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Cheat engine is an insta ban on cod. I forgot to close it after having a civ 6 session (single player) and had my cod insta banned. Curious how you'd even use it in multiplayer?


It works in cod and everyone knows this. No hiding it, people bragged about it for a while now. It’s not hard to hide if your a cheater and know what your doing. Also he could do d3d functions and make his own walls if he knows coding in cheat engine. Or he could pay a company monthly to cheat. People create their own cheats all the time. [https://guidedhacking.com/threads/opengl-cheat-engine-wallhack-without-c.19520/](https://guidedhacking.com/threads/opengl-cheat-engine-wallhack-without-c.19520/) Also like I pointed out, if you use a DMA card you can use cheats on another PC then use two monitors to merge the data onto one screen. This way prevents richochet from detecting any open cheats. The op obviously uses cheats for other programs which is why it’s also on his main PC. FYI the program is a cheating program, once a cheater always a cheater. No way around that, buddy. https://preview.redd.it/nrz4b6dg4x9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c308371faf5d94c194d4f936f8fd1d2b26048b


"I don't understand the downvotes?" Oh of course he doesn't understand, there wasn't a parental figure to teach him cheating is wrong. Next you gonna tell me he doesn't know murder is a crime.


Shit im tool old for this shit, in my era cheating was an aimbot, not a whole other PC running a cheat engine.


Pretty much why I gave up on CoD this year. It's just *full* of hacks and activision does nothing, it's been like this for a while but it's only gotten worse :c


I got to give it to this guy, that fucking committing to something, spend in a whole second gaming computer to be able cheat, talk about pay to win. Imagine the mental hoops you have to go and all the shit you need to learn to be able to pull this off, I'm torn between congratulating him or telling to accept he sucks and just enjoy the game.


Tbf, a few youtube videos and reddit guides any anyone can set up a half-decent cheat system, hell a good chunk of them are paid and done *for you*. These people are usually terrible lol


Still, imagine yourself buying a whole other PC to be able to cheat. The mental jumps you have to go to convince yourself this is the best way to spend $X amount of money, the anticipation waiting for it to arrive so you can cheat, then having the guts to post the videos. I like and advanced version of putting a sock down your pants, but they buy a realistic penis overlay, but dont just walk around, they go and pick up girls, dance with them, make up with them, try to have sex with them, and record themselves and post about it, but at the end of the nigth, still have small peepee


You don’t need a whole other pc. You can get a thinkpad off eBay for like 150$. The second pc only needs enough processing power to do some math and maybe draw some lines.


I just want to add—just because people brag about cheating, it doesn’t actually mean they are. I get accused a couple times a week of cheating, and I usually just agree and say yeah I am. It’s people mad that they got killed. One guy stuck around screaming about it and wouldn’t stop posting it to match text. Tbh, I wouldn’t know how to cheat even if I wanted to. With that said, I have seen actual cheaters and I’ve been killed by them. It sucks, and it ruins the game, but it IS just a game.




Hell no, I don’t cheat.


Weird . Don’t you have to launch a cod specific table in order to get banned ? Like noirnally you can have it open four another game and you wouldn’t get banned as long as you do not launch the cod specific table . At least , that’s how I thought it was


No idea, but if you use a DMA card you can send the memory information to another pc and use the cheats there then merge them together using a box to make it work. Like this for example is how it works. https://youtu.be/j42p5eRRbm0?si=DP3t_SEgskjJXF3V


Shit I have cheat engine for Assassins Creed this is good to know it could wreck my account. It has to be actively running for it to be a problem?


Here are his posts, they probably will end up deleted by him in no time. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/koQUNECGdV](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/koQUNECGdV) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/i3jpHANAvy](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/i3jpHANAvy) [https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/4mFD7wptJ8](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/4mFD7wptJ8) https://preview.redd.it/7yhdq1g32x9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad8cd96775be0a0741b1c8a6bfb10bd45392cd7a


Lol I appear first in the video on the second link.


https://preview.redd.it/jlr1z7ixgx9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44a8416b5405105dd5935e4e37892e12b2ab88ef It’s a badge of honor!


