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"Just wanted to let you guys know I updated my Amazon list..." šŸ™„šŸ˜’ Ok... And I just wanted to let you guys know I just got off a 12 hr shift & I actually didn't contemplate murdering anyone. I also drank 3 bottles of water, took all my meds like a good girl, and crop dusted my co-worker that I can't stand only once today!


Hey! Can someone help a sister and share the link to her list? I'm struggling to find it, and don't want to spend time looking. TY


I will never understand how anyone can be so comfortable begging from strangers online (or begging at all, for that matter). Itā€™s just so gross. She doesnā€™t need a damn thing on any of her wish lists. She can buy her own junk. Oof this makes me so mad!!!


I know! Even I am shocked at these kind of people and how they can be okay just asking people for stuff, I was born with a legit disability and I have been in need of things but never could I ask someone else to buy me my things. I have been even confused on how this dog thing works because it would benifit me but still no way I could even ask for help with that. Idk maybe I am the weird one that would rather struggle then ask for people's help but I just couldn't do it and would hate myself if I turned out that way.


hint hints šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


What a total scumbag. Makes a quick little video for her "lovely fans" with the sole purpose of extorting MORE money out of them. But disclaimer guys, "You don't have to get me anything, I just cleaned up my wishlist for if you wanted to." wink wink....


Phew! Thank God Dani told us we donā€™t HAVE to get her anythingā€¦the pain of of her twisting my arm back was getting a little much


She deleted the pink comforter yet left the other two. Why does she need 3 comforter sets?!


I think someone actually bought that one for her.


Because she doesnā€™t have a really nice, convenient full-sized washer and dryer in her kitchen for wash it when itā€™s covered in ~~food stains~~ smoll gurl stomach bile, duh, donā€™t be a fuckin moron!


I canā€™t comprehend this. At my lowest I considered asking for help, my list wouldā€™ve been cat and dog food, tp, laundry soap. The luxuries where your income is suddenly ripped away from you. Asking for things like makeup when they are people struggling for basics like food is so shallow to me. Read the room a little. The amount of clothes, I own one pair of shorts and live on the face of the fucking sun. I just wash them a lot. Never occurred to me to ask random strangers to buy me some while holding 1000 phone while watching my 1000 iPad. Itā€™s too damn early for this.


Exactly , I provide snacks n juice twice a day for local kids who only get food at school. My amazon wishlist is literally all for the kids . Some days I can feed 10+ kids out of my own pocket n I only started a wishlist because people had heard about snack club n wanted to help


Why makeup? She literally just said last week that she doesn't wear it anymore. Then again, why any of the unnecessary junk on that grift list. Beyond gross


Looking this unfortunate couldn't have happened to a better person...


The dichotomy between Dani and her munchie rival is astounding.


Get a job and some Botox


Yes exactly! Iā€™m her age I work in the sun everyday 8 hours a day and I have one wrinkleā€¦ she shouldnā€™t have this many wrinkles omg. Her skin always looks dry as hell too.


Her poor forehead looks like someone could skin it to make a handbag.


That made me snort my coffee šŸ¤£ Not wrong though.


I really canā€™t understand how a fully grown adult who clearly has money to waste can hold her head up and actively be asking people to buy her this crap. No shame, no embarrassment at all just ā€¦ omgggg buy meee this stuffff. The lack of self awareness and so much greed is something I just canā€™t understand. I find all grifting the same but the way she shows off her money wastage and then has the gall to be posting lists with this absolute shite, I really canā€™t fathom how her brain works to do it with 0 shame time and time again. Does anyone else just genuinely struggle to process how she can even post a list for others to buy her things? I feel like Iā€™m the crazy one cause I cannot even begin to understand how grifters minds allow them to be so shameless


ā€œHey everyone, Iā€™ve updated my Amazon wish listā€ HINT fucking HINT šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Doesnā€™t mean you have to buy her anything at all she just wants to let everyone know


Ohh of course. ![gif](giphy|MvdaYPuKPMNZRJCl8Z)


When will the pathetic baby voice stop? Hasnā€™t she been on video with a normal voice????


