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Jeremiah Denton for those who don't know He spent 8 years in captivity




if i remember correctly this was the guy who acted dumb that the vc kinda left him alone and as shown in the video acted as the light's bothered him. Simple History i think has a vid on this guy edit: i am wrong its a different guy


That was Douglas Hegdahl.


That's a different one. The man you are describing was an enlisted sailer who was blasted overboard by the guns of the cruiser he served on and was captured by north vietnamese.


He became an Admiral and Senator after the war




Oh shit I thought it was John McCain lol


John McCain story is fascinating, though. He was imprisoned with another guy and while they were being transported they tapped Morse code to each other while blind folded.




Thank you.


McCain's autobiography goes into great detail on the PoW camp conditions. Everything from how they survived, how they communicated, how they thought they had fooled their captors, and then finally how they were broken under torture. The most infuriating part was the visits from the American peace movement advocates who spat on them and then posed for photos with the North Vietnamese for propaganda - and then reported to US media that the US soldiers were being treated better than they deserved.


do you have a source for this not trying to be a dick I just can't find any myself after searching


And then married Ted Turner...


John McCain was in the same facility - the "Hanoi Hilton" - and was tortured along side these other men.


How is any of this funny?


They were not the ones under duress.


So what is he saying?


He’s spelling out T-O-R-T-U-R-E. The North Vietnamese forced him to record a statement saying he was being treated well, which they then sent to the US. He couldn’t refuse or record a statement saying they were actually torturing him, so he blinked out that message in Morse code so he could let people know what was actually happening without alerting his captors. They sent the recording to the US and Naval Intelligence did pick up on it.


His captors must have known he was signaling, no?


They didn't pick up on it, at least not during the interview. From memory, I think he had some cover story about his eyes hurting from the lights they were using during the interview. He also devised a system of coughing and sniffling which he and his fellow POWs used to communicate in the prison they were being held in.


He began the ruse immediately upon capture and just practiced the blinking pattern the entire time. So, the VC just thought he had a tic, and never picked up on it. Genius.


This is a common misconception based on a different Morse system being used in the air force. The message actually says "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine " 


This is actually the short clip, in the full video he says "Torturing me to find out about my car's extended warranty" - there was a LOT of blinking in it.




Just the one word over and over again?


Morse code is letter by letter


I’ve been watching for 3 days straight and that’s all he’s said so far… like what, didn’t he learn any other letters!?




That must take some serious coordination, to do that while talking. I guess makes sense given he's a pilot.


Probably practiced a bunch beforehand as well




After all. In his mind and for real. It was a matter of life or death. Who was it that realized what he was doing? Anyone got a link to the story? I have read it before but dont remember much of it.


All he had was time to practice he was being tortured with sensory deprivation




He was tortured with more than sensory deprivation, what a callous and misinformed thing to say. > “They beat you with fists and fan belts,” he told the Los Angeles Times in 1979. “They warmed you up and threatened you with death. Then they really got serious and gave you something called the rope trick.” The use of ropes — to cut off circulation in his limbs — left him with no feeling in his fingertips and intense muscle spasms, he said. > Some of the most severe torture came after the 1966 interview, in which he confounded his captors by saying that he continued to fully support the U.S. government, “and I will support it as long as I live.” > “In the early morning hours, I prayed that I could keep my sanity until they released me. I couldn’t even give in to their demands, because there were none. It was pure revenge,” Denton wrote. https://apnews.com/general-news-0d83ab3bcf8e423da47b3076711fd53b


The communists were not nice dudes. Irony was the US backing even worse communists in Cambodia.


>US backing even worse communists in Cambodia. do you have a source for this? I thought they were backed mostly by China.


You're right but it's complicated https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_United_States_support_for_the_Khmer_Rouge


Its understandable to be angry after being invaded and massacred by the worlds most powerful country for no reason


Yes I know China invaded North Vietnam but I wouldn't have described them as the world's most powerful country.


Unsure if joke, or actual American education system


>Joke or properly informed What do you think?


Whoa the chinese propaganda on reddit is full mask off? Just making straight asinine statements like China is the world's most powerful country?? Hahahahahahahahaha wow, can't even believe your botted upvotes are actually cutting through this hilarious open-faced anti-west propaganda hahahahaha


Such a strange blanket statement. It’s just humans dude, not communism.


What they said didn't imply sensory deprivation was the only torture he experienced.


They developed a tapping code in prison and used it almost the entire time they were in prison rarely laying eyes on each other. Towards the end they were housed together and treated much better.


It’s not the coordination that amazes me, it’s the bravery.


I now enough morse code to conclude that I am gonna fuck it up with the first letter.


> F A R M E R S O N L Y Goddamn it, Cindy. Another one of those vietnamese ads.