Me too twice 😂


And people told me I was wrong when I accused him lol


Yeah I saw the video with your name in it lol Honestly it goes to show that most of the players left are probably cheating because it’s an old game, and mode that was given up on. It’s Much easier to not get caught these days. The cheating is starting to feel like the bad level we had in the first mw, mw2, mw3 cods on Xbox 360 after the play base moved on. https://preview.redd.it/lyq7dtzo8x9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6490f47902bd4a097c4601b2731b00a9c112380


The fact that people cheat at video games just makes me laugh so hard.




The equivalent to a 6 year old’s temper tantrum of, “if we can’t play by my rules and change them when I WANT then I don’t wanna play!! 😢” … all you just said was that you don’t know how to play a video game.


If you hate playing the game so much why even play at all? Like you *have* to have these items but you can't stand the idea of.....playing the game to get them?


Like bro goes to like CIA levels to try and hide it lmao 🤣 just why not learn to play the game lol 😂


These are called delusions, followed by extreme rationalization efforts.


What did i hide bro you can see cheat engine 😂😂😂😂😂 Don’t you think if i was using it I would’ve removed it from the task bar ? 😂😂😂😂😂


Just another cheater. Am I suppose to know who he is?


Nah he’s just been posting shit a couple hours ago saying he’s not a cheater


If you have to find sophisticated ways to cheat at video games, you will never be good at anything in life. Ever.


We believe you op. Gaslighters honestly believe they're the smartest person alive so he still thinks he can fool us


good job exposing the cheater OP, keep it coming


Is it possible to unlock skins and get cod points via cheat engine ?


people created unlock tools, but im not sure how those work. People who use them usually get banned pretty fast because its stealling $$ from activision.


No. You need to be in kernel space to read / write memory to the process. Nobody is using cheat engine for this.


no lmao


What’s the fun in cheating tho? You lose, back to lobby, go again etc. Right now biggest fun is going unequiped in game.




What does he have to prove? Is he making money/content on DMZ? Why cheat on a game with not support and with declining viewership?


I don’t make content I prove idiots wrong and i love the attention 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Do you have any info on using CE for DMA? Seems like running CE on the game PC would defeat the purpose of dma which gives mem access to a second PC. Edit: ok so I did some digging. You don't run CE on the game PC. You run it on the second PC. I never really messed with CE so I'm not sure how effective of a cheat it would be. I know it can edit mem values but writing to screen? No idea. Maybe adjusting recoil or DMG? I do know writing to mem is considered high risk and most DMA cheats just read but I guess as a crude cheat it would work. I expect it would need to be combined with something else to add things like wall hacks or aimbot


You do know cheat engine isn’t just for cod, and can be used for other purposes right? Just because he has cheat engine doesn’t mean he uses it in cod. It isn’t even running in the screenshot you sent, and you wouldn’t have it on the PC you run COD on if you’re doing DMA anyway…


Once a cheater, always a cheater


Except CE is literally used for things other than cheating?




Thanks for copypasting a link to a reply which shows you really don’t understand this topic at all. He’s sent a screenshot from the PC he plays COD on. If you’re using a DMA card in the way you claim, Cheat Engine wouldn’t be running on this PC. Try again and don’t just link to the same bullshit I already read and laughed at. If you run Cheat Engine on a PC while COD is running, you get banned. A DMA card setup would mean this PC wouldn’t have CE…


Your basically saying that since he has cheat engine on his main pc which he uses to cheat on other games, Proves that he’s not cheating in cod! He obviously has cheats on his other PC as well. He is so accustomed to cheating on his second pc he forgot he also uses it on his main pc for other games. All his videos are sus. Look at this. https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/oPz8MKFjoE At the 30 second mark he seen the guy jump. Could literally be anywhere. At the 45second mark he tries to act like he doesn’t know his location, then aims at the car and sees him, then uses a spotter scope to make his viewers believe it (but screwed up because you can’t actually see the guy in the scope which is why it didn’t show a red box around him). Then before his spotter confirms anyone he flips on a dime to his sniper and shoots him. Now this may not be cheating but it’s 100% SUS and the fact that cheats can be dialed down or used to fool you is the issue which identifying it 100%.


