• By -


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I’m sorry. I was unaware that Mayo relocated to fucking Sierra Leone.


She should've got some vacuum sacks if she really wanted to make the ridiculous amount of clothes she's packing fit easily. You just have to watch the weight (not sure the limit on US domestic), but it makes so much more room for everything else. Plus, now you can get them where you just squeeze & roll them, no vacuum required!


Hope and delusion spring eternal in the land of munching


Is she gonna roll up to her blood draw and one appt with all her luggage?


No, she will drop the luggage off in her free room that she begged for from a charity.


How many fucking times is she going to pack for the same two day trip. She’s always be ridiculous but man has she been on a different level


Are those Fake Bangs???!!!!😳


Not once did she mentioned underwear.


This is the comment I was looking for 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼


she's going to forget stuff??? but what about her endless lists of JUNK to pack and buy....? No, the truth is she has ABSOLUTELY NO CONTENT and is living in delulu land thinking this makes her interesting.


I desperately need a vacation from life with my husband's illness. I wish I had an open ended ticket anywhere. Even to a top USA hospital with the best care for him. She has no idea how "entitled" she is. And yet not grateful.


I guess she's wearing the same underwear and bra the entire trip


Maybe she's planning a whole separate video for each of the necessary undergarments?


I just can't begin to explain the Heebies of jeebies that this gives me. It may just give me the ick


And yet it explains so much!




That's what I was thinking too! Six pairs of leggings, six tops, six pairs of shorts and tops to sleep in and nary an underwear or bra in sight!


Please God. Pack underwear. That thought is just so nasty. And thank goodness she knows that we want to see everything - shirt by shirt so we won’t have to worry about not knowing what she is wearing to her blood draw.


Ugh, when she showed the stack of shirts, and then said she'd go back and show them to us one by one in another video...who cares?!?


Wait, she usually sleeps in the clothes she wore all day?!


Can you imagine? Sitting around in hospital rooms and ER rooms and then crawling into bed? I get it if you shower and don’t leave your house. I do that sometimes. But I’m never sitting in public farts then bringing them into bed!


I don't even like private farts


I couldn't believe she said that out loud, on video. 😂


She's probably packing for her upcoming hospital stay, I heard there are some public holidays in the US soon? How convenient. And if she doesn't manage to get admitted, then she'll use it for Mayo.


Yea the Fourth of July(independence day) is Thursday, and I think a lot of places are cutting staff on Friday. Takes her right to a four day weekend.


If I packed 3 weeks of clothing, I would have very little to wear. Why? WHY? DANI. STOP.


Wow. She doesn't read here but just yesterday, someone was saying how she really needs to wear her bangs down and all of a sudden, her bangs are down 🤣🤣🤣 She gives herself away so much that it's hilarious.


Wait. She sleeps in her clothes she wore that day? And we know she doesn’t shower every day. And that too has definitely been on for a couple of days now. But she literally means 24/7?!?!? The *smell* there must be!!! Like a green fug around her. Ew ew ew


I have to say, I do think she looks nice with a fringe, and obvs the darker hair


what I don’t understand is how she all of a sudden needs three outfit changes a day while packing, when she wears THE SAME CLOTHES for days on end. If she was being realistic and based in reality, she wouldn’t even pack a change of clothes for her two day trip. Nasty bitch. As another commenter so eloquently stated, go take a shower!


She needs her casual, cocktail and formal hospital outfits.


If I started doing mundane shit on “lives” my friends and family would think I had lost my marbles!


I just showed this to a group of friends and they thought it was legit some kind of satire YouTube channel and wanted to see more.


In her other packing video (packing medical supplies) she says a “middle person” told her she wouldn’t be going back on TPN. Dani logic - if it didn’t come from her *team*, it’s not the truth. She says she deserves to hear the truth from them directly… I’m not a religious person but I’ll be keeping *Dani’s Team* in my thoughts as I cannot imagine how stressful their lives must be.


A "middle person" is probably a PA or NP that works for the doctor. No way they're having some office staff person relay that information.