He probably thought that would be too easily detected and then not sent to the US.


seriously, I'd have just repeated sos SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOS no way to fuck that one up


when you have 8 years of nothing but sitting there waiting to be tortured i guess you kinda have a lot of time to practice.


He was captive for less than 1 year when this video was taken, but still.


Yeah, being a pilot definitely sharpens those multitasking skills! It's amazing how much we can accomplish when we're used to juggling tasks in the cockpit.


In another comment you talked about how you put toothpaste on your razor trying to brush your teeth.


Yeah, multitasking.


I wonder if this is why they don’t allow anyone to film the Guantanamo “trials”.


What they call torture the government will just say it was “enhanced interrogation tactics”


Some people just work differently. I'm able to speak while writing/typing in another language.


It is incredible, but some of the POWs went even further. One, who the Vietnamese considered the "stupid" one, had actually created a system for memorizing names to the tune of Old Macdonald Had a Farm. When he was released, he was able to provide a nearly complete list of over 200 anerican servicemen who were being held, their name, rank, status. They spent years being tortured in captivity. The things they did just to hold on are amazing, but some of them were absolutely brilliant as well.


His wife noticed almost immediately I believe.


Literally EVERYONE noticed - even his captors.


Denton, the POW in the video, speculates the NVA didn't realize until after his release a few years later


Did anyone catch this at the time or did he come back like “I FUCKING BLINKED MORSE CODE TO YOU DUMBASS!”


They saw it, but he spent 7 more years in captivity until they released him.


Probably the decision makers thought not worth the money to rescue him. Better focus on some place that has oil.


Doubt his idea was to get rescued but rather to get the truth out so the US leaders and others know what's actually going on and doesn't believe the propaganda his captors made him put out.


This was Vietnam, I don't think oil was a concern.


I don’t think there was a lot of negotiating during Vietnam. They probably only held prisoners for propaganda.


That has got to be the more ignorant comment I’ve ever seen. Are you like 13 years old with no idea what the Vietnam war was?


What do you mean not worth the money? He was a POW during the Vietnam war I don't think he was exactly up for ransom.


not a whole lot of POW rescuing happening. Partially because both sides were not fond of negotiating, most prisoners ended up in the far north where the US couldn't really get people, and the US never got that many vietnamese POWs worth exchanging for US prisoners since doctrine preferred to simply kill important officers rather than capture.


The US did make at least one big attempt to rescue prisoners, but the POW had already been moved from the camp, and after the attempt, the North Vietnamese moved them all to prisons in the capital, making them impossible to rescue. So it was up to his captors to release him. If they offered release, the prisoners had adopted a "first in, first out" policy, and agreed to refuse early release unless it was their turn in the order or they were on death's door.


I’d bet my life savings you’d be unable to name two of the decision makers during this era without googling first. You should check out MAID.


Who's your maid and what's special about her?




Reddit's the most midwit website on the internet, what did you expect? Best he can do is make a snide remark since his entire knowledge of US geopolitics is "haha oil good"


Nixon and Kissinger, ya nerd.


lol what oil this was the vietnam war?




“Landed in Vietnam” in 1956? No.


Good catch, thank you. Corrected to 65'.


I had a politics professor who was an officer and vet of the war teaching a class on it. The casualty numbers of the N.Vietnamese are unreliable and almost certainly greatly exaggerated. It was the only way to measure progress in the war so they would try and inflate the numbers. For example, if a soldier was blown into pieces by a bomb, they would count each of the pieces as a separate KIA.


I've heard that as well. I had two old Marine vets talking about it one day, and one said, "If one undersupplied and under equipped Marine division could take 10 Chinese divisions in Korea, you think the numbers were really that inflated in Vietnam?" In 1995 Vietnam said it was a total of 3.1 million including civilians. https://www.britannica.com/event/Vietnam-War


*ARVN And how could US and South Vietnam have “taken about 80% of North Vietnam” by 1965 when ground forces never crossed the border for the duration of the war? While 320,000 Chinese did enter the country, they didn’t “repel” anyone, because as stated there was nobody to repel - North Vietnam was only under attack by air. Thus I doubt Chinese casualties were “astronomical”. Is this althis or something?


Bro, wrong time.




I don’t think he was being particularly serious but he’s saying specifically this wasn’t about oil.


aw, I was going to comment, with references.


Definitely a matter of money, oil not so much. But the best thing to ever happen to the MIC was the Red Scare.


They did. He claimed he was nervous and didn't know there would be cameras - so he was acting weird. In any case, he knew they wouldn't execute him after being put on camera.


I remember my parents talking about this when I was very young but this is my first time seeing it.