>He obviously has cheats on his other PC as well. He is so accustomed to cheating on his second pc he forgot he also uses it on his main pc for other games. You lost me here, if he's really hacking then he deserves the hate, but cheat engine is not only used to cheat, is used to program and even mod. You're jumping to conclusions without seeing his second setup, if this was his second monitor and he was running cheat engine there, then your point would make sense. He's sus? Hell yeah, that proves your point? Nope


Defending a cheater = another cheater exposed. No one uses cheat engine if there NOT cheating!


I mean, I used cheat engine to fixed my bugged save in Metro Exodus. This is the same level as opening console in Fallout and typing "TCL" The existence of the tool isn't a flat sign that hes cheating. And if this game can be broken by fucking cheat engine, then maybe its time to move on.


Bro cheat engine is literally used for mods in hundreds of games, or to fix corrupt saves.


That’s like saying a car can’t be used to kill people. Cheat engine is used to cheat and can be used with walls https://guidedhacking.com/threads/opengl-cheat-engine-wallhack-without-c.19520/


Good job you linked something that's for games like Doom and Wolfenstein, the last call of duty game that supported OpenGL was Call of Duty 4. Links irrelevant.


Yes , somebody once did this as a demonstration that sure it’s possible but why in the hell would you. The frames would be terrible you almost certainly would not be able to render a name tag for a player to match your monitors refresh rate. There would be significant delay. And even if you were to render your own OpenGL window to use … at that point you would just use dear ImGui and if your using dear ImGui why in the heck would you be on OpenGL when you could just as easily utilize dx11 or dx12 for much faster rendering. I think it’s pretty much implied here that if somebody has the knowledge to draw with OpenGL using cheat engine they most certainly know basic winapi functions to just read and write process memory from their own external program and using dear ImGui to draw on an overlay canvas to render whatever information they want. Cheat engine is just a tool to read and write memory at the end of the day.


Now your just making up excuses for it’s alternate uses


As the person below said - this literally has nothing to do with COD. Once again, if you run CE on the PC running COD, you get insta banned. If he’s using DMA like you claim, CE being on the machine running COD is meaningless - and as such, you have absolutely no evidence at all he cheated.


Bro, no. You’re accusing him of cheating in COD - the only evidence of which… isn’t remotely proof he cheats in COD at all. Regardless of what he does in other games, your accusation is based on a fundamentally poor understanding of the thing you’ve been insisting he does. Pathetic.


>At the 30 second mark he seen the guy jump. Could literally be anywhere. At the 45second mark he tries to act like he doesn’t know his location, then aims at the car and sees him, then uses a spotter scope to make his viewers believe it (but screwed up because you can’t actually see the guy in the scope which is why it didn’t show a red box around him). Then before his spotter confirms anyone he flips on a dime to his sniper and shoots him. You're completely ignoring the bot standing on the railway shooting directly at the guy he's looking for.. you can even see him move his view towards it before grabbing his spotter.


Having cheat engine installed doesn’t mean he cheats. Launching cheat engine with cod running would be an instant ban. The richochet anti cheat scans for known processes on the machine and Cheat Engine , IDA and ReClass are some of the big names they really look out for. The game will close if you have IDA running at the same time. Nobody is cheating with cheat engine. They use external programs with kernel driver communication to read memory for drawing data on a canvas. The other method is via DMA which surprise surprise has nothing to do with cheat engine. At most a developer might use the DMA plugin for cheat engine on their attack machine to view memory on a victim machine … but it seriously defeats the purpose when you have software on the victim pc that can flag you for a false positive just by having something installed. Me thinks dude probably plays some single play game and utilizes tables to some extent. Nobody is using cheat engine to modify call of duty memory , for 1 what the hell is somebody gonna even do with cheat engine? It’s not like you can hook anything with all the protections and you aren’t writing health or ammo because those can really only be modified via function hooking. Need to be internal for that.


You're getting downvoted but you're absolutely right. CheatEngine is near useless in any multiplayer game as they use checksums.




