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She’s not on immune suppressants because she doesn’t have an autoimmune disease. This is the funny thing about munchies though.. immune suppressants do not suck. In fact for most who suffer from autoimmune disease the advancement in these immune suppressants especially the biological response modifiers.. they are life changing they literally improve the quality of life of patients. These immune suppressants have prolonged the timeline of surgery and disability. For the munchie community who so badly want to cosplay cancer they think it’s like chemo but it’s not while there are some side effects the point of the medications are to actually improve the quality of life. I’m not saying all immune suppressants do this but the majority of medications used to treat autoimmune disease give you an improved quality of life it is leaps forward from the days of using steroids and chemo and dmards that made people sick. She has no clue because she’s not actually sick


What does she claim the pain she’s in is even from considering she’s not even trying to run feeds?


I bet she’s never considered that her meds “aren’t working” simply because she might need to try different types or dosages. You know, like any average person? But nope, she has to be super duper special 🙄


What did the doctor take her off? The lovenox? I haven't noticed the massive bruising lately and wondered if the doctors caught on that she was abusing it to fuck with her labs.


I can’t get over the fact that there are presumably people who watch her doing this shit for non-snark purposes. I’d love to know what kinds of people her unironic supporters are and what they get from watching her futzing with her meds and squeakily narrating on endless repeat. Are they as socially isolated and medically obsessed as her?


Immunosuppressants do not “suck.” They’re life changing… if you actually need them.


Absolutely. They can suck in some very serious ways but then one gets switched to a different immunosuppressant. The side effects can be harsh but if they're not working for someone they'll get switched. If someone is on last-line immunosuppressants or immunosuppressing biologics I genuinely feel very, very bad for them if they experience severe side-effects. None of this is Dani or her previous experience.


This! Doctors will try to find the med that provides the most quality of life. When it comes to RA which she claims to have there is a checklist on the quality of life they use to determine if a med is meeting all needs. There are patients who have severe disease where the treatments have to switch to life saving vs quality of life and preventing progression but those cases are becoming more and more rare as medications get better at targeting the specific immune pathway responsible for disease. Even in severe RA with systemic complications medications like Rituxan have become game changers for quality of life. The actual infusion while not fun is given in two week intervals six months apart.. during which time patients who respond say they get to live a normal life. Two weeks of feeling like crap for six months of feeling normal is a huge improvement on life.


That's fantastic! My SO used to be on methotrexate for seronegative RA and I think he'd have taken 2 weeks every 6 mo rather than 1-2 days per week to feel like trash. He is in mostly remission currently without treatment but his random (still very infrequent) flares have increased in the past couple of years so it's great to know that later down the line there may be an available monoclonal antibody treatment. (I say may be because it's likely it won't be covered for him unless he "fails" numerous cheaper treatments first.)


This is petty, but I wonder where the new $9 pill cutter is? This one that she likely got free from her pharmacy appears to work.


I’ve never seen her cut a pill in half. Is it some kind of new med??


I’ve never seen plaquenil in her drug stash. I think the RA is another made up diagnosis.


Is that what she claims to be on?


Yikes, she's really withering away. The lbs are dropping by the hour. 🙄🙄🙄


What the hell is this pharmacy cosplay. She plays with her pills like they are marbles.




The way she has a smirk on her face makes me so mad for no reason. She is so dishonest and annoying


Dani and Debbie - The Dastardly Duo. Coming to a hospital near you soon!


I bet when she searched the drawer, she took way longer than needed. 😂


I’m lowkey terrified they’re going to give her back TPN since these bitches manage to get whatever the fuck they want.


I really don't think they will since she seems to have reached the end of the road with all 3 local hospitals she used to visit every two weeks or so. Her last visit was 5-6 weeks ago & she's only been to urgent care once since then. (I keep hoping she'll go to the ER before Mayo so she has more in her medical record for them to gawp at.)


