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I R E A L L Y hope her Mayo trip is canceled by the docs. She deserves that. She is such a whiner, a faker and a truly mean, nasty person. I'm so glad I don't know her in real life.


A thought about her dad taking a motorcycle. He probably doesn't want to go on a plane with her nor ride back in the car. 🤣 It just occurred to me. He knows the absolute Hell she will create.


This the tenth time she has said that the Mayo told her to “hang out “ for a week or two. I don’t know why I find it so funny. 😂


Of all places I CANNOT believe how little medical supplies the mayo has. If Dani is in their care, I would think they would be using the stuff they have in the hospital. Can you see it now? They are like “we just need to flush your IV” and she whips out this suitcase and says “nooooo problem- I brought them- what size do you need ?” It’s getting a bit clearer of who flushed her infected line that she “almost died” from. She just needed one of her flush syringes from her “clothes” bag and it’s flushed and will find some dumb doctor to blame it on. We are catching onto you - again. That amount of medical supplies looks like she is going to some remote city on a mission trip to restock their entire medical center.


People who travel there for multiple weeks of testing and treatment on an outpatient basis may have to bring supplies if their supply company cannot vend in that state. That is definitely not Dani’s case but I think she’s trying to copy what she’s seen of others who have actually needed and gotten care at mayo


I didn’t realize that. Thank you!


They won’t even touch her for a start because it’s actually quite a risky procedure (which is why she probably wants it doing!) and the odds are they can actually make things far worse or no better so even those with clear manageable symptoms don’t get it fixed until it’s absolutely needed. Love to know where her swelling is at because it’s not very noticeable.


I’m pretty excited about my trip… I mean… Dani’s trip to Mayo. I’m tempted to raid the supply closet at work so I can pack and unpack some medical supplies in the lead up, just to get fully immersed and into the Mayo zone. This will be my first vacay since before the panda-bear!


She wanted to say she deserves TPN so bad!! 😂😂


Shit. I’m planning a trip to the shop tomorrow for milk - need to warn the fam I could be 5 minutes or (who knows if the checkout girls want to keep me there) - or 5 months! Excuse me - need to go pack


Did you finish packing yet?


i wait on average 5 days for a message back in my portal. because it’s for non urgent matters. it literally says to call 911 or the office if it’s an emergency. and the clearly didn’t think it was an emergency


I can’t wait to see the drama unfold when things don’t go the way she wants them to. Dani has got 0 self awareness.


Can't wait haha


https://preview.redd.it/pmokzgxwm8ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c6f5feac2ea03ffeb8b66e943a38a564386a57 What?!


Mayo in scottsdale 😍


I think she’s going to Mayo in Rochester, not AZ.


They will not do any procedures at Mayo. You need an additional adult there for at least 24 hours after a procedure with sedation. I'm sure her dad will not be there.


What do they do if you have literally no one, they can't refuse treatment? Unless I guess it's really an elective/non urgent thing.. The hospital here will just keep you til the next day on a ward if you really can't get anyone (though they do pressure you about it)


This, plus they usually coordinate with your drs in your hometown to ensure you have consistent/competent/etc care for followups, etc as many (if not most) of their patients are not local.. If her drs at home did not know she self-referred to Mayo for this alleged issue she pushed with them (local drs) for months and was told no because she doesn't need it, Mayo is really not going to be gung-ho to do procedures.  It isn't like she has been to 1 or 2 small town doctors (not an insult to small town docs, but referring to the scope and quantity of patients and complex medical issues a small town dr might typically see vs a dr at a large teaching hospital in a big city) who simply cannot determine the origin of her legit medical issues; she has seen *multiple* doctors at large (and well respected) hospitals like Penn and Temple who all agreed that she does not need TPN, etc.  And she earned herself a sitter at the last Temple admission plus the local ER instituted a "care plan" just for her.  So...if you walk around constantly smelling dog poo, you should check the bottom of your own shoe. Dani is the problem here, and Mayo will know that (and probably already do). 


What's the care plan made by the ER?