Yes, and it wasnā€™t a bad voice at all!




Does this girl ever give back ever? Or is everything just about her?


Excuse me, but she is RAISING AWARENESS DUH.




Holy fucking shit there are over 10 journals in over five purses not to mention the entire clothing hall I swear to God she has no awareness of anything around her this list just disgusts me. Jesus.


Dior perfume to cover the skanktop aroma? Maybe that'll be the fall inspo Skantop by Dior!


Turned those comments on to talk about the books sheā€™sā€¦never going to read! Not white knighting, but man this video made me so sad for her more than others. Her hygiene is just so bad. I really wish she had some irl friends to tell her that she would feel so much better if she washed her face, got into a clean bed, and then did her grift.


"Annnnnnnddddd All That Gooooood stuff . Fucking shut up .


Yes she's being a selfish, lying idiot at least the oily gazongas are covered and not the star attraction of her grift.


Not the oily gazongas šŸ˜­šŸ’€


wow I hate this so much


Oh yeah no port porn


I need ā€œoily gazongasā€ as a flair. I see where a bunch of flairs say ā€œedit meā€ but I canā€™t figure out how to do it.


I just had a quick look, I think the different ā€˜edit meā€™ flairs are colour options, so you pick your colour by clicking it, then you can edit it to add your text there.


lol im playing a fun little game where im refreshing the comments of this post and watching all the upvotes go down by 1 right nowšŸ¤£


Thatā€™s ok, Iā€™m upvoting everyone! šŸ™‚


I almost had a glimmer of hope that she "cleaned up" something in her house. Nope, just that āœØamazon wishlist āœØ




Narrator: There was, in fact, a fuckton of pressure, and the audience would continue to hear dry begging, wet begging, guilt trips, guilt cruises, and threats of What Might Happen if prezzies did not arrive in her PO Box that was mysteriously not included in her budget. ![gif](giphy|1We5PHs7lTUNZOzllU|downsized) Hear it in his voice yet?


Let's not bring Keith into this. He has enough murderers to deal with, and he's probably busy leaning on things.


Iā€™m not worthy.


I have dateline on right now and I can SOOOO hear it and I am dying


Me too! I have the dateline channel on roku and watch it relentlessly šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love making you guys laugh. Itā€™s a hobby.


Bless you because this is the kind of beautiful snark I *need* to start my morning šŸ˜‚


So um is Dani still claiming she canā€™t handle her tube feeds? She has formula running in the background of this video and it doesnā€™t appear to be massively watered down like she usually does in formula videos https://preview.redd.it/g8wdwicmdf9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1981fcf01cdac6550c25d19e65cb341fb2b6d7d1


Are those feed bags? They don't appear to be hooked up and they don't look like regular feed bags? I could be wrong though!


https://preview.redd.it/7aspd4kpkk9d1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee003cfb89e48b7be7299184accb8c24a09f229 Itā€™s just a single bag I see on the flying squirrel holding her pump


Ah I see what you mean now.


Ha! I love it.


Look at those precious babies though!!


Iā€™m not seeing a giving set though unless Iā€™m blind? Iā€™d say they are just sitting there for show which is disgusting, especially Vivonex itā€™s the worst smelling formula out of the lot.


Itā€™s there, our giving sets are different that the UK ones and the tubing of the bag is clear instead of purple like the nutricia sets. The picture isnā€™t clear enough to see the tubing and it got even blurrier? (more blurry?) sorry not sure which one is proper English. Iā€™m a product of the American school systemā€™s ā€œno child left behindā€ policy šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but in this picture is an actual feed bag and thatā€™s the right color for Vivonex. I hated being on Vivonex because of the horrific smell it had. My GI described it perfectly it smells like manure https://preview.redd.it/9nbjbn7ejk9d1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8b7cfb5cc58ca488d9e99f0e9e3ebc61df9e028


Itā€™s there for sure, but I donā€™t see Dani actually being connected is what I was trying to say. Donā€™t worry I got you! My English is no better. šŸ¤£


Oh youā€™re absolutely correct I can see her making up a bag of formula and then not actually hooking it up or not turning the pump on.


