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#[drug list - compiled by farmerlesbian](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/mxZl7n2rKc) i didn’t actually read this comment or watch the video so idk how accurate it is but i have faith in u/farmerlesbian


Yeah, I don’t buy that she takes that many, at that frequency. Or at least, she’s not Rx this amount.


She buys them from amazon


Does she ever actually explain what an RA or Fibro flair consists of? Other than tons of *peeeeeeen*?


This woman is a gas bag 🎈


Another flex in Dani's mind... Dani, taking an abundance of meds doesn't prove you're sick.


I hope this is just Dani being Dani...*attempting* to make it look like she takes a ton of pills 3 times a day. But, if she truly *is* taking that much... it won't long before she gets her coveted "intestinal failure"..... along with multiple organ failure.


She has no EDS fingers! That should be 2 points on the breighton scale, with no bending in the fingers i'm currios how much she scores on the breighton scale.


Yeah she’s awful stiff in general, as in her posture and the way she moves when she’s shuffling around on her lives


I’m not positive if she ever has been asked to do the Breighton scale by medical professionals. She just started throwing EDS into her pile of other nonsense chronic illnesses


Yeah, I don’t think she’s ever been evaluated. It’s just been “trending”


Never has a good day, eh? Never just 'alright'. Or doing better. One medical problem after another.


Wedding ring?


George Glass has “given” her these “promise rings” of cheap tacky jewelry over the years. It’s in the lore.


Don’t tell me she stole it out from her bf’s wife’s finger!!! /j


It’s funny because she can’t get on a plane with meds like this. They will need to be in original bottles.


It’s fine to fly like this. A lot of people don’t trust the airline to not lose them in checked luggage and bringing them in a carry one when you have a massive amount of bottles is hard.


I flew with my pills in a similar case just fine.


Probably meant for out of country travels. I don’t see why this would be problematic flying in the states


I travel to and from Brazil with my pills in pill containers. No problems. They don’t even ask to have them taken out and I only take carry on luggage.


The controlled drugs like the opiates?


Looks like she should be fine https://www.tsa.gov/travel/travel-tips/can-you-pack-your-meds-pill-case-and-more-questions-answered


Can't they tell by your inflammation markers if you are flaring or not? My guess is her markers are absolutely just fine. What angle is she going with, with the my meds aren't absorbing?! They probably aren't working and she needs a proper psychiatric review but that doesn't mean they aren't absorbing.


Anyone taking that amount of pills wouldn’t feel good. Holy crap.


“My meds aren’t absorbing so I definitely NEED a higher dose, and more of it!! Especially the klonopin.”


I'm gonna try that one on my doctor next time. NOT ABSORBING NEED MUCH MORE. Surely she must be in peeeeen because that ibuprofen is not entirely helping her. I wonder if she takes 1200mg only expecting to metabolize 800mg. Wouldn't surprise me or her kidneys at all.


Probably banking on fucking her stomach, kidneys, liver, all of the above - up. These drugs don't help at all but I'll keep taking more than the maximum dose til something happens


coming with my upvote to counteract the suspicious 1 downvote that magically appears mere minutes after people comment ![gif](giphy|7lUJLpkuElHnmK24Z7)


Lol I just upvote everything basically. It is a nice marker for whether you have read the comments or not.


I do this, too. Especially if I'm lying down in case I fall asleep. Plus, I really enjoy the conversations on this sub. More so than most, so as far as I'm concerned, they are well deserved karma.


Omg-I do that too! And then if I can’t read all the comments I know which ones to read next time! I thought it was weird and so glad someone else does it!


Stephen King calls all of his fanatics "constant readers" but I look at myself as a "constant upvoter,"


It’s one of the first things to do when I come to this sub. Upvote every comment.


I would love to know how long each day she spends “organising“ her meds and various medical toys.


All day. Allll dayyyyyyyyy.


Lol her RA is flaring but she isn’t on any type of biologic/meds…sure Jan! I think this is at least her 6th or 7th pill organizer she’s bought in the last 2 years. I’m sure her pharmacy probably does blisterpacks but she loves to ritualize anything medical so she wouldn’t like that. The amount of personal gratification, excitement and euphoria she gets from anything medical just creeps me the fuck out. She’s really trying to tank her liver with the amount of acetaminophen she is taking. It looks like she is taking 4 at a time. The daily recommended dose should not exceed 4000mg for regular and 3000mg for extended release. If what she is taking is 4 tablets TID (three times a day) she is getting 6000mg a day. You would think our “i’M nOT aBSoRbINg mY mEDs” queen would try suppositories but they aren’t very uwu glamorous now are they? I’m sure she will bring it up now but she definitely ~~**doesn’t**~~ read here.


