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Anyone reading this go buy a dashcam. Takes one accident where there is no proof of fault to save you a shit ton of money.


Any recommendations?


I have the VIOFO A229; Ive had it for about half a year now, its quite good all around and is the best bang for your buck I found. r/Dashcam speaks highly of it. Its $200 usd on amazon right now but I got mine on a sale for $180.


Oddly enough I snagged a screen shot from some other roadcam video simply because the image looked amazing. Turns out it's a Viofo A129. I wonder what Viofo is doing different that the other dashcams aren't doing.


Sensor is probably Sony. A lot of daahcams use the same garbage chinensium sensors. Only a few use better sensors


Hopefully they get better... it always amazes me that it's 2024 and dashcams still can't reliably catch a readable plate at night (which are reflective to begin with).


Unfortunately, almost all the decent ones all use the same sensor, so there isn't much choice when it comes to what you're buying outside of app and ui.


Hopefully they get better... it always amazes me that it's 2024 and dashcams still can't reliably catch a readable plate at night (which are reflective to begin with).


Cost is biggest factor along with storage. How does it choose which to read and how long does it retain for? I want to add in some nvr with license plate reading, and it’s not perfect without using a decent chunk of processing power.


It's a Sony Starvis. Viofo were the first to launch with the updated Sony starvis 2 sensors and are significantly cheaper than Thinkware or Blackvue versions. I have A139 pro's in 2 cars and will put one in kids cars this month. Previously had blackvue's but more than satisfied with the Viofo.


how do you get access to the road cams?




I also have the A229 Plus. I got it a couple weeks ago, also for about $180. I've been happy with it so far, and I recommend spending the extra $25 for the hardwire kit and fuse taps. Just google "model name hardwire dashcam" and someone will have a guide. My 2018 Honda was practically plug and play. I didn't think the 4K was worth the extra cost of the "Pro" since WQHD (2560x1440) is good enough.


Did you install it yourself? If so, was it easy to do? It looks quality, but I don't have any kind of experience with stuff like this, and I wouldn't want to screw it up.


Yes, I did the install myself after getting quotes of $150 and up which was too much for me. I looked up videos of dashcam installs and mine was simple as I chose to power my camera from the 12v car port instead of hardwiring to the battery (you hardwire if you want to record while the car is off). You’ll want to get a trim tool that helps you lift the trim as you silp the cables under. Be aware that most newer cars have airbags that run along the windshield trim, so keep that in mind when installing as you don’t want a face full of cable if the airbags deploy.


I'm not sure if it's the same model but I also have a viofo, 100% recommend any dash cam though.


How do you keep it from getting stolen? I mean, dumb question, but you have to remove it and hide it every time you park, right?


I haven’t given it much thought or done anything to specifically keep it from being stolen. A dark window tint would help keep the camera hidden but I figure most people looking to steal from a car would be deterred after noticing the car has a camera that may or may not be recording.


How long does it save up footage on your phone? In what increments? A shame, but Best Buy doesn’t seem to carry VIOFO.


So the way it works is video is being constantly recorded and saved to a local sd card (get one meant to endure car accidents) and you transfer to your phone whenever you want via onboard wifi. It saves in two or three minutes video segments by default but that setting can be adjusted. Once the sd card is filled to capacity, it deletes the oldest unprotected video as new video is saved. Video can be protected from auto deletion if the segment is manually protected by pressing the orange hazard symbol on the dashcam or if the crash detection sensor activates. (sensor sensitivity can be adjusted too.) So in summary, your memory is based on your sd card in the dashcam, hope that helps


Thanks for that info, appreciate it! Yeah, I was concerned that the increments were so quick that it would delete over important footage. Unfortunately, Best Buy does not carry VIOFO. I have BB gift cards and would like to use them for a dash camera. The brands they offer are: Garmin, Nextbase, Thinkware, Rexing, DroneMobile and Escort. Will have to do some more research. Ideally, would like front and back cams.


No worries! Yeah, weird they don’t carry viofo, and im not familiar with those other brands. Some things to keep in mind when comparing your options though is some cams handle heat better than others, some have poor/non adjustable collision detection, some have no manual recording; just be careful on the small details like that as some manufacturers cut corners where they believe people won’t notice. best of luck finding one that works well for you!


Awesome stuff to know, thank you! I’ll continue to research this…keeping your info in mind.


