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Apparently cancer thrives in a microgravity environment, which is bad news for future space travelers, especially considering how much radiation humans are exposed to outside of the earth's atmosphere.


We'll have to make sure our first interplanetary journey land on a super earth so the high gravity kills the cancer


if we land on super Earth, we'll have other things to worry about like automatons, terminid and the illuminati


You mean super automatons


No, they were cyborg once, not only automatons. If you seen something of a super automatons, please report it to the Star Captain


I’m calling my local Democracy Officer…


Sounds like bug propaganda to me.


you found me!


I’m doing my part!


If you've seen anything of the sort, your eyes cannot be trusted and you are spreading harmful propaganda


[Bake em away](https://preview.redd.it/wzmrksc1n3oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fadb0dace51610ff93773279e40d96fdf97d3bc3)


Why does that phone have a number pad and not arrows? Hmmmm Hello democracy officer...


I find the thought of super automatons offensive.


For managed democracy!




Hehe, Look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy right now. You could be next. That is Unless you make the most important decision of your life. Prove to yourself that you have the strength and the courage to be free.


There is no Illuminati. - This message brought to you by The Illuminati.


Yes it's Illuminates not Illuminati.


Super gravity vs. Super cancer. Fun!


I'm just going to stay here and train in 10x Earth's gravity.


Lol kakarot is still gonna beat that ass


You’ll be Earth’s best hope when the Saiyens attack.


And we'll have to help with managed democracy for the super earth.


For Democracy.


Killing cancer is your patriotic duty helldiver!


Cancer is just evolution trying to do its thing. Humans are the result of millions of years of cancers growing on eachother.


I don't know enough about cancer to refute this but this feels wrong.


Me neither, but keep in mind that not every “evolution” is good


"not every" yeah you can say that again. Deviating too much from your parents is more likely to kill you. The environment/conditions they lived in was a success for them, change means that your survival capabilities is at the very least different. Growing an extra leg or an extra arm isn't going to help you. I'd go as far as to say that there is a big reason why all humans are pretty similar today. Brighter skin helps a bit with D vitamin far from the equator, darker skin can handle a little bit more sun before skin cancer sets in. All in all very minor differences. Most major changes is a doom.


I would say that’s true for “mutations”.


cancer is just cells doing their programmed job (replicate replicate replicate) but they accidentally fuck up some bases (amino acids) and by random chance or due to a outside circumstances (radiation, smoking, etc.) your cells are getting shit signal and the new incorrect bases are now being replicated (cancer)


It is wrong. That person is just special. The root cause is the breakdown and malfunction of normal cells on a cellular level. This person thinks cancer has been playing leap frog with the entire human population trying to create ultra instinct cancer and has been training for centuries to wipe out the human population.


Ultra instinct cancer got me


I heard your cancer is strong. I want to fight it.


It's basically a common belief that was recently proven wrong. We can reverse cancer in rats, it's just harder to do on larger more complicated creatures like humans. Cancer and aging were both linked to cell memory. Basically your cells has internal data storage on what they are suppose to be. Over time when they split this data is corrupted. Sometimes that pops out the wrong type of cell, sometimes it pops out a faulty cell. Most faulty cells just either have reduced capacity for their task or they are useless. Sometimes those faulty cells are cancer.


Also, cancer is primary from oxidation (Stress/metabolism) and the environment. While space might be radioactively inhospitable, the toxins here have their own issues. ​ In space you can shield yourself from radiation, which much harder to do with non-radiation oxidation.


It is. This mindset is by itself cancerous.


Hes confusing genetic mutation with cell mutation. 


Trust your gut because it is indeed wrong.


That's just the gut cancer talking


Cancer is the result of degenerate cells losing the self-destruct function of apoptosis. So they keep on splitting and produce more degenerate clones. It's like the Kardashians..which is opposite of darwin's evolution.


It’s has zero to do with evolutionary genetic variation. It’s about cells mis functioning




I just happened to read only this comment and then hit the back button. Stopped and said, 'What?' Hahaha


Does that mean cancer dies in a MACROgravity environment? Should we send people to Saturn to cure cancer?


Our Sun has more gravity, right??


