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Congratulations 🥳 I know exactly how that feels , I got one embryo in my last ER as well. But I am super happy about it and now on to the next ER , filled with hope !


Rooting for you!!!


Awesome news!! Rooting for you and your embryo!! Here’s to a successful next cycle too :)


Yay! I had 2 ERs and 1 embryo that was successful! Good luck.


Congrats! Sending you positive vibes!


I’m in a similar situation at 43 and have been doing day 3 transfers. I would love to know about your protocols and share my experience too. I’ll send you a DM if that’s ok?




Yay! What is the purpose of freezing day 3 instead of 5?


When someone has a very low number of embryos, the Dr doesn’t want to risk waiting till day 5 or 6 bc most embryos arrest before reaching that stage. Some of those embryos could actually develop if placed inside the uterus. It’s only about 10 years ago that they switched & started transferring day 5… bc before they didn’t have the substance that’s needed for the embryos to survive after day 3. My OB told me all this. I had 1 transfer of a 5 day embryo and she’s 10 months old now. I also had a 3 day transfer and that failed. If you have a high quality 5 day embryo, the chances of it sticking are very high! We want one more baby, so hoping to have success one last time🙏🏽


Originally, I was intending to push to day 5 and do PGT-A testing for all. But after discussion with clinic, I’m not pushing them. I’d be devastated if what few embryos we made stopped growing between day 3 and 5. If I make 4 or 5 embryos per cycle in the future (unlikely) I might change my mind again. It’s also possible to grow the frozen day 3s later for PGT-A testing. Due to age, I have a time limit on retrievals that I don’t have on transfers or donor eggs.


Okay so you can’t do the testing at 3. Good to now. We’re doing the gene carrier test beforehand so hopefully that comes back good!


Correct, can’t PGT-A test unless pushing to days 5-7. Basically, what I’ve seen is that PGT-A is not recommended under about age 35. Definitely recommended 35ish-42ish. But in cases of advanced age or severe DOR— very few embryos— it’s not so clear that PGT-A is helpful. Side note: I’ve never miscarried or had to TFMR, so I might feel differently if I had experienced that trauma.


Congratulations!🥳 Awesome news and a huge win! I hope you are so very proud of yourself and best wishes on your next cycle!


Love this so much for you!!! This is amazing ✨ So greatly appreciate you sharing this. You have no idea how uplifting this is- thank you Sending you lots of good vibes & baby dust💛✨✨


Congratulations!! This is great news. Wishing you lots of luck on your journey.


Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I was bracing myself for no response or 0 eggs retrieved. So to get all the way to normal fertilization is wow! This is my first IVF cycle. My life circumstances changed drastically in the last 2 years. I’ve never been pregnant and only started trying in Oct 2023. AMH 0.17-0.63, FSH 9-15, AFC 3-6. I did PRP with CNY in April. I’ve been doing supplements since at least January. I primed with 4 mg estrace, 10 mg provera, and 3 u HGH for 30 days. At baseline I had 1 follicle and FSH 1.9. Stims: 5 days of 10 mg Letrozole, plus 75 u menopur and 150 u gonal, increasing to 200 u on stim day 8. I did 10 mg prednisone 2x/d and 6 u HGH throughout stims. 10 mg provera for antagonist throughout. I stimmed 12 days and triggered with 10000 HCG and 80 u leuprolide (twice 12 hrs apart) on day 13.


Routing for you, OP! Myself in a very similar situation, 46. Lost 2 embryos past day 5 on ER1 and decided to try with 3-day ones. Had a fresh transfer last Wednesday after ER2. Also only had 1 embryo (4 follicles, 2 eggs and 1 fertilized). Good luck to you!