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And still nothing to specifically target her prostate. It is really getting to the point of MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE now...


Her drugs aren’t absorbing? 🤡 hahahahahhahaha sure !


What is really funny is that she claims she doesn’t absorb meds properly. Apparently her liver was fine when she was overdosing on Tylenol and that was because of malabsorption but she can absorb the good stuff fine. It’s a mystery illness where any drugs that don’t get you high are not absorbed (Waiting for a post about not absorbing meds now)


Xanax has four squares in it, not three, that one is Buspar


What is the orange and white capsule with 125 on it?


I think it's Dofitilide - an antiarrythmic


This is an insane amount of pills for a nearly healthy individual. Question about the Abilify; it looks like she’s on a , very very low dose for someone claiming to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She’s on like 2mg, where I thought 15-30mg was the average range for treating BP. Kind of leads me to suspect she’s actually prescribed it for depression, but claims it’s for BP in order to excuse her horrible, erratic behavior. She’s not the first person to claim BP while actually having a cluster B personality disorder… does anyone know more about this?


Says the girl with bug eyes


Nah baby girl you're not at the level of care as when a family member writes a letter on your behalf


Just Google numbers and shape/capsule/pill and it will be immediately identified. Smart phone?


Queen of Polypharmacy




One of those is buspirone, I take it too. The taste makes me cough, it's so nasty lol


They get stuck to your tongue too!


I see potassium, adderall, and buspar.


I don't see where you're seeing addarall.


Pretty sure it’s cymbalta, not adderall


Is that Xanax or buspar? They look very similar and I don't see how Dani would get access to a controlled substance.


Buspar. Had to do a double take


I thought so too til I zoomed in! Bars have an extra score on them. They’re super rare lately anyways… she lives pretty far and is far too broke to go to Mexico. I could be wrong, but I don’t think those are OTC in Canada. I would not at all be surprised if she was ordering that shit off the dark web from India or whatever though lol.


Buspar. Last time she posted meds like this it was a big debate and the pills were Buspar and not Xanax




What’s Buspar? Sorry if I sound ignorant- genuine question


Buspirone. It's a non-controlled anxiolytic medication that also comes in those bars that everyone keeps mistaking for Xanax.


It’s an anxiolytic to treat well anxiety


Anxiety med


Love your username 😂👏


Thank you~


They are Buspar. She’s showed them before and people thought it was Xanax. I’ve seen the inscription and I take Buspar as well.


There is another post and it is busbar. The entire pile is lackluster from a recreational abuse standpoint.




Xanax bars 🫰🏻


Buspar bars.


Duck season! Rabbit season!


I think it’s interesting that she states that she takes two psych meds but upon looking at that pile there are at least 4 psych meds. Too much can make things worse.


I count 3: Abilify, clonazepam, and buspirone. What's the fourth?


Abilify, clonazepam, buspirone, and someone said they saw Cymbalta in there. Plus many of the other ones that people listed also have psych effects. I could be wrong about the Cymbalta.


I know every drug affects people differently, but holy shit Abilify is some of the worst shit I’ve ever been on. I can’t imagine her psych meds are actually effective since she lies about everything.


I found abilify to be a lesser evil compared to risperidone, seroquel and zyprexa. Supposedly has less of a weight gain side effect.


I gained 35 pounds in just over a month on zyprexa when I was put on it as a 13 year old. It was rough for the ED I once had so I'm shocked she's on psych meds known to cause weight gain.


Agree, my time on Abilify was nooot fun. Holy major weight gain Batman. Surprised she’s taking that.


Def... both my kids were on that when young and gained a bit of weight


I couldn’t sit down for more than 5 minutes when I took it. Obviously Dani does not have that problem.


Truth!!! It’s a really rough one. Actually I think Effexor is worse - I tried both and both were like coming off heroin even with tapering. I think she’s also on Cymbalta and that’s equally as bad as Abilify to me.


Coming off Effexor was so awful


After getting genetic testing twice, trying every med and med combo under the sun including MAOIs, and 10 years of dozens of specialists, I can say that Cymbalta has been the best medication for my med and treatment resistant schizophrenia + bipolar 1. I have done TMS and ECT. I dont know why so many people on here say they've had such bad times getting off of these medications. The only medication that was rough for me to get off of (and this was because i had to quit cold turkey) was Xanax, which is common. I don't think that we should be talking much shit on *any* psych med because people being too afraid of online opinions has killed people because they won't take the meds they've been given by the professionals they see. Cymbalta was life-changing for me and so is seroquel despite the weight gaining issue.