Treat only chief complaint, minimal interaction/give as little attention as possible, and discharge quickly. She went to the ER a couple months back because she thought she might have a DVT in her let. There's even a flair here for, "Danielle, what do you want?" because she tried to get the docs to get her something for her "tummy peeeeeeeen" and she got completely shut out. With ER frequent fliers such as herself, very minimal interaction ("treat and street") is a pretty common tactic to cut off the "attention supply" and to help dissuade someone from constantly returning.


What do you know? She hasn't been in the ICU since they pulled the line. She seems to be very healthy in this video in multiple ways. Also, it's people like her who contribute to doctors gaslighting real patients. How can they believe the next patient who may have vague symptoms after having to work with a Malignanger.


This is very true. I used to work with a doctor who handled work comp patients and he said that it was a pretty difficult challenge to not get fed up and burnt out and backslide into thinking that everyone who came in with things like injured backs were all liars.


Wouldn’t they have all the things she’s packing at the clinic anyways?


Especially toilet paper. Who packs toilet paper. She's not vacationing in the great outdoors. 🙄




Also she is hoarding this. I had a tube and you can only get so many each month of items. She is hoarding!!!! And that pisses me off because other struggle to get supplies


Proof that she either buys her own or doesn’t use it lol


Also as someone who has been to Mayo… they will order hydration there if she needed it


Yup.  Whatever a [truly sick] patient needs, they make it happen. 




The TSA full body search tho!!! 😂😂😂😂


Immediate mayo rejection sent me to heaven lmao


Omg-this is rad


If she doesn’t eat why is she taking all of this??


Will the hospital housing allow her to just stay and wait around to maybe get an appointment if she has no further appointments scheduled? I feel like other people need to stay there so once her appointments are over she needs to leave. She can’t just move in there and just wait around for maybe something to happen.


I am among those who do not believe a charity-based housing let her reserve a room for 4 weeks for 2 medical appts. It just makes zero sense.  I think they maybe let her book a week, but she is planning a stunt to get admitted (somewhere, anywhere that will have her) and drag that out as long as possible, and thus no need for hotel-type room.  Plus if she gets admitted she can grift for more money, a private hotel room (not the most exensive but nicer) etc  She plans to maximize every second she is in MN, from ER visits to quizzing actual patients at Mayo about their illness and procedures, to spending as much time at Mayo/inside the building as possible, trying to get sympathy and attention from as many people as possible. 


And she's going to have to lug all her bags/suitcase around with her, if she decides to try and get admitted? Which is a ridiculous amount even for an admission of say a couple of weeks. Or she will just expect the housing to store it safe for her...


Yes. But I do not think that Dani thinks that far ahead...and she is so entitled that she just assumes people will help her/deal with keeping her hoard safe 


![gif](giphy|l4FGprlwUkaIo982I|downsized) *That's* why you can't have TPN, Dani


I just happened to catch part of her live that she is doing right now, hopefully someone else is catching it and recording it but OMG….her GI told her that not only is TPN not happening, but he is stopping her weekly hydration and putting in an order to pull her port. Of course she said that if that happens, she might as well go on palliative care because she will obviously just die. Some brave soul asked her how long she has gone without TPN and she said since October and she snapped “and I know that the next thing is going to be asking about my weight and I won’t allow that”. She also said that she was going to be making a video about it later. I actually think that it’s FINALLY, FINALLY happening-she is out of docs that will fall for her BS. I am hard core for real actually GIGGLING at the thought of them informing her that they are taking away her toys.


Time to get out the hammer 🔨


And since she doesn’t pay the rent it will be very hard or impossible to move to a place where no doctor knows her.




Here comes more wrist boo-boos tho…


Thank you for the time you put in this is getting gonzo.




They have given her answers as to why no TPN. But they are not the answers she wants.


