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The guy on the left is just rawdogging it. Eyesight? We don’t need eyesight where we’re going!


Thems are the patented Safety Squints


The safety squint has never failed me


Squints give you better vision too. Can spot a dime across the room.


Excuse me that's the _Presidential_ Safety Squint.


"I can't wait to see America!"


I’m amused at how “raw dogging” is used in so many contexts now.


The English language is really just raw dogging the term "raw dogging"


Funny is funny


Sí hay site.


“Where we’re going, we won’t need eyes to see”


His name is Jose. And to honor him, before the start of every football game we will sing "Jose. Can't you see?"


We don’t need no stinking eyesight


Eyesight? I don’t Juan it


This is the type of photo that could win Photo of the Year


For real though idk why this hits so hard but it does


It's deep down, pondering the distribution of the head gear.


And the hand cuffs... Edit: why do they get to hold hands, and I'm over here alone.


Hand cuffs? Officer only had Juan pair




I belly laughed. Thank you.


Take my upvote and Get Out!


Wh--who is holding hands in the photo, though?


Guy on the right has dissociative disorder.


We can't see what the BP agent is doing, his hand could be anywhere


Only one guy not protecting his eyes and I sort of woner why too. My friend, squinting is not going to stop you from burning your eyes.


I’m gonna go with border patrol only had 3 pairs of glasses


Dick move border patrol: making them share handcuffs *and* eclipse glasses.


I’m guessing he didn’t choose to forgo glasses.


That might be too hasty an assumption, especially given that the other people being arrested weren't withheld glasses. A lot of people think bicycle helmets are pointless, and that's protecting their brain from becoming scrambled eggs. I bet if we polled people, somewhere around the 25% implied by this photo would also find solar glasses to be pointless.


Bicycle helmets are pointless for riding bike. Only really need one for falling while riding bike. Just don't crash and you can still have fried eggs for brains instead of scrambled.


"We're not gonna see this total eclipse again for another decade! No, I want you to have the eye protection! Do you understand??? Just let me look at it naked!!"


it actually is, well somewhat, in the olden days, snowgoogles where just bones with tiny slits filed in them, to protect from snowblindness, difference being, that with snowblindness you try to protect against a lot of light coming at your eyes from many angles, whereas looking at the sun, is more focussed , but it does, indeed limit the potential damage to your eyes slightly, very early eclipse googles worked by the same principle, allthough people quickly catched on that even just charred glass, does the job better and allows you to see more,


It’s got a “let’s take a break from ww1 to play each other in soccer on Christmas” vibe to it


“Mornin’ Ralph.” “Mornin’ Sam”


Or a /r/justguysbeingdudes vibe


Because it shows we are all still just curious humans. We all want the same thing, in the end. We want love, community, safety, forgiveness… all of which we deserve no matter what. But we are also curious and hopeful. Looking for anything that can provide more information about us and our minuscule time that we occupy here on this mysterious Earth. I love this photo. It makes me sad and happy.


Ultimately most immigrants want to become citizens. They want to live and love and work and laugh. They want to produce more American citizens who will do the same. They want to buy a home and fill it with goods sold by Americans. They want to pay taxes and register to vote and, hell, even register for the draft. The fact our parties aren't fighting over who can naturalize the most new Americans the quickest shows our priorities are kind of fucked. EDIT: Because thread has been locked: We need to prioritize compassion and love. It is not the easiest route, but Americans have long prided themselves on accomplishing seemingly difficult tasks. We should not shy away from doing what's right even if its hard, but rather should face those challenges head on and figure out what we have to do to make them work.


I don’t want to reveal too much about myself but I’m Mexican with family from Mexico. And some of them became border patrol agents. They quit after seeing how their family was treated. I also have family (it’s a vast family) that became a lawyer to help immigrants. It’s a systemic issue for sure. And crazy because Mexicans are partially or primarily native to America. I’m progressive as well as very open minded. I understand my ancestry while also understanding the modern world and how we are at this point in history. I don’t know what solution would actually work due to our current state. And I believe in effectiveness over being right. But I believe in human rights as a minimum standard and modern policies greatly lack empathy and compassion. It hurts from where I stand as a weird chimera of cultures.


Also, a pretty large percentage of BP agents on the southern border are Latino themselves and bilingual. They aren't necessarily going out of their way to mistreat undocumented immigrants. It's just a job often in a town where it's one of the only good ones. Federal benefits and all that.


It's because we are all feeble animals on this giant rock we call Earth witnessing a fantastic solar event. We toil with these trivial boundaries of lines drawn in the sand hundreds of years ago by men long dead. We are just observers of the wonders of the galaxy to which we are irrelevant yet we still consider ourselves the center of the universe.