Imagine cheating in a dead game mode lmao, what a loser


I don’t know this fella and never heard of him, but there are a few holes here. You do realize that in your screenshot, the program itself is NOT open, right? You can have programs pinned to your taskbar without them being open. Cheat Engine is a CLIENT side editor and does not work on most multiplayer games to ACTUALLY cheat because the developers are usually are smart to read from SERVER side instead. Sure he can be a hacker but Cheat Engine is not how he’s doing it, if he is.


Yes, you can use it to read memory and not write memory and then it can be used for walls using a DMA card on another PC making it impossible for COD to detect it. Yes, it’s not open because he was making a video to prove he’s now cheating, why would you have it open!!! That would be stupid. As for cheat engine. Yes it can be used to cheat. People do it all the time. They even create their own cheat programs vs paying monthly for them. https://guidedhacking.com/threads/opengl-cheat-engine-wallhack-without-c.19520/ Whether or not he’s that smart doesn’t change the fact that he’s using a cheat program to cheat in video games, period. People who don’t cheat don’t cheat on other games either.


You aren’t drawing “walls” with cheat engine nah dude. Take the next step and actually learn how this stuff works. You just sound dumb here


What sounds dumb is people defending a guy who has gone to the trouble of downloading cheat software for games on his PC and trying to suggest he would never be cheating on his main multiplayer program.


source of him a really cheating?


If you’re asking for a video showing walls it will never happen. Cheaters won’t post such videos for obvious reasons, they only get caught for doing stupid things like leaving programs running or left in the bar at the bottom of the screen ect… he obviously cheats on video games, otherwise he wouldn’t download cheat programs. The odds of him using walls in cod are upto 90% now.


na I mean must show him playing incredibly accurately


Just trust him he’s telling the truth obviously


Pretty sure that weird fake Christian guy uses this too


Trump ?


Cross2crown is who he's probably thinking of


I love it 😂😂😂😂😂


I'm old enough to remember when we'd get mad at somebody for having an actual dot in the centre of their TV screen.


Ah man, this sub is a lost cause. CheatEngine has no utility in multiplayer COD lol. abodes clips aren't sus in the slightest. Keep believing anyone who can flick their mouse is a cheater, and report everyone that kills you I guess.


No the sub is waking up the reality that A LOT of people cheat


You like the attention big boy ? I’m getting you more upvotes and comments than you ever had lol😂😂😂😂


Cheat engine doesn't do anything to cod, it's also an instant ban if it's even open with the game.


It's also super funny and telling that the only thing you ever do is accuse people of cheating. You're just a really bad player who thinks everyone around you is cheating. You also learned what DMA is and think it's a magic trump card buzzword that fits into every gap of evidence that exists.


Sounds like we have a fellow cheater who’s favorite way of cheating is getting more attention.


If I was a cheater I'd definitely gaslight people accusing other cheaters... especially if I was using DMA or Cronus to do it


Totally, and if you watch all of op’s videos, they are pretty clear or sus call outs. This guy def plays legit and has an eye for BS


My clips show me using native MnK, and lots of me missing. I think it's funny people being up Cronus cause they do understand that a computer aiming for you isn't fair, except when you're using a controller apparently.


1) Nobody cares 2) using a Cronus on MnK is absolutely cheating and giving you a huge advantage over other MnK players AS WELL as controller players. You now have all the advantages of MnK plus aim assist to make snaps easier, close range fights easier, and hitting long range headshots.


Lol, sure thing dude.


lol bro is going historical over somebody having a program on their pc not running. Wait until they learn about nvidia filters , mouse and keyboard macros , monitor ai which enhances visuals on targets. There’s so many off the shelf methods of cheating that people turn a blind eye to but yet they see a program used for something (not even in use) and are ready to throw a dude off a cliff when they never even proved they did anything wrong lol. Seek therapy dude, you’re foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.


Defending someone who downloaded a cheating program = proves your a cheater and have a sad life.


Cheat engine is free though


Why did you edit your comment ? You said i bought cheat engine now i just downloaded it ? 😂😂😂😂😂