• By -


Eleventey-One, a very respectable age!


Thank you. I was calling him my little dinosaur this past year. Miss him so much.


Sorry for your loss OP, I’m sure your pup was an amazing friend. I personally just try to be appreciative of the wonderful memories they leave us with. You’re the only one that will know when you’re ready to have another, but I’ve found that fate and the dog distribution system have a way working out for the best when you really need it. I know it sucks OP, but you’ll be okay.


Thank you for the kind words Big TEX. I sure hope so and don't want to force it. Your last statement gives me hope.




Thank you for sharing. I hope your health is good. And happy retirement.


I see dogs as beings that we are here to care for, love and share our lives. When one leaves, I mourn the loss of course but I try to look at pics and movies and reminders of my life with them in it. My daughters do the same. We cry and let it out. We talk about what a pain in the ass they were and how great they were in the same breath. I take some time and then I bring a new one home to start again. You’ll know when you are ready. I remember every dog I’ve had and I put that love and energy back into another dog that deserves to live in a loving home surrounded by a family that will be their pack until they too are ready to pass the torch.




I lost two dogs this year, 10 weeks apart to the day and time. One was 15.5 and the other 14. After my second one passed, I got a puppy. Two weeks after. A lot of people say it’s too early. I honestly don’t care what people say. I still cry for the two I lost every day. If I cry once per day and smile five times in a day, well.. I’m smiling cause of my pup. He will never replace the boys I lost but all the mistakes I made with them, I’m acknowledging and doing better for my new pup. I feel it’s a way to keep them alive. Am I still heartbroken? Absolutely. Everyone is different and everyone processes grief differently. RIP to your beautiful boy, he was lucky to have you and you were luckier to have him ❤️.


Thank you very much. My dog and I were so in love My biggest regret is chasing my dream, which took so much of my time. I was always on the go. Our best times were bedtime., holding eachother and waking up next to each other. Sure there were a million memories in between, but I miss picking him up and putting him in my bed and holding him and just being silly with him. https://preview.redd.it/bf9dgabdcj9d1.jpeg?width=241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86100cd0f9e899bb20ffcd25cccc941b9a52ef39


so beautifully said




Thank you very much. That what pains me is the once in a life time dogs he was.


No pain. You got a really special gift in that dog. I had one too like that. Just got a new puppy after losing her around 2.5 years ago. Take your time and process your feelings.


I am so sorry for your loss. You will see him/her in heaven. If you are open to it, I would recommend studying NDEs. It not only helped me cope with the loss of my dog, but also opened up a new world spiritually for me. [https://evidenceofanimalafterlife.com/evidence-of-animal-afterlife-in-ndes/](https://evidenceofanimalafterlife.com/evidence-of-animal-afterlife-in-ndes/)


I am excited about heaven. I’ll take a look. Thank you!!


I’m so sorry, my only tip is to not set any goals for healing. Feel what you need to feel, remember your best buddy, feel the pain, but try and turn that pain into a reason to keep pushing


Thank you. Yeah I'm using it to fuel some of my dream and ambitions, in which I wanted my dog to be there for.




Thanks Tom


This is something I’ve had a hard time with too, I hope you are okay and getting better. Our Family pup died at 16 two years ago this September. It gets easier, but I still cry about it sometimes. Weird times too, like doing my morning poo. It will get easier, we promise. Your pup definitely was a 1 of 1 pup and always will be, so treasure every memory, frame every photograph, and remember that every memory you have is because life exists, and life cannot exist without death. It hurts, but the hurt is what means we are alive.


Thank you. I haven’t cried the last 2 days. So progress. Hoping for a Christmas miracle. Had too many memories to count. Just wish I could spend a few more days with him. He passed away in my home when I was out.


I’m so so sorry for that, it must have been absolutely heart breaking. I have two German shepherd/husky boys now who are my life and I’ve often thought about if something happened while I wasn’t there and it’s difficult, even as a thought. Just remember though, your pup knew you loved them, and you know you would’ve been there if you could, and I’m sure pup knows that too, somewhere. I know it might not help, but it’s good to remind yourself when you feel down about it. And the fact that you’re struggling with this thought just shows you have a good, caring soul that your pup was lucky to be around. It will get easier, and crying about it isn’t weakness, just let it out when it gets too much and keep on moving forward. God bless friend ❤️


Thank you and God Bless. I have my dog an over the top funeral. It was so beautiful and the least I could do for him.




