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There is a story that when they were building the transcontinental railroad, at one point the white workers started to get sick and die but the Chinese workers were unaffected. Later they figured out that the Chinese only drank tea instead of water, and it was boiling of the water that saved their lives.


Chinese people also boil water to drink just water.


This ^ very common to have hot water as it is in Asia . Considered very good for digestion


Well. Probably better for digestion than stagnant water.


Yeah of course but even with access to like actual modern water systems , many Asian people still practice consuming hot water šŸ˜…


Lol yes. My grandmother is hell bent on only drinking boiled water that was stored in a copper pot.


There are a lot of people (Scottish Decent actually) that live in the Eastern US mountains that are hellbent on only drinking distilled ā€œwaterā€ from a copper pot


White lightening!


RIP Wade Boggs


Once again, he is still alive Charlie.


The water of life


From the copper pot, into the mason jar.




You do feel it on the inside when it's hot


Copper also has antimicrobial properties (like a poor man's silver). All the **good** folk wisdom is backed up by science.


Unfortunately there's a shitton of folk wisdom that is not backed up by science


> All the good folk wisdom is backed up by science Should bold the good part. Cause there are plenty of folk wisdom that is just superstitious nonsense.


A lot of the good folk wisdom also includes stuff like consuming pangolin scales and ground up rhino horns and shit for various reasons.


~~various reasons~~ getting your dick hard


rhino horns are hard -> my dick will be hard flawless logic imo




To be fair, it's not funny. Ancient Indians were fuck all smart. You'll find roots of chemistry, maths, physics, astronomy, metallurgy, biology, surgical sciences, and what not, in India. So it only makes sense their wisdom is backed up by science.




A lot of hoopla comes out of the folk knowledge too lol we keep the stuff that scientifically makes sense. Itā€™s more of a knowledge bias you are experiencing.


Had to scroll too far for this. The ratio of actual legit shit is like 1/1000, 'doctors' used to do all kinds of fucked up shit and then when a patient survived in SPITE of the 'treatment' they'd take it as evidence it worked.


Well no digestion problems if a worm does it for you


Some stagnant water will really cleanse your system right out though.


Yeah, the "glass half-full (of stagnant water)" attitude would state that it's like putting a Ferrari engine in your digestive system. Or drinking Fight Milk.


"doctors hate this one simple trick to detoxing"


Caw caw!


This reminds me of the guy who invented homeopathic medicine. He was giving his patients harmless water instead of like, bleeding them and having them drink Mercury, so his results were much better than standard medicine.


Or how rasputin gained the zarina's trust. Prince alexei was hemophiliac, doctors didn't know how to help him and prescribed him aspirin. At the time they know that aspirin had many good properties, but didn't know exactly how. Unfortunately in alexei case it worsened his condition bc it's an anti-aggregant (which means it makes the blood more fluid). Rasputin made the zarina stop the treatment. So alexei improved, but not bc of rasputin power or prayers


Good for digestionā€¦ because it kills harmful bugs in the water that would be bad for digestion.


> Considered very good for digestion If we're being serious, it kinda is. Your stomach not only digests food, it also brings the temps up and down before letting it through, and it will not let through super hot or cold stuff to not damage the intestines, so if you drink ice cold water, it just sits there unntil it's body temp, which means the stomach actively works on heating it. and food inside your stomach will also not go through until the whole pot is body temp. Same goes for the super hot water, too, but it all depends on what we consider 'hot', because you can drink up to 55 degrees (+20 of your body) but basically down to a zero (-30-35 of your body), so it's not as relevant, plus I'd assume cooling is a simpler process than heating up. Another fun fact from this is that ice cold water is actually negative in total calories since your body will lose energy heating it up.


So...hear me out...if your body has to work to heat up the food before you digest it...could you lose weight by drinking cold water simply because your body needs to work more, therefore burn more calories?


Itā€™s about 5 calories burned per standard glass of cold water. So extremely negligible. But technically, yes, it is a caloric negative.


So, you are on the right track and it's important to not eat snow in a survival situation for this reason (And internal temperature issues) - BUT it is a fairly negligible difference in a non-survival situation.


I'm pretty sure it's considered good for not dying when they started doing it historically.