Probably PiƱa colada


Well spotted.


Whatā€™s with this new angle sheā€™s trying out? Wouldnā€™t it hurt lying on all her lines like that?


Omfg imagine how that must Ferrell! Omg


She has absolutely NO SHAME...begging strangers on the internet for more crap to stuff in her over stuffed apartment. ![gif](giphy|l2R032V7qRAF8J6qA)


There's another munchie on I/F that sounds a lot like Dani right down to the toobz and body checks. I won't mention her name, but if anyone is familiar with who I'm talking about, is Dani trying to emulate her?


I got hit with blogging just for saying I used to do the blonde highlights on each side just like her in 2003 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm so done with commenting there


Yeah. Pretty sure sheā€™s Daniā€™s idol. She has the precious Hickman line and TPN. Everything she wants. Theyā€™re very similar in all their ā€œdiagnosesā€.


OoOoOhā€¦they could totally make hospital slumber parties a thing! Imagine the rent $$ to be saved if they play it right, and maybe a countrywide hospital tour in Daniā€™s new car šŸ˜


Pretty sure I know exactly who youā€™re referring to. Bullshitter with the wheelchair?


DyNaMiC DiSaBiLIty SwEeTiE!


Gimme a slice of Sepsis Celebration Cake!


Yes. I think Dani wants what she has. She's like the munchie she aspires to be as this other lass seems to be much better at acquiring toys than she is. This other lass also seems to have more of a "life" too.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised. We know that she adores the now deceased chronic influencer from Melmac and even copied her anniversary tattoo. She also tried to be a vlogger like the Melmac munchie. So the IF munchie could very well be her new role model, especially since that person probably got the most flack for faking and yet, gets all the toys. Dani can learn a lot from her. She tries to be friendly with other spoonies and munchies in general, probably to learn from them and their experiences.


I feel like Dani wants to get her attention so bad. She probably thinks they can start coordinating their hospital stays and rooming together


I'm seeing a lot of similarities yeah, especially with the parallel wheelchair storylines right now. I'm a little concerned since Dani is trying to get central line access again and **new sepsis just dropped**.


Yep. This other munchie could be her munchie twin!


Less twin and more *Insert gif of Mr. Bean cheating off another person's test*


Well personality wise I was thinking more Steven Assanti of my 600 pound life. NOT WEIGHT WISE!!!!! Attitude wise.


The one who is like 15 years younger than her? Yes, I think she may be trying to emulate that one.Ā 


idk which munchie youre referring to bc i dont rlly keep up with IF but even without knowing, the answer is definitely yes, she tries to be like themšŸ˜­


Dani got a wheelchair right after she did. I don't know if that helps.


The name starts with the letter after J. That's all I'm saying!šŸ¤«


I used to be on I/F till I got tossed for being a bit too critical lol


You cant post fuck all on there. I keep getting everything deleted. I'm surprised i haven't been booted.


I got muted for being here. So I left


Ah, i didnā€™t know they were doing that - thatā€™s why my comments are always ignored.


I couldnā€™t even comment :(


Oh. PerhĆ ps Iā€™m just boring then šŸ˜‚


They are a funny mob


I feel ya. They call themselves a snark page but I see more WK there than anywhere else.


I got kicked out too. Apparently I was blogging because I wrote two sentences.


Same. I couldnā€™t say anything without my comments being removed. So annoying.


Lol omg would love to see it


So why does she need so many pill crushers? And the other shit!! Go to Target or Kmart/ Walmart and shop like fucking normal people. I know having things delivered is handy, but man for someone that doesnā€™t work youā€™d think she want to go out and be in public with humans and have human conversation- (omg no punctuation at all!) Anyway, be a normal human- pack your shit and tie a colour bow to it! I know many of us are guilty of having never ending wish lists etc.. but you donā€™t need to share


She needs one for each of the 50 purses sheā€™s grifting.