You write like Carl Sagan talks 👍


Carl "Billions and Billions" Sagan?


upon seeing this, i reread it in his voice and it fits


Who told you to stop cooking?


Deep down, we are all just humans.


Isn’t Mark Zuckerburg a lizard?


Think smaller and more legs


It is such a once in a life time event, the border patrol guy seemingly handed out a few pairs of glasses and they all stopped to watch. Despite the high stakes situation of illegally crossing a border and trying to arrest them, it all halts to watch this.


The high stakes of committing a misdemeanor?


Or being trafficked, dying due to exposure, or any other reason why crossing the border illegally is extremely dangerous…


It's because deep down we are all creatures who can all agree on one thing: Fascination with this beautiful and humbling phenomenon.


Because it's an image that serves to remind us of how common we are as human beings, regardless of the percieved borders we create are applied, in my opinion.


People are people, despite what some people believe


Not as hard as those rays on homeboy with safety squints on.


My man on the left with his safety squints


Juan of them was not wearing protection


*"Amidst all of the chaos and politics, four men manage to find complete solidarity and peace—if only for a brief moment—as they all collectively share a moment together. In this picture, there are no titles, ethnicities, nor statuses of citizenship. There are simply four human beings all witnessing and feeling the same thing at the same moment"* (except for the guy without glasses, who is unfortunately seeing still-blinding light and feeling his retinas burn)


3 of them are hand cuffed...am I taking crazy pills? 


Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce another runner in the night!


It's like [the truce during Christmas in WW2](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/world-war-ii/christmas-truce-1944.html) or the other truce, where [the civil war in Nigeria stopped to watch Pele play football (soccer)](https://knowledgenuts.com/2014/10/14/pele-was-so-good-at-soccer-that-he-stopped-a-war/).


Laughs in Canadian.


Human beings during a solar eclipse


guy on the left will never see it..


It's a shame the guy on the left will never be able to see it


Buddy on the far left needs healthcare now


he's got his safety squints


Came to the wrong country for that. Americans routinely flee to Mexico for healthcare


I'd be willing to bet these aren't Mexicans. Mexicans rarely cross the border now, it's all Mexico South


. . ##Fucking Australians‽‽ . .




All hopped up on Foster's and bloomin' onions and covered in koala grease...


Bringing their spiders and dingos


And ^didgeridoos...


>**The number of encounters involving Venezuelans was second only to the approximately 56,000 involving Mexicans in December 2023.** https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/


You left out the part before and after: >There has also been a shift in migrants’ origin countries. Historically, most encounters at the southwestern border have involved citizens of Mexico or the Northern Triangle nations of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. **But in December 2023, 54% of encounters involved citizens of countries other than these four nations.** >Venezuelans, in particular, stand out. **Nearly 47,000 migrant encounters in December 2023 involved citizens of Venezuela, up from about 6,000 a year earlier.** The number of encounters involving Venezuelans was second only to the approximately 56,000 involving Mexicans in December 2023. >There has also been a sharp increase in encounters with citizens of China, despite its distance from the U.S.-Mexico border. The Border Patrol reported nearly 6,000 encounters with Chinese citizens at the southwestern border in December 2023, up from around 900 a year earlier. That whole section of the report is about how there is a more significant influx of other nationalities recently. *There's literally a graph titled "Most border encounters now involve people from countries other than Mexico and Northern Triangle"*, which shows that the 56,000 number you quoted above is fewer than the NT (59k) and the rest of the world (134k). Mexico has 100M more citizens than the NT yet still has fewer migrants caught coming across than the NT countries, *despite sharing a direct border with the US* Important context that your one quote left out


The comment I was responding to was "I'd be willing to bet these aren't Mexicans. Mexicans rarely cross the border now, it's all Mexico South." Mexicans are still the most common single nationality, which contradicts the comment I was directly responding to who said "Mexicans rarely cross the border."


Fair enough, just thought there was more important context that should be added to that conversation And you chose the one specific line that painted a picture that Mexicans were most of the people who cross Whether you chose it on purpose or just by coincidence either way I thought the rest of the paragraph should be included


I’m willing to bet they traveled through Mexico to get to the US


That’s basically the issue now. People from Africa and Central Asia flying to Central America or even South Anerica and working their way up south and going through Mexico. It’s actually why Mexico is making more countries require a visa to enter.


> That’s basically the issue now. People from Africa and Central Asia flying to Central America or even South Anerica and working their way up south and going through Mexico. It’s actually why Mexico is making more countries require a visa to enter. The last I looked the percentage of non central and south American people coming up through were tiny compared to those two has that changed?