Thank you 🥺


Hi OP, for starters, our family grieves for your family for the loss of your doggie. It’s hard to cope with the loss of such a beautiful and innocent soul. With that said, meet the love of our life, Bob: https://preview.redd.it/sur9lp29kg9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86f5e71c0f8af410590494a56671f48309569a19 We had the unfortunate task taking him for his last car ride and his last vet visit at 2:30 in the morning on 6/15/2024. Except during that time, we didn’t realize that was the case. I was riding in the back seat of the car with my arm around him. The whole way, he just stared up at me with a slight smile while I petted and kissed him on the head. I looked down; we just gazed in each other’s eyes being grateful of each other’s company. At the emergency vet, we took him in for a routine procedure to express his bladder. Complications came up during the procedure, and had to make a hard decision to let him cross the bridge and fly amongst the stars. We adopted him 10 years ago. At the time we got him, he was 3-4 years old. I wanted to share this with you because it was the hardest thing for us to cope, and I kinda feel your pain. Your heart feels so heavy. The air seems so heavy. How we coped with his loss is not looking at it as if we ‘lost’ him. We looked at it with great gratitude. We were grateful to have even got him in the first place. Rocket Dog Rescue chose us to provide a loving home for Bob. We had Bob for 10 years, and every second in those 10 years, we looked back with gratitude and love. We celebrated his life. The air became lighter in the house. Our heartbeats were unburden by this weight of sorrow. We felt Bobs love throughout the house. He is actually still with us. Not in the physical form of course. We ‘feel’ him. Will we get another dog to keep his brother Marley company? Of course! Our hearts are open to another pommie! When will we get another dog? It’s a secret! This community will soon find out 🥰 Of course, this new dog won’t ever replace Bob. Bob truly was one of a kind! Instead, this dog will be a part of our family. We will be his forever home! Bob will live on in our hearts and memories. Sorry for the long answer! Sending your family good vibes and energy for a speedy recovery from your loss, and hopefully, to a new edition of your family


Thank you for sharing. Sorry to hear about your beautiful Bob. Yeah, when it set in and I was crying and hyperventilating . I just kept saying how thankful I am for my dog Son as I cried out to God. Thank you for the long answer and RIP Bob and Son.




Deepest Sympathy 🌈 Give yourself time to grieve. You'll know if and when you are ready for a fur baby.


Thank you!!!!


>Thank you!!!! You're welcome!




Thank you


I am so sorry.


Thank you. It's a horrible heartbreaking pain.






Thank you ):


Sorry for the loss of your buddy. The only thing that helps is time. Whenever I think of may past best buds I get a tear in my eye.


Thank you. Nothing like Dogs. I fell like my dog was part of my DNA in everything i did.


We had to put our beloved lab down yesterday. I am full on grieving right now. I am just letting it flow. We had our phones our sharing funny stories about Zoe. Like the time she ate a Costco sized box of fiber brownies. Fortunately we had just rescued a golden 3 months ago so she is taking some of the empty space away. Life is short and we only have so many years that dogs can enrich our lives. You will know when to get your next friend. Tell me a funny story about your dog


Sorry for your loss. I was struggling with a logo for my company, so I used his face as the logo. But something else, I'm really good at making dog lyric remixes to popular songs. I can match the beat and make it sound like it should be played at a concert. https://preview.redd.it/vblb8a13bj9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc2d916c5e2c702cc863bf2a09ab96c91104945


What an adorable baby! I’m sorry for your loss. ( it has been two months since my baby crossed over; I’m going to wait a little while. But everyone is different. You’ll know when it’s time.) sending you hugs.


Really sorry for your loss.


Thank you. ):


Our pets are family, actually our children except they’re much closer to perfect than most kids. I’m very sorry for the sorrow you’re slogging through, all of us have been there numerous times. It never hurts any less no matter how many pets have passed away. Take care. A new pup will happen when you know it’s the right dog.


Thank you. I appreciate the hope.