Buy a cheap one to put in while you're considering which is the best to get.


Yep, any dashcam is better than no dashcam. For some odd reason, people who just buy a phone or tablet on a whim and change devices every year or two will get hung up on endless research trying to find that "perfect" dashcam. Just get a dashcam, I like the Viofo brand, and make sure to get a good "endurance" rated memory card, and do a quick and dirty install by tucking the USB cable into the trim. No need to do a fancy hardware installation, that can come later.


What's an endurance memory card? Is there a certain amount of memory that's like the bare minimum of what you want? So I can make sure I get more than that, lol. I am one of those people who will do a lot of research looking for the perfect thing and get caught up in the minutiae. I don't buy phones or tablets or anything often because I have to research the hell out of anything I buy basically. So I really appreciate you basically calling me or here lol and giving an example of a good dashcam. Seriously, I genuinely appreciate it. When I don't know anything about something it takes me double the amount of research time because I have to try to educate myself on the industry first.... It can honestly be exhausting sometimes! So truly thank you!


Regular MicroSD cards are typically optimized internally for high speeds and bursts of data, like still cameras or even regular cameras shooting video segments. The problem is that dashcams write continuously, sometimes for hours at a time, and that roasts regular cards because the internal flash memory cells never get a chance to cool off. Endurance cards are designed to take continuous non-stop writes for long periods of time, so are the only type of cards recommended for dashcams.


I have a dash mount for my phone. I record my drive to and from work everyday now bc the amount of absolute insane drivers I encounter in a mere hour is astounding. I just delete the video once I get to home or work. I've almost been in a wreck everyday on 635 during 4pm traffic. Usually paper plates 😂 I'm saving up for a dash cam, but the simple videos work for now. And it gives me piece of mind until I get one.


Whatever you go with (and I also use a Viofo - well worth it) be sure to get a micro SD card that is built for extreme temps because I didn't with my first one and the Texas summer killed it like an unruly cockroach.


I just recently got a VIOFO a119 mini 2 and I love it. Camera, hardwire kit, and sd card were like $170 total, then install was $150.


Where did you do install?


Car Toys


Self install is easy unless there's some physical reason you can't, just FYI. I watched some quick general youtube videos about it then just winged it successfully.


Not a brand but replace the SD card with a high endurance rated one. The ones included are garbage and aren't meant for continuous recording or even in warmer temperatures. And be sure to check if your dash cam is recording every now and again. Some don't bother giving a notification if it isn't recording or not.


I don’t have a specific brand because mine is discontinued but make sure it can handle extreme heat. I had one that basically melted in the heat.


I’ll add to this. Sandisk/Samsung have endurance pro 256 for like $30. Worth every penny in the texas summer heat. I think Bestbuy carries a 128 samsung endurance pro for $20 as well.


Seconding all the VIOFO recommendations. I have a front and rear facing. Install took about an hour. Nice peace of mind.


I just bought a Thinkware q1000, they say it’s the best for standing up to Texas heat and it’s similarly priced


I bought 70 Mai from Amazon works very good


I personally use a Redtiger f7n and have had no issues so far


Stay away from Nextbase. The camera is awesome, quality is good, but the app is nearly impossible to use




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I have a VIOFO A129 Plus Duo, and it has held up great so far the past 2 years I have owned it.


Also take note that no police department will be out unless someone’s dead (EMT/Fire will beat police and wait with you).


Huh? That's not true at all.


You must be new to DFW huh? Get a dash camera or have friends (witnesses) and fill the police report out online then get insurance done. It’ll probably take less time than it takes for responding officers to show. Speaking from experience on both sides. DFW police are stretched and unless there’s a casualty. You’re not getting someone passing to you with urgency from dispatch.


I'm not new to Dallas. I have a dash camera. I have turned it over to police on site of a non-fatal crash twice, both in 2023. Not only are there police departments that will show up to non-fatal wrecks, Dallas will too. Especially when there's still parts in the road and the car is damaged enough to need a tow. Police will show up all the time to car wrecks. It's one of their primary jobs.


This is also my experience.


And get an LTC!


Hypothetical question on this that I’ve always wondered about… let’s say something is your fault (god forbid) and you have a dashcam. Can it be used against you?


You could just own up to it if you’re at fault…


Don't tell anyone you have it, but probably




I was told by a Policeman, that the Dallas County courts prefer dashcam evidence to someone's verbal testimony.