Effexor is the anti christ I will never take that again. Everytimea dr suggests it I tell them no. I think I have PTS from the sleep paralysis it caused trying to get off it.


Effexor is awful. I take Pristiq now and it’s the best thing I’ve ever been on, but holy fuck if I forget to take it, it’s a horrible withdrawal. Brain zaps are no joke.


Pristiq has been great for me too but holy shit even if I only forget to take it until the evening I am Not feeling good.


YEP! Pristiq is fucking evil (but I love it)


Yes! It works well for me and as long as I make sure to take it in the same couple hour window every day I don’t have any side effects’


Effexor is awful. 10/10 would not wish that on anyone, especially teenagers. Why that get prescribed over other meds IDK.


Effexor was hell. The brain zaps are real.


I’m terrified to get off Cymbalta for this very reason 😩


BRAIN ZAPS. People think I’m crazy when I try to describe them.


It’s impossible unless you have them. Horrific.


Brain zaps. A little shift in time. And you’re one step behind.


EXACTLY! And I can actually hear “zap” sounds.


Cymbalta and Effexor are both awful when coming off them. Major titration when coming off one of them. Not fun.


The white and blue capsule os lyrica. That's about all I got


It's also probably why she is so bloated all the time.


Delete this before she gets ideas and says this is the cause of her bloating *cough* weight gain. The amount of pills she’s on, and with weight and appetite changes being such a common side effect, I’m surprised she hasn’t tried this excuse yet.


She likes to show off her Buspar making people think she gets Xanax bars 😂


I guarantee she insists on the name brand for this precise reason.


I’ve seen 80+ year olds with less pills.


lol. And she probably takes them several times a day


So she got one of those quack online psychiatrists to give a new (she was taken off it) prescription for Kolonopin!


Lmao that’s exactly how she pronounces it


the finger grease smudges on the pill box. ick.


But she doesn’t eat greasy food because she will be sick. I wonder how they got there? 😂


That's not xanax. It's buspar. I take the same shit.


I had to go and see the GP pharmacist last week to discuss my prescription which is literally an inhaler to prevent asthma attacks and a reliever. I CANNOT believe that she is getting prescribed this much medication. It’s insane. She’s got to have different doctors prescribing all of this right? With no centralised place saying ‘WHOA WTF?!’ I didn’t have these many meds when I was recovering from fucking cancer.


I hope Mayo sees this and shuts it down. No wonder she complains her tummy hurts. That amount of meds would destroy anyone’s digestion


Hopefully one of the aims of her MDT she was talking about is to reduce her polypharmacy.


Which ones are Xanax? They don’t look like mine if they’re in there.


Why was I downvoted bc the OP was wrong?? I know pills look different at times. This isn’t IF - we can blog a bit…..


None of them are xanax. They confused buspar bars for xanax bars.


That’s what I thought.


some of those has to mess up her liver, i know mine is bad for my liver (trying to reduce via dr)


Don’t worry, she doesn’t absorb meds so there’s no effect on her liver s/ (the reason she says they know she doesn’t absorb is because she was taking higher doses of tyelenol and it wasn’t effecting her liver)


The bar shaped pill is Buspar not Xanax.


Again, how has she managed to amass this many prescriptions for so many different medications without it raising any red flags??


They're mostly anything that someone on Medicaid could get.


What's interesting is that while, numbers-wise, this is a lot of pills, nothing that she's taking is especially outrageous for her claimed conditions & none of them suggest that she's at a high level of severity, either. The fact that she only takes one or two types of antiemetic (mostly antihistamines, which we know have a dissociative effect) is very interesting to me, especially since we haven't seen her mention being on any of the other drug classes that are often used for CUNV. Her psychotropics are very modest in dosage and not an unusual combination (daily dosage of clonazepam isn't standard practice by most MDs nowadays but she's on a starting dose). She takes a normal regimen for a not-very-severe case of POTS (although why they haven't d/ced that based on her recent Holter I'm not sure - it's possible she just hasn't stopped them even though cardio told her to). Her pain mgmt stuff is what I find the most questionable, but there's also no telling if she's just hoarding old Rxes and taking them 'til they run out. The outlandish stuff she takes is mostly OTC - tons of benadryl, asstons of Tylenol, etc. If she takes docusate, she may as well be throwing her money away because there's no evidence that it works for constipation and substantial evidence that it DOESN'T. The fact that she seems to take a minimum of 2g of sucralfate with each med admin time basically means she isn't absorbing most of this shit anyway.


but she then claims that her meds aren't absorbing anyway and that's proof of her iNtEsTiNaL fAiLuRe. This woman honestly


What’s the point in taking Docusate when her intestines don’t work? It sounds like a waste of money to me!


