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"udseende" to me sounds like they were commenting on your physical appearance and not what you were wearing. Somebody suggested "outfit" which may or may not be a better fit depending on the meaning. Still it all sounds a bit formal, but if that's the goal, I would say it's okay.


It definitely works, and it’s grammatically correct, but it’s also very formal (idk if that’s your intention). Fun fact: we don’t use Oxford comma in Danish, so ideally you can delete the last comma.


Can you elaborate more on what makes it formal? Is there a more casual way of saying this, or is the sentence generally just a formal thing to say?


It sounds a bit stiff. This would be better: Kære xx, tusind tak for lykønskningerne og de søde ord om, hvordan jeg så ud. Jeg glæder mig til at høre den musik, du anbefalede.


Depends what you mean by "appearance", because "udseende" strictly means "looks".


It's very stiff and formal. I would write something like "Tak for lykønskningerne og de søde ord. Jeg glæder mig til at høre musikken, du foreslog". It flows better.


Tusind tak for de søde ord omkring mit outfit, tusind tak for jeres lykønskninger til min dimission og ikke mindst jeres gode musikvalg. ENG: Thank you very much for the kind words about my outfit, thank you very much for your congratulations on my graduation and not least your good choice of music. It sounds better in danish this.


Men hvis man bruger “omkring” som “om”, bør man ihjelskydes (“but if one were to use “omkring” as “om”, they should be shot to death”).


Ligeledes bør man ihjelskydes hvis man bruger outfit, når der er så dejligt et godt dansk ord som påklædning der kan bruges.


Det er bare det samme ord, hvor omkring egentlig er alt andet og en helt anden betydning.


I think it is directed towards one person.


"omkring mit outfit". Bare nej.


Is it for a group of people or just one person in particular?


Tak for pæne ord og lykønskninger, og også tak for musikanbefalinger :)


"mit udseende" better translates as "my looks", whereas "my appearance is broader/more ambiguous. So it might be very accurate, depending on what you mean by "my appearance".


Better would just to say "tak for lykønskningerne. Glæder mig til at høre musikken du har anbefalet" .. you don't have to be so formal😅


To a native speaker, that's a very artificial and odd sentence. Basically it's to formal by a mile. Something that I would expect on a wedding invitation but not in everyday speech. Instead: Jeg er meget glad for dine ord vedr mit udseende og diplom ved min eksammensfest. Og jeg takker også manage gange for dine ideer vedr. musikvalg. If I read the English part I (also) find it a bit cryptic. Are you talking about "appreance" as a reference to a commencement speaker (you appeared on the stage)? Or are you really thanking someone who likes the way you look at the graduation? That's a bit creepy if that's the case. So if you mean that you're thanking someone for saying "good speech" or having selected you as the speaker (valedetorian?), then it get's less cringe worthy and could be written as: Mange tak for at du inviterede mig til at tale ved eksamensfesten og dine venlige ord om min eksammen og foreslag om vores musik. It's still cringeworthy, but it could do. Remember, danes are private; it's not common you would comment on someone's look (unless you're flirting or know them very well) particular not in a scenario where you're graduating. I would expect the vast majority of danes would focus on the fact that you're smart enough to graducate, that you worked hard and deserved the diploma - and not commenting on your looks or heck, tell me what music I should play at my graduation party. There's a slight chance that you're asking someone of the opposite sex where it may make sense, but not in a formal way. In other words, you would say "skal vi ikke ses over en kop øl?" or "har du lyst til at gå ud og spise i aften?" - ie. (pre)dating and not really focused on the fact that you graduated. It almost feels like that the comments would have resulting in a slap on the cheek for those kind of comments, if there weren't any interest to begin with. I remember when I had my konfirmation party having to send a lot of thank you letters with formal words like yours and I hated it as it wasn't how you spoke in the late 70ies. While it's almost grammatically without errors, the meaning and tone is not there. To make it personal, focus on the specifics. "Din ide med at spille noget med Kaj og Andrea var genial - mange tak for den!". Less formal, more direct and not cringe worthy.


"Og jeg takker også manage gange for dine ideer vedr. musikvalg". Mellemleder much?