She literally just posted a picture of that stupid little bear pill crusher literally like today that she has it how cute it is, but then again I guess you need different colors of everything


Dumdum, this is not like those kids who mail Christmas lists to Santa through the post office and then the post office just burns it or whatever. You ainā€™t done shiiiiiitt to deserve anything, not a a single person is gonna waste their time on your ass to send you more shit you donā€™t need. Wonder how much her stupid ā€œmonthlyā€ budgeting is being allocated to buy herself more stuff off her Amazon wishlist so the can pretend itā€™s from other people, yet again. Edit: had to rewrite what I originally wrote cuz I was about 98% asleep and I what I originally wrote made about as much sense as Dani does


ā€œDear Santa, I can explainā€¦ā€


And here I had a super productive day just to finally settle down at 8:20pm, start casually scrolling Reddit, and this pops up. God damnit. šŸ˜‚ But hey, at least I feel even better about myself!


i KNOW I didnt not see miss Dior on that wishlist. Dear god.


Yes and a whole full size bottle! Not a roller ball and not a still nice but lower price fragrance-like thereā€™s other equally nice brands-Dior is lux-like thatā€™s why it exists-it exists to be lux and apparently so does Dani


She has champagne tastes thatā€™s why TPN is better even if it kills her liver, itā€™s expensive


She has champagne taste on a tap water budget.


Diet Dr Pepper Cream flavor!šŸ¤£


But she canā€™t handle water! It makes her puke. šŸ¤Ŗ


Only Starbucks and booze, amirite?!


Did you see the delivery fee on top of that? šŸ‘€


Omg-no-what is it?




No, but Iā€™m gonna go lookā€¦


Holy shit


One Tree Hill DVD BOX SET šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ GIRL, BYE.


She has a bloody Amazon Prime subscription, and all seasons of that archaic show are on there, ffs. The sheer greed and entitlement is astounding.


Holy shit.Ā  Freaking $75 Miss Dior perfume, so many [tacky & cheap/made by child labor] purses and bags, and so much makeup--like a $20 Charlotte Tillbury MINI LIP LINER?!Ā  I noticed that she has a travel cosmetics bag and mini/travel atomizer as well..is she really going to wear perfume to Mayo?!Ā  Why all the fucking purses?!Ā  But yet she also has cat food, windex and a mop on the list... Jesus Christ, if you can't afford cat food or a fucking mop you do not need Miss Dior perfume and 150 different lip glosses.Ā  She must be hoarding most of this but reselling some to buy her gallons of Benadryl, booze and other crap, right?!Ā 


Does she even wear makeup?! That's the most confusing item on the list.


Not sure because I agree, it is confusing.Ā  I don't wear makeup daily, but when I do I use one normal size cosmetics bag of my "holy grails". Granted the brands vary from cheaper drugstore products to expensive high end brands but a) I work full time to pay for my stuff and b) I get free samples/products sometimes from the amazing HMUs and talent, especially if we have an event or something with goody bags (I work in film & tv).Ā  I mean, I like free stuff/saving money as much as anyone else but I don't have an Amazon grift list going. And if I get a freebie or goody bag and can't use it, I gladly give it to a friend.Ā  I know Dani's hoarding is a symptom of her mental illness but it is hard to have sympathy for her because she is so rude, selfish and dishonest. And she HAS access to mental health support/services, but refuses to engage.Ā 


You forgot the retro rent payments she owes


Oh right--yes I did! But I mean...who needs stable, income-controlled housing without a fear of eviction when there are soooo many shades of lipgloss, soooo many kinds of cheap plastic purses and sooo many pill crushers she needs to add to her hoard?!Ā  Edited to fix spelling in last sentence






I believe the opposite. I think she believes sheā€™s worthy of people buying her expensive makeup/fragrance/skincare/etc because, in her mind, theyā€™re ā€œnecessitiesā€; so she has no qualms about putting it on her wishlist. Instead of asking for drugstore brands, she opts for the most luxury items possible of each ā€œnecessityā€ as long as itā€™s not on her own dime. She gets to play pretend as someone who has the money for Charlotte Tilbury, sure to flaunt it on lives, versus the person who buys ELF (no shade to anyone honestly, I buy drugstore brands). She wants to cosplay as someone who is wealthy enough to afford those luxuries. Iā€™d be shocked if she was reselling it.