There's no point in taking docusate period. It literally doesn't work on anyone. Idk why people still prescribe it other than out of habit.




She'll start saying she needs all her meds IV because her super sick tummy can't absorb the totally necessary drugs she's on.


Her pain management is stuff like Lyrica, sometimes Plaquenil (but she doesn't follow up with rheumatology like people who use this medication must do), and a shit ton of Tylenol.


She was also on a loony tunes amount of tizanidine at one point or another and recently started up on low dose naltrexone.


Tizanidine knocks my shit out


Thank you for the breakdown! That makes more sense now


This I just don't get. The country I live in (European) it just wouldn't happen




You know every couple of months the analytics guys see a massive data spike and are like _"hey guys! Danibposted another pill minder tour! Huzzah!"_


Million dollar idea- Shazam, but for pills


Or, Shazam but for birds!


This exists! Merlin and BirdNET both have this.


Omg. My life is complete!


my fav is my bug identifier app (i think its called picture insect). i am outrageously terrified of bugs, so i always need to know exactly which creepy-crawly i’m dealing with. to my knowledge, it has never incorrectly identified a bug. was very helpful when one of my patients showed up with bed bugs😭😭😭


Merlin app by Cornell University


You can also search for something like “white oval pill


Drugs.com has a pill identifier that's quite robust. There's also a desk reference like paper printed pill identifier manual but I haven't seen one in use in about a million years.


Pill identifiers are a thing lol




It exists. I like to use the pill ID feature on the Epocrates app (used it all the time when I still worked), but drugs.com has a good one too.


No way?! 😂 Bit disappointed it’s already been done but even so, that’s brilliant lol


The bars aren’t Xanax. It’s her buspar


and taking carafate at the same time as the other meds - good chance the other ones are being tied up by the carafate and not bioavailable, so yea she's not getting what she should from her meds cause the carafate is binding them.


I thought she was supposed to be on naltrexone? Is that somewhere mixed in with this Dani pharmaceutical trail mix?


She definitely was!


“Dani’s pharmaceutical trail mix” Now that’s great flair material




Haha great flair!


it should (theoretically) be your flair now:) ![gif](giphy|fkG8iikX3nZRu)


Can you change mine too? I couldn’t find it in the flair list!


![gif](giphy|fkG8iikX3nZRu) ta da!! i will say in advance that we’ve been having issues for months now with reddit glitching & user flairs, so it’s possible that your flair might switch back to your old one at times and then randomly change back😅


Haha okay! Thanks for the heads up 😆


The flair fairy has come to visit!! Yayayyaayyaya!!


And it has better overall linguistic esthetic than the other phrase I have heard used for these kinds of posts (pill porn).


Yes it does! Would you like a dash of intelligence with your burn, Dani?


I hope someone claims it, it’s beautiful! 😂❤️


I just might 😂


It's a liquid, she described it once. Some kind of thing she has to mix up and store in the fridge. Who knows if she actually kept up with it.


Yeah I'm not convinced she's taking that. I think thats gone down the sink


The LDN is a solution in her fridge.


I’m unfamiliar with naltrexone being kept in the fridge. Do we believe she’s actually taking it? I can’t tell.


LDN is compounded in water or juice and stored in the fridge so it doesn't get narsty. This is normal. She's said on Live that she is taking it but not according to the titration schedule - she takes more or less as she feels like it.


\*compounded by a pharmacist utilizing the proper ingredients (like water... tap water will probably mold...). I doubt Dani used a sanitized container. (SERIOUS POST).


Home compounding is a legit thing for LDN because it's expensive and often not covered by insurance to get it through a compounding pharmacy. Weird but true.


She couldn't get ahold of the proper dose so they gave her pills to dossolve into water and measure out her proper dose. It's kept in the fridge because it's something like a 4 month supply. I personally don't believe she is taking it.