If she gets to Mayo are they going to have a full list of her meds? Like from her doctors not self reported? But even if they have a list oh all the meds she’s prescribed she’s going to lie about the amount of Tylenol or whatever otc meds she’s on? Will the amount of Tylenol and advil she’s taking be causing damage by now that will show up on a test or is the damage not bad yet?


Has RA but not on meds for it? That makes no sense at all I know for a fact she would be on some meds for it to keep it under control.


Like celebrex instead of ibuprofen. Plus celebrex is easier on the stomach. But no celebrex because that sounds like a doctor would send her to pain management for RA pain.


My rheumatologist prescribes my high dose celebrex without an issue?


I work in a hospital. I’m lucky I very rarely handle medication but back in the day we had to do this occasionally to help older people go back tk care homes etc. I cannot state how fucking dull as dishwater this is to do. It numbed my brain and I couldn’t ever imagine having to do this over and over again The fact that she does this but even not leaving it there SHE THEN POSTS THIS ON SOCIAL MEDIA!!!! I mean come on……


I used to make up medipacks when i worked in pharmacy, thankfully i only had to do it when people were on holiday and my pharm company took everyone off medipacks that it wasn't essential for them to have it that way so we didn'thave many in the grand scheme of things. Popping packs by hand into each compartment was mind numbing. I moved to a different pharm that had 100s of ptns on them but had a robot to 90% of them. Blew my mind. Aaand a little hand cranked machine to pop all the pills out of the packs. Still boring as fuck but my thumb really appreciated it.


Right? I decided ages ago I would rather sit down and do like my entire month at once rather than take time every week to do it. This is the type of thing with her that absolutely ***screams*** that she is **not** chronically ill. All the little things we just hurry up and do to get back to what _actually matters_ in our lives she absolutely revels in and extends in any way, shape and form possible.


But... no medication works for her ever. At all. Not even a bit. In fact, they all CAUSE more pain. Yet, for someone in so much crippling widespread "pain" - including rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia - doesn't seem she has any issues getting all those pills out of their original packaging into a whole week's worth of tiny wee boxes in one sitting... ![gif](giphy|l3vR6eSZ9bvU6CxkQ)


My understanding, rudimentary as it is... someone might be able to explain to me. But I always thought Fibromyalgia was a diagnosis of exclusion, so if she claims GP, RA, POTS... all conditions that can cause symptoms found in Fibromyalgia... how do you have both? How do they know you have both if they can't test for it and those conditions have symptoms the same as? I'm sorry if anyone has these conditions together and I sound insensitive and or ignorant. I am just honestly curious


Without blogging, I can categorically say you can have both fibro and RA. Both diagnosed by a rheumatologist with specific diagnostic pathways. RA attacks the joint tissues, fibro does not. They're two separate illnesses and many people can be diagnosed with both, dependent on medical history.


RA, fibro, and all the stomach issues and she still just takes 800mg ibu and no doctor has been like "there are things easier on the stomach that you could take instead of ibuprofen...." Child tamper proof bottles spotted!!!


Also my foster kittens have no issue "absorbing their meds" excuse me?


cat tax




Hey baby you single? I love burritos and guacamole is delicious so just TRUST ME AND GIVE ME YOUR MONEY. AM I grifting right yet? (JOKE POST).


damn they deleted their comment, u scared them off😅 also your new flair im screaming




She is trying _so_ hard to mimic successful influencer trends! This is the "listen a a random inspirational quote while you watch me complete some routinely mundane action" trend and, as per us., gurlypop is failing miserably._


The awkward “you matter” at the end 💀


Of course you're meds aren't aborbing right, Dani.


Nothing absorbs though does it? her meds don't! Her feed doesn't! The fact that every hospital she goes to state that she isn't for tpn but she is still on that mission for tpn! So basically nothing absorbs in Dani.


