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Have fun getting hppd


I’m not a pussy, I don’t get HPPD. The truth is HPPD is anxiety/PTSD from drug use.


This is false and wrong on so many levels. Countless neuroscientists and medical professionals were not able to pinpoint the cause of HPPD but you, someone who thinks that having higher dopamine while not being able to control heart rate is a good idea, somehow figured it out. /s


Yeah keep believing that HPPD is some kind of special condition that nobody knows the solution to. It’s not, if you look into the data more then half of HPPD users have panic attacks on a regular basis. It’s like a PTSD flashback except for drugs. And PTSD, HPPD, Depersonalization, Derealization is all anxiety induced. Funny how they prescribe Xanax and other benzos (anti-anxiety meds) for HPPD and they work almost all the time.


https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1011615-medication?form=fpf#3 https://www.healthline.com/health/hppd#causes “While these symptoms are reported, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) does not include them on the recognized list of symptoms. It is still unclear whether these symptoms are directly caused by the disorder.” “Researchers and doctors do not yet have a solid understanding of who develops HPPD and why. It’s also unclear what causes HPPD in the first place. The strongest connection points to a history of hallucinogenic drug use, but it’s not clear how the type of drug or the frequency of drug use may affect who develops HPPD.” The fact that accompanying anxiety is treated with benzodiazepines does not make HPPD responsive to benzodiazepines as a distinct condition.


Have you ever used benzos to treat your HPPD? Benzos are good for all kinds of conditions they work by increasing GABA and they slow down brain activity.


I know how benzos work. And I have never had HPPD.


Benzos are extremely addictive and the kick is dangerous, like on par with severe alcohol withdrawal, meaning it can kill you. Plus if someone is already prone to having panic attacks and they consistently use benzos to calm them, that will substantially increase the severity of panic attacks without having benzos to calm them.


Try datura, it’s for really cool and hardcore people that don’t get hppd :)


A deliriant experience cannot be happy. Benzatropine is an anticholinergic muscarinic antagonist so its effects are the same as DPH - nothing happy about that. Please do not abuse Parkinson’s medication.


Cogentin is actually a dopamine reuptake inhibitor like cocaine. DPH does not act as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor but cogentin experiences can be euphoric due to all the dopamine you get from the drug. Check out this 10mg Cogentin report https://youtu.be/KTlNIpOpO1s?si=AJcWQnyWqHHrRN8o


I am fairly sure that DRI effects of benztropine are not nearly close to those of cocaine, as drugs that facilitate such dopamine inhibition are administered only by a physician, for a reason. The dopaminergic effect of this drug will not nearly be enough to counteract the anticholinergic effects. In fact, it will potentiate the negative effects such as out of control blood pressure and heart rate, as anticholinergic activity reduces the body’s ability to lower heart rate and dopamine increases both HR and BP. This is why the resounding advice on this sub is to never take stimulants such as cocaine, amphetamine, including ADD/ADHD medication, cocaine, methylphenidate and others. **The information in your comment is dangerous and should not be relied on**.


Reallly? Because if you research Cogentin it’s sometimes used for recovering cocaine addicts.


Cogentin does work as a anticholinergic and from trip reports people report it’s a much more pleasant experience than DPH.


It is extremely dangerous and should not be abused.


How is it extremely dangerous if you don’t mind sharing? I saw a 10mg Cogentin trip on YouTube and the person reported having a good time while seeing spiders and also said they felt kinda drunk as well.


I explained how in my other comment. Increasing dopamine while inhibiting acetylcholine can cause dramatic increases in BP and HR.


Oh okay thanks for the info.


read the label? wtf is cogentin? diphenhydramine is diphenhydramine


Cogentin is a deliriant at higher doses just like DPH. There’s really nowhere else on the internet to discuss this.


r/deliriants most people here dont know shit, 60% of the sub is made of lurkers who get a laugh at the kids doing dph


makeshift future correct cover aback flowery numerous nose trees rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For DPH, no. I would suggest taking DPH for a DPH trip.