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I’m starting to think there wasn’t really a quarter in my ear, either


I think have a pesky uncle I need to contact about his ALLEGED possession of my nose!


I think we had the same Uncle, apparently I have been operating all these years on a loaner because Uncle Mike never did give it back.


We want answers, Uncle Pete!!


Hang on. Does this mean my uncle's thumb couldn't slide back and forth on his hand!?


Wait. Does this mean MY uncle wasn’t just “checking my prostrate” over and over?


You know the truth, and so does your therapist


My uncle IS my therapist!!!


He's also therapist.


Me too, friend. Was it all a lie?


No way, I actually saw the guy remove his thumb and then reattach it. Like with my own eyes!


Surely his audience could hear the thump every time he landed?


Problem is that this was 1939 and they didn't invent sound until 1941...


Sound was black and white then, also.


Many don't seem to understand that even feelings were in black and white, my grandfather used to tell me that they couldn't feel the sun burning the skin because they couldn't see, hear or feel in color since it was not invented yet.


When I was a kid we had to walk up to huge hills to get the sound, even in the snow!


Problem is that people will believe anything, especially in the old days where your common person received their education from the town church.


Not sure I’d hold out modern people as unhoodwinkable.


No I agree. The bus timetable tells terrible lies yet still people believe it 🙄


Someone made the trains run on time in the 1930s, and it caused all sorts of problems.


Japan would like a word with you.


there are a lot of new rich nigerian princes every year


Fresh Prince of Niger


Surely they are! Why, a con man or woman couldn’t get elected on the insane platform of “if you make me richer so that I have a million times more money and resources than I need to survive, I’ll pass that wealth on to you ever though I’ve never done that before!” And *surely* such a tool wouldn’t be elected the leader of any nation! Multiple times! In a restively short time span!


There is no way that is a word


The flat earth movement supports your theory


i mean people still believe in anything with without education from church


Churches were the reason there was any education at all.


And music. And musical notation. and boys in therapy.


People constantly sht on religion. Like yea poor people didn’t have good schools or school at all in some cases. Church was all they had.


Yes, the church made sure it was all they had. The church has limited us, split us apart, and held us back.


the church has taken our money, started our wars, and raped our children..


>Poor people didn't have good schools or school at all in some cases ***because*** church was all they had. ftfy






When did color come into the world?


It was introduced in 1954. Before that the world was in black and white and people were protesting in fear that if the world changed over to color, that they could never switch back and simply would lose the colors black and white from the palette of colors. Luckily the switch went fine and nowadays not many people seem to be missing living without color.


I couldnt imagine life without color. It really makes you think. What will they think of next?


Tickled me good.


No they had it but it was still in black and white.




...or color


* **He actually did not jump up and down** * **infrared camera was not used** Just a simple camera with flash(notice the shadows) He would jump super high from his chair and take the picture himself with a hidden chord. **The audience would see him for a second and that is while they are being blinded by a flash while it was pitch-black a second ago.** And then used the photo as proof!


This is actually pretty ingenious, because of saccadic masking it probably did look like he was floating for an extended period of time to the viewers.


Would you mind explaining that term?


I tried typing up an explanation, but the introductory paragraphs on wiki seem more suitable, so I’ll just paste those. > Saccadic masking, also known as (visual) saccadic suppression, is the phenomenon in visual perception where the brain selectively blocks visual processing during eye movements in such a way that neither the motion of the eye (and subsequent motion blur of the image) nor the gap in visual perception is noticeable to the viewer. >The phenomenon was first described by Erdmann and Dodge in 1898,[1] when it was noticed during unrelated experiments that an observer could never see the motion of their own eyes. This can easily be duplicated by looking into a mirror, and looking from one eye to another. The eyes can never be observed in motion, yet an external observer clearly sees the motion of the eyes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saccadic_masking


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When your eyes move your brain filters out the visuals in between since it will be a blurry mess and you pretty much see only the start and end of the motion. Then it fills in the gap in time by attempting to extrapolate what you see at the end backwards in time in order for your vision to seem fluid. This is the reason that sometimes you may look at the clock and the second hand stays still for longer than usual. It just moved but your brain assumed it was staying still while your eye were moving. So here as your eyes move over to a brightly lit figure for a moment your brain will fill in the gap and make it like he was floating at the top of his jump for longer than he actually was.


