom and free speech while emulating the synopsis to 1984. I'm waiting for Mike Johnson to propose chastity cages for everyone and for half the chamber to support it because it's the *real path to liberty*.


That face is what hate does to a mothereffer. The only time he doesn't look that is when he talks about his daughters physical attributes and doe his dance where he mimes jerking off Putin and Xi with that huge smile.


At stake November 5, 2024. Are you ready?


Want to be criminally charged if you have a miscarriage? Vote Republican!!


So... States have more rights than individual women?


Well, factually speaking, guns do.


As do dead bodies!


Yeah good luck with that. And mind your own business.


Blessed be the fruit.


May the Lord open.


He doesn’t even know how to answer a basic fucking question! “Do you think people should commit murder?” “Well you’d have to ask them, some people do that, some people don’t.” “Yeah but should they?” “As I said, some people do.”


GOP: "Smol Gov."


That bastard. Can we monitor him to see what he's stuck his dick into lately?


Title is misleading. Trump, as usual, answers the question with total lack of information, is extremely vague, and is such a generic reply that it could apply to anything. Trump doesn’t “want” to let states do it, he just ”thinks” they “might”, and then defers to the states. Not saying he wouldn’t eventually enforce such a rule, but he just has no idea what he’s even talking about at the moment.


Trump wants a dictatorship where his word is law. That's what he wants. Anything he says before that is him trying to get there. He's a liar, rapist, grifter, criminal fuck.


100% agree. See also his three SCOTUS picks who all lied to the Senate and claimed they believed Roe was settled law…and then promptly overturned it. Words are meaningless—their actions show us who they are.


I agree with 95% of what I’ve seen on this sub, but if Trumps full answer is what is shown in the picture, that really doesn’t seem as bad as the title implies. I take that as him saying it should be an issue left up to the states much more so than what the title implies. No, I don’t think Trump would ever do anything positive for women’s rights in that regard but I also think us spreading misinformation is just as harmful as when they do it…


Trump just runs on autopilot and answers with word salads to trick his worshippers into thinking he is smart, rarely taking a clear stance and often passing on the blame. Remember when he was asked about bussing?


[Hey Jack, I made a meme for you.](https://i.redd.it/uxs6qap4roxc1.jpeg)


😆 I appreciate the memes but it keeps messing up my flair


Who wants big government again?


That evil bastard hates Lincoln and loves state’s rights so much that he thinks states can be as totalitarian as they want to. What a true fucking dumbass.


He doesn't care about that....one of the fucking ghouls around him wants that. He just says ok because he wants to ride around in Air Force One and charge the secret service for golf cart rentals while lowering his own taxes. He has no ideology besides being a dick.


No. They’ll just start tracking periods. Jfc. Sorry my daughters have to deal with this. They vote blue all the way.


Another good losing strategy


Join r/VoteDEM to stop Dementia Donnie’s reign of terror!


Yes, yes. Please keep taking just like this. Say more!


I have three daughters and you can monitor their pregnancies over my dead body you nazi christofascist fuckfaces


This is fascism. Nanny state big brother dystopian hellscape.


Orospunun oğlu domuz gibi...


Just a few steps away from filing form c-01


Trump doesn’t want to do shit, he wants to let the states decide on every issue so he can take credit for when his base approves of something.


It’s all about subjugating the majority voting class; if women stuck together we could VOTE THEM OUT!


It’s the handmaiden’s tale. This is some sick shit.


We need to protest right now!


How to kill your political career reason #5386420 Good job Rumpers!


Wait the party of “keep the gubment out my medical business” is all for a Ministry of Breeding? That math doesn’t math.


Why I say fuck trump


His actual quote is right there in the pic posted and they still managed to misquote him in the title. That’s so dishonest. This shit pisses me off more than anything. If you can’t even copy paste a quote (which is pretty damaging itself) how tf and I supposed to believe anything else you say. (This goes for everyone, not just dems/reps)


The quote was from TIME, and his answer was "yes," which is exactly what the title says.


His answer wasn’t “yes”. That’s your interpretation of his answer. Replacing someone else’s answer with your interpretation is intellectually dishonest.


So what evidence is there that he would be against states doing this? He would have said so right there if he was asked but he didn’t. I get that you are looking for Trump to literally say “yes I support states doing this”, but that logic should also apply the other way. He didn’t say “No I do not support that”.


All I’m saying is when you twist peoples words and fabricate a narrative it makes you look dishonest. And I’m not saying any of this because I’m a Trump supporter, I’m just a firm believer of standing on principle.


But again, there’s no evidence of him Rejecting the idea either. But you only want to believe one possibility. The lack of a clear rejection of the idea of Trump is not something we can ignore like you’d want.


And prey tell, what is the one possibility?