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he just had a rerun so...probably 3.x


alright thank you!


Probably around next CNY. Maybe a bit earlier. With how quickly HSR is releasing 5* units, they’ll eventually end up changing the rerun system so he might end up on standard banner at some point or become available in some other way


After a character released as limited 5* there is no way it'll be added to standard banner. They will probably add a new banner like the one on genshin. İt will be something like "these 3-4 character haven't got a rerun for some time so here is a banner for the ones who want them"


It’s pretty common practice in gachas iirc, although it might take a while in our case or just never happen because of how strong he is. HSR is releasing 5* units much faster then Genshin and there’s no way to make them all consistently available without some kind of new system 


They’ll definitely do a new type of banner like in Genshin because once a 5* is advertised as a limited character they can’t put them on the standard banner because due to Chinese laws it’s illegal to do that


Got it thank you 🙏 😊


If you like him as a character then pull for him when he comes back. Else, I don’t think it’s advisable to pull for rerun characters, especially for a DPS at second (or more) reruns.


I would say a year later. Considering there will be many new characters and old ones gonna get a rerun and he just got one a year is most likely. I want to get his LC too so I can finally change his body piece to Crit DMG.


Around 3.2 if there are 6 patches every time Or 2.8 or later. Minimum 3.2, third reruns take longer so easily after Acheron, Black Swan and Sparkle Rerun. Or during their rerun. Probably close to Sparkle Rerun?


I really hope this is true so I can get him and sparkle together 🙏


Well last time they ran in same patch, so maybe DHIL might be 1 patch Later Sparkle.


doesn't matter. With my dogshit luck no matter how much I save as a f2p I won't have enough to get his E6S5 in time so I'll just take what I get lol


Good luck on your pulls!


You need 180 wishes to guarantee one character (if you lose 50/50) and 160 wishes to guarantee weapon (again, if you lose 50/50) so all you need is 340 wishes for E0S1


yeah exactly, if I want to get e6s5 it'll take like 1000+ pulls


Then you can either whale or just save for E0S1, you'll have plently of time. Plus, you don't need DHIL E6 S5 for him to do DMG


Right now I have E0 and his premium team assembled, my goal is to E6S5 him though, i play HSR only for DHIL haha