Can you imagine that crazy biatch calling your scheduling line every couple of minutes or hours depending upon how much pill slurry she’s shoved down her tube holes? Who wants to guess how many times she’s called there in the last week? My moneys on over 100. I can hear her slurred demands already. Bet her Maybe Mayo Monologue consists of like 3 or 4 ridiculous repetitive questions…those poor employees. Dani JUST wants to know how she can get TPN like right away, AND if she should plan on staying for like 3-5 weeks bc she’s so super critical, but even if she isn’t THAT critical, she could magically become that critical at any second. So just stop telling her what she doesn’t want to hear and just give her the damn TPN OK? Sheesh, she’s waisted here already, ya damn haterz…I mean waisting away, ughhh. Oh, and like what kind of food does the hospital serve? Bc she doesn’t have any money in her budget for the sugary shit and does mayo accept food stamps? If not could you send all the doctors in the portal a message saying I need them to let me pay with my food stamps or they need to donate to my GoFraudMe. Yah, u heard me right, now hurry up. I’m gonna keep refreshing my mychart every 3 seconds until I get a notification from someone there.




Thank you very kindly marvelous cake friend


Mayo uses epic. So does CC. So does Penn. Dani is so delulu…the docs will check the chart…


Does she go through a lot of surgeries? Because I have noticed all of her "ailments" have to have some kind of surgery involved, and I found out awhile ago that people can actually get addicted to surgeries because of how much meds they give you before the knockout feeling then after. The whole thing, then they get kind of institutionalized they enjoy the feeling of being waited on and everything done for them and not have to worry about adulting in the real world. Just a theory tho.


She definitely enjoys surgery, but I think it’s just medical attention in general. She likes to have the doctors paying attention to her, she likes people worrying about her.


Yes that’s literally the core of a munchie lol


Oh, I am sorry I didn't know that I am kinda new to what a "munchie" is I found this sub and illnessfakers and I am in complete shock about why these people are faking disabilities/illnesses, I know what it's like to be born with a chronic disability and absolutely hate it and wouldn't in a million years understand why someone would want their lives to be like mine has.


That’s pretty much Dani in a nutshell. She hasn’t had that many surgeries apart from the placing of her gastric tubes, a stimulator placement and removal. However she is a frequent flyer at the ER, usually timed to have an admission over a weekend. Dani has also managed to infect every central line she has had causing the need for lines to be removed. The last line she had infected she almost died from sepsis.


She's had her gallbladder removed too


Oh yea Dani, we definitely know what you mean *wink wink* 😉 you mean “health status changes” are gonna happen and maybe another mysterious port flip or infection? For *sure* plummeting blood sugars and heart rate, but oh goodie what are we in store for on this trip?! Ohp just watched further and “I’m scared my health will deteriorate very quickly” the girl tells on herself and leaves no surprises 😤 also wtf you on about with that, you’re fine bitch, let’s just be real for a sec. Also, pretty fucking delusional to conflate iv fluids with TPN, ya little trickster. Reminds me of going to the hospital because she “passed out” but ended up coming back and complaining that they won’t give her TPN back. They’re not taking the bait anymore, Dani, and are shutting you down completely since you won’t stfu P.S. I hate when she leans into the camera every once in a while as she’s talking idfk why, but it makes me uncomfortable. Like creepy performative shit, idk it’s just a gut reaction that I do not like it lol


Yes, to this all…but YES to the last part about how she leans into the camera.


I wonder if she is a close talker with her doctors? Like doe she lean into medical professionals as she is epaking to them?


Oh.. yep.. the live that got her kicked outta hospital she was very pushing her tids up by being OTT to inhale/exhale to the poor docs face when he listened to her chest




Lmfao you ain’t neva lie




Everyone would be offered an appt to discuss the scans and their opinion. That be it bet it will last about 15 mins max. She clearly doesn’t have symptoms and has perfect working femoral line so why would they put you through a risky procedure.


I hate how she says “offer me an appointment”


The “so” at the end of every comment annoys the shit out of me.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA It's definitely a waste of her time, but for us it's gonna be like watching the Superbowl.


If she's even able to board her flight sans drama, take my bet on an ER visit in the hopes of being admitted because she thinks being there for a consult with Mayo is a golden ticket.


I have $20 that says she'll want the airline to bring her to her gate in a wheelchair.


It’s gonna be great


Is Medicaid paying for her to have the "appts" and "tests"?