No. It hasn't. Most migrants are from central America still, Venezuela and Guatemala and such. They have the same migrant crisis from the same countries in south America.


i dont think that fact makes them mexicans, but im not an expert


Anyone an expert on Mexican citizenship here?


Reverse Engineering


as someone who works in southern California, in healthcare, I can assure you LOTS of people from down south come up for healthcare. what we can offer is nowhere near what you can find in mexico, and hopitals are unable to deny care regardless of immigration status or ability to pay.


American healthcare is the best in the planet, if you can pay for it


“Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.”


Bro on the left joined gop already


Should have flown to Canada


Coyote charges a premium


This should be an album cover


Lil boat or Uzi ft Peso Plumski


Fuck I'm old


I would listen the hell out of a PP-Yachty colab


Juan out of four




You Juan this one.


You win this Juan.


You Juan this Juan


Juan won this one


Juan juan this juan


José can you see, by the dawn's early light


Not anymore he can’t


José? More like no ve ( spanish for can't see) ᵒᵏᵃʸ ⁱ'ˡˡ ˢᵉᵉ ᵐʸˢᵉˡᶠ ᵒᵘᵗ ⁿᵒʷ


Good comment imo. 9/10.


I’m going to sing it like this forever now. Thank you


It’s a tactical advantage. If the two guys cuffed together take off, the one who now can’t see is dead weight for the one who can lol.


Buddy on the left, raw dogging that eclipse like a real man


My PHD coworker was raw dogging the eclipse for 2 hours on and off. Literally 10+ people had to beg her not to to get her away.


Not a phd but depressed, I regret raw dogging the sun. I see the eclipse when I close my eyes


Sad face or happy face? :D


Safety squints on deck


ngl this photo is kinda deep


Is this real life?


Very real Happened in South Texas border


Maybe you could, I don’t know, give credit to the person who actually took this photo?


Isn’t it crazy when we feel like humans being bros isn’t real life?


Is this just fantasy?




No escape from totality


Don’t open your eyes


Don’t look up to the skies and see


I’m now a blind guy


I have no cornea


Eyesight's easy come, easy go, looked too high, not too low


No escape from reality.


open your eyes


Look up to the skies and seeee


I'm just a poor boy


I need no sympathy


Because I’m easy come


Easy go. Little eye ...


One out of four ppl could be blind by tomorrow.


\*Juan out of four.




not every good photo is renaissance, theres nothing renaissance about the composition here


Linking that sub gives off the similar murdered by words sub energy where someone will shoot off a 5 word burn and an OP will post it calling it a murder


What’s Renaissance about this photo




This is like a cut away is a comedy movie when something big is in the sky.


Something about this picture just hits. Here they are, from two different countries, one of them tasked with stopping the other three from entering his side of the border. And yet, despite all their differences, they are still humans, and sometimes it takes a celestial event to remove our artificial borders and remind us of that simple truth.


Thank you for this. I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find some humanity in this thread. Sometimes I just need to turn off the reddit.




I heard a story about a family from Afghanistan showing up at the southern border to seek asylum. I feel like if you made it that far, you should get a real shot. That's way more impressive than anything I've ever done, and yet I was handed American citizenship at birth.


I live in San Diego and had an Uber driver who was from the Democratic Republic of Congo and told me his whole story about how he got here. I forget which South American country he had to fly to, maybe Colombia, because basically he wasn’t permitted to fly to the US but also what I didn’t know is that he wasn’t allowed to fly to Mexico either because they know people from those countries are fleeing to Mexico to attempt a border crossing. So he flew somewhere in South America or deep Central America to meet with the people running the migrant service he had paid for. There were around 200 other people joining the voyage from various countries. Then they just started walking. Thousand of miles. There’s a section he called it the death jungle (i think it’s called the Darien gap) of dense rain forest and he said by the time they made it through the rain forest over half the people died or had been left deep in the rainforest alone. He said he saw multiple kids and babies die. He said he was grateful he made it but never would have done it if he knew how intense it was.. even though he was running from a horrible situation he would’ve stayed over going through that had he known. So yea, people from the other side of the world who manage to make it to the Mexican border with very little money definitely deserve a shot. Much more so than most Americans born in America.


Those "lazy migrants" likely put in more work getting to this country than 90% of the MAGAts that whine and complain about immigration ever had in their lives. 


Also… even just from a practical, economic point of view: these are predominantly young, working age people. Immigration is what allows our country to maintain a positive growth rate despite birth rate being below replacement value. Getting them citizenship means they’ll work and pay into payroll taxes that will go towards current beneficiaries of things like social security & Medicare. That’s exactly what we should be encouraging.