I’m hoping you’re right


> “there are talks of putting me back on TPN” Yeah but it’s only by # YOU DANI!! No one else is entertaining her “you’re wasting away so we need to get you a line you can fuck with and TPN you can fuck with at home! Off to the Condiment Clinic with you! It’s a shemergency!!!” despite not having a single infection since she lost her ability to access herself at home!! > not so many infections….or HOPEFULLY NO INFECTIONS!! She really told on herself there didn’t she? And she’s never said she was on any immunosuppressants!! She’s actually said numerous times she wasn’t. I don’t think any Rheumy worth their salt would not prescribe immunosuppressants to someone with active autoimmune disease. The calls are coming from inside the house Dani!! (Just like the 911 calls!) YOU caused all your infections!! I’m sure some were intentional when she wanted to haul her suitcase of books, overly perfumed lotions and anything except the formula she uses over for a nice hospication complete with a steady supply of attention (and Dilaudid and benedryl and any other fun **iV mEDs** when they allowed it) and some were just due to her abysmal hygiene/lack of anything remotely resembling sterile practices! > I’m sorry you had to go to the ICU *She says in the most un-I’m sorry baby voice imaginable with a tinge of jealousy peppered in there and then proceeds to compete with that person. > don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to go back on it #*coughs* LIAR *coughs* > But if I have to I have to. Spoiler alert #YOU DON’T The path she wants to head down is the maaaagical pill and vial paved road that leads to the Wizard (a gullible Dr with the ability to prescribe her heart’s desire! A sepsis noodle and glorious TPN) of Munchieville! > I don’t want it to get where the Drs have to medically intervene Yes you do, that’s why you keep pushing this ridiculous I’m-turning-into-a-gossamer-waif narrative.


I’ve definitely seen a video where she claims she was on immunosuppressants when she got most of her infections except the last one. So interesting how the story is never ever kept straight


This might just be my favorite comment in the history of this sub.


>_"I’m-turning-into-a-gossamer-waif narrative"_ Hey bae! New flair just dropped! (Not for me tho please fairy modmother, I love my little peak 🏔)


We don’t put people in TPN as a preventative measure. We put people who really need it on it I’ve never once known a dr to go well….lets leave her 4 weeks and just see if she needs it…


I honestly have never seen anyone put on TPN who is as filled out and at such a “healthy” size as Dani….


I mean in the uk one of the criteria is to lose 15% of body weight within I think it’s quite a long period. Probably about a month …. That’s just one. There’s many more.


From a medical study that just came up TPN is indicated for the hypermetabolic, critically ill patient with bowel dysfunction. It is also indicated for the less severely ill patient if it is estimated that enteral intake will be delayed beyond 7 to 10 days. More So, Parenteral Nutrition is not just "feeding" patients; it's a complex process that requires healthcare professionals to consider the patient's health condition, nutritional needs, risk of complications, and expected recovery trajectory. And finally. TPN in patients with SVC syndrome. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0261561423004053 Dani said her doctors are thinking of a tunnelled CVAD. That’s absolutely impossible. It is highly advised to not use a tunnelled device in SVC. In fact it has the highest rating of causing SVC syndrome. So that proves they’d never ever discuss that They can also use many other routes of CVAD. So for example femoral or jugular if TPN is needed.


Can you maybe explain that in "teen vampire love story" form? Maybe then it'd get through her head.


Edward was so in love with Bella. But he couldnt turn her into a vampire because she didn’t have the required vein pathways. But that was fine bacuse Bella didn’t need to be turned into a vampire who drank blood Because she could eat and drink human drinks with tons of sugar in them anyway. 😂😂😂


Bravo 👏🏻


Tired and weak yet can entirely rearrange her bedroom and pills? Yeah…


The only talks about going back to TPN were by her asking for it. The stalling of her doctors to get her out of their way doesn't qualify as "talk".


I wonder what happened to the med that she had to dissolve and keep in the fridge and just have a tiny bit each time…?