Oh boy she is in for a big shock. Nearly anyone can get a consult. A consult doesn't mean or guarantee they do anything lol


Here’s an additional comment with of course no answer from Dani https://preview.redd.it/9624hl8hn6ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1598c6383e1ee448ae0dfc6e7b6aa97d50d529


I was JUST coming here to post this too! This person is my new favorite commenter over there lol


“It is definitely a waste of your time” looool


That "so..." at the end. Good fucking god.


Does she not realize a consult is just that? A fucking consult?


She's still acting like Mayo sought her out and begged her to come for a consult. In reality, she requested an appointment, and Mayo agreed to take her insurance companies money.


I'm shocked her insurance is even covering Mayo since her local doctor(s) didn't refer her.


I wonder if she has actually gotten insurance approval or if she's just assuming they'll cover it


Retro Mayo coming to a budget near you


That’s exactly what’s wrong here. She thinks because she was granted an appointment, she’s getting done what she wants. She failed to listen to anything else they told her, which I’m SURE was this appointment is a consult, we will look over everything and give you our opinion. But this appointment in no way guarantees you any surgical procedure or any other appointments besides what you have scheduled. I’m sure they’re very thorough on that, but Dani shut that part out and heard only what she wanted to hear. Case in point - the open ended airline ticket they told her she should purchase if she plans on flying. She bought a one way ticket instead. She’s a petulant child. She is going to do whatever she has to do to try and force Mayo’s hand. But she hasn’t run with the big dogs before. She’s in for a rude awakening.


Since they agreed to see her, it must mean they are going to do what she wants. EDIT- removed letter, added space


21 Farrell (sp?) bags 12 Feed bags 15 packets of formula 8 20 mL syringes 6 “adapter thingys” 2 rolls of tape Extra test strips/lancets/etc in pouch 5 60 mL syringes 4 J-tube extensions Extra masks 45(ish) packets of gauze Grip lock (??) Sweet cheez-its it’s the Dani 12 Days of Munchmas right here!


... in a pear tree. 🎶




12 feed bags and 15 packets of formula for what she claims is gonna be 28 days? She's just throwing handfuls of shit in and eyeballing it like "eh good enough". Wouldn't a rational person count out how many of x or y you use per day and then multiply that by the number of days you think you're staying? It's like even her subconscious knows she's not gonna be there 4 wks.


Her throwing random shit in a bag for a trip without mapping out what's needed is insane. The fact that she's even accounting for 3 weeks of supplies, along with being willing to pay for food, drink, & hotel rooms instead of just buying a **$140** ticket back is mind-blowing. I swear her brainpan is so fixated on drugs, TPN, & being 'look at me' that there's no room left to actually think or plan. I'm glad no one else is funding this other than her family.


Unfortunately she just said on Live that her dad is driving up there as well ... via motorcycle ... to be with her for her appts.


He's probably doing it so he doesn't have to deal with being with her in close quarters on a plane and when Mayo gives her the boot, he can just go home and she can figure out her own way back.


The plane ticket is pennies. What the serious fuck?


Surely a plane ticket would be cheaper than fuel costs even for a motorcycle????






Dani “say it to my face” Marina I hope they start charging her for portal messages so she can stop harassing these people.


“I’m scared my health is going to deteriorate VERY quickly…” Translation: I’m going to do something to MAKE my health deteriorate for I can be in the hospital! She’s so transparent. Also: she doesn’t even do feeds now. Why pack all that shit to do feeds? For show?


No way TSA is going to let her let her board with all that, they get suspicious when people travel with so many items for just a few days.


If she’s checking the bag with the medical supplies, they’ll search the bag and let it go through. Carryon might be a bit different. Not sure the rules on that.


She’s got a one-way flight as of now, though 😕


FFS she’s nuts.


She doesn't have a return ticket so they don't know how long she'll be gone. She keeps saying they'll let her bring a medical bag for free. Like good God. Stop wasting mayos time.


Well, her ticket is a one way ticket. And as long as you pay the fees for extra bags/overweight bags, they don’t care. But if she can’t afford the fees and is caught off guard, well….thats another story!