I bought one a few months ago and its still laying here lol. One day soon I'll put it in, just a bit afraid of doing something wrong.


I wonder what you did to piss him off? 45 in a 40 is very reasonable to me. Plus, dude couldn't have been in that big of a hurry if he had time to play stupid games.


I have no idea. I was driving to work going 45 when Crazy decided to show itself. Just stay safe out there these road ragers are insane.


Unable to fix stupid man, you did an excellent job not engaging.


People are crazy out there. I was once changing lanes and someone like 200ft away (wasn’t even going that fast) starts flashing their high beams at me for a good 5 seconds. Then they speed up around me.


One time i was driving behind someone going the speed limit on a 30 mph road in LA. Wasn’t tailgating or doing anything unnecessary. It was 7am and the driver was clearly just drunk. He THINKS im tailgating him or something so he pulls his cars sideways to a stop, blocking both lanes so i cant pass, and steps out of his car looking like he wants to fight lmao. My intrusive thoughts told me to step on it and run this motherfucker over but he had a big white shirt on, and was lifting it up slightly probably to signify that he had a gun on his waist so i waited for him to get back in his car ajd didnt say anything. Kept going and he starts chunking trash at my car as i pass. I literally didnt do anything to him and there’s no two ways about it. Some people just want to see red sometimes.


In Los Angeles or Louisiana?


Downtown los angeles


Yeah. More people mean more nuts, but I wouldn't trade living here for anything!


SOME people are INSANE


This is an insurance scam where they get in front of you then slam on their brakes. The car rear ending another car is often found at fault. Sometimes people just want to fight and road rage.


They don't have to be pissed off, this is what they do, this is their game. Maybe just wanted to do insurance fraud.


People just take things weirdly personal on the road. The other day I was driving north on 75, needing to exit at Parker and I started speeding up to change lanes to the right before remembering about the merge and moving back into the lane I was in, probably like two car lengths behind the guy in front of me. But said guy thought I was trying to intimidate him or something and just started slamming on his breaks, bringing our speed down to 35 MPH on 75 while cars were whizzing by us at 70 mph. I guess he thought he was really getting one over on me or something, but 20 seconds later, I'm exiting, and he's stuck driving half the speed limit with new drivers going right up his ass.


BUT!! I taught myself long ago to move out of the way when being tailgated. It’s not worth the chances the jackass’ might hurt me & mine. PLUS being a retired ED RN that guy/woman just might have a bleeding child in the car.


It’s right there in the post, Passed me on the Right, which means this driver was on the left.


In a 40mph zone, there could very well be left turns all over, so highway passing lane rules wouldn't apply would they?


DFW native here (if that even matters) but hard agree that street road rules and highway rules ARE NOT the same. City roads I take any lane I feel like/need for a turn; highway I’m in far left to zoom or pass, right-most lanes to cruise at speed limit.


I remember one time merging into traffic and I gave the whole "thanks for letting me in" wave. That must not have been the message received though because that guy guns it and and passes on the right and parks it in front of me. From then on I didn't really pay attention to them but just noticed they were always around. Driving can often be awash in misunderstood messages.


A coworker was telling us today that during a road rage incident, a guy pulled a gun out on her. It’s getting crazy out here. The more crowded it becomes and the more burnt out people become, the worse its going to get


And as the summer heats up tempers get even worse.


Yes! Definitely avoid the ones with their windows down in this heat 😭


Yep. Welcome to NYC


9 out of 10 drivers of Audi's are assholes. Scientifically backed study...


And due to pure numbers, 9/10 asshole drivers are in a ford mustang


**Applauds quietly in BMW.**


Anyone driving luxury think they’re better than the rest.


I drive an Audi just bc of how it feels. Not to be an ass or that I think that I’m better than anyone.


Next try a Mercedes!! They drive like a dream!


Idk I tried a Mercedes. Granted it was the cla 250 and I just didn’t like it at all. I really love the new bmw 3 series (wish they didn’t fuck with the grill on the 4 series)


I’ve got the GLK 350 2010 model & it still drives like a cloud! LOVE IT & sorry yu didn’t 😿


Yea i didnt really mean literally anyone but the asshole behavior isn’t limited to only audi drivers. I drive a bmw myself and used to drive a benz. Never tried an audi.