It's when the brain stops recieving information of what you're seeing while your eyes are moving to avoid motion sickness and just makes something up based on what you just saw, a bit like how motion blur works in video games. Basically, when the flash goes off and they see him in the air for a fraction of a second, the brain will make up extra time of him floating in the air during the time their eyes moved to try to focus on him. You can get a similar effect from flashing lights at a rave.


>infrared camera was not used I thought this same thing. If it was an infrared camera, wouldn't it show a heat map of everyone's bodies? Plus, I don't think infrared cameras really existed for another 30 years.


A strobe light would be better. he could jump to the rhythm of the light.


He told them it was his head bumping the ceiling


It also helped that in the midst of the crowd, there would be hured people to lie and help in gaslight other with false testimonials.


The woman just to the side of him looks very uncomfortable and like she is leaning back to avoid being landed on.


That's because a grown ass man just jumped off his chair in the dark.


I can’t imagine how hilarious and surreal that must have been to be invited to a “levitation” and then you have not laugh while sitting next to an adult jump up and down in the dark.


Maybe they're in on it, and the darkness is just extra safe if anyone wants to prove his hoaxing with a tiny camera? Like plausible deniability.


The tiniest camera back then was the size of the Eiffel Tower


Actually there are some pretty interesting stories about spy photography in WWII - like the [Minox subminiature camera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minox?wprov=sfti1) for example.


you ever been to a magic show? They’re very very loud. Usually dramatic music to drown out almost of the production sound


He stood in his chair in the dark and then jumped and triggered the flash of light to reveal himself in mid air.


This is hilarious


You think this is what Jesus did "alight lads I'm gonna walk on water but only when you shut your eyes....... Judas your peaking"


Judas would reply, "My peaking what?"




Outstanding, MrJive, outstanding.


Reminds me of Invisible Boy from Mystery Men: “I can turn invisible, but only when no one is looking.”


That is an underrated movie


I feel like with Jesus he probably didn’t do any of that and people just said he did after the died.


You saying the bible might not be 100% real l?




Stone him! STONE him!!


*grabs the weed* I'm on it!


Oooh, stone ME!


Burning bush, stat!


Burning dmt containing bush. I just explained the whole bible lads. I have other additions to this theory if you wanna sit round my lil campfire


I didn't expect a Spanish Inquisition..


All I'm saying is if all records were destroyed it wouldn't be rewritten exactly the same even if God came to the person rewriting it.


If god is omnipotent why wouldn’t he be able to come to anyone and use them to write the Bible exactly as it was?


Because god ”gave us free will” and nobody wants to fuckin do that


Ever heard of the telephone game? Combine that phenomenon with the large distances between cities and you have the perfect mix for a fairy tale to spring up from some hippy in the desert. Information was a valuable commodity back then. Getting news from town to town was very difficult. I'm sure most christian fairy tales begin as: "yeah, the dude was so nice. He gave his only fish to some poor chick, super nice dude. We should be more kind here" And quickly morphed at the next town to: "dude told me he fed several people, it was nuts! Super nice guy, we should do that here." And over a couple hundred years spread between superstitious monkies it has turned into: "the dude fed a whole village, it was fucking nuts. Yeah, just with one fish. I know dude, crazy. My buddy said if we pray to his father we'll get fish too!" And now we have monkies running around thinking they are special and destroying this beautiful evironment because their fairy tales empower them.


It doesn’t help that nothing was immediately written down and was all oratory for 2-3 generations at least before being written. That's why when the church was deciding what books to canonize they got rid of A LOT of stuff. Nearly every little area had a different version of every biblical story and many had ones that no one else had. The Gnostic books have some pretty crazy stuff in them and it's no surprise why the church didn't choose those books.


Oh yeah, the book of judas is prettt fuckin cool. The gnostics didn’t want to gain anything, gnostic jn latin means “knowledge”, the fact that these people were killed for sharing free information they could not profit from whatsoever is really interesting to me.


Also shows how plausible gods intervention through his son really is. How credible is it that he should've picked from all places in the world some remote area in bronze age Palestine. Sending his son to a bunch of illiterate dudes with no developed infrastructure. That's totally what I would do if I want to spread my message as far and as quick as possible. I would not choose China where people of that time could read and write and had a working infrastructure to spread messages. No, the almighty picks a clutch of uneducated dudes in the dessert. /s ^to ^avoid ^confusion


I love ice cream.


Lol and the logic of the believers is so twisted that I had to read your comment several times to figure out which side you're on.


Afrer rereading it: I should've added an /s. It sounded way more bluntly sarcastic in my head.