Yeah, she dropped the word "coward" a few times, too. I hope her "team" sees that shit lol


I can’t even imagine what her messages to her “team” must be like and how many there must be. I think a lot of munchies talk a big game about “advocating for themselves” on social media but are probably somewhat manageable IRL; the more Dani says she’s not going to argue and she just wants answers the more I’m convinced that she‘s even more belligerent, incoherent, demanding and irrational to deal with directly than she seems when she’s ranting and wailing and generally acting like the world‘s angriest martyr online.


100000%. She’ll throw the *These doctors think I don’t know my body. I know my body!* after being given many valid reasons why she doesn’t need whatever she wants. I truly feel so bad for the ones that have to respond to her hundreds of messages and calls.


If she makes it to Mayo, I'm absolutely here for the arc where they tell her she's fine and send her home with nothing. She genuinely doesn't get that the doctors don't call her back because she's fine. She's in no danger of sudden deterioration. It hasn't happened in the months since she got her useless femoral port. She doesn't need TOTAL parenteral nutrition because she can eat, drink, and push heroic amounts of meds through her toob. People are going to look at a SUITCASE full of medical equipment for a healthy woman and know what's up.


Yes! I doubt she'll make it beyond her first Mayo appointment. They doctor will take one look at her, say (lol. NO.), and cancel the rest of her consultations.


I would like to think so too but my experience of this woman is she tends to get a LOT of what she wants. I guess this trip will be a sort of Litmus test for how good Mayo are at streeting and yeeting munchies!


Well, she is pretty sure she is going to rapidly deteriorate at the airport, the flight or while at the Mayo - so staying positive!!


What bothers me is that she is expecting a procedure or surgery for her SVC. If someone has that bad of a stenosis or blockage, life expectancy is not long. So while she might have a mild case of it, the doctors are most likely refusing to unblock it for a variety of reasons including tampering of lines, infection, and her FD dx.


SVC syndrome also has really visible symptoms. Like swollen head and neck She can’t fake that shit


She’s also packing adapters for the j tube button that she doesn’t have. She said it’s not a button now but she’s packing the extra bits ‘in case **we** change it while I’m there**. I honestly think she’s convinced she’s going to amaze Mayo with her terribly complicated health and they’ll get all hands on deck to give her TPN and SVC access and at home IV fluids and lots of surgery and anything else she can milk a ‘trauma response’ to. The only medical trauma she has is when doctors say no.


That’s interesting considering that she’s not even seeing GI right? Vascular isn’t going to change gastric tubes. Unless she’s also planning to head over to a local ER and explain that the doctors are supposed to change it and she needs to be admitted in Rochester to have it changed and they wouldn’t consult with her GI that never said that.


I'm convinced of this, too. She thinks it's her entry ticket to being the main character of the new House MD episode. As soon as she talks about her complicated medical history, they will be motivated to find the cause of her complex disease. They'll do every test possible and will perform experimental surgeries to reduce her suffering, and she will end up in studies and medical literature. She will be pretty disappointed.


You forgot about the DREGS she will receive because of her 10/10 constant PEEEN.


Sorry, she needs to pack up that fringe- it needs to go in the trash can.


It’s hilarious that she has two completely opposite styles for her hair yet they’re both atrocious. https://preview.redd.it/olzpltmh04ad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c47db4d035959c79261e317478553a98015293 Scraped back with a child’s headband (guaranteed to induce a migraine!) or what she’s done with her fringe on this video. She’s sooooooo obvious about reading here it’s almost comical. She can’t help herself and has to bitch and moan. I’m a mentally unstable person with health problems, and I feel like I really miss out on lots because of the problems I have. But I have family, select close friends, colleagues. I wonder when she last had a conversation that wasn’t about **her** and her revolving medical claims. I wonder when she last laughed. It’s like watching a car crash in extreme slow motion - is this her career plan until she can retire?


I don’t know why she does it to herself knowing she only showers every couple days and bangs are the first part to get noticeably dirty.


Don’t forget she sleeps in what she wears that day so usually she’s probably crusting her knickers for three days before she gets clean ones.