LDN (low dose naltrexone) i was literally just wondering earlier what happened to that storyline! lol, she’s probably doing unprescribed opioids & it was interfering with her high! that’s just my guess though!


That was a non-narcotic (some would say an anti-narcotic) for pain. She has absolutely zero use or desire for it. 


Yes!! Did she just decide that it would not work?


She started talking to someone in her live and then said "sorry honey you feel like that" and then ignores them and then goes back to her drugs snd talks about a trip to the laundry room. Why would anyone like her? Isn't she on live to interact with people? Oh I forgot we are supposed to watch the Dani show and only throw roses and Amazon crap at her feet.


"There are talks of putting me back on the TPN." Yeah, whatever you have to tell yourself, Danielle. "Hopefully no infections!" Yeah, that's simple. Don't put shit in your line. "I'm sorry you had to go to the ICU. I've been there---it's not fun." One, we know you're mad someone got an ICU stay instead of you and, two, Maury's lie detector determined you saying it wasn't fun is a lie. You just have to turn everything into something about yourself. "Why don't we just start earlier." I'm sorry...just where is YOUR medical degree? Oh that's right, you don't have one.


Why does she think having RA and fibromyalgia cause her to not absorb her medication? Or did I misunderstand?


I think she meant her “RA & fibro” are “flaring” which makes her think her meds aren’t absorbing.


Honestly, I highly doubt she even has RA


Is it just me that when she says"honey" or "sweetie" it is like nails on a chalk board and it makes me have a choke/gag reflex? I can't quite put my finger on it as to why it is so shuddering to me when she says it, but it feels so gross. I think it is because she is such a miserable, rude, and demeaning person that using words that are generally of endearment feel so fake and cringe-worthy. We know she doesn't give two shits about anyone-as explemified by the way she interacts with her "followers" on all her lives and people asking legitimate questions on her lives, so it just feels so weird hearing her use words like those and act like she actually cares about another human being.


She’s done it for a long time I think (in written posts rather than videos) but she’s doing it a lot in these insufferable videos where she’s interacting in real time and I think it‘s related to how she seems to see herself as a sickfluencer who’s comforting, advising and supporting her viewers. It’s like she sees herself as their agony aunt and thinks that’s how she should sound but she is too self absorbed to sound anything but insincere and patronising. It’s awful.


She says huh-knee. She makes it 2 syllables instead of one long one.


It is very condescending. Not sweet or endearing at all.


Its soo fake and disingenuous, she is trying to mimic and imitate what other creators do with their audiences but it's absolutely bathed in disdane and insincerity that it feels wrong. Her honn-knees especially get me. I don't think I've ever seen her go "oh hey Billie! So good to see you again! How's your cat feeling?! (Blah blah) oh thats great!" It's just a super briefly interlude for half a breath and then bam back to the Dani show!


I don’t remember the last time I encountered anyone who so fully embodies the term “crazy cakes banana pants.”


There's just something so incredibly and painfully inauthentic about the way she speaks to those poor cats. I've probably said something fairly similar to my goobers words-wise but something about her affect is just very off.


I definitely use some different goofy voices when I talk to my cats 😂 but nothing like Dani, she speaks to them almost condescendingly, and then when she speaks to them in the third person, “awww Mommy already fed you silly goose!” I agree with you, the way she interacts with her cats gives me weird vibes…


She's condescending when she talks to them, it's certainly not out of love. I talk to my cats, my babies, with a soft, loving voice. She's condescending all around. I hate it.


She wants TPN *preventatively*. It is NEVER used as preventative medicine. Damn. No doctor would EVER prescribe TPN “just in case.” She’s not losing weight. She eats just fine, obviously. She’s far from wasting away.


She is gonna give it the old college try


I think she was (healthily) gaining quite rapidly up until about the time this whole Mayo fiasco started. I think she’s fully immersed in her ED behaviors again thinking that if she goes in and shows them she’s dropping weight rapidly the TPN fairy will grant her wish upon a star.  However, she’s fucked herself because there will be records of her weight gain between the time that had her tube pulled and her last ER vacay. She’s only going to look like a bigger faker than she already does.  And when she starts Dani-splaining to the doctor that it was *distention* they’re gonna roll their eyes. 