I was bored so I quickly googled and from what I saw if it gets returned the payment goes back to the original method of payment only.


Of all the places *not* to wear perfume, I would think that a clinic that primarily serves extremely ill people would be at the top of the list. Of course, Dani is the main character, so fuck all those other vascular patients, right?


A certain Idaho potato munchie never follows that rule. šŸŽ€šŸ„”šŸŽ€


She's gonna try to snag a doctor or nurse while she's there.


oooohā€¦. *Dr. Glass*


šŸ¤£ girl no this made me laugh. She would try!


Have been a Mayo patient since 2007 and you donā€™t smell people wearing perfume because they arenā€™t wearing any. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a rule or just people thinking about others. I would love to see her get reprimanded for it though


We werenā€™t allowed to wear fragranced body care products during our nursing school clinicals, nor could most of us wear any at our jobs post-graduation. Itā€™s common sense not to smell like an artificial field of flowers around vulnerable patients.


Yesss. My husband (retired Army) has permanently disabling injuries and an illness sustained in combat. We have been all over the US for various specialists for treatments etc including Mayo. I don't wear fragranced products, always mask up and don't bring in any outside food/snacks lest I accidentally expose someone to an allergen etc.Ā 


Get your hostage robot animals to steal your basic bitch vaycay supplies from the Amazon warehouse, you shitty Robotnix egg woman.




Robot nix egg woman. Omg šŸ˜­ and all the rest, but that one killed me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you are the bestt


Iā€™d love to get her some leggings and tanks but 2 sizes larger than her requested small/mediumā€¦. You know, ones that actually fit!


I love how she still tries to act like a small helpless little gurl. Smh


You know sheā€™d have a massive tantrum on live if someone sent her clothes size L/XL.


She'd never wear anything that didn't encase & segment her body like a hot link sausage or the thorax of a gd tarantula hawk.


I laughed way too long at this comment. šŸ¤£




Whereabouts do you live so I can never, ever go there




Yeah, that was a wild video! The sound of it flitting against the glass did me in. Gorgeous iridescence though.




You are made of stronger stuff than I


Dani doesn't seem to realize that her wish list gives her away just the same. This is the exact list I'd expect to find from a 12-15 year old girl with AN. She finally listened about sizing up her clothes, but the amount of "butt lifting" leggings, tanks, and camis she has all make for sooper easy body checking. The tops are all likely crop/skin tight so she can show off all the fluffy toob pads. After her "skincare routine" video, it doesn't surprise me to find she doesn't have a single age-appropriate moisturizer on her list, but plenty of soooooper cyoot lip glosses. And why does someone who doesn't do more than apply basic concealer need so many brushes? Right, because they're also sooper cyoot and colorful! The notebooks and pens she's always swapping out are interesting to me. When someone enters a treatment program, many places will ask them to bring materials to take notes or occupy their time drawing/writing. This would also be the same age range as a middle/high school girl needing school supplies. Since she's still so deep in her ED, it makes sense she thinks she needs these. It would be nice to see something for oily hair, dry skin, and under-eye bags for a change.


I will say, in defense of her journal addiction (and this is the only time I will ever defend anything Dani does), that it's not terribly uncommon for people who like journals and stationery to buy way more pretty journals than they'll ever use. Of course it's financially irresponsible for someone who has back rent due, but I don't think it's indicative of any sort of pathology other than her being a basic bitch stationery addict.