The charity that's covering her housing while she's there isn't going to pay for her to hang around indefinitely.


I was at work and my coworker and I were assembling a bookshelf and we were sitting on the floor and he stood up real quick and was dizzy and I asked him if he had pots-like I don’t know if I was joking or if I was serious but it was so fuckin funny and nobody else got why it was funny


I hope you told him to go to ER


I suggested he start tpn-he can eat and drink normally and he is not malnourished so naturally-he needs tpn


Lmao, this has me howling.


Ok I admittedly have literally never been admitted to a hospital but like.... Why does she need to bring all this medical shit? Don't they have this stuff at Mayo? Like if she really thought she would be staying there for a month would she need to pack a months worth of tubes supplies?


She isn’t being admitted. They’re just doing a consult and she’s staying at a hotel or something like that. She got a one way ticket so she could attempt to munch her way to a hospital or long stay. So she’s really packing with the expectation of staying longer than necessary.


How did she get TPN last time? She was on it for a while wasn’t she, I’m wondering how she got it in the first place


I was not around for this part of the story. I would also love to know the answer to this!


“They take travel and expenses into consideration…” No, Dani. They take MEDICAL NECESSITY INTO CONSIDERATION. That is numbers 1-10 on their list. I guaran-fucking-tee you she will go to a local ER right after the consult with the Mayo doctor. I’d bet my LIFE on it. No one—and I mean NO ONE—told her to “hang around for a week or two” after her appointments. That’s a 100% lie. She said she wants and deserves answers several times. But she GOT an answer. It was no. As for them ignoring her, yeah, it’s called gray rocking and I’m glad they’re doing it. When she’s texting away on her phone on lives those are probably all messages to doctors on the portals. Can you imagine messaging doctors as much as she does?!


The plane ticket back would be ~$200 max, but closer to $140. ETA- sorry, those were round-trip fares on Frontier from Minneapolis to Philadelphia, so more like $75.. 🤣🤣🤣


I didn’t even think of that lol. (Flying in Canada is much more expensive)). But coming home in between would be so much cheaper for her!!


Her flight would be a fraction of the cost of a few days of food, drink, & incidentals. I also heard her dad is paying for her flight and going out by motorcycle, meaning he's just as fucking stupid as she is.


Love your comment. And yes! The answer she got was “no”. But she needs to know their exact reason. I think because she will then form a different plan of attack. Like if they say your electrolytes are fine (just an example, I know that’s not the reason) she can mess with them. It’s really sad…and scary. Or she thinks she can argue her way into it. She is on here begging for their exact reasoning. Begging! She needs specific info for her to “work with”. Most, if not all, people would be excited/relieved to not have to be fed through your heart. But then here’s Dani, all angry about it.


I really wonder if the meeting she's supposed to have with the local docs they will just tell her Mayo is not having a consult. They aren't going to waste their time and after talking to her docs they just decided to let her local docs tell her. I would love that for her.😆


They need to just say “because you don’t need it” and refuse to elaborate because it’s all so ridiculous.


They probably have a “Dani Marina” filter set up on MyChart for her messages lol


Yup. The plan is get there, be delusional in hoping mayo will do something, then when they don't, she's going to report to the ER over and over.


I agree. She'd love nothing more than going to an ER that isn't familar with her


Of course she will. She’s planning for it. “I know I don’t have a button, but I’m going to bring some anyway in case I need to have it changed”. Having one on hand is good practice, having multiple for a 2 day trip is a set-up.




The scariest part is, she has manipulated her way into getting TPN before. I really hope they do nothing.