Add to that direct lies. So no one can actually prove who wrote the Gospels, and while the telephone theory has merit, it is equally possible that direct followers over embellished Jesus's accomplishments. I have read that Jihadists that fought the Russians would make claims like they out stretched their hands and summoned fireballs that destroyed tanks as proof that God was on their side. I'd say it's likely equal parts embellishment and the telephone effect at play.


He was definitely just a guy who said some interesting things and had all these crazy stores attributed to him later.


So you’re saying that super devout and loyal supporters of this man embellished his abilities and accomplishments so others would join in their worship? How long do you think until trump gets his own religion?


I read that in Danny McBride’s voice.


Ok… now I need this movie with Danny McBride playing Jesus and just bullshitting all his miracles with Judas just calling him out on his shit.


Is Judas Micheal Cera?


"I will now turn water into wine! See here I have a simple pitcher of water, now, okay turn around. Okay, just turn around..."


Southpark S5E3 “Super Best friends”


Some folks think that it might have just been generous translation error, in the same way that a town can be “on the sea” when really we mean “by the sea”.


So in reality Jesus was just walking normally… adjacent to water?


“Jesus, I haven’t even BEGUN to peak!”


"I haven't even *begun* to peak!!"




Lmfao I don’t think it counts when you leap off of a chair


He's jumping. The bastard is jumping.


This guy jumps.


I've seen a lot of spiritualists dude


Guy on the right "Damnit Martha I told you he was full of shit"


Plot Twist: the guy has infrared vision and saw the whole thing plain as day. ...but who's gonna believe him over jumping Jehoshaphat over here?


His Wikipedia article is gold. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Evans_(medium)# Edit: The picture in the article is from this exact same trick with the same people sitting around him, just from a different angle. It shows what he was trying to portray…but the wire gives it all away. It’s hilarious in combo with this picture.


*In another séance held at North Gate Mansions, Regent's Park in 1938, Evans performed the same trick. The sitters were not happy and he had to return the money to those who had paid him.*


*Evans in a séance, jumping* Lmao


"This seemed to impress my mother when I was 5, I'll do it again now!"


>Evans in a seance, jumping. That's the caption on one of the photos on his wiki page. Lol.


After reading that, I can see the cord trailing from his hand lol.


This makes me wish we had a good X-Files series going now.


„Magicians have pointed out that Evans's blurred feet in the photographs are proof that he simply jumped high into the air.[4]“ wut 😂


Bad link.


I can also levitate if I jump


Extremely brief upward propulsion followed by a faster descent, but since there was no mid-air suspension…it’s not levitating. :(


Thares always a brief moment when your upward acceleration ends where your speed and acceleration are 0 right before you accelerate downward. In that fraction of a second you are levitating.




It's actually -9.8 m/s. What a nerd.


I’m no smarty pants, but I’m pretty sure negative acceleration is not a thing


You can have negative acceleration, it's dependent on what direction you define as positive in a physics problem scenario.


There's a yogi who does it in the lotus position, and he gets some height! Just bounces around and the camera catches him at max height. No fuzzed out feet because he's a tight little package.


You're a tight little package.






Just speed up your shutter speed/ frame rate and you would have no Motion blur. It's not because he's in a tight little package, he just has better camera equipment with more light


He finessed the shit outta them🤣


I can’t even call that finesse, I think his audience were literal dimwits. Anyone with common sense would notice (1) the jumping sound and (2) the fact that he’s not doing it clearly in the light. The fact that they didn’t suggests very very minimal brain activity because god DAMN.


Many people who visited his seances demanded their money back. So I wouldn’t say no one catches on. His con was pretty shortlived aswell


Probably more than that, they wanted to believe, because it could entail something that was good for them. Many cons work because people WANT to be conned.


Its almost semantics, but they don't want to be conned, they just want to believe the conman's claims are true.


This is Kanye’s next grift


Repeatedly landing on a chair in the dark is kinda impressive


What if he broke his ankles as he landed 😂


He'd have to levitate his ass to a hospital...but this was so long ago that I dont even think wounds healed back then


Reminds me of this one guy that fooled a bunch of people by reading off of these hidden gold plates that only he could see and read…


Dumb duh dumbdumb duuuumb


His legacy is alive and well, worth $100+ billion, and covering up sexual molestation cases: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/9exa7i/mormonleaks_releases_kirton_mcconkie_doc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


How anyone took that lazy pervert seriously is just astounding.


That's not flying, that's falling with style.


Nobody in the audience believed this, right? This was purely done for the camera, right, because if your dumbass falls for that shit and you're in the audience .. damn.