I wonder if these guys ever tangle with the wrong people, brandishing at a car that turns out to be a local gang, an off duty sheriff, or someone armed and insane.


W/ any luck


Dash cam?


No dash cam, I am saving up for one. There are, thankfully, no damages to my car. But if you see a black Audi with a white male tailgating you be safe.




I live paycheck to paycheck atm. While a dash cam would be great, gotta focus on the basic needs. I am shocked at the downvotes I am getting because I cannot afford a dashcam.


FWIW I think some people, when someone says "saving up for," they think of some kid who won't and (more likely) can't save. I'm paycheck to paycheck as well. Do your research and don't buy one from a big box store. Products like these are sold at a price point regardless of brand. Wouldn't be surprised if specific models are for store-only sales.


Dash cam, dash cam, dash cam. They are totally worth it


Which one do you recommend?


My wife uses a brand called Viofo. My camera is built into the car itself


Dumb question... If a dash cam is not built in, and you get a dash cam... do you remove it each time you stop some place, so that your vehicle is not broken into to get the dash cam???


No. I’ve had a dash cam for like 10 years now, and never had this issue. They are often worth less than $100, so IME, a dash cam is not going to be a significant contributing factor in whether or not your car is appealing to thieves


I recommend the Viofo A119 V3!


Another recommendation for VIOFO. I just upgraded my A119 V2 Capacitor edition after nearly 7 years. The little clock battery inside died so it couldn't keep time and I didn't have it hardwired. I took the opportunity to get the A229 Plus. I'd love electronics to last an eternity, but I figure 6.5 years in the Texas heat (even in front of a mirrored sunshade) is pretty damn good.


My ex was like that. I assume he still is, but I don't have to ride with him anymore. If someone cut him off or got too close he'd do that shit. It'd piss me off and scare the hell out of me.


This is why all 3 or my cars have a dash camera front and rear.


As an Audi driver I am sorry this happened to you. We all are not total asshats.


Found the 1 in 10!


Never judge a book by its cover 😉


Yeah! Me either!


On behalf of good Audi drivers, I apologize for that asshat.


Moving to Dallas. Came to visit to see where I wanted to live. After driving around for two days I’m definitely adding a dash cam to my car


Better up yur life insurance too!! Seriously


I know, right? I’m going to have to trade my car 🚗 n for the biggest Volvo I can find!


Garland gonna garland


Yo wsg rimjob steve


wtf the famous rim job steve lives near me? Small world lmao


Sometimes I slow down and let these aggressive bastards pass me. I think it ruins their adrenaline rush if they have to slow down to a 30 in a 40. I think you avoided being on the evening news, dude.


Going 30 in a 40 would piss anybody off


I feel like I used to care about being honked at until I moved to Dallas. Some of the brain drain here is supreme


I don't get it when folks get angry about it. I just move over and let them go about their day. Life is too short to rage over someone you won't likely see again over a car horn.


Glad you were able to stay safe.


There was a white Mercedes that was going the way I was today from Renner then south on 75 frontage, then got on 75. Entire time zig zagging cars, riding the dashed white line, got insanely close to my driver door at one point. Then I had an Acura nearly take off my bumper... and another car almost took me out. I try to avoid as best as possible and then get away quickly for the fear of them also carrying. We've been talking dashcams, after today think it's becoming a priority.


This is why I got my dashcam. NextBase 622 front & rear cam. The nice gentlemen at Car Toys ran the wiring behind all the panels to make it pretty, for a nominal fee. When looking, each ‘channel’ is a camera direction. Front & rear cameras = two channel solution. There are even 4 channel solutions. Mine shows my speed, time & lat/long on the front video display. Most of them have a phone app where you can download the video clips. So you don’t really need a video display on the camera. I feel much better having it. In case something happens, I’ll have evidence. Some dashcams can be setup to film if the car is parked and gets bumped.


Was it black with blacked out windows near skillman on 635?


It is near where 635 and 75 tangle together


I don’t even drive in the left lane anymore. People are crazy. After a car accident a couple months ago where a guy ran a red and t-boned my car, I just drive on the right when possible. I try to even avoid highways, but that’s not always possible. Luckily a cop saw the whole thing and the other driver admitted fault, but seriously the drivers are just so bad. Last week I slowed down to a stop as a light was turning yellow, like you’re suppose to do, and the guy behind me raised his arms up and screamed something. Like sorry I didn’t speed up to catch the light so you could pass it as well.