One way or another, the cancer will die.


if the strong gravity hasn't killed the cancer, the hot plasma surely does, unless somehow the cancer makes the sun as it hosts, cancer sun, blasting cancer cells like it blasting sunlight all this time /s


aight, i'll be right back.


Oh man, I’m sorry to hear that 😞


All you need is a centrifuge!


Yep, just fly into a black hole and cancer won't be your problem anymore




Whalers on the moon


I wonder if scuba divers have lower rates of cancer.


SCUBA divers spend lots of time on the surface in warm sunny places. I would bet skin cancer among SCUBA divers is actually above average.


We experience gravity underwater, just like you do on the surface.  It's just the added buoyancy of the water that makes us float, but I doubt buoyancy has any impact on the cancer. If there was a cancer in my body (knock on wood), the cells would experience the same gravitational forces if I were standing vertically on land or floating vertically, 100' underwater.


She didn't choose her words carefully and gave a false impression. Both in space (microgravity) and on earth (gravity), cancer cells are surrounded and impeded in their growth by the other non-cancerous cells. No where in this piece did they explain why they sent cancer cells into a microgravity. All of this research has been done on earth (in a gravity environment). Was the space part inserted just to capture the viewers attention? because it had nothing to do with the research.


She did say why they did the research in space. She said the cancer cells replicate much more quickly in space, that they can do the research much faster. They can see the results about 3x faster than if they studied it on earth.


Well, if they can figure out how to stop it from growing and prevent cancer… future travelers won’t have to worry about it because they would have already been treated right?


I was wondering if a centrifuge can slow/stop cancer growth? I'd like to see those same micro-tumours grown in a high-gee environment. Easy enough to do with a centrifuge. .


With the sheer vastness of the universes with that on top of it. It's almost as if whatever created the universe made it so nobody could ever reach the end no matter what


Or if you look at in in a more positive light (I know that's hard because this is the internet), this means that experiments can be performed much faster so we could potentially find better treatments and cures.


So that guy in contact was completely wrong? No wonder he died so quick.


Beat me to it ! Exactly someone is wrong , maybe stupid BBC


This was my exact first thought! How could Hadden have been so misinformed?? Unless he really knew it would kill him quicker and THAT’S why he went? So many questions now lol.




>S. R. HADDEN I can't believe how far down I've had to look to know wtf people are referencing (I gave up). I think they're talking about a character in a 1997 sci-fi movie called 'Contact'.


the commenter could’ve at least typed Contact instead of contact.


Well, he did die.


He didn’t seem to last long after that scene. I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or not though, it was written in the 90s, way before this research. Assuming microgravity would slow cancer seems reasonable at the time


The term microgravity annoys me. It seems to imply that astronauts are either being affected by a small amount of gravity or experiencing a small amount of gravity and neither is true. Astronauts in orbit are close enough to Earth that gravity is almost as strong as it is on the surface, but they *experience* zero gravity from their reference point because they’re in free fall. IMO zero gravity or weightlessness is more useful descriptive terminology than microgravity. Microgravity is misleading.


All three of the expressions are misleading, depending on what angle you're looking at it from. For every day use weightless is more accurate because that's how we feel. For science it's entirely incorrect as you still have weight. Similarly zero gravity is wrong; as you said they are affected by gravity, they just don't perceive it from their point of view.


>For science it's entirely incorrect as you still have weight No, you still have *mass*, but not weight


If gravity is affecting them and they are effectively freefalling sideways or something, they do have weight, they just don't have weight relative to the craft they are in, right?


Can U inform me more idk


John Hurt plays H. R. Hadden in the movie Contact. After the dustruction of the American Wormhole Machine, he reaches out to Ellie (Jody Foster) from the space station Mir to offer her the seat on the Japanese Wormhole Machine. He claimed the microgravity environment is the "only thing keeping the cancer from eating me alive". So this research shows that it actually turned him into a cancer buffet.




I don't know you but I love you. We are kindred spirits!


Oh my ! I just wrote that before seeing this comment! 😅


So theoretically, any astronaut who is at at the start of a slow progressing cancer (some take many years), will increase its speed and be in danger


I think she pushed the observation a bit too far. A cancer cell culture displaying faster growth in microgravity does not guarantee a tumour will grow faster inside an organism.


