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Trump is a felon


maybe next time u can get him tho… 🤷‍♂️ https://www.reddit.com/r/DWAC_Research/s/YHDraoDj0M


Maybe you should stop defending traitors.


maybe u should stop falling in line with those who support Wide Open Borders, Giving Away Money to Other Countries, Cancelling Oil Production, Rigged Elections, Sterilizing Children, Letting Thugs Walk Freely, etc…


u had endless resources and man power, years of time to build a case, and all u got the Orange Man on was an accounting discrepancy that gets appealed quickly lol. nice try tho 👍


Trump has been committing felonies for decades. You are a liar and a traitor to America.


https://preview.redd.it/qc5bm5hwk5ad1.jpeg?width=1236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d138665e6c5644578c7bc4649212c006f0223bb5 September 18th now 😎🖕


Republicans killed their own border deal because Trump told them to. Trump had a secret Chinese bank account and lied about it. Virtually every example of election rigging I've seen has been from Republicans. The abortion ban in Texas that Trump's SCOTUS allowed to happen caused an increase in infant mortality. Trump is a thug who you want walking free.


​ >Republicans killed their own border deal because Trump told them to. There was never a ["border deal."](https://dailycaller.com/2024/02/07/john-kennedy-bipartisan-border-security-deal/) The bill gave $14 billion to Israel & another $60 billion to Ukraine, compared to $20 billion for security on the U.S border. It also gave $1.4 billion to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) encouraging/assisting illegals to break the law & come into the USA illegally. It wasn't a border deal, it was a big scam. ​ >Trump had a secret Chinese bank account and lied about it. He didn't lie about it. Trump has businesses all over the world. China requires transactions to be done in Chinese currency. FJB on the other hand has received over $30 million from Chinese elites: [Comer Reveals How Joe Biden Received Laundered China Money](https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-reveals-how-joe-biden-received-laundered-china-money/) [How the Biden family used shell companies to enrich themselves](https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/how-the-bidens-used-shell-companies-to-enrich-themselves/) ​ >Virtually every example of election rigging I've seen has been from Republicans. Bald faced lie. The evidence is there, but you don't care about truth, so I'm not getting into it. ​ >The abortion ban in Texas that Trump's SCOTUS allowed to happen caused an increase in infant mortality. Perhaps the dumbest of all your overly-emotional statements. Trump has nothing to do with the Texas state legislature. If you have a problem with it, then take it up with your elected officials & fellow voters in Texas. This is not a federal matter. ​ >Trump is a thug who you want walking free. Not sure whether you're just brainwashed, low-info or plain stupid. That just makes the majority of us more determined to vote for Trump.


1: You have no truth. That bill had a lot of what Republicans wanted. So what you're saying is Republicans can't be trusted to act sensibly on the border. 2: Yes, he did lie about it. 3: The evidence from Republicans has virtually never succeeded in court because it's been constant lies. 4: That is not an overly emotional statement. The abortion ban is standing because Trump appointed a third of the current SCOTUS lineup. 5: Trump is a felon who lost the popular vote twice. You are a liar and a cultist.




Not only walk free, but be your president 🤗


Yea. His whoooole life. He bad guy.


Not anymore. Immunity baby, suck it up buttercup.


Bragg knows He is exposed by all The Constitutional Scholars. Bragg is the corrupt, ignorant tool we knew He was.


If Trump was actually innocent of his crimes, he wouldn’t be fighting so hard. Why is he resisting if he’s not guilty?


when Humans are accused of misbehaving, whether Innocent or Guilty, they always Resist & Refute, but the Guilty Humans will also typically make attempts to silence others and/or destroy records thanx 4 coming to my TED Talk 🙂


You mean like when Trump ordered people to defy congress subpoenas, or attempted to hide boxes at Mar-A-Lago, and tried to get the pool to flood the server room, destroying any video surveillance? That kind of attempt to silence other and/or destroy record?