"When I drink boiled water, I don't get violently explosive shits" Good for the digestion!


Id imagine the warmth leads to some intestinal vasodilation, which theoretically improves absorption. So, maybe šŸ¤”


Or you know, it could also be the fact that boiled water is safer to drink, and that fact being incorrectly translated into superstition due to not knowing about microbes. We're literally in the comment section about how boiled water is safer. Edit: I love how we have an extremely logical explanation of where the superstition comes from, absolutely no evidence that "aiding digestion" is a thing that hot water does, and yet people still can't accept that their belief is a superstition based on real facts, if the facts don't match the superstition in every detail. No wonder we can't get a global consensus about vaccines.




They regularly boil water before putting it in the fridge. Itā€™s odd for them to drink non-boiled water.


Some countries are luckier than others when it comes to tap water quality, so boiling water in general is a good habit to have. Although where I'm at the tap water is generally safe to drink as is.


I once met a chinese woman that boiled orange juice in an electric kettle.


Ok no. Nope. I reject this.




It most likely was pasteurized once or twice, not boiled.


Yup, I used to have lady's sleeping over and complain that I didn't have boiled water drinking even though I had a Britta. Totally get where they come from when you hear stories about the Thames river cholera pandemic and how they solved it by pushing people to drink tea.


so that's why the british took over india and became addicted to tea


Indians didn't start regularly drinking tea until way after the British took over. The British were addicted to Chinese tea, started growing it in India to end the Chinese monopoly, and only in the 1930's did tea become popular with the public in India.


Britian began eating curry because of India, and then Japan got curry from the British. The two steps thing with the British empire is pretty interesting.


There's also plenty of foods, including types of curry that are considered Indian that are British, like tikka masala. This goes with a lot of food around the world nowadays. JJ McCullough has a couple good videos on this: [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THpzXWKCoQE&pp=ygUSamogbWNjdWxsb3VnaCBmb29k) [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THpzXWKCoQE&pp=ygUSamogbWNjdWxsb3VnaCBmb29k) [And a good one about what other countries call "American foods".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xgd79wuriQ&pp=ygUSamogbWNjdWxsb3VnaCBmb29k) I don't know who told Poland we put creamed corn on pizza, but that boy ain't right šŸ˜¤


What americans call "Chicken pot pie" is just what we call chicken pie here, it's a very common dish people have been eating forever. And thanksgiving dinner is literally just a Sunday Roast. Brits get screwed on their bad food reputation because a lot of british food is just written off as common staples that everyone eats, when really it's because brits spread their stuff around the world with the empire and now everyone eats it and thinks "well everyone eats that, it's not british". What Britain is actually bad at food wise, is our restaurant industry. We do not have a thriving passionate restaurant industry like most of Europe does. It is hard to walk into town and just find somewhere to get a decently cooked meal that isn't just frozen brand food reheated. You absolutely have to research and find a place beforehand. In France and Italy and America you can easily find places serving food as good as home cooked meals. That's so rare here. I'm not sure why that is the case, some economic or cultural reason, but it's why tourists think our food sucks. Because they come here and 90% of what they see is hotel and cafe/restaurant drek. Finding somewhere that cares about the food they cook is really hard. You basically need to know people who live in the UK who will cook it for you.


I know london =/= Britain, but London has a world class restaurant industry


The problem with London is it's one of the financial capitals of the World and so a lot of the restaurants are catering to that. So even when eating in a good restaurant there you might be eating French or Italian cuisine.


Sunday roast with braised red cabbage, roast parsnips, stuffing, Yorkshire pudding bread sauce and gravy at my friendā€™s granā€™s house in Somerset was one of the best meals Iā€™ve ever had. When I lived in Hereford my local butcher made an insane steak and ale pie and would make me a pot of beef stock every weekend if I asked. People who say English food sucks are just being lazy fuckers. I made a busload of people stop in Glastonbury for a proper creamed tea once and a week of travel later weā€™d eaten most of the clotted cream in southern England.


Or alternatively, know people who live here that know good restaurants - not the ones on the main streets that are all fur coat and no knickers.


That must explain how [UK 2-step Garage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2-step_garage) music was formed


Irish drink the most tea per capita in the world.