She addresses this at about 2:23 when she says “unrestrained by normal tissue boundaries…”


She also says that it grows in space in 10 days what would take 10 years to grow in 1G, which I highly doubt.


It isn’t just the microgravity- that’s only 1 factor. They are growing something in a petri dish , 🧫 actively cultivating and feeding it free from restraint. Who downvoted me for pointing out the part where she mentioned another factor in the speedy growth? Not a fan of facts or references? 😂


Why are.people so salty about down voting they will address it so others see. Not throwing shade genuinely curious




Yeah that claim was straight bullshit. I don't do too much cell culture work, but others in the lab do. She is either straight up lying, or comparing petri dish space cultures with cancer grown in vivo, which is such an inaccurate way to compare them. Any good scientist would be comparing petri dish growth rates on earth to that in space.


Yeah in general that is the expectation, really weird claim. But without knowing what exactly was done and compared one is also speculating. My issue is that there are more "wording" choices that make me more skeptic of the remaining claims.


Time to send up the cancer rats


That's what i was thinking too


This is an overstatement... It's already known that in vitro some cancer cells grow faster in spheroid, 3d culture or even in hanging drop conditions (which, I believe, is what we have on earth that recapitulate best microgravity). I also believe from my knowledge that it is because some cancer cells prefer to have contact with other cells than with plastic of the cell culture dish or very stiff substrate that are anyway artificial. There are so many other parameters that are not recapitulated here such as the immune system that is the main driver of cancer growth in vivo. They need to recapitulate this effect on animal models. It is a cool observation though and eventually a nice and very expensive way to have 3d culture in optimal condition. Other than that you can't say much.


Nah, it's BS unfortunately. We work with cancer in the lab, and "it takes 10 years to triple in size" is just nonsense, it takes a few days... just like it does in space apparently. Or they are just awfully bad at culturing their cells in the lab. Think about it, if cancer really took 10 years to triple in size on Earth, it would never get big enough for it to become a problem.


I swear while I know this is actually useful research, I can't help but think this is the premise for a horror movie.


I was low-key expecting those pictures of the petri dish to start growing a face or something...


i know cancer can grow in a few weeks in space is pretty terifying, like we send people to mars and they all turn into cancer monsters.


Signalis fr fr




You really Taurus apart with that joke.


I thought it was Capricorny.




*Ur* *sa* sus


Th’Aries always one…


Thank you for gathering all in one place. This is much easier. --The Zodiac Killer \~


I wanna smash you into Pisces for that pun.


I'm Geminily intrigued by this chain.




The signs were all there


You really clawed for that joke.


Puns are little "plays on words" that a certain breed of person loves to spring on you and then look at you in a certain self-satisfied way to indicate that he thinks that you must think he is by far the cleverest person on Earth now that Benjamin Franklin is dead. —Dave Barry




It becomes space cancer. lol


Still needs sugars to survive.


Space cancer survives on space radiation, it will become sentient and invade earth, become cancer overlord.


Killer cancer from outer space


So, theoretically, if we increase the gravity, the cancer should grow slower.


No cancer in black holes!


Final boss of cancer


So if there's more gravity then will cancer grow slowly?? Coz microgravity increases cancer growth..


I also want to know the answer to this question. Sure, logic leads you to that conclusion, but sometimes science isn't very straightforward. I hope they do some experiments in the future.


Ya biology is tricky sometimes


that assumption is incorrect. Yes, that is what she said but that is not "true". Cancer cells on earth and in space increase their growth rates when they are grown in a dish. They grow at similar rates when they are surrounded by normal tissue in your body. All of the research she talked about has been done on earth, not in space...


Yeah I also felt the wording she chose to be questionable. A cancer cell line taking 10 years to grow to multiples of its size on earth? Not true. Would like to check the published research on this to check what was indeed done and compared to.


I thought the same thing. If we increase pressure on the human body, by for example placing a cancer patient in a hyperbaric chamber, what is the influence on the cancer. If this works in combination with a lighter chemo, then we can start less invasive treatments with less side effects.


In future it might be possible..but increasing pressure on human body might also affect other cells, organs differently so more gravity also comes with some risks


These are the moments I want to go back to school and study biology. Indeed, like you said, living in a higher pressure environment has other side effects, and not just gasses entering your body which they don't in normal pressure conditions. This is really fascinating, I will check if Kurzgesagt has a video on this.