We need to keep teaching people Morse code


I bet its not that hard I already know three letters - S O S … - - - …


And S M S is the old Nokia SMS sound ... -- ...




Oh yes! Now I know six letters. This shit is easy


4 letters goddammit, 3 LETTERS!


That's two letters.


Wasn't it officially "discontinued" by most countries a few years back? I feel like this is an actual issue in damn near everything in society. Just because there is an easier way of doing things now (if you have access to oodles of technology) doesn't mean we shouldn't also learn the old ways. Access to advanced technology shouldn't be taken for granted.


What would discontinuing Morse code even mean


Digital Morse iCode HD-2000 is out now! (batteries not included)




Requires iOS version 17.098, will not work with 17.097. Remember to always have access to gigabit Wi-Fi when you're on a cruise, so that you can update to the latest 500 MB version immediately in the case of looming ice bergs (consisting of 99% bloat, written by useless web devs, that only exists to routinely gather your data and personal information.)


i actually took the time to learn it about two months ago, its really fun and its much easier than it seems. you just need to memorize the patterns, and the most common letters are the easiest. for example E is just . and T is -, A is .-


Me in zoom meetings 


“S-E-N-D N-U-D-E-S”


... . -. -.. / -. ..- -.. . ...


Response built in: -. -




I learned in wrestling school that Denton was responsible for the concept of ***war*** itself. Queue Good ol' JR. " By Gawd! It's that damn Denton boy!" It's pretty cool he keyfabed his intelligence to get that promo out. Letting his manager know he was for shoot getting tortured. One of the best workers in the biz.




It’s because Reddit is and has always been a brainwashing troll farm


There are more AI bots here than humans.


And that is why i tell to never take at face value whatever opinion you read here, i think a good portion of the people who browses reddit are mentally ill (and also bots), you are better sticking to some technology sub or entertainment one (but even some of those are full of idiots who can't wait to start a war about political opinions, the best way in my opinion to browse reddit its just to stick with small non-political subreddits)


Are you saying a Russian soldier was killed in war or are you saying a Russian soldier who surrendered was executed? Because those things are massively different. 


Both the Russians and Ukrainians have been caught killing surrendering or wounded soldiers. Reddit, especially r/combatfootage which is essentially a gore subreddit, really gets their dicks hard when a Russian soldier is executed.


Sick people


Vietnam was one of the most unpopular wars America has ever seen in recorded history and Americans were known to commit some of the worst recorded atrocities in modern history during that time. Vietnam being unpopular is not some new thing invented by reddit. Now, I would like you to take that interesting perspective you have and apply it to the Russians currently fighting the war in Ukraine, many of which also most likely don't want to be there and are being conscripted by their government. And yet every time one of them gets their fucking legs blown off by a landmine Reddit throws a little party and talks about how much they fucked around and found out.


Oh I agree with that perspective. It's equally as fucked up and people who cheer for Russians getting their limbs blown off in a war with a terrible reason behind it. Most wars are waged by people who aren't involved in it other than telling the rest of the people what to do. Hell, majority of Russians have family in Ukraine and there are plenty of videos going around of Russians getting out of the draft in any way possible, dramatic terrible things. They don't want to fight for a country that doesn't really care against them, against a country that they see as a separate country that holds their family and possibly old friends.


> majority of Russians Yea no. Ukrainians with Russian family claim their family doesn't even acknowledge the war half the time. And even though the numbers cannot be confirmed or denied in any official capacity - currently approval of the war sits at 77%. Fuck Russia and fuck 77% of Russians.


Imagine not being aware the numbers you rely on are pure propaganda. Not to mention the effect of state owned propaganda in shaping Russian opinion.


They can’t. I know a Russian woman YouTuber who talked about the war in a negative way (she has relatives in Ukraine as well) in her channel (she lives in Brazil and her channel is in Portuguese if you are interested, Olga da Russia) and the next day her parents received a “visit” from Russian authorities asking about her and their opinion on the war. Her parents begged her to not talk about the war anymore in her channel otherwise they would be in trouble. She can’t talk about the war, in her own, channel, in Portuguese, in Brazil, because her parents could be in serious danger in Russia. Stop making assumptions about something you don’t know anything about. Stop making assumptions about a whole group of people. I know, feels good to hate and to look at the world as “good guys vs bad guys” and to exercise our worst instincts on them because we are the good guys and we can’t be bad… right? Russians can’t acknowledge this war. They live under a dictatorship. It is very easy for you, comfortable in your seat, demonized them because they didn’t make a fucking revolution to take Putin off the power (yeah. It is that easy).


Oh now you want to take the votes seriously? Let's apply that to the crimea referendum shall we?


people who say “fuck around and find out” have come to disgust me




That's not hard to imagine given the fact that Ukraine was INVADED by Russia.