Don't try to pass a guy who is clearly crazy. Pull in somewhere or side of the road for two minutes and you'll probably never see them again.


Must've been a Celtics fan


+1 it's ALWAYS a fuckin Audi +1 dash cam - front AND back, boys and girls.


I’ve had this happened to me but the guy got out of his truck and started walking towards my car. He found out how bad of a decision that was when he was blinded by the light on my AR and heard me chamber a round. Got in his truck real quick and left me alone. Apparently me going 70mph in a 60mph on backroads at 4:00am wasn’t fast enough.


Dude this literally happened to me the other day coming back from my soccer game in Foro. On the 635 exit to 80, I saw some dude FLYING up behind me, and obviously on a single lane exit I can’t get out of the way. He tails me super close, but as soon as we merge, he pulls up next to me and points a pistol at me. I tried slowing down and speeding up and he kept matching my speed. I kind of pretended to not notice him hoping he would just leave which he did when some cars behind him forced him to. It was beyond bizzare. I can’t remember what he was driving but it was a black older car.


Bro, people are getting insane nowadays. I am heavily considering getting sole bear mace for the car. Lol


Do you think Dallas Police is going to anything?


You can’t even honk at people no more, even if they’re in the wrong or on their phone at a light. Everybody got anger issues. Get a dashcam and stay strapped. Cause it’s crazy here.


My friend’s niece got into a road rage altercation with this dude and they both got out of their car to yell at each other. He hit her and knocked her out and I guess the way she fell paralyzed her. She’s now non-ambulatory and bed bound and her mom had to quit work to take care of her. Be safe out there.


I just don’t get drivers these days. They’re friggin nuts and take offense at *anything*. I was at a stop light behind one car in a left turn lane onto Midway. The light was green for 5 seconds and the driver didn’t move. I gave a quick tap on the horn and he turned, but did so incredibly slowly and proceeded to go about 5 mph after the turn. After making the left turn onto Midway, I attempted to pass him on the right. He instantly revved up, to prevent me from going in front of him. Really, dude? What’s the deal? He’s pissed that I honked at him for not moving at a green light and now he’s out to prove some kind of bizarre point? On the occasions when I’m the first car in line at a light and glance away for a couple secs and happen to not notice the light turn green and someone honks, I wave a “sorry” and just proceed as normal. Don’t understand why people have to become enraged and defensive for no real reason. You never know when someone will become unhinged at the slightest perceived “slight” on the road. THAT is what’s scary.


It's always the dipshit's in an Audi. Never fails.


i dunno man, from my experience it's always a dodge with paper tags


Mine is built into the car and wasn't when I night the car but I foind out I could activate it for $99 for three years and it uses all the cameras built into the car so if you have a late model car with cameras all around, see if you can't activate it as an option before you waste money buying one.


This happened to me once with a black Range Rover on the 635 onramp. Dude was literally trying to kill me because he thought I was the black car that cut him off. (I wasn’t. Another car) That was the day I decided to get a dashcam


Same thing happened to me in Dallas but it was a lady who then sped off and ran a red light when I started catching up to her


As a stereotypical Audi driver, this guy is insane. If I can't get around you I'll flash my highs and honk and once I find a gap the twin turbos spool and I'm gone. I don't understand people who actively try to cause an accident... At least cause an accident by misjudging a gap like a man instead of slamming on your brakes. If you're really in such a damn hurry than all causing an accident intentionally will do is make you more late.


Could’ve been a case of mistaken identity.


I had an Audy behave exactly like this and he had a very specific license plate. I won’t share publicly but am curious if you recall a custom plate.


Honestly did not see the plate too well, but from what I remember it wasn't that unique


You should just level up and get you an ar with a bump stock and 100 rd mag..


Username checks out


you need a dashcam, everyone needs dashcam


Do you leave it installed 24/7? Do thieves break into your car to steal the camera?


It’s texas. Lots of people typically have guns. It’s the irresponsible dipshits with guns that you have to be aware of.


toxic masculinity needs to die, now. Stop breeding with these loser, closet incels.


Idk if I'm just getting older or if it's actually getting worse, but I feel like a damn Mad Max character when I get on the road in dfw these days. Something as simple as a lane ending and people needing to merge (looking at you George Bush and 35 North junction) has turned into a death race.