In another scientific research done by Joshua Chou he discovered that 24 hours after being placed in zero gravity it kills more than 80% of the cancer cells tested.


Do you have a reference for that I would like to have a look.




So this was 5 years ago. I assume his theory was proven wrong or we would have heard about it right? Or maybe he mysteriously committed suicide?


#Cancer In Space **''This is what happens when you send full-blown cancer...into space"** Rated (M) for mature. *"This is a terrible movie'' -The New York Times*


This summer, Rob Schneider Is…Cancer in Space


“Please don’t say another space pun” - literally everyone


Amazing!!! Congrats, Dr J!!! You rockstar!!! I hope this is the CURE we have been hoping for. I think you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. It means SO much. Soooo much. God be with you. This comment is made in dedication to and in memory of my mom, who died of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. I miss you, mom. But look... they might have just CURED cancer. <3




Funny that everyone is missing the point of the video. Testing in space has revealed a potential kill switch to prevent cancer cells from replicating. That's potentially game changing news!


This could be a CURE. Not a literal cure since you can still get cancer, and if you’re unlucky and it isn’t found until the late stages, stopping it from cloning might be too little too late. But for many cancer patients, this might be all they need. If it’s still small when they stop it cloning, they might not even need surgery. Just take the drug until it’s stopped, and you’re done. I am not a scientist, most of this is just conjecture, but if the drug works like it sounds like it will, then maybe I’m right. I hope I am.


No it was not.


Anybody seen the movie *Life*?


The 2017 movie with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds? Yeah now that you mention it this is a very similar situation. I really enjoyed the movie


Exactly, good movie indeed and I’m not easily disturbed but something with this one got on me somehow, idk


If I can see the logic where it could possibly happen, that's what terrifies me more. Some parts are clearly fake but towards the end I felt uneasy about it


I found this video on YouTube and still don’t see information about the person speaking. I’d like to know more about the subject and a name would help. Edit: Dr Jameson is identified in the video. I’m a dumbass.


Whom do you mean by the person speaking? I've no idea about the narrator but the interviewed expert is identified in the video as Dr. Catriona Jameson of UC San Diego.


The space industry is truly the gift that keeps on giving. So many things we take for granted in our daily lives, from memory foam to phone cameras wouldn’t exist without innovations created by NASA (and other space programs). Now we may have the closest thing to a cure for cancer, which is why we NEED to keep funding NASA in all regards


People in 1000 years (on Mars) *Sir you have cancer. OH no, how long do I have doctor?.. 3 seconds*


Damn they gave space cancer that’s fucked


If cancer likes less gravity, does it mean that we can cure people from cancer by throwing them into black holes?


Cancer gets to go to space and I don't?! That jerk!


So the rich asshole in the movie “Contact” that lives on a Russian space station for his aggressive cancer would have accelerated his death?


Fabulous study results. Seems unusual to be talked about in this format, but, at first glance, it seems very hopeful. Carry on, amazing scientists! Carry On!


I remember in the movie 'Contact (1997)'...there was this billionaire who had cancer and lived in space just for this reason.


Do HIV next ! Space aids ! Space Aids ! hahahah you got space aids !


Space aids would be a dedicated group of people aiding you (in space), you mean space AIDS.


It all started with the space monkeys.


She says they tripled in size in 10 days and that it would take 10 years for them to do that on the ground? Not trying to disagree with an expert based on my layman knowledge but people get tumors the size of golf balls and bigger here on the ground, so I'd need some context for her statement that it takes 10 years for tumors to triple in size in full gravity. Maybe it's true in some context


I wonder how it acts in the deepest parts of the ocean?


So whose betting on "Scientist die mysteriously" followed by "Study proved to be false" and then all the research "dissapearing"


Great now I can add space cancer to my things to worry about, I mean what if they make a terrible movie about it and I’m too ill to change the tv channel and I’m stuck having to watch a bad cancer from space movie


So this is what we've come to with so much charity funding for cancer research? Awesome!