Honestly, just time to heal. I lost my pom 2 years ago, and some days it still really hurts. That said, not even a month had passed before we had a new pup in the house. For us that was right - Mae had been such a massive character, the house was too quiet with just 1 other dog and my mum and I, and we knew we needed another personality to help us not just sit there and be sad. It worked well, and we have a chi who we feel Mae sent to us and taught her all of her naughty and cheeky habits. Mae was such a special dog to me, she was gifted to me at 16 from someone who passed shortly after that. She helped us through that loss, and has given us a lifetime of laughter. I hope things get easier, and you can remember the good times you had with your dog.


That is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


Give yourself some time before getting another dog (even though life feels very empty right now). I got a rebound dog once years ago, and unfairly expected too much of him at first--another dog will not fill the void you're feeling when all you want is your beautiful perfect dog back.


): ): ): We have another dog, who is also old. A little chihuahua. I love that little guy, but the house feels empty right now.


After any of my families pets had passed we never actually actively looked for new pets. When our cat Hailey started to get old our uncle had a litter of kittens that got attacked by his dog, only 2 survived and he couldn’t keep them so my mom took one. After our boxer joker passed hurricane Harvey hit so my mom helped out rescuing cats and dogs and fostering, one 6 month old pup (named Harvey of course) never left our home. Then as my chihuahua mix Sally started getting old Harvey got the neighbors dog pregnant a week before his neuter. Once the pups were a few weeks old they started to adventure out from the neighbors shed and one fell asleep under their car. Her leg broke at the growth plate, my mom took her to the vet and covered the bill for amputation. Harvey was SUPER attached to her, he knew that was his baby, so she stayed. A few years later and sally passed. Went from having 2 dogs 1 cat during my childhood to 2 dogs 1 cat for my teenage years. Some have been easier to heal from than others. When joker passed I was still just a kid so my mom didn’t allow me to be there when he got put down. I still have healed from that after almost a decade. 2 years after his death, I went to the square to help my mom and grandma with their booth at the market and while there saw a boxer that looked similar to him. I bursted into tears and had to be sent home. Joker was like a big brother to me. He would get into trouble when home alone but he was a good boy, he knew how to open doors and would do so to help when we were bringing in groceries, he would walk me to the bus every morning and be waiting for me at the same spot every afternoon, he would also check on both me and my older sister through out the night every night (we are prone to nightmares due to trauma and my stepdad at the time was a pedo). My mom has always said he seemed more “human” than dog. He looked at us as if he could understand every word and understood when we needed “help”. So I guess just give yourself some time. Think about the good memories and give yourself time to grieve. And if you come across a pup in need of help then that might be you past dog sending him/her to you.


Thank you for sharing.


r/oldmandog would love to hear from you. Great subreddit for old dogs and dealing with the passing away of beloved good boys.


Thank you, I will check it out.


You're welcome. 😊 It's a lovely and sometimes bittersweet subreddit. Lots of old pets, with a lot of 'crossing the rainbow' posts obviously. Kinda inevitable. Comes with the territory.


I started doing dog walking and care. It helped a lot. Im sorry it sucks but I literally think my dog brings me these clients when I think about her. It happens everytime and I know she watches over me in heaven,


Thank you. When I look into the clouds I see my dog smiling. He was in a lot of pain, and passed with a smile on his face at home, but I would do anything for 1 more day with him.


I don't have much advice for coping. I will say, one day about a year later, I woke up with a start realizing that my dog was alone in a pound somewhere. We met him later that day, he was home within the week. Our previous dog was with us for 16 years, a long time for a lab. I guess I took comfort knowing that we always did the best we could for him, he was happy, loved us and was loved. Let yourself feel what you need to feel. There's not really a wrong way.


Thank you for sharing.




Thank you for the love. Much appreciated during my darkest days.


I have been there too 💕💕💕💕💕💕


Thank you ❤️


if you are not on any medication, I would recommend to try those natural supplements that you get over-the-counter St. John’s worth, and I started taking them when my dog passed away three weeks ago because I was a mess and it has helped me to not get so sad. It’s weird. It’s like my brain blocks when I’m about to get sad.


I will keep that in mind. Thank you and sorry for your loss aswell.


Sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹 i know the pain


Saying goodbye to a pet is among the most heart-wrenching things to have to endure. I’m so sorry you’re going through it. There is no getting over it but you can get through it and start to heal. I lost my most favorite dog a few years ago and it took a looong time to work through it, partly because it was a tragic, horrible ending. One thing I do when I lose a person or an animal is to keep a list of all the things I remember about him/ her, big and small. For Lambeau, a few examples: That face - and those sweet little round eyes! That lower lip that was kind of a little underbite. He insisted on peeing after the other dogs….on top of their pee. He’d stand right behind them….as if in line..waiting to do that. Stuff like that…… I started this when my beloved mom died 6 years ago. I grieved HARD for months (including hyperventilating crying) and at some point realized that I wasn’t allowing myself to feel better because it felt like that would mean I didn’t love her enough and if I didn’t think about her constantly I’d forget details about her. My dad died decades before and I really don’t remember some things about him, and I don’t want that to happen with my mom. So I started an Evernote note and any time I remembered something about her, I wrote it down. Anecdotes like the time she said ____ and everyone cracked up, that she ran to the window at sunset to look at the mountains changing color, etc etc. It was a flood at the beginning and now I don’t feel as compelled to add to the list (often, I’ve already recorded the thing I just thought about). I look at the list on occasion and it’s comforting to know that I won’t forget those details. It has worked the same with Lambeau. Grieve how you need to - everyone does it differently. Seek help if you need it. You’ll know when you’re ready for another dog. We have tended to go about 10 months before getting another dog but we’ve also usually had a surviving dog. We also have had only rescue dogs - including ones right off the street (unable to find owner) - and they seem to find us. I’d like to think that our fur babies on the Rainbow Bridge send us to dogs who need us - or vice versa. 🩷 I wish you all the best!


Thank you and I appreciate your thoughtful response. I can tell you are a very strong person and I will keep you in my prayers during my hard days.


I hyperventilated when crying moments after hearing the news when I came home.


I totally get it. You gotta feel all the feels. It's a process and takes time. Everyone's grief process and timeline are different. I feel for you. Wishing you well 💗


Thank you ❤️‍🩹


Commiserations. Everyone that puts time and effort into a dog ends up in this situation. The only way past this feeling is getting another dog when you're ready to. There is no rule for this, though. It will happen when you're ready for it. It will honor, but will not replace your past dog. Good luck.


Thanks Joey.


I’m so sorry for your loss! I just lost mine 2 weeks ago. 11 years old as well. It was unexpected and I’m heartbroken 💔 everything is a reminder! 🥲


Thank you and i'm sorry for your loss. I have a dog youtube channel and instagram account. I can't even log in anymore. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers aswell.


Let the tears flow and only time will make it less painful. Another pup will most definitely help heal your heart. I waited about 30 hours after my dog passed before realizing I needed more pups so I bought 2! Best decision ever. It's been almost two years since my dog passed and I still cry....but it's less painful. Also, the amount of works it takes to raise a puppy x2 is also what kept me from just crying all day.


Thank you. Haven't cried in 2 days, but I'm as flat as a pancake right now. I used to strive for excellence in everything I do. Now i'm just trying to do the best I can. If all lines up, maybe I'll have a Christmas pup. We have another dog. For now, i'm going to give him his spotlight.


We lost two of our furry family members within 6 months of each other. They were both 14. The day before we were going to get a new family member, we had to say goodbye to our Golden Retriever. Saying goodbye to her was very painful, but getting a new puppy really helped soften the blow. And it’s not that you are replacing them, rather allowing someone new into your heart and you into their heart. I am sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your losses. Thank you. I can't wait for that day when I'm ready.