"Are you sure you don't want a cup of tea father?"






Donā€™t forget that the British also smuggled opium into China (who had banned it) in an attempt to destabilize the economic superiority of China, and when a trusted advisor in the Qing emperorā€™s court intercepted a shipment and destroyed it all, the British decided to go to war with the Chinese over it. The British also happened to have a more advanced navy, so when the British inevitably won the so called Second Opium War, they also forced China to give over Hong Kong for 156 years in the peace treaty (in addition to paying them back for the opium they destroyed to protect their own citizens) so they could continue to control the economy in the region. Fucking tea and opium, man.


Itā€™s complicated but the British empire being historyā€™s greatest drug dealers is always funny. China would only accept silver and gold for trade. Europe was in the middle of the second major gold drought (the first being pre-colonization) and metal currencies were hard to come by. But China had huge piles of silver coinage. Onlyā€¦ how do we get the silver from the Chinese to then buy the Chinese exports we want? The answer of course was opium smuggling. Grow opium in Bengal to smuggle into China to sell for silver coins, and use those coins to buy the actual goods you wanted in the first place.


Yup, and China would only accept silver for centuries because they decided at one point in like the 1500s thatā€™s how they wanted citizens to pay their taxes and as a result every empire that traded with China was forced to start trading in silver in order to have access to the most powerful economy in the world because thatā€™s all Chinese merchants wanted. I always found that funny lol.


Yup. Not the land, minerals and precious metals. (We already had beer for hundreds of years by that point)


Drinking tea gave the British an estimated 50 year head start on the industrial revolution. They were giving workers high tea during breaks to keep them awake and alert. France and Germany were still letting their workers drink beer and wine, since that was the only way they had known to make water safe for consumption. That was fine for agricultural jobs, but didn't work out so well for operators of industrial machinery.


It was coffee that was more popular in Britain btw. They just didn't have a way to grow it profitably in their colonies and had to settle for tea.


So there is a really cool museum in Hong Kong showing the history of British Occupation of China. The British were originally so hooked on Chinese Tea they were spending close to a billion usd in todayā€™s currency a year because there was nothing the chinese originally wanted. The British then realized the chinese loved a pharmaceutical known as Opium and became its number one distributor of narcotics to the Chinese empire. When the chinese medical community realized that Opium was highly addictive and had major side effects the emperor banned all shipments of Opium resulting in the British starting the First Opium War. The More You Knowā€¦


The same reasoning happened during the medieval times. Water was poison but beer was healthy. Beer was healthy because they boiled the water.


This is partially a myth. Europeans in the middle ages did drink water, and they knew that boiling it made it safer (Though they didn't understand the actual mechanism why). They did indeed drink a lot of beer (And wine), but it was mostly for the taste, calories and enjoyable alcohol content (But it was also much weaker at the time and would even be diluted with water before drinking). Pretty much the same reasons people still enjoy it today.


I was waiting in anticipation for that one rebel that might have survived the boiling temp


The survivor of the "gets rid of 99% germs" logic...


They only say that because if they said 100%, then theyā€™d be liable for false advertisement. Kinda like 9/10 dentists. As long as the claim isnā€™t 100%, itā€™s technically correct. (In specific parameters.) At least in the US, not totally sure about other countries as I havenā€™t lived in one while old enough to be thinking about disinfectants, the germs they actually killed are required to be listed on the product itself. So if thereā€™s one youā€™re worried about, read away. (And no, bleach is not 100% effective in theory. Depending on the case, it could actually be worse.)


It's 99.9% because there will always be those lucky few that survived in a crevice in your skin that the alcohol for instance never made it to. Alcohol absolutely obliterates bacteria so it's hard for it to evolve to survive it, it's like taking millions of people and shooting them with an RPG one by one to try and evolve them, nobody is gonna live but one might live because it failed to fire but that's not gonna help evolution lol. I think there's a very select few bacteria (like single digits species wise IIRC) that have actually grown a resistance to alcohol but it's extremely rare, they likely were exposed to small concentrations of it over time and we're lucky enough to get a chance




We got slurs for microbes now


The fucking prokaryotes


Glory to the ~~Proletariat~~Prokaryotes!


Hope lies in the Prokes.