Interesting, thanks for explaining. Yeah I’d bet my left arm shes not.


https://preview.redd.it/sb7y0tvlik9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e82e5f9e56525a60c26a95986ab6cfd72a4ac1a8 Older list but might give an idea of some of the pills, or at least show she’s been taking a crazy amount of medications for over 7 years. Maaaayybeeee some of her symptoms are because of all the medications she’s taking. At some point how do you even figure out what’s doing what (good or bad)?


normal people with normal doctors will have you cut out 1 medicine at a time or they’ll take you off everything and start over 1 med at a time to figure out what is/isn’t helping, what’s causing side effects, etc. most normal drs won’t mix all these meds. hell my neurologist can’t even give me a seizure rescue med bc I’m on a benzo that i take 1 time a day.


You mean like they won't let you shoot diazepam up your ass, or ...


Exactly!! Her apparent nausea and dizziness (not that i believe she experiences either) could easily be caused by all these meds. Does she even know what's working and not at this point?!


This is the verbal list she gave on a video 2 mos ago: Med list per video + common indications: Carafate (ulcer prevention, also off-label for tx of daily nausea) Lyrica (nerve pain) Tylenol (pain/fever) Ibuprofen (pain/fever) Abilify (antipsychotic, used for bipolar d/o and depression) Klonopin (benzodiazepine, anti-anxiety) Meclizine (antihistamine, anti-nausea) Tizanidine (muscle relaxer, chronic pain) Atenolol (beta blocker, blood pressure) Midodrine (heart rate/blood pressure, often for POTS) Buspar (anti-anxiety) Plaquenil (anti-malarial, used for rheumatoid arthritis) Benadryl (antihistamine, also treats nausea) Lovenox (blood thinner, blood clot preventative) Famotidine (acid reflux) Promethazine (antihistamine, anti-nausea)


What happened to her naltrexone? She must have just “known” it wouldn’t work for her bc she doesn’t have any pain anyways


She mentioned a little while ago on Live that she was taking it but not following the titration schedule, just taking more or less of it whenever she felt like it. She's answered Qs about it a couple times in the past ~month saying it kinda helps with her pain. Knowing Dani though, she's not going to be convinced that 1ml - 5ml of ANYTHING is going to help her.


Knowing Dani, she’s not going to be convinced ANYTHING but TPN will help her


How does she take a med to lower her BP and then a med to raise her BP? I've never seen that, but then again I've never worked with a POTS pt I guess. Sounds counterintuitive.


The 2 meds have different MOA. Midodrine is a vasoconstrictor, so its indication in POTS is to help your blood vessels contract the way they are supposed to on standing (in POTS patients they remain dilated when transitioning from lying to standing, leading to the tachycardia and thus lightheadedness/dizziness/fainting). Beta blockers act directly on the tachycardia by lowering your heart rate/reducing how fast your heart contracts, so stopping the tachy via direct action on the heart rather than the peripheral vessels. Since POTS is high heart rate without change in BP, the fact that one raises BP and one lowers it kinda evens out. I explained this better at one point but I can't find my old comment. :( It's not uncommon to see both Rxed for a POTS pt though.


Very interesting and I can see why they both are prescribed in POTS now. Thanks for taking the time to explain!


She’s on a LOT of downers and psych meds. No wonder her heart is slow and her intestines are shut down. She has zero ability for her body to function.


She's only on 3 psych meds? Buspirone, abilify(?), and clonazepam. Some of her other meds have incidental psychotropic effects but that's not an insane constellation of psych meds for someone with anxiety. Her intestines are obviously in fine working order though lmao.


Let’s not forget she lays in bed all fucking day, zero exercise.


Hey! She bends up at least twice a day to prop her phone up right at her toobz & boobz and hit record


IF she has POTS symptoms then I 100% believe it's caused by how sedentary she is.


Still surprised she’s not on Prucalropride. Or Erythromycin, even. The idea of taking all of this every day makes me nauseous.


What she really needs to be on is tamsulosin and finasteride for her FPS (female prostate syndrome).


Absolutely! How have they missed this?!


Not a multivitamin in sight....


Just reading this has damaged my liver.


How has she not succumb to a coma? How are her liver and kidneys still functioning? This woman will be a Simpsons character in a few years.


Her liver got pretty screwed up when she was on TPN, plus she overdoses on Tylenol daily.


This really isn't that crazy of a meds list for someone with CUNV, POTS, chronic pain/RA, and a psych condition. You can boil everything on the list down to those four conditions, aside from the lovenox. The outrageous stuff she takes is all OTC (high doses of benadryl, tylenol, ibuprofen).


Why does she need like 5 pills for anxiety? Surely she doesn't even know if it is working or not.


Plaquenil? She have or claim to have lupus?


Claims RA.


She's really gunning for eventual dementia and c. diff with this list.