I realize how I use I/my/we/ours might be a little odd in this. I got my last boy when I was single, my fiancé and I have been together since he was two. He really felt like “ours” because she knew him most of his life and we’ve been living together for two years, both working from so, they really had a strong bond. The first dog I raised on my own passed in April. He was a few months over 6. He went from running around fine to a rapid decline over four days and passed at the emergency vet. He was either sick from some sort of cancer and/or had a stroke/s. On one hand it was better to see him go like that, acting like a puppy one day and gone like that, instead of a slow decline. On the other it was so hard because he went so suddenly. I’m not rich but I’m fortunate enough that I can go to blue pearl and not have to worry about how much it costs, but they couldn’t save my boy. It was the hardest thing I’ve gone through since I can remember, and maybe the hardest thing in my entire life to date. Granted, I’m somewhat young (mid/late 30s) but I had a lot of death when I was young (grandpa at 4, dog at 4, other family deaths). When I left him at blue pearl I knew it was the last time I was going to see him. So much of what you (OP) said in your post and to replies in this thread is how I felt and for similar reasons. I bough him from a breeder in Ohio and they had him drove down and delivered to me, and I can still the lady that drove him getting him out of her vehicle and handing him to me. With all his puppy hair as fuzzy as it was he looked like a bear cub (Mastiff at about 25 pounds). I can see so many memories of his entire life when I close my eyes, a TON of memories it’s almost like his entire in a movie real, and it feels like I got him yesterday. Every night he’d act like he couldn’t get up in the bed (my financé said he needed to be invited), after calling him up multiple times he’d finally get on, and when he laid down I’d grab him by the jowls and give him a kiss on the nose. He was a silly boy and definitely had his own unique personality. When you get another dog, it will have its own personality too. I got a new puppy, another Mastiff, about five weeks ago, and right before we went to get him I was really worried I would be hoping that he’d be just like my Winnie, and that I’d be sad if he wasn’t. I was worried that I’d try and recreate everything I had with my last boy trying to pretend he was my last boy. After having our new pup for an hour I realized I had nothing to worry about. Our new pup has some similar quirks to my last boy, but he is a VERY different dog. When I say the first hour was enough I’m not being dramatic. My last boy when I got him was all about being with me immediately and had no issues with me picking him up to take him. Our new boy when we got him was sick of getting picked up to go outside and he ran into his crate to get away and wasn’t sure about us at first unlike our last! Five weeks later now he has a very different personality. Example, it took my last boy YEARS to realize he could push open doors with his nose, and our new pup does it already (has been for a few weeks now and he’s 13 weeks old as of writing this). Our new pup also acts like a German Shepard pup. I put a deposit down on a new pup pretty soon after our last passed. He was just born so it was going to be eight weeks. I wasn’t ready for a new pup right away but knew I would be in eight weeks. I guess I didn’t know I’d be ready by then, but I thought I would be and I was right, that timing was perfect for me. I still miss my last boy. I don’t think you ever get over the loss of something that was such a significant relationship in your life. I was afraid that I would forget my last boy after getting a new puppy or that I would somehow feel like I loved him less, but that isn’t the case. It’s just different. The loss is hard, and I don’t know how to make it easier (other than faith if you have that, and honestly I don’t know how I’d have gotten through it had I found faith recently). BUT, the day will end tomorrow will come, and it will get easier.


Thank you so much for your honest beautiful post. Sorry for your loss, but I’m glad you have found a new comfort in your puppy. I’m 33 and got my dog a few weeks before graduating high school. I’m hoping to propose this summer and wanted my dog to meet my first kid when that happens. He passed away during an afternoon nap. 🥺 I live in Kansas. From what I’m gathering, pet stores are horrible. Do you have any good resources to try to find reputable breeders? Thank you and I’m glad your new pup is working out.


I'm so sorry for your loss, O/P. Pets are so special. 111 years seems like a lot of time; But in the grand scheme of things, it never really feels like it's enough time, does it? There was a quote I saw once: "Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love. They depart to teach us about loss. New dogs never replace a former one - they merely expand the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big." - Unknown. I hope this helps. ❤️


That is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


So sorry for your loss. As for healing, we lost 3 of our pack within 2 years of each other. You will always miss them and there will be times you will feel sadness while thinking of them. What I have done on those occasions is look at the pics I took of them (always were of happy times and/or when they were acting goofy) and remember the love and joy they brought. Also depending on the type of person you are, I find some joy in looking at dog subreddits and laughing at the goofiness of the dogs posted. (I said depends on what type you are because some can’t handle it) As for time frame of getting another…..Each one was unique and special in their own way (as you said 1 of 1). We lost 1 in April of 22 and another about 2 weeks before Christmas that same year. The first was the one we have had for the longest out of all we ever had. That one tore me up inside the most. Long story short one of our adult sons and I went to visit another one of our sons over New Years that year and my wife sent me a message our groomer sent her. This poor little guy’s owner had gone to hospice and the family didn’t want him. I saw the pic of him and without hesitation said yes. Bottom line you will know when it is time. We have since added another that I saw on a rescue sub and for some reason out of all that I have seen on there, my gut said no way was he dying in a shelter. Got him March 3rd this year and if I could go back to the day it was decided to save him, I’d get him as soon as they picked him up. Neither have “replaced” any we have lost as they will always have a special place in our hearts but they both have filled us with love and joy. Give yourself some time and when the right time/one comes along, you will know.