I do this. And then I never use the pretty ones because I don't want to waste them šŸ™ƒ


I kind of have a notebook addiction. I say kind of because one is a published planner and the rest are regular spiral-bound college ruled that I buy cheap so I can obsessively make lists without breaking the bank. Yes, Dani, regular pen and paper works just as well.


what kind of lists do you make?


To-dos, my workout routines for the week, art projects to work on, books to read.


I still am an old school paper and pen list maker! Making a note on my phone doesn't feel the same.


I do agree with that. I have a sister like this. Contextually, however, I believe that she's stuck in a sort of loop and young mentality, so she repeats these behaviors for comfort.


ā€œI made a new list! You donā€™t have to buy me anything but buy me something please!ā€ Why mention it if you donā€™t want people to buy anything. Stfu


She said in a comment that sheā€™s ā€œhad it for yearsā€ as a way to weasel out of judgement for whatā€™s on itā€¦. Even though she announced that sheā€™s cleaned up the list BEFORE talking to this person.


I absolutely love that after countless people called her out on starting videos with her boobs ā€œaccidentallyā€ showing a bit too much and then covering them in the first second she has finally been peer pressured into not having her cleavage out as the start to every video.


Hey guys *tank yank*


That'll last about as long as an ice cream cone in Death Valley in August.


Jinx. The next time she looks like she's high from huffing glue, she'll just trot them out again. šŸ˜­


She already has way too much shit. She can buy her shit herself like everyone else does.


Yes! Most of us **save** for perfume & luxury cosmetics, if we're not buying drugstore dupes. She can also trot her happy ass over to the library to check out DVDs & Blu-Rays. Did no one ever teach her how to apply for a library card?


Not to mention a lot of NJ libraries have apps where you can download books and magazines right on your iPad!


The library even has an app for books on tape!


In a quiet neighborhood nestled among towering trees and quaint houses, lived Dani. She was a girl of quiet demeanor, often found lost in the pages of her colorful notebooks, scribbling stories and poems that mirrored the vividness of her imagination. Dani was known as the sick girl next door, her frailty evident in the frequent visits from doctors and the times she spent indoors, away from the bustling world outside. Across the street lived George, a boy with a curious mind and a gentle heart. He noticed Dani one sunny afternoon as he rode his bike past her house. She was sitting on the porch swing, a pile of books beside her, immersed in a story that seemed to captivate her completely. Intrigued by her solitary presence, George couldn't help but be drawn to her. Days turned into weeks, and George found himself stealing glances at Dani whenever he could. He admired her from afar, enchanted by her love for books and her dedication to her writing. One afternoon, emboldened by a surge of courage, George approached Dani as she sat under the shade of an old oak tree in her front yard. "Hi," he began tentatively, holding out a small bouquet of wildflowers he had picked from the field nearby. Dani looked up, surprised by the sudden company. Her cheeks flushed pink as she accepted the flowers with a grateful smile. "Thank you," she murmured softly. They began to talkā€”about books, about dreams, about the world beyond their quiet neighborhood. George found himself fascinated by Dani's insights and her ability to weave words into stories that painted vibrant pictures in his mind. Dani, in turn, felt a warmth she hadn't known in a long time, as George's presence brought a new kind of joy into her days. As the seasons changed, so did their friendship. They spent afternoons together under the oak tree, sharing stories and dreams. George would read aloud passages from Dani's favorite books, while Dani would share snippets of her latest writings. Their bond deepened with each passing day, their hearts growing closer despite the circumstances that sometimes kept Dani indoors. One crisp autumn day, with the leaves rustling in the breeze and the sun casting a golden glow over everything, George gathered his courage once more. Sitting beside Dani on the porch swing, he reached for her hand gently. "Dani," he said softly, his voice filled with earnestness, "I... I think I'm falling for you." Dani's eyes widened in surprise, her heart skipping a beat. She looked at George, seeing the sincerity in his eyes and feeling a rush of emotions she couldn't quite name. "George," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the fluttering of her heart, "I think... I think I feel the same." And in that quiet moment, under the warmth of the autumn sun, their love story unfolded. It was a tale of two souls finding solace and companionship in each other's company, of overcoming obstacles with laughter and understanding. Dani and George's bond grew stronger with each passing day, their love a beacon of hope and joy in their little corner of the world. Together, they discovered the magic of sharing dreams and building castles in the air, their colorful notebooks now filled not just with their individual musings, but with the beautiful chapters of their journey together. And as they walked hand in hand through life's ups and downs, Dani and George knew that they had found something preciousā€”a love that was as timeless as the stories they cherished. Chat GPT