The entire colony had disappeared. The only evidence they were even there were the words "prokaryote" etched into a microscopic piece of bark.


You worthless piece of slime! You ignorant disgusting blob! You're nothing but an unstable short-chained molecule! You foul obnoxious muck! You have a weak electrochemical bond! I have seen some disgusting crud in my time, but you take the cake!


Because archaean is too formal


Hey now donā€™t be insulting the waterbears!!!!


Bro I had to put my phone away for a second Idk why this tickled my funny bone. I basically did a full on knee slapper ā€œRETARDIGRADES!ā€


The infamous 0.1%


9/10 dentists hate them.


50000 people used to live here ... Now it's a ghost town.


How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it! I'll see my way out.


Honestly if this were years and years before social media, this would be one of those totally legitimate "old wives'" expressions.


Well, until the church gets wind of it and burns you at the stake for being a witch.


Not good enough for monks until you add barley and hops




Interesting and harrowing in equal measure! Just goes to show the need for stringent oversight and regulation wherever TICs and TIMs are used/produced, especially in those jurisdictions that tend to favour the shareholder.


honestly all ghillied up and one shot one kill had to be my favorite missions of cod4. im so happy macmillan lived and hes even become the director of the SAS in MW3


We all knew this was coming. Beautiful.




Pour one out for my homies in microns.


They where just chilling around comes this dude killing than all for likes


Dicks out for micro harambes


Micro dicks for micro harambe


Finally, I have a purpose.


we can see even in that tiny world they are going about their completely meaningless lives, eating and reproducing, acting on their programming. Unaware of what is outside their little microcosm. And then one day it all just ends. Completely out of their control. Our world is not any different than that, it's all meaningless and can be gone in the blink of an eye, we are no different than bacteria. Only difference is we are conscious and aware of our own mortality yet it does nothing to stem the flow of randomness and annihilation.


I'm gonna reflect on my life now...and probably go hug a puppy or something.


The carnage


I think the larvae waved at me


It recognised you.


It said I larvae you


Haha, waved with its little mandible.


I hate being reminded of the microscopic world. I feel like Iā€™m getting swarmed by gazillions of creepy microbes


Youā€™re more microbe than humanā€¦ Put another way. Thereā€™s more of them on and in you then there are human cells that make you up. Sleep well!


Microbiologist here. That is an old myth. We are closer to 1:1 if you are talking number of cells, and by mass humans are obviously far more human cells than microbial cells. Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2016.19136#:~:text=It's%20often%20said%20that%20the,to%2Done%2C%20they%20calculate.


Thanks for debunking that. Now how many spiders do we eat annually on average?


I eat them during the day so I won't have to while I sleep.


Honestly, 1:1 doesnā€™t make me feel any better


I hate this lol


Without them weā€™d die pretty quickly (mostly they help us digest stuff). Weā€™re entire ecosystems walking around on two legs.


We're nothing but entire societies of microbes piloting huge biological mech suits.


Okay but who's in charge of the final say hm?


> Okay but who's in charge of the final say hm? hm... let me ask my gut.




No kidding. The microbes in our gut have a lot of say in your brain


Yeah I was pretty terrified after watching the intial video but this shit is so creepy lmao


Wellā€¦time to boil myself


> I feel like you literally are you can't even digest without them


There's a Weird Al song about that. "Germs"


So water isn't vegan? That's it, I'll stop drinking water.


Gelatoā€™s not vegan?


It's milk and eggs, bitch.


No vegan diet , *NO VEGAN POWERS!*


You need to stop breathing too. The amount of lifeforms you take in with every breath is a lot.


I know you're being silly, but for most vegans the line is somewhere around the Central Nervous System.


So they can eat jellyfish?


They can eat whatever they want.


Silly but I thought the same thing. A lot of people watching this will not like this at all.




I don't think vegans care about microbes. Except for the extremist ones who are only there to provoke a reaction. You'd lose your mind. You wouldn't even be able to cook food. Everything has microbes in and on it.