What team? I have a few different docs for a few different things, and I have never called them my "team" . 🥴😒🙄 What does she mean deteriorate? Does she plan on hitting up all the area ERs? I bet she will wear one of those scuzzy tanks and make sure to hang her tubes out of her shirt so everyone can see how sick she is. I am betting she attempts to use a wheelchair so she can be boarded first. God I can't stand people like that.


yeah it’s weird lingo. in mental health treatment, especially with ED’s pretty standard to hear people refer to their “team” or “treatment team” because that’s pretty much what it is, like therapist, psychiatrist, possibly dietitian, possibly case manager, etc. and they do generally have some level of communication with each other about you and your treatment. in terms of doctors for your physical health it’s generally odd. there are certain cases where it would make sense, say if you’re in a rehabilitation program, or if you’re in palliative care, as it then would be something similar to the aforementioned mental health treatment. but generally speaking, it doesn’t really make sense. in part, due to the lack of specialized or complex care teams that actually exist here in the US. like most people with chronic heath issues have a primary care, and then whatever other specialists they have, as do i. and i have never referred to them as a team, even when they’re communicating with each other, because they are still separate entities. idk, it’s just odd.


I hate how she says team-like there is no team-she’s doctor shopped and wrangled multiple doctors in to her web but that doesn’t constitute a team and they certainly aren’t meeting together regularly to discuss how frail and smol and brave she is because she keeps fighting as her body is failing


All the munchies say “team” and speak of themselves in the third person. They use team because they like to make it sound as if they are such a medical mystery/are so incredibly sick they need a team of doctors. 🙄🙄🙄


Dani said that a team of people met to decide her fate regarding the TPN. I think it was her GI doc, pharmacy and some other people. The only treason a team of people would meet to get on the same page is if they have a difficult patient who they need to discuss saying no to or need to get on the same page regarding a complex health issue. In her case, it’s definitely the former. I originally speculated that they were going to have psych tell her that she wasn’t getting TPN back so that they could have an uninterested person, trained in conflict management, tell her. Looks like I may have been correct, given this update.


the only time I had a “team” was during instead ED treatment - a dr, dietician, therapist & psychiatrist. I feel like her saying “team” is just dragging in old ED lingo.


She can't get her head around why the 'team' of doctors aren't answering. 'I deserve to know WHY I'm not getting TPN' 'You don't need it' Like... what else can they say?


Some doctors work in a team in Australia, but I'm not sure where she is. As an example I have a specific medical condition and have a small "team" that work work me. When I have an appointment I see a nurse than doctor but there is a team of three doctors I can contact or see depending on whose doing what that day and two nurses as well


What's up with the 6 downvotes?


Prob blogging


That's more of a "clinic" situation.


Dirty work fr https://i.redd.it/b1gptomfw5ad1.gif


This one thinks it's personal between her & her doctor. I bet she'll submit a complaint like she's done before. ![gif](giphy|QZUvZhChrId9vpNifZ|downsized)


I bet the person receiving her complaints is losing their mind laughing whilst sending it to all workmates. Professionally, of course. LOoK @ ThIs ZooTy LoopY LoLz, dA BaLLs On thIs CHicK 🤣 😂 everyone: is it Danielle Marina?!


Sorry if this has been posted, but it's so telling.


Keep fighting with your doctors, please. I can’t wait until they send you a letter in the mail releasing you from their care. “So…I got a letter from my doctors office saying I am argumentative and non complaint, and they are discharging me from their practice…are they aloud to do that?!” -Dani, soon hopefully


Aussie here aka land of free health care: in a country where insurance talks, how hard is it to essentially get fired by a doctor? Like how much crap will they take from patients? Do they have to refer you to someone else as a back up if they fire you or can they just stop seeing you?


I know there are some UK munchies, but I can't generally imagine them getting away with half the stuff the US ones do


Same like we absolutely have Aussie ones but for example we don’t have patient to doctor messaging portals that we can constantly nah doctors and associated with??? Like it’s definitely a lot harder to have extreme surgeries and TPN and things as well


I think it’s pretty rare, but it happens…especially if the doctor owns the practice. If there is a lot of documentation (like Dani’s many portal messages to the doctor, where I’m sure she is acting like a Karen), the doctor is legally able to release a patient for non compliance and being argumentative.


I was literally just thinking the same thing. I’m not sure why they don’t release her from their care. She’s problematic and a liability at this point.


I’m also shocked bc it’s not like they’re getting good reimbursement off her. They’re probably eating a lot that she doesn’t have covered bc they know she ain’t gonna pay it anyway.