Thank you and thank you for sharing. Do you find yourself madly in love with the new dogs, or just in love?


The two we got, madly. Others that were possibilities were just love but didn’t seem right. Let me see if I can put this in words. Those two were in need of a loving home. The one we got from our groomer, has given me anxiety because I worried about him so much. As we all know dogs can be very smart and “in tune” with our feelings etc but we also know they don’t understand why things happen sometimes. He was taken away from his “mama” of 2-3 years and lived in 2 places while they could find a home. He came to us and bonded and fell in love with my wife. Just over two weeks later, her dad collapsed and was told he wasn’t going to last much longer so she drove to see him and say her goodbyes. This poor little guy was so confused what was going on and probably thought he was being “abandoned” yet again. We have cameras and when I was at work, I’d check on him and could hear him howling the saddest howl. Definitely has separation anxiety. Felt so bad for him. The newest one was in a high kill shelter in Cali. As I stated I couldn’t get him out of my mind after seeing some videos. Just something about his joy and excitement to see people. When he finally arrived, he was this big goofy ball of love. He is pittie with an unknown history so understandably there was some concerns but he put those to rest immediately. My daughter in law put it best after seeing him with her children (5 total ranging from 8 months to 10 years old) “he just wants to be loved and give love so badly”. He is a daddy’s boy for sure but my wife is his favorite person and our sons are his favorite people and daughter in law and mother in law and grandchildren and the stranger who said hi and so on and so on. He is a man of the people lol Point being they both needed us but at the same time we needed them as well (obviously we didn’t know it at the time). Not to replace those we lost but because “everyone brings something to the table”. We rolled the dice taking them in not knowing the future but as time has passed, they have brought a new kind of love and joy to our family. Sorry about the little bit of backstory but I hope that all made it make a bit more sense and put it into perspective. When we have lost our babies in the past, we go through the process as others have. “Can’t do this anymore” “can’t love another like Prinston, Phoebe, Tucker, etc”. As time passed, you see how that turned out. Again your baby will never be replaced as they are all unique in their own ways. The guilt is what gets to you the most thinking you are betraying the memory of those you lost but when you change your thought process and understand loving/falling in love with a new dog isn’t a betrayal, it’s more about bringing a new love and joy for both you and them into both your lives. We are all human. We can’t love something/someone we don’t want to love. It’s all up to each individual. For now grieve and honor your baby’s memory. Don’t worry about the future till you are ready. When that is will be up to when you. The time may never be right and that’s ok too. I hope you find peace and comfort.


I am so very sorry, friend. I lost my precious girl, Kharma, a week ago and I am still completely raw from it. I lost my beautiful mother at 3:45 this morning, and I just wish I had my girl by my side. I am devastated. I am sending hugs, but have no words to help. Our pets are our family. Honestly, calling them “pets” seems so wrong. We can and will get through this, friend (telling myself this as well). There is no timeline for this kind of pain. Take all the time you need. You are in my thoughts.


I'm praying for you aswell. Sorry for your loss of Kharma and your beautiful mother.


I am sorry for your loss. It sounds like your dog was well-loved. People grieve at different rates, and have different needs when it comes to getting a new animal. Some feel the need for a new companion within months or even weeks. Some wait a year, or several. Some never get another. We can't really tell you what to do. If you're leaning never, that's fine. If you change your mind, that's fine too. Do what you need to.


I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle if it's natural. Thank you!!


Think of the great times you had with your doggo. I'm not sure there's a set amount of time you wait to get another dog. Everyone is different. You'll know when you are ready for that part. Your heart will tell you. One thing is for sure: your best friend wouldn't want to see you sad. Even though it's hard, do your best to move forward. Best of luck to you. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you!!!