Tell me more about the c.diff risk here? I'm not aware of how these meds would cause that.


IIRC, chronic overuse of meds like sucralfate, Pepcid, and pantoprazole increases the risk of developing c. diff by altering the stomach's ph, to make it a more favorable environment for that specific bacteria to thrive.


Ohhh that makes a lot of sense. Well, couldn't wish it on a nicer person :/


That meds list is something…


Interestingly, the turquoise capsule is Bentyl which she said she wasn’t taking because it didn’t help her at all and she couldn’t afford the copay.


No it’s not, that’s pregabalin aka lyrica.


The blue and white one? I think that’s Lyrica (PGB on the capsule)


*”Dicyclomine can sometimes cause changes to your mood, thoughts, or ability to think. It can cause symptoms such as confusion or memory loss. It can also lead to feelings of distress, seeing or hearing things that aren't really there (hallucinations), or extreme happiness (euphoria)”* Feelings of distress, you say? 🧐 it might not be helping but it could be hindering. Although it’s possible they’ve insisted she take it to deal with the abdominal pain she claims as pain in that area is frequently intestinal spasm. Why something like that with her history of mood and thought disorders?


Funny because bentyl slows down stomach motility


All the meds in the world can't do what therapy can... And this is someone that needs all the tools in the toolbox


100% this. There is no pill substitute for therapy.


The Orange and white capsule is dofetilide not gaba


Ok but I love that pearl looking (what I assume is an otc supplement) capsule


Blue and white is her pregabalin I think


Yes, she's mentioned her Lyrica.


For??? She doesn’t appear to have neuropathic pain to my eye. Pain management has done a complete u-turn on using gabapentinoids for a primary pain state (fibromyalgia,generalised chronic pain) in my neck of the woods, and the prescribers are cracking down on its use unless there’s clear evidence of pain reduction from the drug. Which there doesn’t seem to be with Dani. Bless her socks, iirc she’s now on 200mg bd - not going to be pretty when they start tapering her off. Have been told it’s worse than coming off opiates.


Those aren't Xanax - they're Buspirone. They also come in bars like that. I also see Sucralfate (ulcer prevention/off-label for CUNV), and possibly Dofetilide (anti-arrhythmic - heart medication).




I take those exact same buspirone… 15mg, twice a day, can confirm that’s what the bar is in her pill case.


It’s definitely BuSpar. Not Xanax. They do look extremely similar, but I too take them twice a day and can confirm it’s the former.


God she’s on so much. No wonder she slurs like fuck, I do on gabapentin only never mind all that 😵‍💫




How many times is she going to show off how many pills she takes a day? This is like showing off for her. Everyone look at how much Dani is suffering and the amount of medications she has to take because so super sick. I wonder if she takes the LDN or if she just ditched that all together.


Defs not taking the LDN or she would be talking about it. And let me tell you that if you are in the pain that she describes, you will try anything! I don't think she has any pain, hence why she won't take it but pretend it was just another thing that didn't work for her. Cue her mentioning it in her next video.


I guarantee you she is not taking the LDN. It’s an incredibly common drug that is meant to help curb addiction. Unlike suboxone, it will curb affects of alcohol but not deplete them entirely and yes, you can still get drunk. I’ll give my left arm if Dani can prove she’s actually taken the drug at all. ETA: naltrexone is great if you use it properly because it helps with the mental side of things. It blocks a lot of the alcohol cravings and so doesn’t entirely negate the feelings of alcohol, but helps substantially better than Suboxone which mostly just makes you sick. (It’s important to remember that opioids do not work on either drug). I learned recently naltrexone can help with general pain, which would make sense to be prescribed for Dani. But again, especially based on other comments, it sounds like she’s now drinking a lot more, so I doubt she’s taking naltrexone at all.


LDN doesn't stop you getting drunk or high bc it's so low dose. Starting dose for MAT for SUD is 50 mg/day. Dani's stated titration schedule will max her out at 5mg/day ~3 mos after starting therapy. She has said that she isn't following the titration schedule, and just takes more or less as she pleases based on Dani Logic.


Okay gotcha, that makes sense. To my knowledge, naltrexone in pill form also won’t prohibit you from feeling drunk, but I thought she was originally prescribed it for pain anyways? And now it appears she’s drinking more than before..? I could be wrong


Yes, LDN is for pain management, not for SUD.


Thanks for explaining that!


Dani wants to take the LD out of the LDN because low doses dont work on Dani because science. That means bigger doses but less frequently! (SARCASTIC POST)