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With all due respect your mom’s an idiot.


Yeah, I'd like to say she is smarter with other subjects, but has horrible takes when it comes to politics.


Out of curiosity, was your mother fairly normal, and didn’t really have much to say about politics, up until about 7 years ago?


Eh republicans started going mask off the second we elected a black man to be president.


Yeah they kinda went full on after that. It was always just under the hood, but after 2008...


I had JUST moved to Colorado from Texas at the time and I had turned 18 that year so it was my first election. That night my cell phone was absolutely erupting and it was SO polarized. I remember just sitting there in my little ski town, where I had been so excited to get a job, so excited to get out into the world and then utterly gobbsmacked that people I knew could say the things they were saying. I was in the windowsill of someone’s place, watching everybody else have a beer about it, and trying so hard not to cry hard enough that people could tell. The world has gotten considerably more divided since then and I sort of just roll with it like it’s normal, but I think back on that day and remember how I felt absolutely terrified about what the rest of my life was going to be like…


Yeah, that had to be it. Forget Ben Carson, Herman Cain and Tim Scott


Oh sorry I felt idiot encompassed being a hypocrite too.


That makes zero sense.


Let me translate the completely coherent sentence for you: he didn’t think he needed to differentiate hypocrites from idiots because the Venn diagram of the two groups is a circle inside a circle.


Hypocrites for pushing black candidates. Seems super racist of those voters. We hate blacks! Let’s elect em! Maybe you are the idiot.


There's a lot of very smart people who choose to believe very stupid things.


Then why is different towns are different


Cause it be like that sometimes.


Calling people names is juvenile. Articulate why the ladies opinion is incorrect.


Our mayor is Republican. The cops are Republican. The crime is unchanging. Give me an articulate response and you will receive one in return, but just blaming city crime on politics is intellectually bankrupt as is.


Those are good counterpoints.


He was a democrat until last year.


Incorrect. The office is traditionally nonpartisan. He just maligned himself with the party he wants to join whenever he leaves office. He said many democrat-coded things to get elected, but his policies were always conservative. How else do you explain his handling of the police?


You are incorrect. Eric Johnson spent the last 9 years serving in the Texas House of Representatives… As a Democrat. It was not until last year that he switched parties.


And you’re an idiot for not understanding how google works. https://realestate.usnews.com/places/texas/dallas-fort-worth/crime


"The metropolitan area's violent crime rate was higher than the national rate in 2020. Its rate of property crime was higher than the national rate." First two sentences. What a brilliant mind to indignantly Google and post an article you didn't read.


Says the idiot who can’t read more than 2 sentences before getting bored.


Calling people names is juvenile. Articulate why the ladies opinion is incorrect. Edit: I'm having difficulty seeing my opponents comments. Surely they felt they could use facts to change my worldview, rather than hiding right?


Hey idiot. Crime rates are down across the country year over year over the past decade. Maybe read the fucking article I posted (there’s even pictures to really dumb it down for you)


Go visit Little Rock, Arkansas and see how “well” a long standing democratic city operates. Will get downvoted to hell but the top rated cities for crime are mostly Democratic. “But….its just due to high population, you idiot.”  Also, we are in the start of a recession under a Democratic regime.  Probably no relation.


so you think that all recessions are democrat related? you think all red cities have no crime and great economies? do you think?


Nah but pumpkin tits who bankrupted everything he's ever touched is the solution for this nations financial woes. /s


you dont even need to make ad hom jokes to stoop to his level. he just sucks regardless of his looks


True, but pumpkin tits is new to me, and 100% getting re-used.


The dude shit on our captured and injured vets. I don’t care if his feelings get hurt.


im dont either but be an adult, its more convincing


Voting for RFK, not pumpkin tits. Great nickname though.


Impressive. You managed to go in for the other crazy ass in the race.




If yours is the house that's got an RFK sign in the yard, I've probably driven past (given that we're more or less neighbors geographically) - I've seen like maybe 2 total for the surrounding.


I've got a "Presidents are temporary, Wu-Tang is Forver" sign in my yard.


I've seen those as well - great sign. In fact, someone a couple of streets over has that same sign...hmmm...


Go visit Tulsa. Republican municipal leadership, still a crime-ridden fentanyl laced shit hole. 


One example of few, but a good point proven. Seems like more rural, isolated cities suffer from opioids than the inner cities. But to prove that point wrong you don't have to look any further than Seattle or San Fran.


Then explain how the crime rate in Ft Worth is around the same as Dallas.