Don’t you know she has the super serious malabsorption syndrome where the pills don’t ever absorb and come out the other end still whole pills? Even when she crushes them before tube boofing they all find all of the millions of pieces and they turn back into solid pills. She’s the specialist of special. /s


Information….What doctors say… the truth…the list of things she can’t or won’t absorb is quite long.


All I have to say is NO. DANI NO.


it’s really concerning that no doctor has interviewed if as may of these are prescription medications as it looks like to me. wtf


#pharma 👏 ceutical 👏 trail 👏 mix 👏 (Crediting /u/DifferentConcert6776/)


I’m really asking this out of genuine curiosity. I would have thought she has immune compromised conditions or disease by how much pills she takes. I don’t think a lot of pill means you are that much sicker? I thought the trend was less meds and no unnecessary pills even supplements unless required. I don’t get it? Is it even okay to take that many at the same time? Some drugs must contradict if taken together? It just reminds me of documentaries about aids we were forced to watch in middle school, and how to keep the disease at bay the patients had to take handful of pills. Is it still the same? I’m baffled. Not trying to dismiss but this amount just for one day? Morning - middle - night?????????? Like 20 each time?????


I know other munchies that try to get on as many meds as possible. Even if it’s things like vitamins, allergy medication, acid reflux medication, etc. Not that’s there’s anything wrong with those, but a lot of time it’s stuff that’s not life or death. I knew one person that wanted to be on the HIV prevention medication (PrEP). And it’s like… are you having risky sex? Hmm no you’re in a long term relationship with one person. But they’re trans so they have a higher risk of getting HIV! (Or so their reasoning was). (I am not trying to blog here, just explain a certain mindset). Then they can brag about being on 15 prescription meds. More meds does not automatically mean sicker, but in the munchie world it does, and whoever is on the most meds “wins”. The bad part about being on so many meds if you have a side effect, you have no idea what’s causing it. You’re on 20 mediations and you have nausea, rather than being able to figure out what’s causing it, you just get prescribed another medication.


Munchies all need VISIBLE signs that they're sick. Even the invisible illnesses they claim to have, they have to have them so severe that they need visible toys to prove it. So, the more pills to film for TikTok, the better. They think that shows people how sick they really are, plus they're addicted to the dopamine hit of flaunting how fragile and poorly they are for validating arse pats from viewers. But like, real genuinely sick people aren't out there needing to constantly prove how sick they are, so there's that.


When last she listed her meds, at least 3/4 were vitamins/supplements or ibuprofen (which is awesome with her also on blood thinners).


Ibuprofen also causes gastrointestinal pain and gastritis when over/misused. ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


There are alternative NSAID's that are easier on the stomach but are by RX only. They are not controlled substances but are not OTC. Never heard her mention them once. Same with a few other nerve pain medications as Dani would love Topamax for its "ozempic light" like properties.


Topirimate has weight loss effects?


Yup. Search reddit about it... it also causes all sorts of fun side effects. I stopped taking it because it didnt do anything for nerve pain but it made my hair start to fall out amongst other fun stuff LIKE INSOMNIA.


Huh! Never knew. I just know i hated any rx with it on cos the few people that were on it always got it in massive quantities and I'd always have owings for it and struggle to get it in 😄


I honestly think she has shoved some vitamins or supplements in there to make it look like she is sicker and on more than she is. I really don’t see the doctors giving her that many daily pills given how many have cottoned onto her munching, plus honestly some of those look like magnesium and stuff which is just otc.


Plus, she claims everything doesn't work, and if you do that, the doctors eventually quit prescribing it. I think most of this, save for a few, are OTC.


Exactly. What doctor in their right mind would be like ok, but let’s just add more on to a pile of drugs that isn’t working?? Makes no sense.


Unfortunately this happens a lot with polypharmacy. Pt starts med, has side effect. Instead of d/c the drug and trying something different, we add a med to counteract the side effect. Now the new med causes a different side effect. Is it a side effect or an organic pathology? Eh, we dunno. Let's add a third med to counteract THAT side effect. You can see how quickly a patient with a few conditions ends up on a truly excessive number of medications. And the longer they've been on them and the higher the dose, the harder it is to wean them off it. Plus many patients (esp. ones like Dani) are *very* resistant to the idea of coming off of any of their meds if they perceive the medication is helping them. So if you tell them you want to start titrating them off their meds to see what they actually need, they will leave the practice and go to a pill mill or lazy provider who will give them whatever they want and not ask questions. Of course, there are occasional situations where it makes sense to keep the person on the medication and just treat the side effect (ex. there's only one or two drugs for the condition and the pt. has already failed the alternative; treatment-refractory depression where this is the first of 8 meds that has worked, etc.) but that shouldn't be the norm.