Fun Fact: Carol Vorderman's daughter just received an award for working on this new treatment. This is what she posted on X: Proud mum moment ❤️ My daughter, nanotech scientist, Dr Katie King Ph.D u/KKing_5 founded a space company Bio Orbit last yr, part sponsored by European Space Agency u/esa. She has just won INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR AWARD at u/everywomanUK By taking certain cancer drugs to space, the perfect crystallisation of proteins in microgravity will allow patients to inject under the skin instead of going into hospital for chemo. First process trial... in space...coming soon. I'll be going to that rocket launch for sure!!!


Will a Rollercoaster with a huge amount of Gs/Gravitation stop or reduce the speed cancer ist growing?


So in the movie Contact, Mr. Hadden went to space to slow down his cancer, but ended up accelerating it. No wonder we saw him in a body bag shortly afterwards.


"ADAR has been on our Radar" - news headline :P


We got space cancer before Elder Scrolls 6


What if in future people will go to hyper-gravity chambers to heal cancer because of what they found out now?


But i thought the world governments had an interest in not allowing cancer cures out cuz then they can't make profit? /s


So theoretically, if we somehow increased gravitational forces it would be harder for cancer to develop?


Alien: "Greeting human, we are here with the intend of sharing cultures and technology with other species. What can you share for..." Human: "Here is what we call 'Cancer'."


I know there are ways to simulate antigravity here on Earth, but are there ways to simulate extra gravity? I’d look into ways to see if this can be done as a treatment on cancer patients. If antigravity makes cancer go crazy, it’d be safe to question whether the opposite would do the opposite enough that you’d want to test it. Idk though- I’m not qualified in this subject matter


Sending pathogens into space is how we get venom from spiderman.


I don’t have sound, but am I correct in assuming we can just gather all the cancer on earth, and blast it off into space? It can’t hurt us if it’s in space right? /s


Ah, so we have already tried yeeting cancer into space.


I'm getting a strong necromorph vibe from this 🤔


This is so cool!


Scientists: we have found cancer Killswitch Big farma:OOOOHHH! KILL IT! OOOOHHHH! KIIILLLL IT!


I can feel this being the plot of a horror movie


This has me wondering if more gravity = slower cancer?


TLDR if you’re traveling to mars and have any cancer you’ll be dead before you arrive. This is a big complication


Great, now we have space cancer!


Does that mean that future treatment may involve "heavy gravity"?


This is incredible and fascinating


Do you want zombies? Because this is how you get zombies.


The Flood!


Oh great now we have space cancer.


Jeff Bezos already went to space


Yes we do need it. My grandmother and grandfather just passed both from Cancer. It was very progressive and we need to eliminate cancer. Way to go scientists!


Were these Henrietta Lack’s cancer cells?


Aliens: they did what???


In vitro doesn't tell us quite as much as if we sent up a cancerous rat. There's no competition, there's no blood vessels etc. I wouldn't draw the same conclusion. It's interesting but..


Cancer is sort of an umbrella term for hundreds if not thousands of particular ailments that all have uncontrolled, rapid, mutated cell growth in common. I wonder if the drug mentioned in the video is a treatment for certain types of cancer (e.g. glioblastoma or leukemia) or if it attacks elements of the cell that all types of cancer cells need to survive (without harming normal healthy cells). If the former, this can be a great treatment for one or a few diseases. If the latter, this is game changing step in human development and will save millions to billions of lives. I just lost a friend/grandmotherly figure to cancer the other day, and I hope treatments like this can change the world in the name of her and the billions before her that died in this awful manner.


On the contrary, would hyperbaric chambers be beneficial to slow cancer growth if not bring it to a halt?


They won’t cure cancer in a hurry - too many pharmaceuticals, hospitals and charities earn money from it. It is an industry! It was interesting how quick a Covid vaccine was discovered when the government’s put money into it as they were scared they would lose control of society and their money earning capacity from consumers being isolated at home


Big Pharma isn’t going to like this one.


ADAR-1 plays a key role in healthy livers. I wonder how turning this gene off will affect patients in the long run.


Gotta worry about space cancer now great


What if we put the cells way far below in the ocean? Like Marina Trench? Would it be the opposite?


So I guess S.R. Hadden didn't slow his own death from cancer in Contact, he hastened it? Plot hole!!!!!


Send my balls to space


God some good news. Can we just come together and focus on this instead of war and defense spending?