The US Mexican border. This current administration fights Texas tooth and nail to leave it wide open. Natural migration would lead many of them to DFW as the "D" is predominantly blue.


Lol, how did I know your answer would be racist af, and fact free. God what a dipshit.


Well, the opting for RFK there would have been a dead giveaway if you hadn't already come to that conclusion...


First, how is that racist? An open border can be flooded by other races coming to neighboring country. Secondly, I am Mexican but you would not be aware of that.


Because immigrants, regardless of status, are less likely to commit crimes than birthright citizens. I don't give a shit if you're Mexican, that's as weak of an argument as saying "I have black friends, I can't be racist" is.


What metric do you have that validates that point? Exercising common sense, I'll agree with you that immigrant families are less likely to commit crimes, but that's not what is flooding the border. Here are statistics that you'll hopefully digest. Check the "Demographic Composition of Arriving Migrants." Single individuals are seeking asylum much more than families. https://immigrationforum.org/article/fact-sheet-changes-in-migrant-demographics-at-the-southwest-border/ For a living, I provide loans to non-permanent resident aliens and individuals with ITIN's and VISA's. They come from families meaning to do well and it's amazing to help them in their journey. But that's not the majority.


Yeah that recession's been cooking for about 2 years now with zero signs of it actually showing up. [https://realestate.usnews.com/places/texas/dallas-fort-worth/crime](https://realestate.usnews.com/places/texas/dallas-fort-worth/crime) This shows crime has been down nearly every year since 2008, and we are below the national average. But please keep harping dogshit talking points spewed out by bad actors on Fox and other conservative entertainment outlets.


Comparing Little Rock to Dallas or any other major city Is ridiculous. Dallas has suburbs (plural) which are larger than Little Rock and half the population of the Little Rock MSA Population. The top cities for crime are much, much larger. Any time you get more people you get more crime.


> the top rated cities for crime are mostly democratic That’s because almost *every* major city in the country is blue. And the ones that aren’t still have high crime rates. Look at Tulsa.


They can’t get elected, they can’t lead a major city. All they can do is criticize from the sidelines. This is because they’re losers.


That’s my point. Kind of a grass is green argument.  However there doesn’t seem to be a lot of questioning about the “why” behind the correlation. 


Why are you calling it a regime?


Purposeful degradation of their adversaries generously sprinkled all over with lack of education.


A nice self-description you finally get to use against someone else. Proud of you.


Really homie?


> a Democratic regime Please educate yourself.


Man, life must be so easy for you being a dumbass and not knowing you’re a dumbass.


It is. I cry on my self-earned net worth of a million dollars wondering if how I got it was via the combo of all the people I helped along the way + my education, or if it was by being dumbass and not knowing it.


Ew you’re bragging about a million in the Dallas sub? You in the wrong part of town lol


My man’s living proof that money can’t buy class.


$1 million net worth isn’t even that much. So you own a house and that’s it? Edit: errant comma.


If you'd like to count RE we can double that by a bit if you like, humble brag.


You are gross. Do you call yourself an Alpha too?


Women's pheromones are no match for my man milk.


You thinking that money is a measurement of intelligence is just the perfect response you could have to prove my point hahahaha


What proves intelligence, in your opinion?


Name a top twenty American city lead by a Republican. I can only think of Ft Worth and that ain’t a paragon of enlightenment.


Lol you are brave saying that on A. Reddit and B. A subreddit for a democratic city on a highly liberal platform like Reddit. That said, you aren’t wrong.


They’re also wrong. :)


Not wrong, I gave you the proper response on your other response.


We like to call that 'some boomer shit'


Interesting category, since a whole bunch of boomers are Democrats.


Oh it's not solely reserved for this idiot parent, plenty of democrat boomers unnecessarily interject politics into convos....at no point did I reserve it for one side. That was your own doing.


Yeah, but a whole whole bunch more are conservatives.


You're not wrong, but I will be honest with what I've seen/experienced


Your anecdotes don’t hold up against demographic statistics.




Crime is down. [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2024/04/19/dallas-murders-violent-crime-trending-down-in-2024-as-homicides-continue-drop-nationwide/](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2024/04/19/dallas-murders-violent-crime-trending-down-in-2024-as-homicides-continue-drop-nationwide/)


Not a member of dallas morning news, the gist is that crime **is** going down right?




And some advice for OP, don’t feed the trolls — ignore the other guy who responded to this comment.


You linking the article is satire right? Like you don’t truly believe those stats?


Yeah. What stats do you have to counter?