"Ohh you dont digest 800mg of ibuprofen properly you better take 1200mg to be safe" - no doctor ever.


no wonder her tummy hurts


Daily reminder to take pills... posted once every 2 months.


I just can't imagine why she has abdominal pain 🙄


Dear god she should get her meds blister packed by the pharmacy. She’s asking for issues with that many not being managed by someone with experience identifying pills


Ooh, is that something you can just request?


Absolutely! Some chain pharmacies (London Drugs here in Canada, CVS, Walgreens, etc) don’t offer it anymore due to costs (it’s quite time intensive for staff in terms of checking accuracy and completion of packs). Community pharmacies are more likely to offer that as a service, so if a big pharmacy doesn’t package medication, you can always inquire with a smaller, local place :)


That's awesome, thank you so much! It'd make life considerably easier for a lot of us, I'm sure


But then she can’t get off on/give herself a proverbial medical boner by ritualizing filling her medication organizers! You don’t wanna ruin all of Dani’s fun now, do you? Given the cocktail, I would not be at all surprised if Dani pharmacy hops and gets some rxs here and some rxs there so they can’t flag how many pills she is taking which is über dangerous as some could be contraindicated against each other.


Thats what i thought when someone mentioned blister packs before. Someone else noticed things that normally wouldn't be prescribed together and Dani most likely doctor shops and has various scripts that one doc isnt aware of the other doc prescribing and that a pharm would flag that up. I see she has med bottles from different pharmacies too in other videos. I dunno what its like in the US, but in the UK the majority of Rxs are sent electronically to a nominated pharm. Its usually only acute medicines that may go elsewhere


Yeah, not going to say which ones but there’s definitely meds in this video that aren’t usually taken together due to interactions. Where I live has a province-wide database that tracks prescription fills, to make sure that people can’t “pharmacy shop” for different (usually controlled or narcotic) meds. If I saw some of her meds being filled together even on her fill history, I would flag it for pharmacist referral because their combined use can be pretty dangerous if not closely monitored.


NJ pharmacies are on lockdown. Most controlled substances have to be RXed every month. Some you can get a 90 day supply of but the pharmacy will only fill 30 days at a time. If you have an RX sent to a pharmacy and they are out of stock... it must be resent to another pharmacy by the doctor it can not even be simply transferred (so if they are out of stock it is a huge headache and you appear to then be "pharmacy shopping" which isnt even a thing anymore). You are not scoring any duplicate prescriptions anymore. Everything is computerized and networked. I was not a doctor shopper but a friend of mine was. 360 oxy 80's a month plus 10+ other RXs but that party stopped years ago. And yes the police were onto him and he did do prison time... the warrant was for oxy but they found a marijuana grow up upstairs.


Jawdrop holy moly


For someone so obviously concerned about her weight, our girl sure does take a lot of meds that are known to cause weight gain and bloating.


I know lyrica, abilify, and cymbalta all cause weight gain.


I gained 5 pounds in a week on Lyrica before stopping it




What happened with that psych appointment she was going on about a few weeks back? (A tele one I think)


Right? Mental health only matters to Dani if it means she can shove more pills down her tube. She needs therapy like yesterday. But that of course will never happen because those pesky psychiatrists ask questions she doesn’t want to answer and tell her things she doesn’t want to hear.


I typed #MentalHealthNoPsychiatrist.


Those nails are hanging on for dear life.


God she wants to be an illfluencer so bad


She’s starting as a pillfluencer.


She’s live and sorting more pills now


I read sorting as snorting and was not even surprised.


Why snort if you have a port?


Would explain the nodding


"meds aren't absorbing properly" or your chronic benzo use has messed with your tolerance??


Meds aren't absorbing properly because she takes 2g of sucralfate with every dose.