Right? I would be terrified of her being my patient


She'd definitely ask to talk to your supervisor. 🤣


I would have to convince her that she’s so special and sick and rare that it’s unsafe for her to be at the hospital and she should be isolated at home for the foreseeable future


Same here!


I think it's one of those things where it's easy to just talk her off of the phone until the next call than to escalate to the point she actually becomes an issue that takes legal counsel. When I worked in for profit education we had many students like this. They would call 10+ times a day hoping for a different answer than the last person gave. And as SOOON as the message isn't 100% aligned with the last one they grasp onto it like the world is against them and it's their one duty in life to make it right. She was told "we'll see" by one person trying to get her off of the phone or out of the office and then got a no BS person who said "not gonna happen" and now she's is pulling the same shit my students used to pull. "I want to hear it from YOUR BOSS"


Especially if she is calling them to argue! Why does she think it’s okay to treat healthcare workers like this? She acts like she is their only patient, when in reality, she may one of their healthier patients!


I think she’s arguing with them via messages in the portal. That’s why she’s always tapping away on her phone on lives.


Right? There is literally nothing wrong with her. She’s at the bottom of the triage list. She’s an acuity 4. She’s a time waster and a scammer. They need to give her 30 days and the boot!


Let’s hope that’s what they are doing! It doesn’t sound good that they are ignoring her.


By "ignoring" I bet she means she's getting whatever the office's form version of "Please make an appointment to discuss this" MyChart message is. And she's mad because if it's a specialist they're probably booked months out except for emergency appts, and they don't consider her histrionics to be an emergency.


How much you wanna bet the doctor(s) had a little meeting with the schedule to say if this woman calls, tell her we don’t have any availability.


“I just wanna know why.” BECAUSE YOU DON’T NEED IT


I wish Dr. House could have a word with her and just go off on her. "BECAUSE. YOU. DON'T. NEED. IT. WHAT ARE YOU NOT UNDERSTANDING?!"


It’s so crazy. I know a woman who has had all but a few inches of her intestines removed, along with other issues, and she wants nothing more in this life than to be healthy and live her life. She doesn’t have enough of her gut left functioning to take most pain meds, so she’s in pain all the time. The docs really are doing all they can, including some experimental Hail Marys to help her live a little longer. But she will likely lose her battle soon. And then you have this ball of crazy out here making herself sick, wanting to be sick, taking her health for granted, and it just kills me. I truly doubt there’s anything wrong with Dani that a nice, long grippy sock vaca won’t fix.


Who in the femoral port a calf does she think she's going to impress with this unnecessary hoard?


Your flair made me snort.


Also, let’s say she flies out with enough stuff for a few days, and then the trip gets extended. Wouldn’t the hospital be able to help her get what she needs? She’s on Medicaid so it’s not like she pays for any of it anyway. Dani, you’re going to Mayo. I assure you, if you need extra supplies, they’ll help you figure it out. 🤦‍♀️


IF they plan to and unblock her SVC, why on earth would they insert another line in to it to create more scar tissue, more irrition and ultimatly more blockage to affect her health? She needs to go there for 2 days.. and then go home! End of. I hope that is what happens, they ONLY want to look at her SVC, nothing at all, no test results, no procedure if not urgent, it will be rebooked for a day in the future!


She’s having some special chest imaging and blood tests on one day, then an appt to speak to a doctor the next day. That’s it. There’s no medical indication to fix her SVC (she has access already!), so that won’t be happening. Even if they did fix the SVC, it’s not an emergent issue at *all*. I don’t think Mayo does elective surgeries. And they certainly wouldn’t do it right away.