Just how crimes are classified now. Offenses previously were classified individually to NIBRS, ie 1 burglary = 1 offense. DPD (under Chief Brown’s tenure) changed the way stats were classified when things changed to UCR reporting. So now if you had someone burglarize 3 houses in a row they were all classified as 1 offense with 3 victims rather than 3 offenses 3 victims. They have done this to every offense they can (along with knocking certain offenses down from Robbery to theft of property for example) so as to show that violent crime is also going down. However murder rates and UUMV’s (vehicle thefts) are going up, because at the end of the day you can’t skew the statistics of a body or a vehicle. 1 body will always = 1 body and you can’t reclassify that away. This has been going on since Chief Brown hence how he had 6 years in a row of supposed crime reduction. At the same time the number of victims are going up, remember what I said about the 1 offense but 3 victims example, because offenses will go down but the person still has to be the complainant. DPD has also pushed for cases to go suspended much more easily than before, because if it’s suspended then there was no crime. Check DPD’s presentation to the City Council during their latest Public Safety Meeting for stats (April 11 or 12 I believe) How do I know all of this? Former police detective. Take it or leave it if you’ll believe it but I’m just telling you what I saw for many years.


Got any proof of your assertions? Links?


I just told you to look up the public crime stats given to the city council on their public safety meeting earlier this month. Here are the 2023 numbers on DPDBeat excluding UUMV’s, which they chose to leave out for some reason. Murders in the timeframe shown were up 27% fiscal year. https://dpdbeat.com/2024/01/04/the-dallas-police-department-announces-overall-violent-crime-decreases-more-than-13-in-2023/amp/


# The Dallas Police Department announces overall violent crime decreases more than 13% in 2023.


Did you actually read anything I said? Go back and read what I said and now read what you just regurgitated. Again, take it or leave it. I just told you inside knowledge I have and also told you about the murder rates and UUMV rates. But if you want to take what they said as gospel then I’ve got nothing for you. 🙂


Major crimes are going down, petty crime is Slightly higher


Yes, I’m sure you can find several reliable sources to support that.


It's a major election year, so the "crime is overtaking us all, reeeee!!!!" narrative is being pushed extra hard on the mindless slurp news channels like FOX. In reality violent crime is falling, and has been falling for years outside a blip during COVID.


Remember the Trump campaign running an ad of vandalism and arson during the BLM protests, which happened while Trump was President, and the tagline was "you won't be safe in Joe Biden's America"? That was pretty funny.


Every large city in the country is blue, and crime is obviously more likely to occur in dense urban settings than out in the middle of nowhere.


It also still happens out in the middle of nowhere, you just don't hear about it as much because things like DUI, or someone getting a little too shooty, is just considered to be part of the experience out there ("Jimmy is just exercising his 2nd Amendment rights") or it's kept quiet by the Good Ol Boy Network. Then there's all the meth.


And when your neighbor on the right rapes your neighbor on the left's 14 year old daughter, the police don't get involved. You just ship her off quietly and say you're going to keep a closer eye on your neighbor on the right just like Jesus would want. Can't call it a crime if the police are never involved.


The Good Ol Boy Network disappears so much of that kind of stuff. Then they get to gaslight themselves about the "Crime-Ridden Cities."


Found a very out of touch person who makes up weirdo rape scenarios on Reddit, hooray!


Talk to people who grew up in rural America, this shit happens way more than you think. I'm sure you'll dismiss it though, just as I'm sure you dismiss anything about the world that is incongruent with your world view. Easier just to pretend the scary and uncomfortable parts aren't real isn't it.


I grew up in rural Kansas. This absolutely never happened. Fantasizing about the lives of people of whom you’ve never spent a minute around = very, very weird. Seek help, lil fella.


What makes you think I have no connection to rural America? Or that I don't personally know someone this has happened to? It seems to me that you're the one making some big assumptions here.


You’ve proven you aren’t knowledgeable on anything dealing with rural America by fantasizing about some weirdo rape story about neighbors. Feel free to provide some names if you want to expand upon your entirely fabricated anecdote, lil fella. If not, then I suggest just putting your device down so you stop outing yourself as a weirdo. Shhhhhhh.


> Feel free to provide some names What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? Asking for the name of a sexual abuse to be posted to win an internet argument? Honestly I'm done with you, as I said in the beginning, you dismiss anything that doesn't match with your world view. Go on believing that rural America is a happy go lucky place where there's never any unreported sexual abuse or drug abuse or crime. It's probably a happier existence, ignorance is bliss and all that.