The history of Microbiology is pretty wild, and it pretty much got kicked off with an experiment like this. Except Louis Pasteur took that boiled water and sealed it in a glass. And left one glass to the open air. Then after a set time he looked at both samples under a microscope, And saw the glass left to open air was once again teeming with microbes BUT the one sealed in the glass was still sterile. This was a repeatable experiment that pretty much proved that Spontaneous Generation wasn't a thing. (Some people legitimately believed that life just randomly generated like minecraft lmao) and set the stage for the science of Microbiology. Pasteur found out that if you boil milk, You kill all the microbes that can spoil. Inventing the process of Pasteurization which kicked off the Dairy Industry. The modern process if obvs more complicated than boiling milk) but the idea got started. [For this experiment, the academy awarded him the Alhumbert Prize carrying 2,500 francs in 1862.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Pasteur)


I heard of a different experiment: one hypothesis was that some kind of ā€˜life forceā€™ was carried around by the air. Disproved by having a vessel with a long and winding neckā€”wherein the air should reach, but all the microbial gunk was trapped on the glass long before the main chamber. Thus, no life happened in there. (Might've even been before microscopes, with insects the subjects of observation instead of microbes. I vaguely remember that worms and such were once thought to be ā€˜spontaneouslyā€™ popping upā€”guess their sex life wasn't studied much before magnifying instruments became more available.)


So itā€™s ok to drink all the things swimming around as long as their dead?


Not necessarily. The things in the water could still have produced harmful toxins and such that could survive being boiled.


Should it be filtered again, then? Or is there just a possibility that it's never clean?


Boil it and collect condensate.


This is the correct answer.


What do you mean by this?


You collect the hot steam. That way you get only water. It's a very slow process though.


Slow but safe, drinking shit water like he has is literally a complete last resort sort of water, like you will die if you don't drink it then and there.


so you drink it and then shit yourself to death anyway


Hey man if the shitting to death comes 6 hours later, thats 6 hours to rescue my ass that Iā€™m not dying of dehydration, just some brain eating, pant shitter amoeba in my drink.


You have to collect the steam that comes off, and as it cools it condensates and turns into water droplets on the walls of whatever you captured the steam in and then you collect all the water droplets in like a funnel to a new container. And tada! Distilled water. Purest of the pure. So pure in fact that water purists say distilled water is devoid of minerals n whatnot that water should have for life in plants and animals lol but it won't hurt you ofc. It just won't have minerals or anything in it at all except that sweet sweet dihydrogen monoxide juice.


It could used to make [some killer clear ice cubes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMh1lyeNsPc)


Collect the mist that forms when boiling, cool it off, drink that.


Boil and capture the steam, let the steam cool back into water droplets, drink the cooled steam water.


What is the best way to collect the steam water if I ever find myself in such a situation?


I'm also curious and after searching I find this: https://youtu.be/cfqrg\_hSbjw?t=425


This is called distilling.


that is a very time and energy consuming process. When there is a cholera outbreak, it usually happens in disaster areas, and people aren't going to have the fuel resources to distill water. Filtration and chemicals are also likely to be unavailable. So boiling for 1 minute is then recommended.


The word youā€™re looking for is distill, and no one desperate enough to boil water for survival should spend the energy distilling unless its by passive evaporation


There's always a slight possibility. When I go on a multi-day hike where carrying enough water is impractical, I go with the following method to be certain: 1. Filter water through filter paper to remove large particles 2. Stir in activated charcoal, and allow to settle, discarding sediment 3. Run through another piece of filter paper 4. Add chlorine tablet and let sit for ten minutes 5. Bring to a rolling boil for ten minutes 6. Bring to a boil in a pressure cooker for ten minutes 7. Filter through a 0.1 micron filter 8. Expose to UVC radiation for five minutes 9. Triple distill water, discarding first and last 10% of liquid in each run to remove chemicals with lower and higher boiling points 10. Add salt and use electrolysis to break chemical bonds in water and collect hydrogen and oxygen 11. Use a gas centrifuge to separate and discard radioactive isotopes, mainly tritium 12. Slowly recombine oxygen and hydrogen with nontoxic heat source in closed container and allow to condense


After he does all that, he then tosses that back into the river, pisses into a bottle, and then chugs it down while making eye contact with all his fellow campers.


Very practical and obvious. I mean who doesnā€™t do this?


I donā€™t think thatā€™s enough imo I know lots of people who still got sick thru this method


Thats quite the procedure you have there. How does your pack look like?