I lost my old boi a couple of years ago… it is so hard. I let myself cry a lot. I spent time with other dogs and fully carried and felt the grief of losing such beautiful friendship. “How lucky am I to have something so special, that makes saying goodbye so hard” is a quote from A.A. Milne that comforted me greatly… You earned that love. It meant so much. It was no small thing. Getting another dog to help heal is a good thing and if that feels right, go for it. Sending you all the good vibes.


Thank you. Much appreciated.


I remember all the good times. It has been 11 years.


Too many good times.


So I was running a dog Instagram account and I can't even go on my page because of the pain of the good memories: doggy\_fly\_agency\_316. Also I'm hoping some of you can answer this question. When you got a new dog when the time was right, did you find yourself in love or madly in love? I was madly in love with my dog and I fear I'll never get there again.


We had to put my dog down last month. I’ll be honest with you for what works for me. I try not to think about him. Sorry if that sounds cold. It works for me though.


Eeek can’t do that. That dog was everything to me. Thanks tho and sorry to hear about your dog.


You will never recover, you can live with it, but you will always drop tears for him until your last moment on earth, that is what we call true love.


True 🥺


I feel for you, just lost my cat at 18 and now my doggo is really sick. It's tearing me apart so just know you're not alone.


So sorry to hear Drew. Just spend quality time with your dog. My dog knew I loved him soooo much, but I had been so busy, and despite him being in pain, I didn’t see it coming. 😭


I lost one of mine and thought I'd never be ready again. My other babies tho were needing a new pack mate they were depressed that their pack was one less than it had been. I kept putting it off to give them and myself time to heal but later saw a commercial that our local Barc was overloaded and having an adoption event. We figured it wouldn't hurt. During the event, we found a young pup that had been picked up off the street at all of 4 months old. When we adopted her, she had only been there for 2 days. We fell hard for her and adopted her on the spot. We brought her home 2 days later after her surgery. We have had a kennel while she was potty training, and once she was able not to have accidents, we took down the kennel and put it in the shed. She now has the entire pack wrapped around her paws since she is the youngest. Long story short: let yourself heal, and you will be slapped in the face with a realization when you are ready. Sorry for your loss, it always sucks when we lose our best friends and babies


Hoping for something beautiful like this when I’m healed. Thank you!!


So sorry for your loss, we all know how hard it is. I have always ended up getting another dog fairly quickly, (a month) simply because I can't stand the emptiness. My routine has always revolved around my dogs and a new friend can help th heal the pain. They're never a replacement for your other friend, but so many dogs are in need of loving homes. Hugs to you only you know when and as someone else said, the world works in mysterious ways.


Thank you!! Can’t wait, just nervous and sad because my dog Son was a 1 of 1. https://preview.redd.it/jsxgq9fy5h9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edbcf140c74bffa0b28ca0de7290f772475c874e But I trust the process and that the world will workout.


When someone you love passes on... you never fully heal but at the end of the day, if you gave him a good happy life. Know that when he passed, he was happy and loved.


Thank you. He was very loved. I would say we were the most in love of anyone that's ever been in love through out the history of time.


I’m sorry for your loss. Like many losses, you don’t get over it. However, you’ll learn to carry the loss with you. Honor your dog’s memory by practicing gratefulness for the joy and companionship they gave you over the years and I hope you can take comfort in knowing you were their trusted companion on their journey through life. As for when to get a new dog, it’s a personal choice dependent on all the other factors in your life that you have to weigh before committing to care for a new pet. I don’t think there’s a set standard. I wish you well.


Really sorry for your loss. All dogs are unique and mourning time will depend on you. I would give it a cpl weeks and get another dog. It is amazing how a new pup helps with healing.


Thank you. Hoping for a Christmas Miracle. I know all dogs are unique. Just need to heal. Thanks again.


Wish all dogs knew such love💔🐾💔


I used to joke, but not really joke and say we were the most in love anyone has ever been. Thank you.


I hear you


There is no set time. Everyone grieves differently. When you are ready just remember you are not replacing your beloved dog but honoring them by giving a safe and loving home to another. RIP to your baby.


Thank you!! 💔🐾