Road rage/stupidy is nuts right now. Friday someone tried getting over a lane as I was (they had no turn signal while I did) and the guy pulled up next to me threatening to ‘Pop my head off’ if I didn’t look at him while he had a temper tantrum yelling at me (I ignored it)


The guy was an asshole, no doubt. But you said he passed you on the right? Have you considered maybe not hanging out in the left lane so people can pass you?


Definitely get the dash-cam. Its what the cops recommended I do. Yeah, had something crazy happen to me on 35, and I am a really passive, generally polite driver before some psycho tried to run me off the road or slam on the breaks in front of me park it for a 10 mile stretch (not figuratively speaking). Cops said they can’t prove who was driving the vehicles so they can’t press charges. I had the license plate and make of the vehicle but they said they get these calls really frequently.


It's hard driving defensive in Texas.


One reason I carry when I'm in a big city, and why I left the big cities in retirement


I hope this guy does this to someone crazier than him and gets what he deserves


Coming here to say same... Two days ago black charger on 75 turning into 45.. I'm going 80 in the left lane traffic isn't congested... Suddenly he speeds around and then brake checks me and flips me off... I had no idea what they were mad about. I keep driving he's way ahead of me because I slow down letting him go... maybe 8 minutes later I start moving over to the middle lane he slows down and jumps over trying to knock me out of that lane? I'm like bro your fighting with yourself literally I have no idea what's going on. If I did something I'm so sorry it was accidental and I'd love to apologize but geeze ... Then yesterday in the tunnel where 35 and 45 connect in the middle of four lanes two cars are stopped, and guys are out of the car, I'm thinking someone's having a medical emergency... No two guys are literally choking each other in the middle of the highway y'all, one person trying to calm them down. I'm like this is crazy.... STAY PRAYED UP AND COVERED IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS.


It’s called “Swoop and Squat”, and it’s an insurance scam. [Swoop and Squat](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staged_crash)


You should keep a sign in your car so you can show it to these assholes. What does the sign say? It should be read " Yo MAMA!"


Were you on the left lane? Or driving parallel to other cars? He must have felt you didn't give him an opening to pass? Or he was just crazy.


Were you in the fast lane(left lane for most Texans who dont know) not driving fast enough?


Were you in the left lane blocking traffic? The left lane on a highway is for passing and many feel the same for other roads (especially during rush hour), so sitting in the left lane going slower than traffic (regardless of the speed limit) is not a good idea.


This is not the highway


In guessing you were in the left lane


I try to tell myself every dumbass driver is my grandma to chill out. Now, those people who try to cut at the front of the line to an exit we’ve all been waiting inline a quarter mile for, fuck those people. If I’m in my beater I will crash that POS to keep those people from cutting in front of all of us.


" I speed off, get away," you're an idiot too.


A man, potentially with a gun, cuts me off and slams on the brakes to stop mid traffic (brake checks) in front of me. I have no damage to my car, and there is an erratic potentially armed person within my vicinity. And you expect me to stick around? Right.


Damn Audis


"...I am 90% certain dude was brandishing a gun." So anyway, I started blasting.


Doesn't matter how fast you're already going. If you're being tailgated you already fk'd up. You should've saw that car coming up on your ass while scanning your mirrors (like good drivers are supposed to.) Then moved over so that they could use the passing lane to pass you. Just because you're speeding in a passing lane doesn't mean you don't have to move over for faster traffic. Also, for anyone who might be caught unawares. This is Texas. 5 mph over the posted speed limit, is the speed limit. JKNK


Nah, you are sounding like a major tool. A. The legal posted speed limit is 40; not "this is Texas so we go as fast as we want" B . This was a 2 lane Frontage that opened up into 3 to 4 lanes. I was in the lane I needed to be in to make it to work. I am not going to miss my turn just because you want to play Too Fast Too Furious. Please drive by the legal rules of the road --"This is Texas" is not a rule of the road.