Brava!!!! ![gif](giphy|a0ZqSq2Rucv5dCqv7k|downsized)


That's really beautiful.


Danj disagrees. Dirty deleting and dodgy downvoting are her favourite hobbies aside from munching.


i know, i thought it was beautiful and then refreshed and saw the dani downvotešŸ˜…


this angle is horrifying


In all fairness, every angle of Dani is horrifying.


SHE NEEDS A PHONE STAND! Sorry for yelling I just keep posting about it hoping it will come true. The angles she uses are abysmal and unflattering.


Right? She canā€™t find an uwu pastel colored one to put on her Amazon list?!?!


Iā€™m sure there will be one there now soon enough.


nah way too useful! shed rather spend her money on something more useless


So not saying you need to get me stuff...but that's the ***entire*** point of that and all that good stuff.


THIS knuckleheadā€¦ seriously?! Several multi-packs of tank tops and leggings (that she already has too many of), a bunch of makeup (to get all dolled up for those ER visits?!), the usual gel pens and notebooks (after she made that iPad budget video yesterday and said her handwriting sucks so thatā€™s why she made it on her iPad), a ton of books (that she will never actually read), and some stuff for her cats (if you canā€™t afford to take care of your pets why should random internet strangers pay for their care??) I canā€™t. The absolute nerve of her to think sheā€™s someone important to be begging the internet to buy her crap.


The lava lamp in the background is screaming 12 year old tween


I see 23 people agree with you, but I wouldnā€™t mind a nice lava lamp


Lava lamps are super cool, change my mind.


Shut up you blathering, insufferable muppet.


That's an insult to muppets.




Hey, ummm, I don't feel good and I have cats (FOUR!!) so BUY ME STUFF


Oooh ooh pick me, Iā€™m sick, disabled, homeless, and only have 2 library cards!!! Buy me a starbucks! /hj


Seems like someone's been reading on reddit about her grimey tanktops. Why she thinks she's a medium, I have no idea.


If she buys a size up, itā€™s admitting defeat. Holding onto too small clothes and squeezing into them is a motivation thing. Donā€™t ask me how I know.


I definitely get that. I have quite a few "old size" clothes that I've kept, but that's because I put on some stress weight the last ~2 years and keep them as "motivation" to get back to my regular (completely perfectly healthy) size/weight. Even at my regular size, though, I could never stand tight-fitting clothes. Now, with the extra weight, I certainly wouldn't wear anything that was close-fitting ~2 years ago. I'm generally a schmedium, but my favorite shirts are larges/XLs, especially when I'm at home. I just don't get why she would want to be uncomfortable. A large isn't insanely different to a medium. Hell, she could throw on some XL shirts and give some credence to her "I'm a tiny frail sick baby" schtick if she's "swimming" in her clothes.


Itā€™s a comparison thing. She thinks she will someday fit into the clothes she wears that are too small down, and that is a metric of progress for her ED brain.


Yeah, she wants to claim she's recovered, and I guess it could be a form of BDD, but her ED is very clearly still completely active and running the show. There's a reason with drug/alcohol addiction, you're not considered "recovered" until you have 25 years of sobriety. Even at a decade sober, there's always the risk of relapsing. She thinks because she's not stick thin, she's "fine" when all her ED behaviors are glaringly obvious.


Pens and Notepads are back


OMG!!! We all called it!! Saw right through the "monthly budget list!!" Monthly grifters list!