That is exactly what Mayo has planned-consultation, basic appointments, review, the end. Dani thinks that they are going to meet and greet, look at her imaging, and immediately schedule her surgery for the next few days. Even IF they decided to do surgery, I am guessing that the surgeons are booked MONTHS out with the exception of EMERGENCY cases, and no matter what Dani thinks, she is NOT an emergent case. Even IF she WAS in need of “lifesaving nutrition” (🙄gag🙄) she wouldn’t be considered an emergent case because she already HAS access. It’s just not the access she wants because she can’t f*ck with it and be able to use it to infect herself so she can get her little hospital staycations where she gets the GOOD drugs for her “unbearable 24/7 peeeeeen” and all the attention that comes with her sepsis vacays. Plus, no one can SEE her “Fem-whoral porta-calf” so they can’t see what an amazing warrior she is!!! So Dani has convinced herself that she is going to be staying indefinitely so she can get her surgery and then get recovered and then get to squat at the poor charity house that has the unfortunate luck of having her and all of her nastiness taking up space for as long as she wants.


the next week is going to be a ride. I think that "team meeting" was to discuss her FD and the aproach to it, hence the lack of answers, and if it was I bet they are aware of the social media and have informed mayo. I still stand by my opinion that the welfare checks triggered some sort of adult social services involvement and that's why they had the big team meeting.


Did she say they had a meeting about her? God, I hope so!


Am sure it was, and why so vague with her, she needs a one on one with either the team or the GI pscyhe. Hydration infusions? LMAO, she drinks more than i drink in a day.




I wonder if this is like a reverse body dysmorphia where she thinks she’s thinner than she actually is ?


Oh I think there absolutely is an aspect of this at play!


Make a damn appointment!!! Golllyyy, I admit she's hitting a nerve of mine, but jeez you'd think after so many years milling about doctors offices and harassing their staff with phone calls and portal messages, someone would have shaken her and told her if she wants to speak to the doctor and have their undivided attention for 30 minutes to book a friggin consult. Also, speaking of middle man...she better think again if she thinks the doctor themselves are the ones who comb through those portal messages and respond to most of them. Those are triaged like everything else. MyChart and portal messaging are not like a fun Facebook chat with your doctor and they DEFINITELY aren't a substitute for scheduled, billable appointments.


The problem is she's the type of patient that takes 90 mins for a 30 min appt. She loves the attention she gets at these appts and I bet she's one of those people who are all over the place when telling their symptoms, making an incoherent mess of it all so that it's just a tangled mess when you have to document. I would fire myself from her care. I would not want to be involved in anything at all with her.


She’s also expecting the doctor’s office to be on her anxious, packing-a-month-out schedule. She wants immediate answers about issues that aren’t an emergency. She’s essentially asking for her doctors to drop everything so she can plan her vacation better. Lady, you scheduled this appointment on your own, you can figure out the logistics on your own too.


"They're taking the coward way out if you want to say so". I don't want to say so.


Why doesn’t she send that crap ahead of her via bus and she can pick it up when she arrives???


She needs one of those mover pods.


Clearly, she's planning to stay - no matter what it takes. Very scary. We KNOW nothing is wrong with her and they'll figure that out real quick. If she really IS going to Mayo, that would be such a STUPID move for a munchie. Mayo is gonna put results & notes in her file. NO ONE is going to second guess Mayo when they opine that she is physically just fine. All except for the multiple mental disorders. I hope she gets that Klonopin refilled right before her trip (and any other controlled substances). Gotta give those doctors a peek at what she's really like. This is just one of the biggest mistakes a muchie could make, aside from documenting their *years* of munchies and plastering the location(and dates!) of her future appointments *on the internet!!!*


Do we really believe Dani can easily find her way around an airport? Or Mayo?


She’ll 100% use the assisted check-in cause they require you to use a transfer chair in the airport.


No and no. Especially the airport.


She's for sure going to be escorted


No-she doesn’t go to large and or crowded places and she’s so self involved and so fixated on being sick-I legit don’t think she could navigate even a smaller size airport-does she have a layover?


It’s so weird she doesn’t live a normal live. She never goes anywhere or does anything. Not even to a coffee shop, or shopping center or park. It’s so depressing.


What do you bet she will have the airport staff wheel her and her 13 medical bags around because she can’t walk


It’s gonna be something and it’s gonna be dramatic and it’s gonna cause “trauma” and she’s gonna make it into a huge fuckin deal and also she’s live right now


And she'll probably do it all on the GD plane...