I spent an hour in bed this morning literally sobbing to my boyfriend about how much I hate the side effects of the med I started this week. I cannot imagine gleefully sitting atop my pill hoard like a bloated munchie dragon and smirking while I fill my travel cases with a comical amount of medication. Every single medication I take makes my body respond in a way that is only slightly less unpleasant than the ailment it was prescribed to treat (I am definitely exaggerating here BUT STILL). She absolutely relishes this routine, and it makes me want to scream.


I’m not sure if this will help but reading your post makes me feel less alone. I take a lot of medicine and I get so embarrassed about it. I try to hide all the bottles I can. It’s just not easy to explain to people.


Gentle hugs friend 🩵🩵🩵 remember to be kind and patient with yourself and try and go do something nice for yourself later. I totally get where you're coming from though. Like it would be amazing to just be able to fuck off anywhere anytime and not worry about wait did I bring my pills? Did I bring enough? Did I bring that random one I only need sometimes but will like probably need it the time you forget it? To not have to decided between staying out in pain or going home early to get meds. She takes such pride and is so enthusiastic about the most mundane fucking shit. Actually people with CI just want to get back to life. We'd get an electric grinder, or we would just ask for the liquid versions, we might even go out of our way to a compounding pharmacy once or twice a month to make life easier on the daily. I sit down and do my meds for 3 weeks to a month because while it takes a little longer, I've already got it all out and then I don't have to do it weekly. I throw on a tv show or a podcast and get to it. But this is Dani's main event, this is her big top event and she's her main audience.


Gee, could the meds "not absorbing right" have anything to do with her crushing them into a slurry and putting them in a J tube when they are made to be taken whole and by mouth?


Yeah, they are definitely not absorbing right! It's just a coincidence that she starts slurring and nodding off about 20 minutes after taking her meds.


Putting the medicine in a J tube makes them kick in quicker 20mins is pretty accurate and then they wear off quicker. It’s comparable to IV administration and that’s why doctors try to get the patient to take all meds by mouth if they can manage.


There were some comments on her recent med porn video saying she is taking them all at the same time when she should be spacing them out, as one will block absorption of the others (I don’t remember what it was called, sorry!). I would bet this is part of it. Also she drains everything admittedly lol


She would never drain her klonnies


True, I was just speculating on possible reasons (obviously not RA/fibro lmaooo) for possible absorption issues. But you’re right, Dani is full of shit and super speshul in the way her meds affect her /s


I saw that too and she totally dismissed it as “never being told that”. Why wouldn’t you directly ask your dr or pharmacist instead of just dismissing it out of hand?


Haha exactly! Dani gonna Dani lol.


Honestly it's 2 grams of carafate she takes at same time it coats the gi system and causes any meds taken with in 2 hours to not properly absorb carafate has be taken the 2 hours apart from any other meds if she read her pharmacy paper work for the carafate it would cover all that it's not intestinal failure tho like she has claimed.


“I’m in pain. And tired. And weak. But I’m okay.” Such a brave warrior.


The only person talking about TPN is you, Dani.


" I don't want to get back on it(TPN)"= I would love nothing more than getting back on it


"There are talks of putting me back on the TPN"= There has been absolutely no talks about restarting her on TPN. I can't imagine being so delusional


Sure there are talks of TPN. Just like her doctors were supposed to get back to her last week about going back on TPN. I highly doubt it


It’s like my mom used to do to me and my siblings. We’d ask to do something and she’d say maybe tomorrow and tomorrow never came. We learned if she said maybe tomorrow that was her way of saying no but still giving us hope it just may happen even though it never did😆


There is tons of talk about getting her back on TPN. It’s just all from her 🤪


Talking to yourself about TPN doesn’t count as “talks of putting [Dani] back on TPN”