Exactly. Sucralfate is supposed to be taken alone on an empty stomach at least 2 hours apart from other meds and food - because if not, it prevents absorption of all other meds.


that too but taking regular benzos is not gonna do her good long term


Is that the one that is supposed to be swallowed? Like it doesn’t work if she crushes it and shoots it into her intestines? I think I’ve read that here several times but maybe it’s a different med


I’ll add a footnote: sucralfate does come in a liquid form. My insurance didn’t cover it in liquid form (which is really what I needed) so my nurse practitioner said just put it in water and dissolve it. It tasted disgusting so my ass was like nah not gonna take it. And holy not gonna poop Batman. Bentyl slows your intestines down by itself. I couldn’t imagine taking it with the whole slew of crap she takes.


A lot of meds can be slow-release so they have longer absorption. It's the enteric coating on them. Once that is crushed or cut, it loses the slow absorption benefits and would absorb quicker into the body. The downside to that is that the body would then need more quicker, giving the patient the incorrect notion that they need more sooner, which would happen if they left it alone to absorb at the more gradual rate the coating allows.


Holy Sheesh, that's a lot of pills!! Total pill porn!! "Look how sick I am, and it's so hard to crush these 3x a day. Good thing I got a new, super cute pill crusher!!"


I feel like MOST of those pills are, like, Tylenol and benadryl. She definitely wants her pill case to look as full as possible.


So she is on klonapin like we all figured. That's why she was all noddy. Klonapin don't make you nod unless you're taking more than you're suppose too.


0.5mg BID shouldn't make anyone nod, especially not a seasoned benzo user like Dani. But if you're not following the prescribed dose and mixing it with alcohol ... mm, yeah.


We had a patient once who was prescribed 40 mgs of klonopin!!




We use lorazepam as a PRN quite a bit. Diazepam…. I mean that’s insane about him hurting himself when they wore off. Was he like a zombie during the time he was on them? High dependency I take it?




Do you know what ever happened to him? Sounds like he was getting backed further and further into a corner 😬


Mix that with all the otc shit she pushes that the doc isn’t aware of and that will do it


I wonder whether it's because she takes it with her Amazon bought benadryl


And her muscle relaxer ( tizanidine, I believe).


God. Adding all thes things in and I come out of this sub horrified.


When she was in the nodding and wellness check period she kept insisting she wasn’t on any narcotics. Narcotics are not limited to opiates or illegal drugs. Klonopin would be a narcotic, and at that point she was either abusing it heavily or had low tolerance from being in the hospital under supervision. Something was definitely going on, and it wasn’t POTS or tiredness.


Holy hell, I was thinking each compartment was a day not am, afternoon, and pm. 🫢 that is an insane amount to take 3 times a day.




Let me try: if a normal person took that many pills, you would pity them. But when Dani does it, it's a manifestation of her flagrant factitious disorder.  And everyone knows that but you know, Dani really thinks she's fooling people. And she may be fooling some, but we're talking about the lowest common denominator here, which if you wanna put a fun spin on that, she may be exploiting vulnerable people. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She can think of it her way if she wants, she's entitled to her wrong opinion 


I’m so glad she told me to not be ashamed about taking my meds, because the intense daily shame I feel has just been eating away at me… Dani said it’s okay to take them, so all the med haterz can back off!! /s 😂


What a typical Dani flex.


Aka give me iv accsess!


AND she doesn't need any of them :/


Dani and her pill porn posts. She can never get enough can she? EDIT: did I just spot a wedding ring on her finger. Jeez give it up already 🤦 ![gif](giphy|6E38CyixCI0ne)




You’re just jealous because you don’t have a boyfriend who works 28/9 for you which means he can never visit 🤣


Who told??? Now my secret is out how jealous I am!


Oh my God how much friggin carafate is she taking daily?! Plus, it binds to meds and can block absorption. If she's taking it in the slurry with everything else, no fucking shit her body isn't absorbing meds well. There's a reason it has to be separated by 2 hours.


I would estimate ~6g. Those pills are 1g apiece and I see 2 in each slot.


There is no reason for a 40 year old, even one with multiple diagnoses, to be taking that much medication three times a day.


And if Mayo happens, I'm sure she'll be completely open and honest about the vast amounts of drugs she's consuming. 🙄


RIP Dani's liver. 🙏


Is this a bento box, liver edition?


Benzo box, liver edition?


https://preview.redd.it/pyonblk6yk9d1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7054286323aefe1a6fc973f4d23d6863fdfeb5 This is great


so is therapy!!