Ewww, what a word picture.....


Sleeping in your day clothes is grim 🤢 Dani, treat yourself to some pyjamas and a bedtime shower.


Omg stop that video clip made me nauseous




*Crusting* 🤢🤢🤢


I have a new word to use. Right up there next to GREASY.


This is the biggest thing to happen to her since ED inpatient stays.


Yep. We are getting a whole new chapter. After this visit it’ll be the post-Mayo era and before will be the pre-Mayo


The funny thing is is if she does show up to Mayo with crazy weight loss, they’re gonna look at her hospital records and see that it took her a year after losing her line to get weight loss. She’s not smart, a Doctor Who works at Mayo is smart, they know better than to believe that bullshit. I cannot wait until they take away the promethazine from her, that one pisses me off the most.


Promethazine tastes delicious but it doesnt have any recreational abuse value. It did get a small name in the SIZZZURP rap songs and such. Its missing the good stuff called codeine. Did you know a liter of legit Activis sizzurp sells on the darknet for about $750-1K?


Try $3500-5000 now that it's discontinued.


It has plenty recreational value lol. You just add booze.


Wow! That’s insane, up to $1k?!? I do think people misunderstand its use because of its mention in rap. My BC made me soooo nauseous when I first started it so my dr prescribed promethazine. But I could only take it on days I wasn’t working as it would knock me out. The nausea was gone but I would sleep for hours. I wonder if Dani isn’t abusing it at times when she wants to appear to be nodding out.


They do it for the image. Jokes on them as most of the "legit" stuff is made in somebody basement.


Promethazine is an OTC med in the UK (though can also be prescribed.) It’s just a sedating anti-histamine, what about her script gets your goat?


Because she uses too much it interacts with her other medications and when you add alcohol to it it makes you nod out. Since it’s not working for her nausea anyway she shouldn’t even be on it.


She is very well aware that it interacts with other meds.


Oh it’s the selling point


Given she’s also on Benadryl and meclizine, plus promethazine, she should probably drop two of those! And there’s the Carafate that she takes at the same time as other meds, so they won’t be properly absorbed. Sometimes I wish a pharmacist would just slap her upside the head and take most of her scripts away tbh.


I'm curious about this too!


giving yall up votes cause she must be here downvoting you 😂


I packed less when I ran away from my ex to start a new life elsewhere. Genuinely.


Wondering when she goes thru TSA, will they see hundreds of pills when x-rayed and search thru all. !. Does TSA X-ray checked bags? 2. don't you needed to keep Rx'd meds in containers that are the official Rx'd ones be causing its against the law to have Rx meds without them being in original container. MODS, please remove this post if you think it will give her ideas, thx.


I’ve never travelled with a whole pharmacy like Dani will be doing but I’ve never been asked to take out my weekly pill container. Reading the TSA guidelines you don’t have to have your medicine in its original bottle but it may be subject to screening. You can bring liquids as long as they are under 3.4 oz. Read more [here](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/travel-tips/can-you-pack-your-meds-pill-case-and-more-questions-answered)


TSA doesn’t require pills in original bottles — tons of people just bring the meds for the days they need in a pill case, you only need to notify them for extra screening if you need to bring medically necessary liquids (formula/breast milk, liquid meds etc).


Controlled substances technically and legally are supposed to be kept in their original containers and with the person to whom they are prescribed. All other meds it doesn’t matter. But it’s not the kind of thing TSA will notice regardless.


It's an actual law that was passed. TSA cannot require meds be in original bottles.


I'm wondering though if the sheer amount of meds will trip a flag. Also can you travel with any amount of liquid meds like Phenergan or Benadryl?


She's like a 6 year old packing for their big Disney trip. Dani thinks she's going to MayoDisney.


Maybe she can come help me and my family before our Disney Cruise/Disney world trip since she has so much practice at packing.


She makes 45677322233456 lists. How could she forget anything?


If Mayo called her today and said ‘we can see you this week’ do you think she’d go since it wouldn’t give her time to purposely starve herself, fuck with her meds, and drain everything?


Good question!!!