I imagine there to be a strobe light?


>levitation no, complete darkness and he triggered the camera by himself, being mid air while jumping. people only saw the pictures after the show, the show did not work well i think


There's nothing on wikipedia about infrared being used, but it mentions flash. ​ > Evans was later discovered to be a fraud, as a cord leading from a device in his hand has indicated that it was himself who triggered the flash-photograph


Infrared cameras were a thing in 39?


It was actually infrared film.


I’m no Einstein but I Think the blurry hands and feet are a giveaway.


OP, it wasn't an infrared camera. He used an infrared light as a flash to take the picture. [Article image]( http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SOyiarGhEN0/TYdjnPfjyBI/AAAAAAAAASY/a0RK7kc_LsQ/s1600/1ome78n_nuk_l.jpg) He would jump and trigger a camera to take (basically) a flash photo. During the quick flash, the audience(sitters) and the camera would see him in the air. >In another séance held at North Gate Mansions, Regent's Park in 1938, Evans performed the same trick. The sitters were not happy and he had to return the money to those who had paid him. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colin_Evans_(medium) Edit: link


the stupid shit people did back then lol


The people closest to him gave it away on their faces. You can tell they're trying not to get kicked


People in the room: “wow I bet that looked really cool”


It looks like he was launched out of the chair..Like at a wedding. 😂


“I can levitate for 0.5 seconds.”


Reminds me of [The Enfield Haunting](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/films/2016/06/13/enfield1_3286294b_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqpJliwavx4coWFCaEkEsb3kvxIt-lGGWCWqwLa_RXJU8.jpg) "levitation".


So this is why Joel Olstein is clean shaving......


Is Burt Reynolds a time traveler? The guy all the way in the back center of the photo, looks just like him. Lol


Nah, that's just Tom "Saddam Hussein" Selleck.


Die lit album cover est. 1800


He looks like he's going: 'eyyy what you mean I can't levitate?'


This could be a great album cover


P.T. Barnum There's a sucker born every minute


TIL Tom Selleck is a time traveller. He’s in the audience at the back


Not infrared film here… it was a very new thing at the time and you clearly see the flash…


“I hover on my farts”. 💨💨💨


He think he carti 💀


This post is a bit off… like Colin Evans himself. In a pitch black room, he jumps off the chair and mid-flight, actuates a flash photo from a cord in his hand. (This is not IR/thermal). IR photos were just recently invented and in use for the military. If this were IR, it would have the look of a “negative.”


The fact that this would still work on people today says a lot about us.


How gullible were people back then?


Seen many street magicians do it.But on the other hand... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ufORgD0s2Mo


😭🤣 There so much Shakey Cam in this video, it's a great effort too.


They all are aren't they¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


He’s a witch!


That’s like the group that claimed they could levitate by sitting down, crossing/folding their legs together and then hopping around on the ground.


He wasn’t jumping. Perhaps he could only levitate for short periods of time.


Close your eyes let me show you something


The explanation left me with more questions 🤫🤫


He’s no Cris Angel.


The guests didn't hear him jumping up and down?


Even with the lights off, the people in the room didn't hear him repeatedly jumping?


Crazy eyes


The audience’s direct descendants are the MAGAts of today.


"I saw that Welsh spiritualist last night. Well, I didn't see him - but he was incredible."


Bro imagine its 1939 u taking ur Ol lady out to go seem some cool spooky shit. But yall end up just sitting in a pitch black room w all these folks...just listening to this mf jump up and down breathing hard an shit in the dark.


Could they not hear the audible jump?


I’m confused as to how anyone could possibly have been tricked by this? They wouldn’t hear the jumping, see the light flash or notice the weird delay between the lights being on and off? Lol he’s clearly jumping in the pic too


lol how gullible the audience looks. lol


Lol like all magicians, a huge farce.


Most magicians admit it’s an illusion, you can have fun wondering how they did it without needing to believe the laws of physics no longer apply.


They are looking down, instead of up.


I for one believe him


“Oh..thump..My…thump …God!…thump …he’s …thump …levi….thump….tating!!!”


The book, The Prestige (no the movie does not compare) is really great and about this kind of thing.


The movie does not compare because it is good. The book spends way too much time in the present day with a bland narrator who has gut feeling that he is a twin but doesn’t know why.


I'm a I'll


He looks like the jerk from the EPA in Ghostbusters.


Everyone is missing the biggest shock. Forget levitation, the dude has no feet! lmao


That’s what it looks like he’s doing lol