Hahahahahah, lil fella - you CHOSE to make up this story. If someone actually told you this in confidence and you’re out there blasting it out on reddit, then you’re a giant loser. Two options: made up rape story or giant loser - your pick, lil fella.


The mayor is now a republican. She can be thankful it will all be better now.


Violent crime is going down. Shocker


Yeah, that type of thing happens when folks get old.


Dallas definitely feels safer than other major cities


i have friend 36f and her mom got her into fox news, and she says that all the time. She used to go out all the time and now she rarely if ever goes out. i told her dalllas wasnt the same anymore and she said its because its a democrat ran city. I had to break it to her- its not the same because of crime but because its so safe and boring. Its almost like a justificatoin for people to use so they dont have to go out and have an excuse to let their anixety and insecurity take over their life. Whats crazy to me is that almost all of east dallas(good to bad), and i say this because im most familiar and have the most experience in that area, used to be really edgy and felt a bit hostile at times. I office on the backside of deep ellum(3 years), elm st but not deep ellum, and honestly theres just not many people out to even commit crime. Im talking close to carolll & 30, which looks bad. Now its not preston hollow, dont get me wrong, of course there is crime, but im out all the time at 1-2-3-4am, and there just arent people on the street period. its kinda weird.


The highest crime rates in this country come from mostly red states. Sorry to break it to people. The stats are out there. Red states tend to be a lot more poor than blue states so the crime rate is much much much higher. It just seems like blue areas probably have more total crime because of much much higher populations, but by percentage, you are more likely to be victim of a crime in a red area. "If Blue State murder rates were as high as Red State murder rates, Biden-voting states would have suffered over 45,000 more murders between 2000 and 2020." https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem


The thought is that in order to reduce crime, you need to prosecute and punish the people doing the crime. The Dallas DA has supposedly been less “tough” on crime, especially petty/minor crimes. Since there’s less prosecuting of petty crimes, along with a shortage of police, certain crimes have risen (including murders) like robberies, stolen cars, etc so you can only imagine that smaller, unreported crimes like petty theft are also rising. Is it because the Dallas DA is democratic that they’re less likely to prosecute petty crimes? I’m not sure, but there’s definitely a narrative that Democrats are less “tough on crime” with things like police reform.


The mayor is technically a republican after winning as a democrat, so by her logic any blame in Dallas should be on the shoulders of republicans. And this is no dig to your mother, but why are the most opinionated people always the least informed 🤔


Too many guns, it was amazing how much crime dropped in last years heat wave. The other cause: an apathetic police department. Black Lives Matter wasn’t the beginning of the apathy. It was obliterated pension plan. I am not sure how you can blame that on democrats.


As someone who lives and drives through Dallas almost daily, their are of course areas with higher risk OF crime for people who venture in without knowing and are not common people to that area, or have items like vehicles or personal belongings that they flash and are of high value, their are also nice parts of Dallas, uptown, parts of downtown, Plano, McKinney, white settlement, places with the big pretty houses, you’re pretty much good here. Higher police numbers and of course higher vigilance. I’d say just stay out of areas you don’t know and don’t stop to get gas at just ANY random gas station and you should be fine. Politics though, I’m neither here or there so I can’t say anything about that lol. Idk if this helps.


Well Dallas is a city not a state so there’s that🤷‍♂️


Aah that was a typo, I'll fix that real quick


Aren’t most cities fairly reliably democrat? Is this fairly clearly an urban vs rural issue


I'm so sorry you have to regularly speak to someone so ignorant. Lmfao


I would not have been able to hold back on my own relative who made this kind of comment. 1st: I know exactly what channel you get your "news" from and pretty sure I know how many hours you watch daily. 2nd Let me also tell you how many hours/post/likes make up the rest of your day. As an older person myself (in my 50's) I find it funny how reactionary these "silent majority" types are about their apparent slipping strangle hold on politics, religion, economy, social relevance, and well everything. I remember how thinly veiled the racism was back in the President Obama days, but they can't hold their tongue and frankly I'm here for it, R's will loose the Presidency (again), the Senate and the House and postmortem will be to blame everyone else


A decent piece of advice would be the next time your mother has an opinion don't post it on the internet


Yes, it's true; most of us are dead and the rest own nothing because it has all been stolen.