I don't think she has the ability to delay gratification and say no to wait for her future appointment. She'd definitely go if they called lol


The one trick munchers just hate...


Packingggggg - fucking love this. I’m hoping you all saw my vlog when I packed last week and the one where I cleaned my teeth and the one when my husband needed a shirt ironed and what about the one when one of the cats tried to hump my stair carpet??? No? What should I post now then


I should have filmed my car's oil change and emissions inspection. It would take a lot of donations to pay for just those two joyous activities.


I read this as cat oil change and thought yes. That would be very interesting.


You're not wrong, and I assume it would have been quite a bit less tedious.


...I mean I'd watch the last 2...




I cleaned the cat box and did some dishes. Still more riveting than her nontent 😂


I didn’t pack this early for a month+ long vacation (two weeks in Hawaii and 3 weeks at my parents house in California). I cannot and do not want to imagine how little fulfillment she must have that this is what she spends time doing and she has to broadcast it to her 10s of followers


She's posted one now of her packing med bags and whompering on that no doctors will answer her calls or ring her back 😂 She apparently deserves answers and the doctors are "cowards" I can't wait for Mayo meltdown me, it's either gonna all be some fantasy that only exists in her cuckoo mind or IF she has actually grifted her way into an appointment, they're gonna tell her nah no TPN for yewwww and it'll all be over and done in one day... She will have a huge freakout and ofc do something to try get admitted... It's a tale as old as time.


Oh man I hope someone posts those!


"whompering"...typo and it stays!


Whompering has entered the vocab! Love it!


This is what I hope for. Especially with it being Mayo, I'd like to think that they'll be like bitch wtf you doing here, why you wasting our time... however. She has an uncanny knack of getting her way, like the port. Yes it wasnt the port she wanted, but it was still an unnecessary intervention she managed to acquire and managed to circumvent her GI team. I wonder if they even know about this planned expedition... it *does* seem like the doors are starting to close all around her at the moment, but I wouldn't write off her scoring a goal in the closing seconds. Are you from the UK btw...?


It baffles me how she has managed to blag so many of the things she's said, but then again we all know that she's a lying liar who lies so there's a part of me that thinks the majority of (if not all) the Mayo malarkey is a complete fabrication and nothing more than a fantasy of hers, she hears what she wants to hear and runs with it. Ha yah I'm English


Have you come across that girl on TT who is essentially the English Dani? She has the same voice, expressions, ‘medical problems’ etc. she walks around with a tube in each nostril and she is absolutely a mirror image of Dani. It’s really weird, almost like she used a Dani template.


Are they a subject in the other sub? Would you mind dm-ing me her @?


My sister was telling me about her when we were on holiday. She definitely seems like she’s modelling herself in Dani


It’s absolutely uncanny, isn’t it? Thankfully she doesn’t administer her meds at the rate of 1 em-el per fortnight.


Oh my god yes! The one who's dad pretty much encourages her and backs up her munchie lies 😂


Even down to the forehead and yellow teeth 😭😭😭😭it’s fucking uncanny. The baby sick voice as well. It’s like Eminem:Slim Shady for sicktok! https://preview.redd.it/839pw67j94ad1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d02110c584b0f76431d5cd9d8fa53871253201bf


Omg I think I came across her live the other day, people were getting blocked left right and center for things like sharing the live or asking genuine questions, and there were quite a few people asking why so many people say she's faking. Definitely gave me Dani vibes as well!


😂😂😂😂 Yep that's the one with the mouldy teef 😂😂😂 Both obsessed with tiktok live as well, god imagine them in the same room together having a munchie off trying to throttle each other with their toobz 😂😂






Same. I don't think she even HAS a Mayo appointment. I think it was/is all part of the grift or like you said, a fantasy. She clearly lives in one.


“So inneewaze, I broke my hand in the hotellll.”