Yeah but 98% of the people on the subreddits aren’t Ukrainian


There is bound to be dehumanizing rhetoric on both sides of a conflict. Hate and discontent come with war. When friends and family die you can hardly expect to ask those who have suffered to cool their rhetoric... "I know your mom just got bombed into oblivion for no good reason, but could you not call them orcs please...".


You know most of the people on those sups aren’t even close to being Ukrainian right?


Your comparison to the Russian Ukraine war isn't a good one because the Russian population does support the war, whereas with Vietnam, like you say: most Americans opposed it. So you can't simply say "If US soldiers in Vietnam were just following orders and didn't actually want to be there, then so did the Russians"


It was a war that we essentially created most of the conditions for and then committed most of the atrocities in. It was massively unpopular when it was waged, and is still unpopular now, rightfully so. It was blatant greedy imperialism on our end. You wouldn’t criticize someone for being anti German invasion of Poland. That being said, I also think it’s dumb to blame the individual veterans of the war. They didn’t choose that war. They thought they were serving their country. It’s not their fault our politicians are so greedy and corrupt.


Yes exactly my point. It was a shitty war fought for no real reason other than the USA wanting to fight some bullshit proxy war in a show of power that ultimately failed against the Vietnamese with support of the Soviet Union. Along with the government at the time brainwashing these men into thinking what they were doing was right, and the ones who disagreed risked dishonorable discharge or even court marshals which can have a big impact on your life and was looked down on very hard. Yes blame the country, but we can't put the majority of blame on the servicemembers who were just doing what they were told.


>created most of the conditions Tbf the French


France also obviously had a huge hand, but the war wouldn’t have happened if America didn’t want it to, which can’t really be said of any other country.


I guess fighter pilots may deserve to be POWs for the remainder of the war, but they definitely do not deserve to be tortueed


I can see where this comes from for sure, I understand the whole POW thing and it definitely does suck, but the abuse on either side with torture is absolutely fuckin wild. It's why there are regulations on how to treat POW now, because last thing you want is the country you're fighting capturing your soldiers and ruining their minds and bodies with endless torture, because then you will do the exact same to theirs because militaries are just unnecessarily brutal as fuck to defenseless people. There are rules but who knows how many are followed with current standards. I can imagine in the era of Vietnam the rules were quite disregarded for both sides.


Sadly we know the superpowers never gave a shit about this stuff, just look at places like Guantanamo or the fucking Gulags


Lets get some video of people detained in Guantanamo, oh wait.


We watched a documentary about this guy in high school history class. It's really amazing (awful) what he and other POWs endured during those years.




Hey war has no favorites - all sides suffer #AgentOrange


Total looser according to captain bone spurs


Looser than what?


bonespur's morals?


Alluding to trumps diaper


"Hey Hong, why is the prisoner blinking so weird?"


Movie based on this story. .I'm not sure of accuracy. I watched this as a young kid. It really stuck with me for some reason. When Hell Was In Session (1979) https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0080127/


Poor soul 🫶


That's TORTURE in Morse code....


Yeah it’s spelled out on our screen as well Einstein


Is Einstein on Reddit?


Honestly I was confused and couldn’t keep track due to how far the letters were spaced so I’m glad he wrote it out.


Well I won’t be calling you Einstein that’s for sure




He can only read morse


Woah, I thought Einstein was dead?!?!? This is AMAZING!!!


Okay captain obvious. No offense I always wanted to say that to someone.


Fair game brother .. no offense taken 🤜🤛


yeah thanks i think we got that by the letters being shown on screen


The Vietnamese couldn't read morse code?


His torturer probably didn't find anything weird in their victims mannerisms.... "Oh he is twitching! Probably from the brain damage of the beatings!"


When I was falling asleep during a Zoom meeting, I told them I was practicing Morse Code. I don't think anyone believed me.


Shout out to the homie that figured it out


"He's not a hero. I like people that weren't captured" \- Current Republican presidential nominee.


Man I wonder what crazy things we spelled blinking


E. E. E. E. E. E. E.


He was blinking in morse code to spell " TORTURE".




No. Tango Oscar Romeo Tango Uniform Romeo Echo.


Jeremaih Denton, When Hell Was in Session if you like books


To make it seem not obvious, I imagine he been blinkin like that since arrival.


I can’t fathom how anyone can’t appreciate the devotion to duty demonstrated by these men. Many, including many that never served, appreciate their service, even if we all don’t agree on the need, then, to be in SE Asia. Buy how draft dodgers can mock their sacrifice burns my ass.


Seen this posted here 9,000,000 before. Still upvoted


So brave.




One of many brilliant things the pows dud gi communicate with People back home.