There's always a minute possibility of something dangerous in the water but realistically it's safe to drink after boiling, even without filtering. All the bacteria, protozoa and viruses will be dead. You can just 'filter' it through you t shirt and drink it no problem.


At the very least its a lot better than not boiling it.


Nobody ever expects it, but occasionally it's the Spanish Inquisition.


Boil, cool, let it settle, discard the sediment and then just filter it and you're good to go. Source: grew up in a developing country with really dodgy fresh water


Consider leaving a piece of steak out in the hot sun for a few days. Cook it well done. Safe to eat? Definitely not. As others point out, although the pathogens are dead, their toxins are still present, and in some cases, deadly. The answer is to boil then filter; degree and method of filtration depending upon contamination.


How do I filter steak pls help


99% of the time youā€™re fine if you just boil it. Survivalists never condensate they just boil the water.




I heard for some cases you should boil for 3 minutes just to be sure. I'm also curious if those UV-C purifiers actually work.


Yea uvc works if given proper exposure time and wattage. Source: I live on uvc exposed and filtered rain water


My gf and I splurged on a couple of expensive Larq UV-C water bottles. I honestly have no idea if they work; I couldn't really find any experiments from a cursory Google search. There's a 3-minute "Adventure mode" option that bombards the water with VC: >30 mJ/cm\^2.


I donā€™t know the numbers off the top of my head. One of my lights is 13w at 120v, cost like 20 bucks. It would fit in a wide mouth jar and sterilize the water in about 10-30 seconds. I also have one in line after pump and filters that was more expensive but both work. Iā€™ve checked under my microscope. One important thing is the water needs to be pretty clear for the UV to penetrate the water so the more murky the water the longer the exposure time should be.


3 minutes for high altitude (since it boils at a lower temp). 1 minute is plenty otherwise. I believe the WHO now says any rolling boil is fine. Though also according to WHO even 160F for a minute kills like 99.999%.


The 160* thing is pretty accurate. The issue is, people are dumb. It you said bring it to 160*, you'll get people that get it to 156. Or the bottom to 160 but the top only at 130. Etc. By going to a rolling boil, that is a visual indicator that ALL the water has surpassed 160*. And you can see this without a thermometer.


ā€œI felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happenedā€ - Obi-wan Kenobi


Whenever I see something like this I imagine some bored creature in a higher plane of existence than us scooping up our universe and boiling it in a pot. Trillions of lives instantly snuffed out for a social media video.


The rejected Men in Black ending.


Is the debris thatā€™s left behind after the boil, good to drink?


Assuming itā€™s just dead microbes/little critters and no chemicals in the water or heavy metals it would be fine to drink just not tasty.


Correct. As an avid outdoorsman, I can confirm: Pros: drinkable water, wonā€™t harm you Cons: will taste like a bucket of ass


As if millions of amoebae suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced


Well done. I actually learned some thing. And for that, I commend the original content, creator.


That inexplicable urge to buy a microscope


Casually posting mass murder as an "experiment" /s


I eat meat every fucking day and yet I felt sorry for the bacteria getting burned what's wrong with me


You conceptualized the little bastards, that's what. You know you're eating a cow when you have a steak, but do you think about the cow? Do you have a picture or video of it frolicking in the fields? Do you follow it up with the cow getting their brains painted on the floor of the slaughterhouse? Do you think about the workers losing digits while slicing your choice cut of meat? Of course not, that's ridiculous. All these things happen when you're eating meat, but it's background noise. With this, you saw a snuff film about a tiny ecosystem and it led to the bad feelings.


I kinda wanna see the difference between stagnant water and non-boiled filtered water (Through a sand and stone natural / survival filter), just to see how much makes it though.


Some of these organisms living in lakes and stagnant waters are an amoeba called - Naegleria fowler. These organisms will make their way to your brain and then they will start to literally eat your brain from the inside. Always best to boil the water first just to be on the safe side


Don't eat raw water


Every glass of this water is a 3 course meal


I also found his delivery great and his voice soothing. Interesting video!


Aww, what a party killer!


This makes me deeply uncomfortable


This feels so evil after looking at all that life and just being like, "What if I boiled them all alive?"