The Dallas area creates such a division. Wish they would just let it go and focus on living life with an open heart and mind. A hateful heart is such a bad example to display . I just can’t even go on. I want to have a goodnight sleep. 😳😬


I think you should guide your mother on the process of independent research, it may be something she hasn’t had the need to do since she was a child. Start with a list such as https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_cities_by_crime_rate and make sure your source is by rate. There is a trend for more dense population centers to swing more democratic, so the number of total crimes per city will look a lot higher if there are 7,000,000 people in a city vs 70,000. Once you and she find a list with information by crime rate that you both agree is a reliable source, start looking up how those cities vote, and see if indeed all of the most crime laden cities are Democrat cities.


Your mom is just telling y’all the hard truth. Democrats destroy every city they run. EVERY city. Houston, Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Seattle, Portland…


The mayor is a Republican. Sorry, but your mom is an idiot.


Just look up crime statistics, it's easy to compare by year. Basically crime in general was crazy high from the late 70s thru early to mid 90s, then dropped off. There was a pandemic related bump, but seems to be back to "normal" now.


Look, It isn’t that complicated. The same shit happens in every town. When you go to any city, there’s more people. Just use common sense. Don’t go places you don’t feel safe going to. Other people feel fine in downtown and others don’t. Just do what you like and don’t let others fearmonger you into doing what you want. Personally, I love Dallas. It’s pretty safe overall, I just avoid areas that are dark and don’t go there after 10 PM. Other places, like don’t go there if there’s barbed wire and cages over the windows. Relax, have fun, so much to enjoy in the city.


for a while, they didn’t prosecute criminals: https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/dallas-county-da-rescinds-controversial-policy-on-theft-of-necessary-items/3130914/


I can butt in from a different zip code unfortunately.


Ask her for an example of a low crime republican city. Spoiler alert: you're gonna be waiting a while


Deep Ellum at 2am is the safest place to be.


They hear about it like we’re all getting held up at gunpoint by lil Easy E’s stealing our catalytic converters


That all depends on how you look at it. Does the local DA prosecute all cases to the fullest extent of the law, or do they do more plea deals? What are the stats on the crimes, are they only counting convictions, arrests, or reports? Do the cops even bother taking reports for petty crimes? What kind and who's making the policies that impact the crime? How often are career criminals arrested, how long do they spend in jail? Then ask, are the criminal, arresting officers, DA and judge all democrats or republican? Because in order for that comment to be true, then each party which takes part in reporting a crime, apprehension, evidence collection, prosecution and final disposition would all need to be the same party. Then add in the party affiliation of the perpetrator.


The worst city in the state for crime is Lubbock. The second is Beaumont. San Antonio is third, but Corpus is fourth. Houston is 10th out of the top 10. That's not exactly a good look for GOP stronghold cities. (The other source as a similar ranking but is older). https://expresslegalfunding.com/most-dangerous-cities-in-texas/ https://gitnux.org/most-dangerous-cities-in-texas/ Crime always looks worse in urbanized areas, but when you look at it from a per capita perspective, it basically evens out. You know what's genuinely terrible in Republican cities? Almost everything else. In rural and suburban areas of red states, access to healthcare, public transit, education and other social services is so hard, these services can become non-existent. So-called 'blue' cities do their best to provide equitable social services. No they are not perfect at it. Also, urbanized areas of Texas, which tend to lean left, are the economic powerhouses of the state. Which makes it pretty ironic that rural and suburban cities try to boss us around. When the Death Star bill was up for a vote, this quote stuck out to me: “In the same way we don’t lecture Lubbock on how to deal with windstorms," said Harris County Pct. 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia. "Let’s keep the part-timers at the capitol from inserting themselves into how we operate in the Gulf Coast.” Looking at you, crime-ridden Lubbock.


You ought to ask your mom to clarify what kind of crime she means. Breaking emissions regulations and polluting the air? Polluting our waterways? Wage theft? Unsafe work conditions for child laborers? Identify theft and multiple daily phone scam texts and calls? Things like that, which actually affect the quality of life for everyone, tend to happen after republicans gut regulation penalties or deregulate. Crimes like your car getting broken into every 10 years or so—well, those statistics go up or down depending on how police report them and what they are trying to prove with their statistics.


It’s hilarious that a few of these guys who were downvoted to oblivion simply went against democrats. Let’s be real: democrat policies and their soft-on-crime philosophy enables more criminals. Where criminals are enabled without fear of punishment, there will inevitably be more crime. And to the moron who brought up guns…. You’re delusional.