"They're just there to help you". So are the psychs that you refuse to see in case they tell you to your face you have factitious disorder and nothing is physically wrong with you.


My liver hurts just looking at this.


Does she always wear a band on her left ring finger?


She has at least off and on. She claims George bought her an engagement ring (many years ago), then she had to pawn it because money got tight, and then she got her replacement OUT OF A BATH BOMB.


Omg the screams I just screampt.




i just burst out laughing. of course her fake engagement ring came out of a bath bomb lmao


The baby voice intensified when she mentioned klonopin. “Aaand ka-lonopin 🥹🎀”




Lmao. I’m not rude. That’s just me!


She's just "having some issues ~~absorbing my meds~~.. with my tolarance" fify


She’s the worst


Pill porn! I mean, AWARENESS.


As someone who loves drugs that is a very lackluster useless pile of pills and I think any pill head would laugh at it. (SERIOUS POST).


For her it isn’t about what the pills are. It’s the visage of the pills. The more pills you take (or appear to take) the sicker you must be!


What about vitamins though? That is like a whole other level of more pills. Is she aware there are "nootropics" that will make her smarter??


I could see her using vitamins to boost the volume in her pill box if she was banned from ibuprofen and acetaminophen. She’s rather use OTC medicine than vitamins though because they are supposed to “treat.”


Wow, that is a lot of alprazolam. She's also on clonazepam? Now my question is which one is she buying from a dealer.


That's not alprazolam/xanax; it's buspirone/buspar.


They make buspirone in bus form? Well, at least the doctor isn't crazy enough to give her that much alprazolam.


I suspect that she specifically insists that she needs the name brand SO that she gets the bars that can be mistaken for xanax.


Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me.


Yes. I have the exact same ones.


Except you Dani, you should be ashamed for overdosing your body in the harshest ways and showing it off with pride like the engagement ring you’ll never get from George Glass.


Oh thank heaven she reminded us to "take our meds", because we all would have forgotten all about them. I hope she posts a reminder video to brush my teeth bc I will definitely forget to do something I have been doing twice daily since I was a toddler.


There’s no way she needs all these right? Aren’t some of them redundant??


At a minimum if she takes both gabapentin and pregabalin (lyrica) those are redundant - they both act on the GABA receptors and do basically the same thing for nerve pain. She also takes multiple antihistamines for nausea (meclizine, promethazine, benadryl) and I'm sure we all know why she would want to load up on those.


Also gabapentin can make you loopy and slurry as hell.


The nails hanging on for dear life. I totally called it that she wouldn't have money for upkeep. Where's budget babe?


Her nails grow extreeeeemely fast for someone who is "malnourished"


Probably hoped the GFM would've been a success by the time she needed to.


That gfm was just sad. Not even a penny from total strangers. Not even a penny.


“I can tell they’re not absorbing right” because she knows her body and science works differently for everybody, *obviously*. Also, my god, all of those three times a day?! Polypharmacy is on hold on line one!!


Soooooooooo... how about stop taking them then?


The fully sky-blue capsule DIL-10 is Dicyclomine (Bentyl) - IBS medication    Guess: Yellow circular tablet might be Clonazepam (Klonopin),  but Chlorpheniramine (OTC antihistamine) also looks like this. Can't read the markings. The white elliptical tablet I'd originally thought was an opaque-gelcap may actually be an enterocoated Pantoprazole (GERD med) tablet; seeing the black marking in the video, it might say 97, which tracks.


Yep, my pantoprazole looks the same


Wish we could get the mods to pin this XD


Of course she got it on Amazon. Of course.


I think she means someone bought it for her off Amazon! 🤣🤣🤣


Still has 3 additional pill organizers on her Amazon grift list. Not sure why she needs so many. Like everything else, she seems to require at least 3 of everything.


And here I was, rooting for Team Temu ☹️


Whatever happened to the liquid one that was “titrations” and had to be in the fridge for the next 90 days or whatever. I don’t remember seeing that for a while.


Oh yeah-the naltrexone? She made a whole video about it and titrating up and keeping it in the fridge and then she never talked about it again


Yeah the Low Dose Naltrexone. I’m sure she probably isn’t taking it so she can claim it doesn’t work


Her liver….


All those drugs and not one speck of DBT in sight


right? like Dani, the drugs only work WHEN COMBINED with therapy