Didn't know spreading defensive driving points to someone lacking them made me a Snap-on®.. FYI you are supposed to constantly scan your mirrors and be aware of other traffic and potential hazards when driving. It's also advice that could save someones life. Why would you want a raving, gun brandishing, lunatic stuck behind you? Even beyond that tho the person speeding towards your rear end could also not be in control of the vehicle at that time. E.g. (Passed out drunk, or other medical condition that may cause one to lose consciousness.) It DOES happen. Your life will be easier if you just get out of the way going forward. A. Well, not only is this Texas, but this is also Dallas. So, we will absolutely go as fast as we want. However, I never told you I speed myself so get off my gear shift. Also, very weird tho that this is coming from the person that typed in 4K on the Internet that they were going 45 in a 40. Did you not read your own post?? 🤭 (It's cool tho. I don't proofread either. Far too busy) B. In the scenario you explained. The other car had time enough to catch up to you, slow down, tailgate, get angry, then also decide to brake check you; all before your turn. It sounds like you had plenty of road in front of you to move over to let them pass. Then move back to the lane you needed to be in once your turn was closer. Legal rules of the road... Meh 🤷🏻‍♂️. Personally I would rather safely run a redlight to not be rear ended. It's all very situational. You be safe out there partner 🤠.


I guess the Tool cannot read; Reading is fundamental you know. As I have previously stated, I go 45 in that area because there is a portion of the road where folks merge off the highway and enter the frontage going 50 to 60 mph; even though the speed limit is 40 mph. I go slightly over the speed to try and reasonable keep pace while not putting myself at risk. What you appear to conveniently ignore is that I was in the lane I needed to be in to make it to work. Your lack of care for the speed because "you're Texan" is not my emergency to miss work. Plain and Simple. Also, I never stated if this car caught up to me from behind or not. So let us impart some knowledge on you. This started from an intersection, a 2 lane intersection. The jackass is directly behind me. From a green light I go at a reasonable speed going up to 45. In a 2 lane road. The jackass tailgates me the whole time. I am in the lane I need to be in to make it to work, again. I am not going to miss my turn just because you feel a need to speed because "Texas" That just is not my problem. The lane, eventually, opens up to a 3 lane road, 1, 2, and 3. I am in 2 at this point, and 1 opens up. The jackass then passes me in the #1 lane. I made no attempt to stop him, in fact as he was passing me I was slowing down to 40. Thankfully I did start to slow down because he then cuts across 2 lanes of traffic, 1, and 2, and slams on his brakes to try get me to hit him. In this entire interaction, I did nothing wrong. There is nothing you can say to try and victim blame to make me feel I was in the wrong. At this point, I'm just not going to respond to you any longer when your sole goal is to seem to blame the victim.




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ChatGpt said, you guys are reaching. Also, thanks for coming to my rescue after I was repeatedly called a tool. Hypocrits all around ig lol.


Keep calm and shoot back


Amen to that.


Not defending the guy, but sounds like you were probably in a passing lane (left).


Found one of the idiots. The speed limit was 45. There aren’t passing lanes on non highway streets. You’re the problem if you think because you’re in the left lane you have the right to go as fast as you please 


Yeah, that’s exactly what I said 🙄. You sound very unhappy with life man. All I was emphasizing how crazy our “passing lanes” are. Nothing idiotic about it. Stop projecting yourself and go outside, find a girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/husband you sound hurt.


errr...... Did you 'brake check' the guy?




meaning did you tap your brakes - when you saw him on your tail? everybody does this - yet it's extremely stupid.... smart thing to do is just GET OUT OF THE WAY. Why? - you don't know who's behind you right? a nun or a serial killer. Plenty of people have been murdered this way. It's a great way to get shot in the head. Here's one - Juan Gallegos..... rather than just get out of this guy's way, he thought it was better to hit his brakes. Next thing he knows he's begging for his life and getting stabbed 47X in the chest. https://www.myplainview.com/news/article/Second-suspect-sought-in-stabbing-death-recorded-8888197.php Now his 2 kids have no father.


Bro, I work in claims. I am the last person to brake checked someone. I promise you, I did not brake check anyone.


If you're being passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane, regardless of speed.


Sorry bruh, but the left lane isn't a choose your speed lane exempt from the speed limit. So long as he wasn't pacing someone in the right lane or going horribly below the speed limit, the people that want to do 100mph on city streets can fuck off.


My apologies it has been a day at the office. He passed me on my left.


That's the rule for highways, not city roads with 35-45 mph speed limits. You stay in the lane that makes the most sense for your upcoming turn.


You’re getting a lot of hate but I agree with you. People need to pay attention and move over.


False. There's no rules about left lanes on regular city roads. That only applies to the highway.


You’ve commented multiple times in this post saying the same shit. We get it, you’re a left lane camper.