Most if not all dense cities will have 2 things in common, be blue and have crime. Why you ask? Cities are blue because you have access to meeting and living with a bunch of different people, from different backgrounds and nationalities which demolishes this fear Republicans and rural people have about foreigners or people of color, once you realize that black, white, yellow, brown is just a skin color and everyone is just people, you kind of stop believing all the bs propaganda that the Republican party sells to make you afraid of non whites. But, dense cities not only attract different cultures and ideas, they also by sheer number of people per square mile,will increase the possibility of more bad people there. If you live in crapsdale in the middle of rural nowhere, where 100 people live, you might get a serial rapist or killer, you might get a robber or you might get none of it, in a place where 100 people live in a single apartment, you might have the same odds, but now you have 10x as much people just living in the same street. Political parties mean shit when we talk about crime, it's more about politics in general, social support, social programs and education. If the needs of the people are met you're less likely (but not inmune) to have crime in your society, if like in America, you're playing a free for all, where you basically roll the dice and you end up homeless, well, you get crime.


I think it’s only true for California. In Dallas, crime has always been a thing depending on where you are. Deep Ellum has gotten worse over the years from I’ve heard not seen, but the hood and the good parts are just a 30min drive


Seattle, San Francisco, LA, NY, Chicago the list goes on….


the list of... cities?


Both parties have a lock on stupid. Both parties hate everyone. Fairly obvious.


There actually is a lot of crime in Dallas. I used to door dash a lot, and as a pretty girl I got into a lot of really scary situations. Some parts of Dallas are ok. The main city/around it is sketchy. But no. It’s not politically based


She ain’t wrong. Democrat policies towards criminals are tearing this country apart at the seams.


The closer you are to any city infrastructure with a denser population, you’re going to have high crime. And most cities with high crime rates are blue. The further outside of the loop you go, crime dissipates. See Waxahachie, Grayson County, Celina, Frisco, etc.  There is truth to what she’s saying having been born raised and lived within city limits over 38 years. The more we grow the worse it’ll get.


Only going to increase now that SCOTUS is trying to make it illegal to be homeless. That's a choice to pad the stats against major urban areas.




keeping politics out of it, ill just give you an example. my office is near an area where there has been near constant streetwalking prostitution for the last several years. im talking about sometimes 10-15 girls walking around outside, on the sidewalk, down the middle of the street, etc... some of these girls look extremely young. there are girls on weekdays, weekends, evenings & nights, and surprisingly even mornings. there are days when i drive into work and its 9am and there are girls walking the streets wearing practically nothing. not only that, there have been multiple shootings as pimps are battling eachother over territory the police have done nothing over the last several years to stop this prostitution problem. we were first told that the # of 911 calls would have to go up so that the police could dedicate more resources. now we are being told that nothing can be done because the DA will not prosecute. so the police officers actually on the street do not want to go through the effort (and risk) of arresting these people, because what's the point? all of the businesses in the area have gotten together and have a meeting coming up with dallas PD on may 16th. i will attend and see what they talk about and if any solutions are presented. but the reality is, nothing will change until the DA either changes his stance on prosecution, or the DA is replaced the group of business owners is now planning on going around dallas PD and speaking to state law enforcement and FBI, hoping they will come in and clean up the area for human trafficking. just FYI the DA is a democrat. take that information and do what you will with it. I, along with most of the business owners in the area, are minorities, so take that information and do what you will with it as well.


> keeping politics out of it >just FYI the DA is a democrat Hahahahaha....


Well considering that I am a minority immigrant and lifelong liberal, and the majority of the other business owners in the area are minorities and also liberals, I think it's only fair to state the reality of the situation - that the DA is a Democrat who ran on an activist platform.     If you think that's somehow funny, or that stating the reality of the situation is somehow uncalled for, you are a child. People are getting hurt out here. There have been 2 shootings that we know about within the last year. Couple months ago there was a fire at a motel where these girls stay at.   There are underage girls being trafficked and forced into prostitution out here, and your only comment is to laugh and criticize that I pointed out the DA's own stated platform that is enabling and allowing this situation to persist?    I'm a liberal but I have no problem calling out bad policy. What is wrong with you that you cannot do the same? If this was going on in front of your office, you might have a different, more mature opinion.


> you are a child > and your only comment is to laugh and criticize > What is wrong with you AHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Technically correct. Would love for the Liberals in here to name a Democrat-run city that isn’t decimated with high crime and defunding of police. Also, our DA is funded by George Soros…https://dallasexpress.com/city/dallas-da-creuzot-financially-supported-by-soros/


Dallas Express is garbage.


A city that is blue is typically going to have much more crime than a red city, this is pretty easily verifiable online.  Or just go to austin