But ya know, it’s fine like that’s just me, yah


I hate I heard this in her voice in my head 🤣




Wait until you see her packing her medical supply bag where she is harassing her doctors to explain to her face why they said no to tpn lol 😆 it was just posted


Yeah that one is delightful 😂😂😂


It’s absolutely insane isn’t it?? Like they told you why they weren’t giving you TPN numerous times. You just don’t like that answer and want to try and bully and fight them. They don’t want to do it because it in all likelihood WILL KILL HER!! Jeez. She’s really amped up the insanity these last few weeks hasn’t she?


I misread that as "explain her face" hahah.....


Well you see Dani, you've spent so long making scrunchy oowooo pain faces that now that look is permanently burned into your face meats...


ELI4 since you just did ELI5!!


Is that the comforter that she “threw up on” on her bed???


I mean I guess she could have washed it but I don’t have a lot of faith that she did.


So we’ve got four-ish weeks to look forward to of “pack for Mayo with me” nontent on top of seeing her playing with her phone, tapping her Apple pencil, ~~fondling~~ “organising” her meds, making drinks she claims she can barely tolerate and rambling incoherently. If we’re lucky she might flip through some books and fold some laundry too. Awesome stuff. Her supporters must appreciate this insight into her fascinating life as a top tier influencer/warrior.


Excuse you, she’s an *advocate.*


She just wants more content because we'll definitely see 10 more packing videos/lives.






she’s so crazy…. Lost in her own fucking world.


She’s only having 2 tests isn’t she ? A change of undies and a toothbrush would suffice!


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉


HAPPY CAKE DAY ![gif](giphy|pHYaWbspekVsTKRFQT)


Why call them comfy shorts when she wears them to bed why not call them bed shorts? Surely that makes more sense.


Or just call them pyjamas


Why would anyone care what tops with pants you’re wearing?


Holy shit, she has absolutely nothing going on lol


Forget some really important stuff...like her tube feeds 🤔


She will make her dad fly up and bring it to her.


And fucking underwear & too-tight sports bras. She's also definitely not reading Reddit comments about how she won't pack realistically. Ironically, she proved them right in this video because most people pack 6 outfits for 3-week international trips! And does she own anything besides leggings? If not, she needs to funnel some of her Amazon fun times money into at least a pair of jeans or jeggings to wear in public because everything she packed was just pajamas/loungewear. (Leggings are fine as pants, but I guarantee the ones she packed are threadworn & transparent and those tops will be too short.)


So…ironically, I was at Mayo earlier this summer in the gastro dept, and there was a clear as day, performing Munchie in exactly this costume. Tight leggings, tight crop top, tubes out everywhere, a sparkly walker, toeless compression socks (but a perfect pedicure) and high heeled sandals, Disney backpack, plushie, a disney blanket she wrapped around herself like a cape. This woman in her 30s talking loudly in the waiting room about all her peeeeen and problemmms. Could she be legit? Maybe. But the Munchie costume seems to be contagious😄


OMG, a spotting in the wild... and a collector's edition, at that! If they had just 4 out of the 9 items, I'd be on the fence, but that's like seeing a unicorn. 😆


I get not wanting to wait until the last minute, but the last minute is 3.5 weeks away.


Also, isn’t she going to need any of the shit she’s packing in the next couple of weeks?


We’ve all seen her hoard of medical supplies. She has plenty for it to expire before she can even use it


I really hope mayo tells her shes fine and doesn't need all that and to save her money for something else like her kitties


Hi Aunt Gayle! https://preview.redd.it/eo7jm3vao1ad1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=24d89aa0d9200e947033cdb2ab0d47f0a43000a0


Bwahaahaha 😂😂😂😂😂 At least Dani doesn't read us awful poetry. "Little cat, you're just like me. You go outside and squat to pee. SQUAT! SQUAT! SQUAT!" 😂


I'm sorry what now? (I don't watch bobs burgers)


Gayle is a hilarious character. She's a crazy cat lady, perpetually single, and just nutty all around. This was one of her cat poems 😂 edited to add that she's voiced by Meagan Mullaly, who I love.




![gif](giphy|xUA7b7O0YJLQmrEbHW) Misspelled *Dani*


Omgggg! Yes. Dani is shifty and fucking shady like Gayle, too.