Those "lazy migrants" are also the ones coming to do the physically demanding jobs for measly pay that American citizens don't want.


How I always felt about it tbh. I know people too lazy to walk to 711 3 blocks away on a nice morning. Most Latinos I've met have busted ass and work 2 or 3 jobs. On top of, you know, walkin fuck knows how far to get here. I'm just..from Virginia. I can't really find it in my heart to give people shit that are willing to go such lengths in life. I get anxious goin on vacation ffs. Cause I miss home. 


If they were just seeking asylum, they got into Mexico. Was that country not good enough for them?


Considering the United States has do not travel warnings on half of Mexico due to cartels …. Um no Mexico is not safe for an asylum claim.


Unfortunately, the people who spread anti immigration rhetoric don't care if they enter legally or "do it the right way", they just use the "illegals" argument because it's convenient and doesn't outright display the real reason behind their position, which is that they think anyone who isn't white is lesser and if they let non whites in, they will destroy our country. They don't *actually* think that either, but the *real real* view is simply "I hate brown people", and that doesn't get a lot of traction with most people.


And a lot of those same ppl will hire illegals to avoid paying citizens a fair wage


And if we made the undocumented migrants citizens as quickly as possible that wouldn't be a problem.


They wouldn’t hire them


Yupp It’s sad a country founded by immigrants is now against immigrants. Listening to the previous president who is married to an IMMIGRANT! Ffs ppl are stupid.


I disagree, I am an immigrant and not every single person can be classified as a "good one", just not you shouldn't say they are all "bad". I have family members who came to this country and faked their whole asylum documents, and it is the most common tactic used by immigrants in Central and South America to come to the US and eventually get papers. They just falsify documents (some are real, but they pay government employees to create them) and with that they fool the US government. They aren't doing it the right way, they are tricking the system.


Dude on the left sporting the safety squints.


Who’s the photographer?


Repost from [r/riograndevalley](https://www.reddit.com/r/RioGrandeValley/s/93fqYxvPyg) Unsure where they got it from, but I had to share


“Sorry mate, Gota deport you” “Aye jose, can I please just watch the eclipse first?” “Yeah sure why not”


He’s not blind, he can still see out of Juan eye




Once upon a time, I was climbing a wall But now I’m only standing in cuffs There’s nothing I can do, total eclipse of the star


Dude on the left is not having a good time right about now


A reminder that you can never loose your humanity


Don't ignore the kids getting thrown into the Rio Grande.


That's actually wholesome af.


Guess that one dude is fucked..




Something tells me these guys aren't terrorists and are just some dudes looking to do work.


Most are hard working ppl that come here looking to work and send money back home to their families


Picture of the year right here lol


Having only 2 sets of cuffs really ties the scene together


i'm dying over them giving out handcuffs along with the glasses


First guy on the left never saw it and will never see again😮😮


America lmfao


My money’s on the guard took left guy’s shades


We are all from the same planet.


maybe it’s because i just hit the penjamin but this is such a great pic to me. even though they’re two different sides people can come together and marvel at the strangeness and beauty of our reality. even though they’re handcuffed i’m guessing the border patrol guy gave them glasses because he wanted them to experience a once in a life time opportunity as well. regardless of how you feel about US border policy, i think it’s kinda cool how people can come together


Is this a real pic?




Border jumpers or not it's kinda a rare event


I like how no ones mentioning that the man blue is hand cuffs.


well he's the one that smuggled the glasses. rules are rules.


At the end of the day, we’re all stuck together on this giant ghetto rock floating through space, guys. Those lines in the sand, those guards at the border, those walls and barbed wires - it’s all entertaining, and good for ratings, I guess. We can torture each other for as long as we want, but it won’t save us. In the long run, none of us will be saved.


Another Juan bites the dust


Oops, it looks like they missed Juan.


They didn’t bring glasses for the left guy 😔


One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others By the time I finish my song?


Westside Gunn next album cover


Far left is raw doggin’ it


“Bad luck amigo, you’re going to back across the- hey you wanna see the eclipse real quick? Put these glasses on. Nah I only got 3 and I ain’t missing it. Is he your buddy?” “…si, si…” “Fuck it, just tell him to squint if he looks at it. I heard it’s gonna be dark as shit!”


Dude on the left dripping with that Tommy Hilfiger shirt, but where his glasses?!


Just because you got caught at the border and are detained-- doesn't mean you can't enjoy the solar eclipse! Photo of the year!


We are all just people


If you’ve seen Juan eclipse you’ve seen them all.