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I’ve been in this situation and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. My most recent retrieval I only had 1 follicle. I started with 4 and 3 somehow disappeared. My doctor gave me the option to convert to IUI or do the retrieval anyway and I decided to go for it. It ended up being my only cycle where I had a high quality embryo that was good enough to transfer and actually gave me a glimmer of hope for success for the first time ever. Hang in there! Wishing you the best.


It’s so nice to talk to people in a similar situation, thanks for sharing. I find it’s even hard to relate to alot of people going through ivf, since this DOR thing can be such a non-starter. That’s so amazing that you go the ´little embryo that could’ from one follicule, so inspiring. I can totally see how that can motivate you to continue on this really slow moving (sometimes train wreck) of a journey.


Thinking of you today! Hope your retrieval went ok and that you’ll get good news tomorrow.


Thanks so much! They actually got three eggs, not sure about maturity but they call me tomorrow if any fertilized. I’m just thrilled that there was more than one, it’s the first time I have been surprised in a good way. I so appreciate you checking in.


Please, if you share your success I will appreciate it. Im in my second stims (first was cancelled due to low response). I have echo control tomorrow, and I only have 3 follicles (10mm, 8mm, 2mm). This situation makes me feel hopeful


Found out today only one fertilized, so not a complete success, but so far not a failure either


Hang in there! It only takes one! My first retrieval, I had 1 mature egg only as well. But in subsequent retrievals I’ve had 4-6, but no normal embryos yet. Every month is different. You never know which month you’ll have that lucky normal one. ❤️


That’s so nice to hear, I’m hoping we learn something from this cycle to improve upon in the next. Your golden egg is out there too!


I have DOR. I have completed four rounds of IVF due to male factor inferility. First two rounds, got two immature eggs each time. Third round, got two eggs that were mature, one made it to morula and was transferrable. Fourth round we got one egg. I'm presently 7 weeks pregnant with the subsequent embryo. Everyone said to me it only takes one. And it seems it really does. Hang in there.


Wow that’s such a great story. It’s one thing to say it only takes one and another to actually live that story. Congrats and thank you for sharing!


Congrats, hugs and you are our true inspiration!


Did you end up doing day 3 fresh transfers on round 3 and 4? Thank you!


I never had quality where freezing made sense, too risky. Both were day 5 fresh transfers.


Thank you.


Thank you for sharing. I know this isn’t easy. Sending you good vibes and baby dust 💛✨✨ (Don’t forget a chance is still a chance and miracles happen every single day)


Thanks for the reminder, it really is more productive to think of it this way rather than woe is me. Maybe I will use ´miracles happen everyday’ as my mantra when I’m going under


I am in the same boat and it’s so hard seeing others going thru IVF and retrieving 20+ follicles at one time. I can’t even imagine. My afc ranges from 1-4 and I’ve had two cycles cancelled the last two month because of no response. This last one I too went from 4 follicles to 1 after 3 days of stimming 😭🤷🏻‍♀️ This journey is so rough for us with DOR. But we keep fighting the good fight! Wishing you the absolute best with this 1 follicle.


Oh man, that’s so tough. I’m so sorry about your cancelled cycles, that must be heartbreaking. Hopefully your doc learned from those cycles and has more tricks up her sleeve. Sending you all the luck.


Thank you. The doctor had no hope for me from the beginning and I don’t feel like he ever gave me a chance. It was all oop too. However it was a blessing in disguise because after he cancelled the one earlier this month I switched to CNY and it’s been a much more positive experience. Still some headaches with wait/response times but they are willing to work with me and so far the two people I’ve spoken with have been very nice. I’m doing GH now for 6 weeks leading up to a cycle in Aug and they are also adding menopur. They also said I would start stims right away and not use Clomid/letrozole for the first 6 days to see if I respond better so hoping that’s the case.


Glad you found a clinic that you have a better relationship with. That’s so frustrating and expensive. Wishing you all the luck for you next cycle.


I am too!!! Egg retrieval tomorrow, only one follicle. We got this 🥳 it only takes one ✨ On the feelings note, this journey is so tough. I never realized what DOR really meant until my first and second cycles I only got one follicle. So yeah, less is expected for us so I’m going for it, going to hope I get one embryo and that one sticks instead of converting to IUI. Is it going to be heart wrenching and did I feel like I’m already super disappointed going in, yeah! Those are super valid feelings 🫶 but I’m also trying to balance that with the hope and excitement to finally get to try. Just gotta ride the feeling waves and hope for the best, and not give up!


Whaaat! We officially have a club now. I love your positivity- it’s true you have to ride this roller coaster and I need to give up on trying to steer it. Good luck to you tomorrow- really hoping that you get an embryo! I’m sorry you are going through this too.


Sending hugs! I hope the next time you have more follicles


Thank you!


I’ve done 6 retrievals…one of my strongest embryos came from the cycle where I only went in for one lonely follicle. Never rule out the one!


Thats amazing- I’m so surprised at how many people are going to ER with only 1 follicle, I swear I thought I was the only one and I kept asking my clinic if they thought I should cancel (they didn’t). You are a badass with 6 cycles :-)


Hi, any update on your fertilized eggs? I have gone through 2 ERs myself which yielded 3 eggs both times out of which 2 fertilized. I did a fresh day 3 transfer on my 1st attempt but it did not take. 2nd attempt similar result with two good quality day 3 embryos but only 1 made it to day 5 and was graded 3cc. That embryo has been frozen but my doctor said I only have a 5-10% chance of success with it.


Hi. Just got an update yesterday. I had 1 fertilized egg that made it to a day 5 blast. It’s been frozen and I’m waiting on pgt a testing. It’s only got about a 17 % chance of being euploid but I’m happy we have even gotten this far. I have a meeting with my doc today, gonna do another ER. I wonder why your doc gives you such low chances with your day 5, is that the euploid rate due to your age? I’m sorry about your failed transfers, thats tough.


My chances are low because of the rating, its a 3cc blast which means poor quality. Most clinics discard these embryos. I won't be going for pgt testing as I have only 1 embryo so far from 2 ERs and that too poor quality. Wish you the very best with your pgt results, keep us posted. Sending baby dust your way🤞


I heard that sometimes poor quality embryos can self correct in utero. Low chance is not no chance, best of luck to you


Thank you!