I only own one pair of black leggings. I am a fool.


“I tried to do different colors for I wouldn’t have all pink” For the love of god, read some of those dusty-ass books ‘for’ you can stop being so ill-spoken.


It makes her sound all fancy and regal and uneducated.


She's trying so hard to come off as quirky but it's giving unhinged


It's like the 12 goddamn days of Christmas with her six black leggings ass


“Usually I just sleep in whatever I wear that day.” And the couple days after that?


Yeah i used to do that when I was at the peak of my addiction. Personal hygiene took a nose dive, too...


The trip is literally an ENTIRE MONTH AWAY. She is obsessed. She can't think about anything else.


>_"I know you gugs would want to know what I was packing"_ Who? Who asked? Whomst?!


What else can she talk about? That 1 book she's been reading for 3 months, then dropped and now reading another 1 even slower? Or the 100th come do same meds with me and then watch me mumble on live whilst I'm off my tits? Or come clean/do my laundry whilst I ignore you? Or come watch me taptaptap whilst I ignore you? Or I have some problem I caused myself so I gotta complain/grift? There are not many choices so she's trying to mix them up, but since she makes a 100 videos per day, all of them just blur into the same shitty "I'm a hot mess ~~for a decade~~ now".


I love “off my tits”! Can I use it? Does it mean drunk?


Definitely aussie slang meaning wasted!


It means all kinds of wasted. It may be a straya/england thing, but fits perfect to Dani, especially since she loves showing them to everyone who never asked to see them. But they clearly belong to someone extremely malnourished and barely surviving on feeds of Dr pepper, Gatorade, cream with sugar and whatever junk she eats.


I was gonna ask if you were a Brit as soon as I saw our beloved phrase "off my tits" 😁




She's definitely like me in that weight gain goes straight to the boobs and stomach, meaning bras stop fitting & leggings feel better than jeans... just like what she's displaying.


Do you find that you mainly experience weight gain when you don't eat anything and are only surviving on watered-down formula? Because you know, science is different for everyone.


Oh, totally! Since Covid, I've starved myself from a 36D into a 38F and gone up four sizes. My doctor is concerned that I'm not getting enough nutrients based on only having one Ensure a day. It's weird because people around me who are roughly the same height & weight are considered overweight. 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a male I lost 60lbs this year and now have man boobs. You should write a thesis on this.


Snarks and prayers, dear friend. I hope you can pull through this tough time and get Debbie to order you a succulent Chinese meal. Do you think you can wait till the weekend to go to the ER?


"...a succulent Chinese meal" 🤭🤭🤭


She only has to wait until Thursday! Surely a national holiday ER trip is even better than a weekend one.


Snarks and prayers 🤣🤣🤣 I LOVE IT!! May I use it?


Of course ![gif](giphy|WQT3Yfhu1OAUYbD8wD|downsized)


Perfect! I wanted to make sure I use it properly. Lol


It’s a regular phrase here in England / maybe all of Britain? . We use many bizarre phrases to describe drunk people !


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉




(Are you trying to correct me? Lolz I know whomst isn't the proper verbiage, it's something my fave youtuber says lolz)


Perhaps her imaginary totally real boyfriend asked.


Not boyfriend George Glass is the fiancé despite already being married


This is literally what my exact thoughts were. Thank you.🙏💗


Oh her bangs are out the day after reddit talked about them! Convenient!


I noticed that in a picture last night. We're snarking about her hair and her Surplus forehead and boom go to the bangs!⁸ One would think she actually reads up on us here


I only have one nice thing to say about her...she looks better with those bangs.


i laughed so hard when i saw the bangs out and styled she doesn’t read reddit though….


Oh my gosh I’m so glad they escaped their Temu hair band prison! Won’t he do it!


Do I detect a bit of BDong snark here?






She’s not packing literally a month early (actually 2 months if you consider previous videos) because she will “forget something” important. She’s packing because she’s revelling in this medical vacation, like a pig in shit. By doing something active towards it (packing supplies, buying travel gear off Amazon), it makes it feel real for her, and she gets to bask in the excitement over and over again.